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The Journey of David and Becky Ch. 08

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The four of us play: Wish. Tell. Grass.
3.4k words

Part 8 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/07/2021
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Saturday 23rd May 2015 -- Part 2

"Hey, this is a pretty cool apartment you've got here, you two," said Gina, looking around. "What do you think, Liam?"

"Yeah, it's great," he answered, trying to sound as though it was the first time he'd seen it.

"Anyone for a glass of wine?" asked Becky, holding up a full bottle of red.

"I'll get the glasses." I said.

"How long have you lived here?" asked Gina, sliding open the patio doors allowing cool air from across the bay to breeze in.

"About four years," I answered, taking the bottle from Becky and filling the four glasses.

She gave my hand a little reassuring squeeze and kissed my face gently. "Are you feeling a little better?"

"It must have been that burger in the casino. Maybe a bit too greasy," I said.

I took two glasses from the work top and handed one to Liam and one to Gina, but did I feel Gina's finger gently rub my hand as she took the glass from me? I invited them both to sit down as I moved past them on my way to the bedroom. "Just going to put my winnings away," I said as I left the room, fumbling in my pocket for my wallet.

"You didn't manage to play anything at the casino, did you?" I heard Becky say through the open door into the lounge. "I'm so sorry, that was because of me and David talking so much."

"Don't worry about it, we enjoyed the company," Liam replied.

"I'd much rather spend the evening drinking, anyway," Gina said as I returned to join them all. "People like me better when I'm drunk, at least men do." She wrinkled her nose sexily and gently nudged her elbow into Liam beside her. She turned her attention to me. "Now that you've safely stashed your cash away, you can get your glass of wine and join us, this is going to be a long night."

Over the next couple of hours, I noticed Becky was skillfully trying to pace the drinking, managing to limit the four of us to just two more glasses each. The conversation remained light hearted and none of us got too intoxicated, but I got a distinct feeling that Becky had something on her mind; she was definitely plotting the next step.

With Liam and I now having officially met, something that had come as much of a surprise to Becky as to me, who could tell where her evil little schemes would lead. I knew she would be forming some ideas that would be beneficial to herself and me, and with Liam having a girlfriend, I wondered what devilishly evil possibilities that would open up.

"This reminds me of those all-nighters, you know when you're a teenager and a group of you get together drinking and talking all night," Gina said.

"You're so right," Becky answered quickly. Had this simple recollection sparked an idea in her mind? It looked like it to me. "As you got more drunk, did you play those truth games..."

"Ask a question and you've got to answer truthfully," Gina jumped in, "like who did you give your first blow job to, things like that."

Liam and I laughed like schoolboys, and picking up on that, the girls laughed at us.

"I think they've played it before," Becky said, sitting forward enthusiastically. "We used to play a game, just the girls though, but we could all play it now. It's called, Wish, Tell, Grass."

"Wish, Tell, Grass?" I looked at Becky. "I've never heard of that before."

"A game I made up to play with my girlfriends, that's why none of you have ever played it." Becky grinned mischievously at me.

"Looks like we're all about to learn how to play it," Liam said.

"Ok," she said. "It's all very simple. First of all, it's 'Wish'. Each one in turn has to say what their deepest, most hidden sexual fantasy you would wish for. You may have done it before and want to do again, or it's maybe something you've always wanted to do but have never had the courage. You have to be truthful."

We all felt a nervous excitement, with me having most reason, probably. "What's the next bit? Tell?" I asked.

"Yes. Each person in turn has to confess something connected to sex, something naughty they've done in the past, which is maybe a secret or something they're ashamed of." Becky spoke slowly, looking at each of us in turn.

She was definitely up to something, the gleam in her eyes when they met mine told me that.

"And finally, it's 'Grass'."

"Grass?" Gina looked quizzically at Becky.

"Don't worry, Gina, I don't think anyone's going to suggest romping naked on the lawn," said Liam, smiling.

"How do you know that, Liam?" asked Becky, her eyebrows raised, which brought a worried look to his face. Satisfied she had his attention again, she continued: "Grass; it just means telling other peoples' secrets. Things they don't want made public. In this case, of course, I mean sexual things. So, you have the chance to grass someone up."

"Oh, I can be a grass," said Gina rubbing her hands and laughing as she looked at Liam.

"Who's up for it?" asked Becky.

"Me!" answered a very enthusiastic Gina.

"Go on then," both Liam and I mumbled.

