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The Lady Next Door Pt. 02

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Another new neighbor adds to the new experiences.
14.4k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/18/2022
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Zack awoke with a raging hard-on. Of course, it was due to dreaming of Dominique all night. His first afternoon with her had been both frightening and exciting. But the next day had been amazing! She was an incredible woman, and suddenly, he couldn't wait to spend more time with her. It had been annoying to have to waste two days with the construction people. He wrapped his hand around his swollen cock and stroked it a couple of times. However, a knock on his bedroom door halted him.

His mother poked her head in. "Sorry to awaken you, Zack, but your dad and I are heading out." Seeing his eyes open, she walked over to the side of his bed, bent over, and kissed him on the cheek. "Please don't have any friends over."

"I won't. Seems I'll be busy next door, anyway."

"Good. Your dad and I are very proud of you for helping them."

Joel popped his head in. "Goodbye, son. Have fun whatever you decide to do."

"Thanks, dad. You two have safe travels."

A few minutes later, he heard the door to their garage open and close. Wide awake now, he got out of bed and hurried to a front window in time to see his parents drive away. He hurriedly showered and ate a quick bowl of cereal. Peeking through various side windows in the house, he watched next door to see if there was any activity. He didn't know what time Dominique and Mr. Carter awoke, but a short while later, he could see lights go on through the blinds. He was too anxious to wait any longer.

Ralph answered the door still in long sleeve and long pants pajamas.

"Good morning, Mr. Carter," Zack greeted cheerfully. "I'm reporting for duty."

With a chuckle, he said, "Well, good morning to you, too, Zack. You're early."

"Yeah. My parents woke me up to say goodbye. Want me to come back later?"

"No, no. I'm up. And that's right, your parents will be out of town overnight. Come on in coffee's brewing. Dominique is still in the shower."

"That must be something to see," he commented without thinking.

"You can go on in and tell her good morning," Ralph said.

Zack followed Ralph into the kitchen resisting the temptation to take the older man up on his offer. "She deserves her space."

"She really likes you, Zack," Ralph told him as the old man reached for coffee cups. "You're a gentleman, you're polite, you don't overstep. Those are terrific qualities in a man of any age. She also says you are a fast learner."

That embarrassed Zack because he knew that the reference was to her teaching him to eat pussy.

Noticing the teen's awkward expression, Ralph said, "If we don't teach you anything else, I hope we can teach you to be open-minded and not so shy."

Zack merely grimaced.

"That wasn't a criticism," Ralph clarified. "But when we can discuss these things without you being embarrassed, and when you can approach girls your own age, then you will have arrived."

"Good morning," Dominique greeted entering the kitchen like a ray of sunshine. She was wearing a short flowery summer dress, low-cut with spaghetti straps, her nipples imprinting the snug top suggesting she wore no bra, and likely no other under things. She went to her husband and gave him a big kiss on the lips, and then came to Zack, hugging him, pecking his cheek, and pressing her tits against his shoulder. "Have you had breakfast, Zack?"

"A bowl of cereal."

"Ralphie, what are you in the mood for?"

"Hmmm. How about French toast? And make enough for Zack. He needs more than cereal."

"Of course."

Breakfast turned out to be a real treat. Zack gobbled up his two slices not realizing how hungry he was. He helped Dominique clean the kitchen afterward as Ralph disappeared into his office.

"Well, what shall we do now?" Dominique asked.

With a shrug, Zack reminded, "You said the other day there was more to do."

That consisted of rearranging furniture in the two guest bedrooms, one of which was almost like a second master suite with its own bathroom. Dominique reiterated that he was welcome to stay in this room tonight.

"You'll find this bed extremely comfortable." To emphasize her point, she stretched out on the king-size bed. She brought her knees up so that her feet could be flat on the bed, and that caused her dress to slide up, confirming Zack's suspicion that she wore no panties.

With her legs up and spread, her beautiful pussy was on display and inviting. In a bold move, Zack crawled into the bed between her thighs, aiming his tongue at her snatch. Remembering her lessons, the first touch of his tongue was gentle, even tentative.

"Mmmm, very good. And aggressive."

"Sorry. Do you want me to stop?"

