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Click hereSorry for my hiatus, I had a.... lovely stint in the hospital and lost my muse. Thanks to my wonderful editor for kicking my butt and getting me back to my stories I needed it. If there are any mistakes at this point they are mine. I am hoping to have more of of my other stories up either tonight or tomorrow. Much love for those of you that have stuck with me.
Valerie was exhausted and her body ached. She sagged onto the couch and let her head fall back. The raid had gone smoothly, in her opinion. She heard the door open and then slam back on its frame. Halea was home. She could feel the emotion pouring off of her new friend and went to speak with her.
"Halea?" She asked softly and the look on Halea's face clearly indicated that she was unaware someone else was in the house. She looked lost and frightened. "Halea? Are you okay?"
Halea took a deep breath and looked like she was trying to settle her nerves. "I'm just overwhelmed is all, being in that place... just...I need to decompress you know?" Val smiled and nodded.
"Come on, I'm making hot cocoa. Sam is on her way back with some pups, she might need a hand." Val tugged her down the steps and into the kitchen. Halea sat on the bar stool in the breakfast nook and Val kept her eye on her as she went about preparing the cocoa. Moments later Sam entered the house with the pups in toe.
"Can someone grab a big bowl of water?" Sam's voice broke through the silence. Halea stood and collected a pie dish from the cupboard and filled it with water.
Val saw Halea come back in and retrieve some scraps from the fridge and add them to another pie dish and disappear back into the living room. When the knock came, Val was in the middle of finishing the cocoa. She heard Halea answer and heard her mumble something about a shower soon after. A louder knock sounded and Val went for the door. When she opened it she recognized Leon and Erik's twin but the other man she did not. She stepped back and let them enter. She moved into the kitchen and grabbed her mug then proceeded to hug the wall as far away from Erik's twin as possible. Leon introduced him as Ayden Dawson, and the other man as Charles Comeaux. The men were more interested in Sam and the pups so she slipped from the room and went upstairs to her bedroom.
Having the men inside the house felt awkward, especially seeing Ayden. She knew he wasn't Erik, but looks wise he was very close. She sat on the edge of the bed and thought of her mate. He was a Beta, a strong wolf, it also helped that he was a handsome devil, but she would never tell him that. She went to sleep hoping that Erik would not reach through their connection tonight to plague her sleep.
Erik was on his rounds, checking here and there for just a scent of his mate. His wolf prowled about inside his head, tormenting him with images of he and his red wolf together. It was almost enough to make him want a cold shower. Knock it off will ya? I have enough on my plate as it is. We don't even know her name or which house she is staying in. There is no way that tonight will go any faster with you doing that.He heard his wolf snicker, and he rolled his eyes. It figures you want to be a smart ass with me. I guess I deserve it. As he came across the front of the main house, he noticed Charles leaned up against a tree.
Curiosity got the best of him, as it often did, so he walked over to his friend and looked up at the stars. "Alpha have you on some special duty?" Erik didn't need to look at his friend, but kept his eyes open and looking towards the main house.
"Aye, he wants me to keep an eye on this house so that the pups don't get out. At least until the morphing collars get finished. Your brother hasn't told you?"
"Nope, I haven't seen him yet. I wanted to get in my rounds first. " He looked up at you then looked over to the house. "The Alpha is letting the pups stay here with the women?"
"The one she wolf is very protective of them. He thinks it's a good idea to let them stay with someone who will watch over them. She seems very vigilant." Charles moved from the tree and started to do a loop around the house. "I think that's the one that Leon thought would make a good Alpha."
"Ah, the one his father was trying to play matchmaker with?" Erik walked with him scanning just as alertly. They were coming around the house when he smelled her.
"Yes, I believe so. Although from the rumor mill, she may be the mate of the Halley Alpha." Charles noticed Erik stop mid stride and scanned the tree line. "What is it?"
Erik could hear Charles, but he was more concerned with finding the scent. The trail led to the back door of the house, it was sweet and heady. His wolf wanted to roll in the scent trail. This is where his mate lived. She came through this way after their brief meeting this morning. His wolf pushed at his skin, and it was all Erik could do not to run into the house to see her. He scanned the windows and took a step closer to the house.
