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The Joy of Candi Ch. 01

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Candi & Jim play a new game with friends.
7.6k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 09/27/2003
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Thanks to all of the readers who responded so positively to my previous story about my Weekend Getaway with my future husband, Jim, and his friend, Sam.

We had a number of exciting times after that weekend but they were usually with strangers or near-strangers. However, I would like to relate a more recent event that started a seismic change amongst our circle of friends.

It had been obvious to me that for some time there was an underlying sexuality among our group. We were all in our late twenties or early thirties, but we were also clearly fighting the onslaught of time as best we could. In fact, the particular group of people that we were closest to were all members of the local health club and we would gather on Saturday mornings and throughout the week for our workouts. In time, I will introduce you to all of the members of this group of friends but for now it is best to focus on Peter and Michelle, the couple that Jim and I were becoming closest with.

Peter was a taller, stronger man who still had the athletic body he had worked so hard to define in college. He was in sales (as was my husband, Jim) and he approached the world with a confidence bordering on haughty pride. Michelle was his stay-at-home wife – shorter and a bit more solid than me (although almost everyone qualifies since I am about 5' 11") with a natural grace and ease about her. Michelle seemed content to live the role of "dutiful wife" as long as the beautiful home and the BMW came with it. Although her aspirations were much different than mine, I admired her comfort and her gentle way.

Over time, my husband Jim and I began to spend more and more time with Peter and Michelle. We got along well together and our schedules left us a great deal of time for barbeques, outings, and evenings together. As I mentioned there were a number of good friends who participated in these gatherings, but Peter and Michelle were clearly our closest friends in the group.

Of course, when you are young, attractive, confident human beings, there is often a teasing element among interactions and conversations and we were all guilty of this as well. No one in the group knew that Jim and I had often had sex with other people outside of our marriage but references were constantly being made about sexual matters. As the particular summer in question eased its way into July, I noticed that Peter was becoming particularly attentive to me.

He would go out of his way to make sure that my wine glass was full or that I had the most comfortable chair at a gathering. I was flattered by the attention and I was also a little intrigued. I knew that Jim and Michelle were also becoming very close and it had been a while since Jim and I had "played outside" (as we would sometimes refer to it). Low-key murmurings and fantasies began to play around in my mind and I knew that whether they reached fruition or not, they couldn't help but increase the joy and excitement that Jim and I experienced in our sex life.

One Friday night, things seemed to start moving towards another level. We had gone over to Peter and Michelle's house for pizza and wine – and usually that meant a lot of wine. After the Red Sox game ended there was really nothing very interesting on TV, so I started looking through their VHS tapes and DVDs. My search was fruitless though, so I started to tease Peter and Michelle.

"You don't even have any porn, here," I said kiddingly. "You really should have a little porn in your collection for some special nights."

Michelle seemed somewhat taken aback by my words, while Peter seemed revitalized. "What kind of movie did you have in mind, Candi? I mean, do you have some special desires that we should know about?"

"Candi has a lot of special desires," Jim said, "but I have never known her to be a specialist – in life or in the movies."

"I guess I'm just a little bored," I countered. "It might be kind of nice to watch something different for a change. But I guess another viewing of "Die Hard" is in the works for the night."

"Don't tell me that you guys have a lot of porn movies at your house. I've never seen it when I was there," Peter challenged.

"We own a few x-rated movies," I said. "And we have been known to rent others on occasion to play a very special game of ours." Jim's head snapped up at my words. I smiled and him and then looked at Peter and Michelle before continuing. Their eyes were both staring at me. I wasn't sure if this was the time to push it, but the wine got the better of my common sense. "Jim and I like to play 'Anything They Can Do, We Can Do Better'. It's like Simon Says for adults. Do you want to hear about it?"

I was surprised when Michelle was the first to respond in the affirmative. She had a curious smile on her face as she asked for the details.

"Well, basically what we do is rent a porno video. We have found that some of the tapes of amateurs are actually a lot better for this then the ones with professionals. We watch it and we try to recreate the scenes from the movie. When we first started we barely got through two scenes before the movie was completely forgotten. Now, we force ourselves to wait sometimes…we prolong the sense of foreplay before doing our re-creation of the scene."