Liam must have thought his secret encounter with Becky was safe, but he didn't know Becky as well as me.

"Who's going first?" asked Gina.

"Just so it's fair, I'm going to write each of our names down, and we'll draw out the order each will go." Becky produced a piece of paper and wrote out our names. She tore off each name and folded them separately.

She held all four pieces in her hand and leaned forward towards Gina. "You pick."

Gina took one of the pieces and opened it. "Liam!" she said triumphantly.

"Oh no!" He said, putting his head in his hands.

"Come on Liam. The truth, what fantasy would you wish for?" urged Becky.

"Ok," he said, steadying himself. "Just typical of me to be drawn first."

"It's usually me who pulls the short straw," I said, sitting back relieved I didn't have to start.

Liam spoke again quietly and shyly. "I know it's probably every man's fantasy but I'd like to have a sex session with two women."

A moment of silence fell before Gina spoke. "What a perv!"

"Very interesting, Liam," said Becky, smiling sexily at him. "Assuming Gina would be one, who would the other be?"

How mischievous Becky could be, I thought, as I watched Liam squirming.

"Yes perv, who'd the other one be?" demanded Gina.

"I... I don't know," stuttered Liam.

"Kept that naughty little fantasy quiet," his girlfriend continued with a wicked smile.

"Ok, who's next?" Liam tried to take the focus off himself by speaking to the rest of us.

Becky shuffled the remaining pieces of paper and handed them to Liam. "I'll let three in a bed Fred pick the next," said Becky.

Liam picked a piece of paper and smiled as he read the next name. "Gina!"

"Ooooh me. Well," she looked sheepish. "I can be a bit of a cruel bitch, so I'd like to give someone, preferably a man a really good hard spanking. I mean really hard, not just my hand but with a hard paddle or a cane," she enthused. "A long whippy cane."

Liam looked at her in shock. "That sounds quite vicious."

"Any particular person you have in mind?" asked Becky.

"No-one really, anyone would do, it's just a cruel thought I have sometimes."

"Maybe you should live in Singapore and become one of those prison guards who gets to cane prisoners," suggested Liam.

"I'd be up for that, unless there's any volunteers in this country?" she smiled invitingly at Liam and me.

There was a combined 'No way' from both of us, and this was followed by another when Gina then turned to look at Becky.

"I can live in hope," Gina said.

"You could become one of those mistresses with a dungeon and charge customers to be flogged by you," suggested Becky. "I've heard there's good money to be made doing that."

"An interesting thought."

Liam presented the two remaining names to Gina who picked one, opened it and looked at me: "You're next."

My heart sank. I knew the wish I was going to have to reveal, it was what Becky surely wanted. "My wish is to be teased by a sadistic cockteaser!"

"Don't all men?" Gina looked a little disappointed. "That's just foreplay."

"No, I mean teased to the brink of orgasm over and over with no hope of coming. Not just that day but for a few days... or weeks."

Gina looked more interested. "You mean, teased by a woman but not allowed to come? For weeks? But you could easily jerk yourself off when she wasn't looking."

"Not if I'm wearing a chastity belt... one that even prevented erections." After a moment's hesitation, Gina burst into laughter, quickly followed by Liam.

"You could just take it off and then jerk yourself off," she argued after her laughing subsided.

"Not if it was locked and someone else held the key."

Gina sat open mouthed not knowing what else to say. She looked at Becky who sat calmly, smiling proudly at me.

"So, that just leaves me for my confession," said Becky, breaking a stunned silence. "My fantasy wish is to be a cruel cockteaser, and I mean a sadistic cockteaser who teases a man who is wearing a chastity belt just like David described."

Gina pointed from me to Becky and back again. "Why don't you two...?"

"Perhaps we do," said Becky, mysteriously.

"Do you mean David is in..." Gina pointed at my groin.

"Yes, right now." Becky jumped in with the answer before Gina had finished. "And he has been for nearly two weeks."

"Are you being serious?" Liam said, looking at me.

I nodded my head.

"It stops you getting an erection?"

"That's the idea."

I think the look of concern was genuine as he knew how good Becky was in bed, so he must have had an idea how hard it would be to be teased and denied by her.

"Why would you do that?"

I shrugged. "It's our thing."

"There's no way I'd cope with that."

I nodded. "It takes some doing."

"Are you feeling dead horny now with all this sex talk?" Gina jumped in with a question.

"Just a bit," I said.