"Erik? You do know that is a very bad Idea right?" Charles mused out loud. Erik knew full well that his friend would stop him from going into the house. The lights were all off, but he just knew which room was hers. He stared at the window, he knew his mate was asleep. His wolf knew it too...
"Yes. I'm going..." Erik mumbled and headed off back to his own quarters. He didn't see his brother along the way which was just fine with him. He didn't need to see Ayden. He needed to see his mate. As soon as he hit his front door and closed it behind him, he was stripping off clothes. His wolf took over, rich brown fur sprouted across his body, patches of deep ebony under mahogany. He trotted up the steps to his room and nudged the door closed behind him. He was going to see her tonight, he was sure of it. He just had to get to sleep and find her.
"Everett, we must go. Will has made his decision, we cannot dally. Alpha has promised to ease our transition into another pack, we leave..." Valerie did not get the chance to finish her statement. Everett's mouth moved over hers.
"I cannot lose you Valerie." He murmured against her lips. "We are mates, can you not feel it."
"Everett, we must stop." Valerie pulled back and looked at her friend. His eyes were glazed over in lust. "We are not mates Ev, we cannot do this."
"Males and Females mate all the time." his focus sharpened on her. "You are my mate Valerie."
"No, Ev. I am not. Yes other wolves experiment and have sex, that is not what you are asking for. I am not going to mate with you. You are not mine and I am not yours. I am leaving in the morning. I am taking my brothers to another pack. You will move on and find someone else." Valerie moved to leave but Everett grabbed her arm.
"No, you are not leaving. You are mine!"
A deep growl cut through the room. Valerie looked this way and that , trying to locate the sound. "You get your hand off my Mate" the voice was deep, an inhuman growl that sent shivers down her spine. Ev turned to the door, looking for the voice. He never saw the large shape rush him. Ev crashed into a chair, a very large mid transition wolf loomed over him. "She is MINE"
Valerie gasped as the wolf turned to look at her, the room faded away. She was outside, in a moonlit meadow, surrounded by fresh air. The wolf started to shift, slowly, he transformed into a man. Erik stood before her now, his eyes ablaze, his chest rising and falling with each deep breath. He stalked forward until he was scant inches from her. Her gaze was drawn to his, as his large hand came up to cup her cheek. She nuzzled it, eyes never leaving his. His eyes flashed gold, and he crushed her mouth to his. She moaned at the contact, at his claim. That's what this kiss was, he dominated her mouth. When he backed off for air he whispered "mine" as he pressed small kisses all across her face. Her hand slid behind his back and the other clutched at his shoulder. He dragged her close and wrapped his other arm around her. His mouth returned to hers. He slid his tongue into her mouth, claiming her further.
Valerie clung to him. She pressed and rubbed her body across his as much as possible in his embrace. He released her mouth and his teeth found her neck. She gasped and moaned as he sucked her skin in and bit down hard. He was marking her as his, leaving his bite in plain view.Her body burned, her clothes seemed to melt away and his mouth trailed across her neck and chest. His tongue dipped out to lick at one tight nipple and she gasped. He captured the bud on a moan and lowered her to the soft grass. Her hands tangled into his hair holding him still as he paid homage to her breasts.
"mine, mine, mine" he softly chanted as he he continued to sample her flesh. She writhed and moaned against him. "Please!" she moaned as his hands crept lower to where she needed him to be. He growled and rose above her. She stared up at her mate, in all his naked glory. His eyes glowed gold, his body trembled and pulsed with power, his wolf pushed at his skin.
"You are MINE, Mate." The words came out on a growl as his fingers found her core. She moaned and arched against his hand, rising up off the grass. His teeth found her shoulder , pushing her back down to the ground as he used his fingers to bring her to climax. Her finger nails scored his back, as she moaned under him. He stopped his ministrations and released her shoulder. Her Mate sat up above her and brought his hand to his mouth. He savored her taste, and she bucked against him. "Be still Mate. I want this to last." His words were still gravely, but much softer.