"Did I ask you to?"


"Then don't. That was a compliment."

"Oh." Still with a soft touch, Zack spread her labia, licking the flaps open. He flattened his tongue against the inside of her lips and licked in a circle, and then jabbed her slit, separating it further, before sliding his tongue as far into her hole as he could.

"Mmmm-hmmm. So good."

He knew it would have been appropriate to stick one or two fingers in, but he wanted to eat her some more. There was something really thrilling about performing oral on her. He felt as though he could do this all day. However, much to his surprise, she started squirming around, then she grabbed his head and pressed his face tightly against her pussy and pivoted her hips, rubbing forcefully against his face. It was slightly painful, but it was more exciting feeling her wet pussy smear all over his face. She finally moaned loudly and came. He could swear she ejaculated something as he felt a fresh gush of liquid, not squirting as he'd seen in videos, just a bit more wetness. Whatever it was, it was amazing, and he loved it.

Releasing his head, Dominique said, "Sorry if I hurt you but you were wonderful."

"I actually loved it," Zack said eagerly.

"Good boy." She then quickly moved into position to yank his pants and underwear down and inhale his cock.

The ferocity with which she did that was startling, but also exciting. She lathered his shaft up really good and then took him all the way down her throat. He let out a high-pitched, throaty, moan at the unbelievable thrill of being deep throated.

He had to lift his head to see whatever he could see. That was her lips wide open in a big O, and his cock disappearing into the darkness of her mouth and throat. He expected her to pull back all the way. However, instead, she used her throat to stroke the head of his dick.

He'd never seen that in a video.

And to say the feeling was incredible was a huge understatement. He was already charged up from his oral work on Dominique, so he warned, "I can't hold out," so she could pull back, but much to his surprise, she went as far as she could as he filled her throat with cum. She gradually eased back to avoid choking but did not allow any to seep out.

Dominique took a minute to finish swallowing and catch her breath but was instantly concerned by the ashen expression on Zack's face. "Are you okay?"

Zack was speechless and finding it difficult to catch his own breath. Finally, he said, "I don't know what to say."

"You didn't like that?"

"Are you kidding? I loved it. But after all I've done with you, I think I'm having sensory overload."

"Oh, well, we can't have that, can we? But it was you who initiated this."

Zack hung his head. "I'm sorry."

"Again, that was not a complaint."

"It was just... you were lying on the bed with your legs spread and it looked so inviting..."

"Then I will take partial blame," she said with a grin, "because I hoped that would prompt you to do something." Dominique pretended to think for a minute. She snapped her fingers for effect. "I will resist any advances you make for the remainder of the day."

Zack could not tell if she was serious. After all, she said that with a grin. He certainly had not entirely been so serious with his sensory overload statement. "That wouldn't be fair to you, though."

"Well, if it is what I must do." She was overly dramatic. And when he looked at her strangely, she burst into laughter.

Zack joined in. "I think I'm now coming to my senses."

Again, with the dramatic effect, she said, "Ah, well, that will save both of us. So, was the bed comfortable?"


"Then maybe you will reconsider sleeping in it tonight."

Somehow, Zack thought there was more to that statement than a simple offer to rest his head.

"The two of you are never going to get anything done!" Ralph said with a chuckle, standing in the doorway.

Zack should have guessed that the old man would have been nearby and watched them. He quickly redressed. "Back to work then."

They tackled the smaller bedroom and then it was lunch time. Salads. Not one of Zack's favorites, but good such as it was. For Ralph, it was nap time after the midday meal, and Dominique was ready for the patio. Zack followed her out, where she instantly lifted her dress off and stretched out on her lounger.

He should use the time to go home and do some chores his parents had left for him. However, he also removed his clothes--now becoming comfortable being nude around her--and laid on the lounger next to her. Dominique's eyes were closed, and Zack wondered if she had dozed off. He couldn't help but just gaze at her incredible body, and as much as he might like to ease over and touch her, he resisted because he didn't feel he had the right to disturb her. He reached for his cock to stroke it but quit after only a couple of jerks because he decided to save himself for later. Undoubtedly, an opportunity with Dominique would soon present itself. And he wanted to be ready for her.

