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The Last Boy Scout

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My wife seduces a young man, he unleashes a wild woman.
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Note: A hearty "Thank you!" to my readers who vote and leave comments. I read them, and in truth am fascinated by your take-aways, comments and insights. I have been inspired by some of the stories you share, and I hope my writing has reflected and improved as a result. People forget that sex is powerful magic. It's our connection to our own animal origins and our internal, sexual beast we mostly pretend does not exist. But, sometimes it gets free. You can label the people in my stories by any crude epithet, but my people are more unique and complex than simple labels convey. Enjoy!

My wife Sandi and I haven't been camping in years, but once we became empty-nesters, we re-discovered old loves: Tennis, (pickle ball), racquetball, and now hiking and camping. We were both fit, and once I turned 50 we both seemed to find new enthusiasm for athletics and new experiences. We traveled, joined a few local clubs, and rediscovered our love of camping.

We pulled up to the national park, once of our favorites, as as I unpacked I noticed there were few other cars, no crowds, a perfect overnight or weekend to get away from routine. As I prepared our gear, I looked up to see a very hot, young woman a few cars away changing her clothes, she was lithe and graceful, her back was to me but she pulled her shirt over her head, dislodging her bra for few seconds and causing her amazing breasts to swing free. Sandi appeared from the passenger seat, saw me staring and followed my gaze to the spectacle that I was focused on. She sighed, and said "Should I introduce you two?" Not taking my eyes off that girl until she finished pulling a sweatshirt over her head, hiding those perfect tits from view, did I turn to Sandi and say "It was only a moment of sweet distraction."

She chuckled, "It seemed like longer than a moment to me!" I shrugged, "Moments are timeless, but the moment is gone." Turning to her, wrapping my arms around her fit torso, I whispered "But it inspired me, at least!" She faked annoyance, returning to getting our gear ready.

We hoisted our backpacks and started hiking to a spot we used to frequent in our youth, a hidden flat clearing near a cliff, with an ice cold spring and an incredible view. The stream flowed down into a natural pool that was warmed by the sun, but due to several careless hikers getting injured by the wet, slippery rocks, the trail was deleted from new maps and evidently forgotten.

Not by us, we quickly found the now overgrown trail and hiked to the perfect spot, rapidly setting up camp just after noon. I set up a solar panel to charge our phones, but there was no reception out this far, The view was every bit as spectacular as we recalled, and after a short break we changed into swimwear for and headed to the pond. I took a moment to gaze at my wife of 30 years, in a sexy two-piece bikini that really showed off her athletic physique, and thanked my lucky stars.

Sandi went first, it was a tricky climb but not too bad if you focused and watched out for loose steps, we arrived quickly. Then, Sandi just stood stock still, making me squeeze past her, I looked up and saw there was a young man knee deep in the pond, nude, soaping up his torso and hair. I quietly looked at Sandi, thinking about coming back later, but I saw her face and noticed her jaw was hanging open, and her eyes were wide. I looked back at our young bather and watched as he waded deeper into the water, then rinsed off and walked out to the shore where a towel and some clothes were piled. He was young, fit, sported wide, muscular shoulders, short-cropped light brown hair, but almost no body hair. When the water was knee deep, he slipped for a moment and swung sideways, exposing a his cock, even soft it hung over 7 inches and bobbed with his movement. I grinned and whispered to Sandi "Lost in the moment?" She shushed me in a tiny panic, but the young Adonis must have heard, he quickly looked around then spotted us.

"Sorry folks!" he said, grinning, but rapidly pulling on his shorts (Not sure how he packed all that meat away so quickly!) "I thought I was alone," He quickly slipped on a pair of moccasins.

"No worries, this is the best spot on the mountain." I assured him, and we made our way to the water's edge. Quick introductions were made, "I'm Pete, this is Sandi" and he told us his name was Jason and he came up a few days before his family to get the camp site ready, and enjoy the solitude. Jason had a handsome, youthful face, lean, tanned and square-jawed, and when he smiled he bared a toothy and earnest grin, it was easy to like him. A big boy scout. He told us he was on spring break, occupied by college and family activities, we chatted and swam, becoming fast friends, and lost track of time until I reminded Sandi we needed to get back before dark. The entire time, I kept catching Sandi staring at his swinging cock, barely hidden by his cut-off sweatpants. I brushed it off, after all, she's just looking.