"Erik, please," She moaned. He smiled and slowly sucked his fingers clean.
"My name on your lips pleases me. I wonder if you would feel the same pleasure if I said your name..." he whispered in her ear. He kissed just under her ear, "Valerie" She couldn't suppress the shiver that wracked her body. "I will take that as a yes." he chuckled and licked her lobe. "I want you, just like this. You are so wet and ready for me." His erection pulsed on her hip.
"Please Erik!" she moaned and rolled her hips against him. He chuckled, and she wrapped her leg around his, and rolled them over so she was on top.
"There she is, my fiery red wolf." he spoke softly and pulled her head down for a kiss. He jerked. "No." he whispered. "Come find me...we need to finish this" he spoke again and caressed her cheek before he disappeared.
"Erik!" She sat upright in her bed, tangled in her sheets. Her skin was on fire, she was on fire. Her body burned for her mate. She needed him, now.
Personally I love that Val has her own story going on because we're able to fill in some of the blanks from The Bachelorette and I love the mating between her and Erik.
While I can't help but agree with everyone saying they wish chapters were longer and more frequent, I understand how life can get in the way and how the process of transferring/uploading your work to this site can be tedious. On the bright side, this just goes to show how much we all enjoy your writing because we all want to read more and get disappointed with long waits and short updates! Please don't give up! Both this and The Bachelorette are really great!
I honestly feel that your work belongs in a book. Please don't quit! You have an amazing ability!!! You even made me want to continue writing myself (I've never posted anything) but I'm so excited for more from you and to continue writing my own adventures!
~~ best wishes. Jessica.
You should not write things like this....
(It will not be that long between posts anymore. I am writing on my phone as we speak so that I can get back on track and make a post or two every week.)
...and then leave us waiting yet again for some sign of the next installment.
Your record to date is not great with regular 2012 we had a total of 5 2013 you gave us 7 then in 2014 None and now it is getting to the end of 2015 and you have given us 2 short chapters so will not get my hopes up for 2016. It is a shame because I love the story.
And glad you have recovered from your illness.
I've been waiting for a looooooong time for you to come back. Thanks for the new chapter. It was a bit short but at least you're back I hope. I can't wait to see what comes next for these wolves.
Enjoyed your chapter and am looking forward to the next. However what about Blake and Sam the Alpha's
It will not be that long between posts anymore. I am writing on my phone as we speak so that I can get back on track and make a post or two every week. My editor has the next two chapters for this one and the next two for the Bachelorette and I'm still sifting through my ramblings in my note books to hammer out a cohesive story and yes this one parallels the other. Each of my female characters were kind of screaming for their own story, and I still wanted there to be enough information that it could be considered a stand alone or read at the same time as the other. I promise that the next one in each story kicks things up a notch. Valerie has a lot of story wrapped up inside so.... Anyway back to work, and typing away (shhh I'm not supposed to be on my phone) and the next one I'm hoping to get back by tomorrow, Friday at the latest then it takes about three days from when I post for it to hit the site.
Much love
Okay for starters life happens and you don't always get the stuff done that you want or have the motivation. The author lost his muse. Give 'em a break. Everyone has human faults. Deal with it and have patience. Don't you know it's a virtue.
In defense of the author, I have edited for a few authors on here before. 1 page here, is 3-6 in MS Word. Yes still kind of short, but not as small as you guys are making out.
Hopeless, COME ON! It has been MONTHS since your last post, and MONTHS before that one for the last one! WE NEED MORE!
But, everything you have posted is a great read!
One page at a time are fine if they are posted weekly or even every two weeks but not once every few years. I know it takes a lot to get it longer than just one page but after you telling us you had so many books full ready to type up and post I had expected more or at least more often. That being said I do look forward to remainder of you tales and have them move forward a little more quickly as this on didn't really advance the story only looked at Sam and the cubs arriving from a different angle.
When I looked at it in the document I have it typed in, it seemed like it was going to be more than a page. It takes a bit longer than I anticipated to get them posted after submission.
Such a long wait for just one page why do I even bother. Great page though. Sigh