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The Long Shot Pt. 08


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"Ahh, there we go," he whispered.

The coastline was there, if he didn't miss his guest.

And it had a big, obvious, transmitting power source.

One that was sending Concord transmissions.

"We're on a colony world for sure," he murmured. Then he started to bring up the pulsar scanner. If he could just take advantage of what his eyes had seen of the night sky, comparing spotted pulsars and their rotation time, he'd be able to begin triangulating his location in the galaxy. He frowned as he looked down at the numbers...and realized just how much he had forgotten about pulsar rotation rates.

Each pulsar in the galaxy spun at a unique rate. Each one had a unique size. Since they were all so bright and so easily spotted, that made them perfect for interstellar navigation when you were completely lost. The numbers he was getting could, in Thuf's brain, instantly become a location. Gyre groaned and put his palms on his digital face, rubbing his fingers against his temples. "Come on, Gyre, come on, you can remember this."

Except he couldn't.

"Fuck," he hissed.

The jolting sensation of being yanked from his headspace to the real world came as a bit of a shock. He opened his eyes and saw that he was being shaken by Chinsara, who was looking down at him with concern, her shoulders swaddled in a ship's blanket. "Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, why?" Gyre asked, noticing the sky had started to shade to purple.

"You've been sitting very still for hours," she said. "We thought you were sleeping, but even when you were sleeping you breathed."

Well, yeah, my breathing is there because humans have a ton of built in safeguards to make themselves never stop breathing unless something has gone horribly wrong, he thought, then smiled. "Sorry, I...was just, uh, thinking deeply."

"So deeply you forgot to breathe?" Chinsara asked, then laughed.

"You can say-" he blinked she spread her arms wide -- revealing that under her blanket, her tropical blue body was completely nude, her nipples hard little diamonds. Before he could speak, she sat down on his lap. "Chinsara..." he whispered.

"What?" She murmured, softly. "The Queen asked me to go with you on this mission for a reason..." She spread her thighs, gliding herself against his eagerly hardening cock. Gyre glanced away and saw the rest of the ship was settling down for the night sailing -- some crew were going to bed, while others were up in the rigging. Tulon still slept, fitfully. Yetna was on the rudder. And the way Chinsara sat, her arms spread wide, her ship's blanket concealing quite what she was doing from long as they had absolutely no brain cells and couldn't infer the obvious.

"You...ah...came into be my fucktoy?" he whispered, his cock spearing into her as his hips bucked. He couldn't help himself. Her body was so...warm. So pliant. So feminine. Her sharp teeth grazed the hull of his neck as she began to rock her hips slowly against him, driving his cock into her slippery, eager cunt, then slipping back with a wet slurp. She panted, nuzzling against him, her voice catching as she moaned in his ear.

"Think of the utang I'll be earning..." She clung to him as, under the blankets, his hands gripping her rump, squeezing the thick tail that she had, holding her against him as his hips began to fuck into her as subtly as he could. She panted softly, her breath growing softer, more eager, her mewls clear as she gasped into his ear. "Ah. Yes! Yes! Yes! Gyre, fuck me. Fuck me." She moaned. "Fuck me good and hard. Fill my tropical pussy with your spunk."

Gyre shuddered. His own eagerness overwhelmed him as he shuddered and his cum began to spurt into her. He gripped her tight and panted, heavily -- and then his gaze settled on Yetna. She was watching the two of them -- and she was looking thoughtful, even as his own seed dripped down Chinsara's thighs and the slender former chambermaid whispered in his ear. "Oh yes."

Yetna licked her lips.

Gyre began to wish he was on a bigger ship.




Roxi looked at the frothing glass of rippling black liquid. "This is..."

"Low temperature ferrofluid with a nanocharge chaser mixed in with juuust an edge of lemon," Sting said, while the other starships in the bar talked with one another. Roxi felt like she had been plucked from a dowdy castle-tech planet and put into the highest ranks of the glitterati in the entire Concord. She felt small and ugly and plain next to the gorgeous, glorious starships around her. Their colors were bright. Their bodies gorgeous. Their nudity utterly confident. Meanwhile she was scrunched up and folded in on herself.

Some confidence, she thought, blushing to herself as she looked at the shimmering liquid.

"...seriously, what is it?" she asked.

Sting laughed. "It is what I said it is," she said, her eyes clicking as she focused them. "Starships have internal processors that work a lot like stomachs -- well, okay, technically, they feed your industrial facilities. Normally, what you'll be doing is sucking in smelted down asteroids through your palm shunt. But we're here to eat, drink and be merry. So! Drink! And for god's sake, stop hunching."


"You're a starship, Roxi," Sting said, her finger hooking under Roxi's chin, lifting her head up. She smiled, then leaned down and kissed Roxi on her lips. It was casual and it was intimate. Her tongue swept into Roxi's mouth and Roxi felt her hard, black nipples grow immediately hard, the sex between her thighs growing even more glossy and slippery. Sting drew her mouth back, her tongue slipping between her lips as she purred. "A hot. Sexy. Badass starship. Now! Drink!" She smacked Roxi's striped ass and Roxi noticed other ships were grinning at her.

She looked down at the fluid, then tipped it back.

The fluid refused to go down her throat. If anything, it barely moved -- save for tiny ripples and squirms in the cup.

"You need to magnetize it," Sting said, smiling indulgently.

Roxi closed her eyes. Right. The entire bar was microgravity -- after all, it wasn't like starships needed gravity. She focused, and felt her internal systems coaxing to life. The fluids flowed down her throat and tingled all the way down. She smacked her lips, licked them, then laughed as she felt a woozy rush of eagerness burning through her. " can really taste the lemon!" She coughed again. "Another!" She thrust her glass out, waggling it at the bartender robot.