She was an amazing woman, he was thrilled to have met her, and he felt extremely lucky to have had the experiences he'd had with her. He'd be the envy of all his friends if he could tell them. But this is one secret he would keep to himself. He knew it was the gentlemanly thing to do, and he knew Dominique would favor that in him more than he would benefit from bragging to his friends.

At this point, he only wanted to make the beautiful woman happy.

He could see that she did now seem to be sleeping. Her breathing was steady, and she had not moved for several minutes. Her lips were parted, and he would have loved to get up and slide his dick between them, but again, he did not feel he had the right to do that. He decided to go home and do his other chores.

* * *

There was a knock at the front door, and Zack went to answer it. To his surprise, it was Dominique--with dress and shoes on, obviously to walk over.

"I was wondering where you wandered off to," she said by way of greeting.

With a shrug, Zack said, "Both you and Mr. Carter were napping, so I thought it would be a good time to come do the chores my parents left me."

"Sorry I fell asleep. I rarely do that."

"No worries. Judging by the list my parents left me, they probably didn't think you really had enough to keep me busy for two days, anyway."

She smirked. "I really didn't. Just enjoyed having you around. And now, dinner is almost ready, so why don't you come back."

"You didn't have to cook for me."

"I cook for Ralphie and myself, and as he said, there's always plenty."

"Well, okay. What's on the menu?"

"Coq au vin."

Zack did a double take. "Cock what?"

Dominique giggled. "No. Coq au vin. It's chicken in a wine sauce with some vegetables. We'll save the cock for dessert."

Zack had to laugh also. "Okay." He closed the door.

"You want to grab some things to stay the night?"

"I really can stay here at home."

"Have you ever stayed alone in this big house?"

"Not this house, but I have in our previous home."

"New homes make all kinds of noises when you're all alone--as though they're settling," Dominique noted. "Gives me the creeps."

"Yours doesn't?"

"You wouldn't be alone."

Zack wasn't sure what that meant, but he was sure that if he didn't give in, she wouldn't give up. "Okay. If you insist." He ran upstairs and grabbed a change of clothes, some pajamas and his toothbrush and toothpaste, and then joined her downstairs again. They walked back to her house together. He looked around to see if anyone was watching him go next door with a wad of clothes wrapped up. No one else was outside, but there was no telling who might be watching through a window. Did it really matter?

* * *

As much as Zack had enjoyed spending time with the Carter's--Dominique primarily, truth be told--the evening turned out to be on the boring side. Of course, the coq au vin was delicious. He could have eaten a second helping, even though one was offered, but he didn't want to be a glutton. He helped clean up, insisting on doing the dishes--something he disliked having to do at home--but he felt he owed it to his neighbors for their continued hospitality. Ralph moved on to the family room to watch television while Dominique stood by in the kitchen.

Zack didn't know what else to expect of the evening. Dominique ushered him to the family room to watch TV with Ralph as that was how the couple spent their evenings. She also reasoned that she had spent most of the day with Zack and very little of it with her husband. The teen could not argue with that. She did at least sit very close to Zack, which was nice because he never really spent time that close to anyone in a casual situation. There was something quite refreshing being next to her like this. It made him feel more than proximally close to her. He found himself actually leaning into her as they watched the boring shows.

And if the dull shows were not bad enough, the Carters retired to bed at nine p.m. No one in Zack's family went to bed before eleven. They told Zack he could stay up and continue watching TV, but he feared doing so would disturb Mr. and Mrs. Carter, who were accustomed to a quiet house after they went to bed.

He decided to go to the guest room and play on his phone. He would otherwise watch porn, but after these last three days, he didn't feel that any video he could watch could compare to his real-life experience. He didn't normally wear actual pajamas, usually sleeping in a t-shirt and underwear. However, since he was a guest in this home, pajamas were in order, but sans underwear.

Sitting up in the really comfortable bed with his phone, social media provided nothing interesting. His friends were all posting things that made it seem they were doing exciting stuff--but he knew they were not. News sites were no more informative, and he couldn't concentrate on any games. It had been a really busy day for him between moving furniture around and intensive house cleaning, not to mention the other extracurricular activity, and he kept waking himself up from his head dropping when he dozed off.