We took a longer route back, and passed his campsite, he just had a pup tent and folding chair next to a giant old rucksack still packed full of gear. His tent was simply a canvas with sticks and saplings roped together as poles and stakes, almost a retro version of camping, no nylon or plastic. He had a circle of rocks for a fire-pit, and a hatchet wedged into a stump. Almost a scene from "Boys Life, 1970". In fact, Jason reminded me of the kind of young men you don't see anymore; Fit, confident, lean, he was over 6' tall, his back was straight, his muscles were naturally big, strong, and he moved with agility and grace. Jason hung his towel over the chair and said "I'll get a fire started before dark, nice meeting you both!" When Sandi blurted out "Jason, come up to our camp and we can share a fire, no sense in making two!" I glanced at her sideways, but didn't mind too much, as I was eager to continue our conversation.

Once there, Jason and I busied ourselves in getting firewood, he showed me how to make the campfire almost smokeless by digging an air channel on the windward side, his knowledge of primitive camping was impressive. We talk about camping tricks, drag racing, muscle cars. I found myself really enjoying his company.

We got the fire burning just as the light was fading, and sat back to relax, when Sandi appeared carrying a jug of fresh, cold spring water and tin camp mugs. She had put on one of my white t-shirts, it barely reached her thighs, but was barefoot. She looked so sexy in the fading evening light, I kind of wished Jason would excuse himself and leave us. She gave Jason a cup and poured it full of cool water, slowly. Then I noticed that she had not only had she pulled a t-shrt on, she removed her bikini top! I caught a glimpse of her hard nipples pushing out against the thin cotton of my old t shirt. She asked Jason about girlfriends, past loves, his dating experiences, I thought the questioning was kind of forward, and intimate. Jason admitted he'd just returned to town, but was in the market. Sandi looked him over and signed, saying "Oh, really?" I shot her a puzzled glance, but she ignored me.

Nervously, I tied to steer the conversation back to cars, or drag racing, or camping, any of the topics we had in common a moment before, but Jason was memorized, and Sandi was obviously enjoying his attention. Sandi made a point of touching his arm, or gently stoking his hair, while she sat closer and closer to him. At first, I told myself she was doing this for me, to tease me, get me aroused, build up tension and then after Jason left we'd have time to ourselves. That itself would be out of character for her, intriguing as it sounded. But, as it continued, I realized Jason, young, muscular, mostly-nude and well-hung, was the source of her arousal.

I must say, that I was torn; jealous. On one hand, I'd never seen my wife of 30 years ever care about "being sexy" like this, especially in front of a stranger. We met in college, became best friends, married, raised our kids and were planning the rest of our lives together. Obviously I was attracted to her, but she was very "Librarian" in her daily routine. Sexually, I had no complaints; things were fairly regular and satisfying, we made love, sometimes when we were young we tried new things, long ago. Now, we made love, cuddled afterwards, typical long-term couple situation. Work-a-day.

On the other hand: This was something new and exciting, she seemed to be trying to seduce Jason, a young man barley older than our own son. It was exciting to see her so alive, so sensual, but I wasn't sure how far she would take it, where it would lead. The human mind is funny, we see ourselves reflected in the eyes of people around us, Jason must have made her feel 18 again. She flirted with him shamelessly like a lust filled schoolgirl. I was excited to see this side of her.

At one point, she asked Jason if he was hungry, and when he nodded she jumped up to the cooler to fetch our container of camp vittles; pre-cooked sausages and roasted veg, but when she bent over to find them I saw she was bottomless as well! She just flashed a stranger, Jason, and her husband both with a glimpse of her tight, toned ass! Jason stared, grinned his toothy grin then looked over at me, one eyebrow raised. I just shrugged, honestly as mystified as anyone. It was hot! But, I was in the company of a stranger. She returned with a small paper plate containing bites of meat and roast vegetables, kneeling down demurely next to where Jason was sitting. He tried to pick up a bite and it slipped from his fingers back onto the plate. Sandi then picked it up and fed it to him, her fingertips lingering on his lips. Then, picked up a morsel herself and slowly bit into it, licking her fingers as she did. Her face was close to his. Jason gazed at her eyes intently, not moving. "Sandi, what are you doing?" I asked, both a little angry, and unusually thrilled at any answer I suspected she might provide. I confess I was incredibly turned on, not by watching my wife shamelessly flirt with a stranger, but by how aroused and sensual she was, how alive, and vital she looked. How subservient she was behaving. It was like a spell, I didn't know how long I could let it continue, but I was terrified I might break it.