"How do you make yourself wait?" Michelle asked. "Isn't it hard to know when to stop and when to go?"

I was pleasantly surprised by Michelle's interest and seeming enthusiasm towards our amateur sex game. I was beginning to wonder if I had underestimated her basic nature.

"The best method we have found is to roll a die a few times. Let's say we roll a three, a one, and a four. We will then act out the third, fourth, and eighth sex scenes from the movie – assuming we can last that long. We watch the first two, act out the third and fourth (the roll of one on the die meant we had to do the first scene after the one we had already done), and then we have to wait until the fourth one after that. Some of the video tapes of amateurs have a lot of scenes – some long, some short – so you never know what you will have to do or how long you may have to do it."

Peter and Michelle had restrained smiles on their faces, while Jim had a huge grin on his. He had known that I had thought about Peter and Michelle as close, close friends and I think he knew that I was trying to push this relationship a lot farther. There was a sense of airlessness in the room as everyone waited for the next comment. Jim did not disappoint.

"There is one problem with the game, though," he said suddenly. "Sometimes there are scenes that are impossible to recreate with just the two of us. We have had to make up special rules when they occur."

"What do you mean?" Peter asked. I wasn't sure if he was being deliberately naïve or thorough or what, but I still welcomed any continuation of this conversation.

"Well, there are some scenes with more than two people," Jim answered. He was staring at Michelle as he said this. Her eyes were staring at his and again I thought that maybe she was a lot wilder that I had originally thought, or hoped. "There are a lot of amateur scenes with a girl and multiple guys. Rarely are there more woman than men but it does happen occasionally."

"Are there ever scenes with two people that show things that you just don't want to do?" Michelle asked. "I mean, what if it was just too much?"

I felt that it was important that I answer this question – woman to woman AND as the one who was now intent on pushing this conversation and this evening along. Peter and Michelle's interest was obvious and a typical boring evening was now anything but boring.

"That was a concern of mine at first, Michelle," I interjected. "I wanted to be comfortable and safe. But then I realized that my feelings were inappropriate and against the very nature of the experimentation that the game engendered. It wasn't as if we were trying to copy a murder. We were trying to copy a loving act that someone else had tried – and furthermore, a loving act that someone loved so much that they were willing to put it on videotape and share with the world. Jim and I came to believe that we HAD to try it, even if we found that it wasn't for us."

"Exactly," Jim added, "there are a lot of rules that you can create in the game that provide you flexibility. But the basic idea that you MUST try to replicate a scene is non-negotiable."

Again there was a stillness in the air as Peter and Michelle absorbed our words. I looked at Jim who turned his head away from the two of them and winked quickly at me. Whether this was only talk or whether the night moved in a different direction, I knew that at some point tonight we were going to have some excellent sex. I poured myself another glass of wine to kill some time. Peter was looking at Michelle as if to communicate silently. It was time to raise the stakes.

"So do you want to play the game?" I asked as casually as possible. "Jim and I would be happy to teach it to you?"

I could tell from his expression that Peter was all for it. A glance down at his crotch told me that his body was seconding the motion. However, he had to be sure not to alienate Michelle, no matter how interested she had seemed up until now. I could see from her expression that there were a number of mixed thoughts racing through her head. I knew from my previous experiences with situations like this that it was better to confront those doubts or emotions directly.

"Michelle, you look confused. There must be questions that you have."

Michelle paused before answering. "Shit, Candi, I'm not really sure what is happening here. There's nothing on TV so you are suggesting a sex game! It just all seems a little much."

I didn't sense that Michelle was angry or even adamantly against the idea. I just felt that it was all happening a little too quickly for her and that she had to express some moral outrage. Previously I would have pegged her for a LOT of moral outrage, but my opinion of her had changed in the previous 15 minutes, so I gave her the benefit of the doubt.