Finally, not more than a half-hour after climbing into bed, Zack plugged his phone into his charger on the night table, switched off the lamp and went to sleep.

* * *

As he had the last few nights, Zack dreamed of Dominique. He frequently dreamed of women: favorite movie stars or singers. But none of those came anywhere close to his beautiful neighbor. She was simply one of a kind. His previous dreams of her had been reliving what they had done together. But tonight, he envisioned her coming to his bed and quietly climbing in and under the covers. She whispered softly in his ear, "Ralphie is snoring, and I don't want to sleep alone."

Zack thought he drifted off to sleep, but even though she was not touching him, the coolness of her skin so close seemed too real. Half awake, he opened his eyes even though he was facing away from her. Her gentle breathing and general aura were enough for him to realize this was not a dream. Casually, he eased a leg back until it made contact with her leg as actual verification of her presence.

He smiled to himself actually quite pleased that Dominique had come to him. He'd never slept with another person, but somehow, this felt right.

His instinct was to turn over to face and embrace her, but he didn't know what her intentions were. Maybe she was simply escaping her husband's snoring and really didn't want to sleep alone. And he was content with that.

But he was even more content when he felt her loosely spoon him. Zack moaned softly to let her know he was aware she was there and approved of what she was doing. Of course, he could feel her breasts gently touching his back, and she leaned her face against the back of his head. As his dick grew, he wondered if life could get any better. It was the last conscious thought he had before drifting back to sleep.

Or was he sleeping? He thought he felt something on his calf. He positively felt her hand tenderly brush his side. Now he felt her breath on his neck. Now her hand on his hip sliding the covers down. What was she doing?

Zack turned slightly from his side to partially on his back. And that's when Dominique draped her leg over his crotch. It felt good resting on his hard cock. He was coming more awake but maintained the illusion of sleep to see what her game was. Ever so slightly, she moved her leg back and forth over his dick, almost stroking it. Movement suggested she had placed her hand on her knee as her leg continued its motion. Ever so casually, she drew her leg back leaving her hand to make contact with his shaft. Her fingertips rubbed it, and he couldn't control his moan.

That apparently told her what she wanted to know, and she pulled her body halfway on top of his, forcing him completely on his back. Her left leg pushed between his legs separating them with her upper thigh pressed firmly into his crotch. He knew she had to feel his cock pulse. With his head turned to one side, she nestled her head against his neck, her left arm going around him. Wherever this was going he wanted to go there.

Instinctively, Zack put his arm around her back. But a moment later, Dominique sat up and removed the t-shirt she was wearing. She resumed her position, her bare breasts mashed against his side.

"I love cuddling," Dominique whispered.

That certainly was okay with Zack. He replaced his arm around her back and placed his other hand on her bare shoulder. She moved her left leg back up where it had been over his crotch as he slid his hand from her shoulder down over the side of her breasts.

"This is so nice," she whispered, and once again she rolled off him, this time to slide off what looked in the dim light to be sleeping shorts. It was easy to see that she was now completely naked, and he was somewhat surprised she had not come into the room like that.

She resumed her position now moving completely on top of him. "You don't mind this, do you?"

"Not at all," Zack hoarsely replied.

She was rubbing her pussy against whatever part of his body it made contact with.

He considered turning her over and getting between her legs to eat her pussy, but somehow it seemed as though she had her own agenda, as though maybe this was not all as impulsive as it seemed.

Her head still nestled against his neck; Dominique kissed where her lips made contact. Zack involuntarily turned his head until their lips met. He hadn't done any serious kissing, having only briefly made out with a couple of schoolgirls, but this was about to get serious. Mashing her lips to his evolved into a real kiss. He kissed back as best he could, but she made no comment nor offered any instruction, so he felt he was doing it right. It made his dick feel even harder. And damn, it was good! She forced her tongue between his lips, not that any force was really necessary. He gladly accepted the intrusion, and their tongues did their dance. Like everything else about her, kissing was amazing.

Dominique was now straddling Zack's mid-section, sitting up only enough for their lips to be together. Her crotch was against his, and she rocked back and forth, rubbing her pussy against his covered cock. He could feel the pre-cum oozing out but could care less.

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