"I just need a moment" Sandy replied to me, using my own phase from earlier, almost a whisper, almost pleading. I heard my voice say "Alright, just a moment." but I don't remember thinking it or making the sound. Sandi leaned in to Jason, as if to kiss him, and he suddenly stood up, causing her to loose her balance and spill his water down her shirt. She reached out to steady herself, one hand on his bare chest, but the other landed in his crotch and I gasped as I saw her grope, then grab his cock through the worn material of his shorts. As she regained her balance, she leaned back on her knees but didn't let go of his cock right away. Then, she stood up next to him, facing him. She reached out and touched his chest again, tracing his pecs and then down to his waistline, slowly.

The cold water made her t-shirt almost transparent in the firelight, she looked so vulnerable, but so vital, exposed and shameless. Powerful in her fearlessness.

It's funny the way an older woman will touch a young stud's bare muscles when she's aroused. Very different than any casual touch; At first, it's gentile. A tentative touch, careful and exploring, as if he was made of fire and she afraid to get burned. Then her touch becomes more aggressive, more sexual, as his fire spreads to her body. Sandi was so beautiful, so sexy, for the first time in a long time, recklessly aroused. I loved seeing this new, almost forgotten side of her, even thought I knew what it meant, now: With a stranger. She had me enraptured, hypnotized, unable to move. I realized my cock was rock hard.

Jason looked over at me, one last time it turned out, one eyebrow raised. I returned the gaze, and told him 'This is her moment". He seemed to steel himself and then focused his eyes on hers.

"That water was so cold!" Sandi said, lifting the wet shirt slowly up her body, "Help me, would you?" she asked.

He was absolutely frozen as he watched her take off her t-shirt, he ogled her nude body, no longer feigning decorum or modesty but openly admiring her, I felt a pang of jealousy, of protectiveness, wondering if I should stop her, protect her from herself. But the jealousy somehow made it kinkier, more wrong, more thrilling, and so much hotter. She pulled the shirt over her head and tossed it aside, so sexy, I almost came in my trunks.

I could tell she was aroused as well. Standing there, next to this massive, well-built youthful man, showing off her older, but fit body to him.

She leaned toward him and kissed him with a passion I did not expect. Jason started kissing her back. The barriers down, they attacked each other. They made out intensely like high school kids when the parents are gone, no words spoken.

Finally, he leaned back and spoke. "You're married, right?"

She looked him in the eyes with a burning passions and said the words that made my dick get painfully erect, "Don't worry about my husband. Tonight, I want you."

Something hit me when I heard her say that. Sandi wanted me here, to witness this. I'm not sure why; did she want to humiliate me? No, that's very out of character for either of us. Was this some kind of power play? Not hardly. Did she want her husband here, to make her feel safe? Maybe, I mean, there were lot of opportunities to sneak away, to cheat, or take a lover, neither of us ever seemed to be interested in that. Maybe somewhere, she wanted to show me, her private, sexual side, her deepest, darkest desires, things she dare not share with me. But, could not bring herself to experience without me. Like, when a drunk stranger at bar confesses a deep, long-held secret, security in anonymity, I guess. People are funny, unfathomable, I just knew she needed me here, now. As a voyeur.

"Is that what you want" Jason asked, his hand touching his young cock, briefly.

"Yes," she responded.

Jason inhaled, then blew out. As if he knew the situation. This married woman was trying to seduce him. He knew she wanted him. Now, he wanted to make the most of it.

"Ask me nicely." He instructed her, calmly.

"Please, would you take me to the tent Jason?"

Jason seemed to have a grasp of the situation, beyond his years perhaps? Or, his natural dominant tenancies were being exposed. It was almost as fascinating to watch the evolution of a polite boy scout into a lustful bull stud, as it was to witness my reserved wife exposed as a lustful, sexual creature.

Jason didn't move.

"Jason," she said seductively. "Please take me to the tent, and then you can do whatever you want to me there."

My dick was about to explode as I watched.

Jason reached into the tent and pulled our double inflatable mattress out, dropping it out in the open. Sandi gasped.

He told her: "Lay down, here, in the open, so your husband can watch."