"You poor bastard, mate," said Liam.

"Cool. I think I could enjoy doing that, too. I mean, being the cockteaser," said Gina.

"Don't look at me!" Liam held both hands up to her. "Why don't you two go into business together. Becky can tease a guy 'til his balls burst, then to add insult to injury, Gina can cane his arse 'til he passes out."

Gina looked at Becky. "Great idea, let's start with David." The girls thought that was funny.

"Part two is 'Tell'." Becky wasn't finished, she was anxious to go on to the next part of the game.

"Not much more to tell is there after those revelations?" I said.

"Oh, there's plenty more I can think of," said Gina. "And I bet there's plenty more from you two."

Becky re-folded the papers, shuffled them, and offered them, once again, to Gina, who took one.

"Oops, it's me." Gina thought for a minute, and looked at Liam. "My confession is... I've been a pole dancer, and I've worked in a massage parlour."

Clearly Liam already knew this from his expression, but now it was Becky's and my turn to open our mouths in shock.

"You've had sex with strangers for money?" Becky actually sounded more impressed than shocked.

Gina nodded with a mock shameful look on her face. "And what makes it worse is... I loved every minute of it."

"Didn't you mind?" I asked Liam.

"It was before we met."

"You liar!" Gina turned to him and slapped his leg. "You first met me at that club where I was dancing. I was still at the parlour after I left that. The idea turned you on, pal."

Liam smiled embarrassingly. "Oh, it was only for a short while, but I didn't really mind, I suppose. It was only a job she was doing and she left quite soon after we met."

Gina handed Liam the names to pick. "Becky," he read aloud.

"Ok," Becky said, thoughtfully. "I've had sex with another man since I've been married to David."

"You hussy!" Gina looked at her with eyebrows raised. "He knows?"

Becky nodded her head defiantly.

"Was he locked up in his belt thingy at the time?"

Becky nodded again.

"I thought I could be a mean bitch, but you are evil in its purest form."

"I know!"

Both girls giggled, but Liam and I sat rather uncomfortably.

Becky handed the last two names to Liam who picked out his own.

Becky stared at Liam and I was sure I could see her slowly nodding her head to him.

Almost in a trance, Liam spoke. "I've had sex with a married woman."

Gina elbowed Liam sharply in his ribs. "You bastard." Gina's look of horror turned slowly to a smile.

"Ow, that hurt." Liam rubbed his side.

"You deserved it," Gina said. "Who with?"

Now Liam really looked embarrassed as all eyes turned to him. "That's not part of the game, I've made my confession. Who's next."

"Fuck 'who's next?'. Who have you had sex with? Do I know them?"

"Maybe," Liam answered, struggling to dig himself out of the hole he looked to be slipping into. He decided to fight back: "You had sex with strangers."

Gina thought for a second. "That's different," she answered with a guilty grin on her face.

Becky was amused, but she wanted to press on. "Next please? David, I think."

All eyes fell on me.

"I watched two people have sex from my hiding place in a wardrobe." I spoke slowly, watching Gina and Liam closely. Liam went red in the face, while Gina leaned forward and squeezed her hands together in front of her with excitement.

"You had that chastity thing on, and you watched Becky screwing some random guy." Gina had guessed right.

When neither Becky or I denied it, she jumped up clapping her hands together. "That's fantastic. David, you poor bastard being married to a bitch like that. Your cock must have been nearly bursting the chastity belt open. You've got to let me see it."

"Later maybe!" said Becky. "But we have the third question to answer. It's time to grass on someone else in the room." She had the names ready and handed them to me.

I looked at the one I picked. "Liam."

"Easy one for me," he said triumphantly. "When Gina worked in the massage parlour, she stole cash from one of her customers."

"Liam!" Gina laughed in mock embarrassment.

Becky put her hands to her mouth. "Gina! You stole from a customer?"

"He left his wallet lying around while he was in the shower, what else was a poor working girl expected to do?" She didn't sound in the least bit ashamed, she was really enjoying herself. "Ok, I'll go next because my secret's about Liam." She looked at him. "He got so turned on by me stealing from this guy, he made me give him a hand job while I told him what I did. He loves it when I'm bad." She leaned into him and kissed his lips. "And I just love being bad."

My penis swelled a little in my cock cage when I saw how sexily Gina kissed Liam. Almost as though she could tell, she looked across at me and smiled wickedly. "I bet you're getting turned on in your little cock holder."