"When you say it that way, Michelle, it does seem a little odd. But the fact of the matter is that there has always been a lot of sexual tension and attraction between the four of us. We have gotten very close over the last two years, so this doesn't seem a major leap forward, unless I have completely misread your feelings. What is it about this that would really bother you?"

I give her credit. Michelle thought long and hard before answering – and then she answered from her heart. "Honestly, this all sounds very exciting and fun. I would like to try something crazy for a change. But I don't want my husband making love to you, Candi. You are beautiful and enticing and I don't want to lose a part of my husband to you. Personally, I like you – I may even love you – but your beauty scares me."

I didn't know how to respond – I love my husband, Jim, so much that I would never think of stealing another man. The extra-curricular sexual events we have shared have always been in the spirit of that love, in the light of that love, and frankly tended to enhance that love after the fact.

I started to explain that to Michelle, but Peter began speaking before me and did a much better job of it than me.

"Michelle, I love you," he said simply. "Nothing and no one is going to change that. Besides I think you are more beautiful than Candi – more beautiful than anyone I have ever met. If you are uncomfortable with this generally, then it's OK to say no. But don't worry about my love or my fidelity. If you want to do something crazy for a change (and we were talking about livening things up just last week) then I say we give this a try and see what happens."

"Remember," Jim added, "there are a lot of minor rules that are adaptable in the game. Candi and you could figure those out so that you are completely comfortable with moving ahead while Peter and I drive out and get a few movies."

"That's a good idea, guys," I said. "Go down to the video store while Michelle and I talk things through. When you get back we will tell you what our decision is." I think it was pretty obvious by this point what my decision was, but by phrasing it this way I was trying to give Michelle a better sense of choice and control.

The boys scurried out the door and I was left alone with Michelle. She looked at me quizzically and then walked over to me and surprised me with a big hug. "Candi, I am so hesitant and so excited all at the same time. What are we doing?"

"Michelle, it will be alright. If this turns into the biggest disaster of all time, we can just forget about it, laugh about it later, and chalk it up to some bad wine. If it is fun, then we will never regret it. All that we need to do now is figure out the rules so that everyone feels a sense of protection and comfort."

And with that we went to work. I had a feeling our husbands might stop at the liquor store as well so we had about 15 minutes to talk through our (really, Michelle's) concerns.

"Michelle, this is just like it was back in college – before you met Peter. You didn't think twice about fooling around with some guy then, did you? Whatever you want to do – or don't want to do – is OK with me. So what are you thinking right now?"

"Candi, I just don't think I can watch Peter make love with you. I don't think I can swap partners in that way. Could you just fool around a little with him – as I will with Jim – and not fuck him? For some reason this is important to me."

I nodded agreement at this condition and we quickly reached consensus on the rest of the rules governing the game. We both took a few minutes to go upstairs and try to make ourselves look a little bit better before our husbands returned. We had our list of rules in hand when Jim and Peter returned.

We sat them on the couch and made them listen to the rules:

1.Each couple will take turns acting out a scene. 2.There will be no penetration by non-spouses. 3.The non-participant(s) will direct the scenes so that as much of the movie is recreated as possible. 4.When a scene ends, the action off-screen must end, no matter how painful this can be (Jim and I both knew that this rule would probably be broken). 5.If at any time, any one of us wanted to terminate the game, they need only say so – and confirm by stating the key word "Mayflower".

This last precaution seemed unnecessary but again I wanted to provide Michelle with every possible comfort.

The boys agreed readily to any and all stipulations (I got the idea that they would have agreed to having a needle stuck in their eye in order to move things forward) and we all moved into the spacious living room.

"I got two Amateur Madness tapes," Jim said. He and I knew from experience that these tapes were lengthy compilations of homemade tapes by real people and were perfect for the game of "Anything They Can Do, We Can Do Better". "We also need a die to roll."

Peter quickly produced the die – laughing as he found it in an old Yahtzee game box. "I think this will be more fun than Yahtzee. Who goes first?"

Michelle responded quickly and her answer did not surprise me. "It's Jim and Candi's game, and they are trying to teach it to us. Not that it seems to require hours of study. So I think they should go first."