My reserved, demure, faithful wife obeyed, reclining down on the bed, fully nude and exposed. He laid next to her, still wearing his shorts, and began to kiss her running his hands over her magnificent breasts and slowly moving one between her legs. When his hand reached past her waist, her legs eagerly, almost involuntarily, slid open, allowing him full access.

My brain was screaming: Here was my wife, laying outside, completely naked, offering her body to this stranger, a boy she just met. It all felt so wrong, but I wanted it to continue.

He moved his big hand to her smooth pussy, I wanted to grab him, throw him out! Then, Sandi moaned with pleasure, and I stopped. As he began to rub her pussy with his hand, he asked.

"Is this what you want?" he asked.

"Yes," she cooed back.

"Are you sure?" he asked. "What about your husband?"

"He won't stop us." she replied, half moaning from the massage he was now giving her clit.

Jason rolled onto his back, putting a thumb in each side of his shorts, then asked, "You want me to take these off?"

"Yes, please," she answered.

He slid them off, she let out soft gasp when she saw his dick again. It was massive. It must have been 8 inches. It looked to be semi hard, thicker than before. I realized he wasn't fully erect yet, that it was going to get bigger. I felt a sudden urge to call it off. Part of me was overcome with jealousy, and a little fear about it hurting her. But the jealousy and the fear just got me more excited. I really wanted to see her fucked with that monster, I shamefully admitted to myself.

"Taste it" he told her, rising and standing near her head. Her subservient position was not lost on me.

Sandi reached up and began to work his cock with both her hands. She began to kiss and lick all over it. She eagerly rubbed it all over her face and neck, down to her tits, wetting it with her saliva and feeling it against her bare creamy skin. He was intently watching my sexy wife working his dick, being so sensual, completely naked and exposed in the outdoors, ready for him to fuck her. It wasn't long before he was fully erect, impressively sticking straight out, his shiny wet head peeking out from his smooth foreskin.

"How does my cock taste?" He asked

"Delicious, musky, like young flesh" She replied.

"Does you husband have a cock this big?" he asked.

"No, not this big!" she admitted, a little too truthfully I thought. Again, I felt jealousy, my face a little red with embarrassment.

She was tugging at his cock, and slowly rubbing her pussy. I'd never seen her masturbate before, now she was doing it brazenly.

"That's my hot little married girl" he said, watching her.

Sandi seemed to respond to his controlling, even condescending tone. She began to increasingly rub her clit while she tugged at his cock.

"Your are so hot," he said. She reacted to those words by spreading her legs ever more.

She was close, about to cum by her own hand

But she wanted more. "I need you to fuck me." she said to Jason, pleadingly. "I need you to fuck me with your big cock!"

I knew it was going to happen, but hearing those word out loud seemed to jolt my brain and shock my nervous system like electricity. I felt a quiver and pulse in my groin, and a little semen shot out of my cock. I felt jealousy, fear for us, for her behavior, in conflict with my lustful desire to see him fuck her tight married pussy, my pussy for the last 30 years, with his raw, young, hard cock. Lust would win.

"Please fuck me with your big cock," she begged.

Jason slowly lowered himself onto the mattress, roughly moved himself between her legs, without penetrating her, and leaned into her, kissing her neck.

"Beg me like a whore." he whispered.

"Please, oh please fuck me," she almost squealed. "I need it so bad."

With that he began to kiss her deeply, passionately, in one of the most erotic and sensual performances I have ever seen, no porn even came close to the lust and passion I was witnessing here. She spread her legs wildly, so wide and exposed, I could see everything; her wet, ready cunt, his hard cock, his bare, large swinging balls. While they kissed, he began to line his cock up near the wet, shiny lips of my wife's pussy, rubbing all around but not entering.

"Please fuck me," she begged again, her hips involuntarily trying to capture him.

He slowly began to ease the head of his dick in. She threw her head back and squealed a little.

"Please, slowly, you're so... Uhh. Big. Oh. Mmm," she moaned in discomfort, I almost thought she would push him off and stop the whole adventure. Her face was contorted in pain. "Oh, wait, slow, wait!" she begged.

He muffled her cries by putting his tongue back in her mouth as he slowly fed more of his huge dick into her pussy. Slowly he stretched and forced his way deep into her, violating her though willingly, and touching areas deep in her that were never touched before.

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