It was true, I was getting turned on by the revelations, but also by being taunted by a sexy young woman I hardly knew.

"I think you should go next, David," Becky commanded.

"My secret is about Liam too." I looked at him with an apologetic grin. "He had sex with Becky."

Before either Gina or Liam could speak, Becky said: "And my secret is about David. He was in the wardrobe all the time watching us through a two-way mirror!"

The silence in the room was deafening.

"Would anyone like another glass of wine?" It was I who eventually broke the silence.

Gina's mouth was gaping as she looked at the three of us, each in turn. "You didn't know." She pointed at Liam, unable to hold back a giggle.

Liam was very red faced, and I wasn't sure what his reaction would be. At first, there was no reaction at all.

Gina repeated herself. "You didn't know." She turned to me. "I need more wine. I think I'm going to like you two."

Liam stood up. "I need the bathroom."

"You know where it is." Becky told him.

Once he was out of sight, Becky said in a low voice to Gina: "Do you think he's ok?"

"Probably not, but I wouldn't worry, he'll soon come round. But hey, that's awesome what you do to David. How the hell can he cope with that? I mean, I'd go absolutely bananas if I had to watch someone have sex close up while I wore a chastity belt."

"Oh, David does too. I was going to release him tonight as a special treat, it wasn't due to come off until Tuesday, but let's see what happens."

"Oh, don't release him yet, fair's fair, you've been with my boyfriend, I think you should let me tease your husband as revenge."

I handed a glass to Gina, but looked sternly at Becky, who returned a smile. "I think you should at least show our guests the little contraption, David."

"Yes please, then I'll know what size to get Liam," Gina said gleefully.

"Somehow, I don't think Liam's the type to go for something like that," Becky said, shaking her head.

"Probably not, but the thought of driving a man insane with teasing and no orgasm is turning me on so much."

"I know," said Becky. "I get to live it all the time, it's a good job David has such a skill with his tongue; there's no reason for me to lose out."

"Becky, you're making it worse telling me that: you make him lick you while he's..."

Becky nodded with a smile. Gina looked at me. "You'd never be out of that thing if you were with me, come on, let's see it."

At that moment, Liam emerged from the bathroom. "Gina, can I have a word with you?"

"Yes, go ahead."

"No, I mean in private."

"Use our bedroom through there, if you like," Becky said.

As soon as they were out of sight, I spoke quickly: "Becky, is this going too far?"

"Do you think it is?" Becky replied calmly.

"I'm not sure if I'd like Gina to be..."

"Don't you think she's sexy?"


"I bet you'd like to see her naked."

"Yes, but..."

"What's the problem then?"

"I don't particularly like her."

"Oh, David, my darling, you've said the wrong thing to me. The thought of you being abused by a girl you don't like sounds amazing."


She held a finger to my mouth. "I hold your key, and if you ever want to get out of your little cage, full co-operation is going to be necessary."

I felt defeated, Becky was asserting her dominance and taking it further. I felt powerless to resist, but neither did I want to resist her.

She draped her arms around my shoulders and neck and reached up, kissing me softly. "There are so many rewards for you to look forward to. Your turn will come, I promise you that. You know how good my rewards are, don't you?" She licked my upper lip and ran her left hand gently down my face. It was enough to make my penis throb in its confines.

"Here's the deal. If they come out of our room, and it's total disaster, they split up or they want to go, I'll take you in the bedroom when they've gone, take off your cock cage and I will do to you whatever you want me to. But, if they return from the bedroom happy to stay, you will continue to be a good boy, and go along with anything I do or say." She looked at me for my approval.

I nodded my affirmation, resigned to my fate, but was I hoping they'd come out arguing?

Seconds later, Gina and Liam emerged.

Coming next in Chapter 9: Will Gina and Liam's reaction result in release or more suffering in the cock cage.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The sexy party game, “Wish, Tell, Grass” is very creative. A very nice addition to their story which added some interesting complexity to it. J.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well, now that David has been "outted" there is little left for him to do but continue watching as his loving (?) wife, Liam, and Gina get it on. David's turn will come? Oh, I doubt that will happen any time soon. He will not get out tonight and probably be caged for quite some time (a lot longer than next Tuesday).

txskipper597txskipper597over 2 years ago

Amazing. I am hooked.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Such a great series, can't wait for the next part!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Gee, what a reward, Becky’s old used pussy. Not worth it. Not even close.

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