Peter handed the die to Jim who handed it to me and I quickly threw a two. Michelle scooped it up and also threw a two. We would have to sit through the first scene before our enactment.

Jim placed the tape in the VCR and we fast-forwarded through the promos. As the title came on-screen, Jim reached over and gave me a long, slow kiss. He reached his hand down between my legs and felt the moistness. Even through my shorts there was a noticeable wetness. I looked over at Peter and Michelle and they were cuddled at the other end of the sofa, eyes glued to the screen.

The first scene of the movie was a fairly typical one. A woman is shown standing on a street next to a car that obviously is supposed to have engine problems. She looks around and then walks up to the nearest house where she knocks and asks to use the phone. The man who opens the door is pleasantly surprised to see this attractive woman wearing a sexy dress and 4 inch heels. After making the call (and finding out that she needs to wait a few hours before her friend can come and help her), she sits next to the man and they begin to kiss and then suck and fuck. When I watched movies like this, it always intrigued me as to who was actually filming the scene. This was clearly not made with a camera on a tripod. The angle of the camera constantly changed to catch the couple from various positions. I suppose if you wanted to make one of these films that you would just call one of your close friends and ask them for their help with this – but the idea and the intrigue of imagining who might be filming always gave me a little extra buzz.

I also began to consider the thoughts that must be going through all four of our minds. If not for a role of a die, we might be acting out this very movie right now in front of our best friends. It was incredibly exciting and exhilarating. This scene began to drag a little and so it was no surprise when Peter picked up the remote and fast-forwarded the movie again. He went a little too far and had to rewind a bit.

Scene two was the one that Jim and I would have to enact and I was almost breathless as the tape went black after the stranded motorist got cum sprayed across her cheek. I held Jim's hand tightly as the tape brightened and "our" scene began.

The opening cut was a topless woman drying her hair as if she were getting ready for a night out. As she turned and saw the camcorder, she laughed at the photographer and then did a little dance so her boobs bounced around for him (and for anyone who saw the tape). Clearly there was no third person in the room – it was all shot from the point of view of the boyfriend/husband who was holding the camera. The woman on screen dropped to her knees and slowly opened his zipper and lowered his pants before beginning to give him a blowjob.

Peter started to complain, "Where's the local action? Aren't you two supposed to be acting this out?' He rewound the tape so that we could get in position.

It was a release to finally be able to take off my shirt and bra. Michelle went into the bathroom so that I could cover myself just as the girl in the movie was so I quickly removed my shorts and panties as well. I put the towel around me and started to play with my hair. Peter resumed the tape and Jim stood a few feet away from me pretending to hold a camera. Because I had already seen the start of the clip I didn't have to watch the movie to know when to shake my body before slowly kneeling in front of Jim and starting to open his pants. His dick sprang from his pants (there had been over an hour of verbal and mental foreplay at this point) and I started to curl my tongue around him and take him slowly into my mouth.

I looked over briefly at Peter and Michelle and they were holding hands and watching me with intense interest. I closed my eyes again and returned to administering to Jim, while also trying to not be too good at the blowjob. After all, we had a movie to remake.

This went on for a few minutes before Peter and Michelle suddenly started shouting for us to stop and switch positions. On screen, the scene had shifted to the bedroom where the woman was now positioned doggy-style sideways from the camera. It was obvious that the camera was now on a tripod and, sure enough, the man suddenly appeared behind her and was taking her from behind. The pause button was hit and we started debating how to arrange this new scene. The idea of moving to a bedroom wasn't acceptable because of all the other logistical changes that would have had to be made, so we decided to use the sofa as our "bed". Peter and Michelle got down on the floor and I assumed the same position as the woman while Jim got behind me. As we hit the "Play" button, I was hitting new heights of anticipation. My wet pussy easily took all of Jim and he began to pound into me from behind. In the meantime, our two best friends were sitting six feet away watching intently. I knew that my body was still very attractive; I also knew that Jim looked great, so for Peter and Michelle this was like having a live sex show right in their living room.


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