The bartender spurted another jolt of the ferrofluid into her glass.

"Okay, whoa, slow down there just a bit," Sting said, then grinned at her. "You don't need to immediately rush to as drunk as possible." She leaned in then whispered in her ear. "You do want to get railed before losing consciousness, right?"

Roxi's cheeks heated. She nodded, mutely.

"Do you like rough guys? Gentle guys? Romantic guys?...girls of the same persuasion?"

"Uhhhhhhh, yes?" Roxi said, blushing. "Yes, yes, yes?"

"Greedy!" Sting said, laughing. "How about the CNS Typhon Star?" She pointed subtly with her finger at a starship in the corner who was chatting with two of his friends. He was originally a canidform alien, and he retained the canine bodyplan, with the muzzle, the fur tufts, the pads of the feet, the claws...but like how Roxi had been transformed from a female Terran to a sleek, humanoid starsihp, he had been changed as well. The fur was now silvery threads. The muscles was sleek black hull plating. His eyes glowed like neon. His thick sheath looked like the rubber base of a sex toy. Roxi realized she was chewing her lip so hard that she could hear the faint grinding of her hull-plating teeth against her light-hull lips.

"I take the answer as yes, then?" Sting asked.


"Go on, make your move!" Sting said, pushing Roxi towards the table. Roxi kicked on her thrusters and zipped over, then canceled her forward momentum before she plowed into Tye's drinking mates.

"Uh, hey!" she said. "I'm, uh...Roxi! The CNS Approximating Apotheosis, that is! I graduated, starship. Today! Which you know, uh, cause, you're at my graduation party. Which this is. And also, you know my name, cause,'s...on my arm..." She trailed off, rubbing her hand against her name designation. She had no kill markers. Tye here had seven, and two of them were Voidbringer battleships. He was looking at her with an amused expression on his lupine muzzle. "How are you?"

Wow! Roxi! You are SO lucky your crew is getting hammered in simspace and aren't here to watch, she thought.

[Hey, Rox!] K'iren's voice came through her internals. [Swinging back to get some digital boardgames hooooooo boy who is that? Holy shit, Rox, are you making a move on this guy? Can I watch?]

Wow, Roxi! Wow! She thought. You just had to open your big fucking mental mouth, didn't you?

"I'm doing aight," Tye said, shrugging his broad shoulders. "How do you like being a starship?"

"So far? So good," Roxi said. Then she squared her shoulders. "Wanna go skinny dipping in the mercurial on this system's primay?" She managed to get all that out without exploding -- and it provoked an impressed whistle from K'iren.

"Uh, isn't it solar plated?" Tye asked, but one of his drinking buddies -- the CNS Oblique Approach -- shook his head.

"Nah, Tye, it's tidally locked. And the solar panels mean their albedo is fucking jacked -- so even the night side has some deep pools that are molten, even without an atmosphere."

"Well, I'm in," Tye said. "You in Roach? Wind?"

The other guy, the CNS Sidewinder Cascade, grinned and knocked back his drink. "Fuck yeah, I haven't been swimming on a mercurial for years."

"Uhhhhh-" Roxi's brain blue screened as K'iren laughed and clapped.

[Holy shit, Rox! They're gonna make you fucking airtight! Holy shit, nice moves.]

The men drifted away and did a quick E-shift, literally darting in and out of Euclidian space so fast and for such a short distance that you'd need a quantum scanner to even notice it. Roxi squared her shoulders again, forced herself to gulp, then looked back at Sting, realizing she couldn't abandon Sting, right? Sting would totally want her to stay. Right? Sting?

Sting gave her a double thumbs up and a wink.


Roxi E-shifted out of the bar and into the space beyond the space station. The three men were waiting for her, giving her wolfish grins. She put her arms ahead of her and then darted back into E-space. This E-space jaunt was just barely long enough for her to notice, and when she emerged, she was soaring down towards the mercurial. From orbit, she actually saw the perfect spot -- and she zipped down towards the hazy twilight zone, where the sun would be perpetually just on the horizon. The shadows were long and ungentled by any atmosphere, and when she landed, it was beside a low, circular pool that...

In another setting, it'd be surrounded by trees. Not flat, silty ground that led, in one direction, towards a dark horizon, and in another direction, towards the endless stalks of the solar collectors that turned this world into the solar system's main power source. In another setting, it would be liquid water, warmed by a distant sun, or maybe geothermal energy.


It was red hot, burbling lead, puddling in a narrow depression. Steam rose from it -- but it wasn't water steam, it was some carbon monoxide that helped to contribute to this world's nearly non-extant atmosphere. Roxi stretched and sighed happily as she felt the blazing heat of the sun -- hot enough to cause her hull plating to glow ever so faintly, shimmering red hot as she bit her lower lip. She felt good. Like...the most intense, pleasant warmth she had ever felt was bleeding into her very bones.

Roach, Wind and Tye dropped down next to the pool, laughing and chatting with one another. "Oooh, nice pick," Tye said. He knelt down and his paw caressed along the pool, feeling the lead slosh against his hand. "Warm and soaky." He grinned at her.

"Lets dip then..." Roxi said, then dipped her toe into the molten lead, then slid herself into it with a squeak. She actually had to use her own thrusters to get an proper slip -- this planet didn't have anything close to one G. She slid into the pool, feeling the warm lead flow around her like thick, comfortable mud. Her eyes closed and she groaned as the men slid into the pool as well, sending ripples through the running metal. She laughed, then splashed some at Roach, who slapped the silvery liquid from the vacuum. They all laughed.

"So, how long have you three been ships?" Roxi asked.

"Ten years," Tye said. "Though, a lot of that was doing relativistic captures -- from a subjective perspective, it's close to one."

Roxi nodded, her brow furrowing. "Oh...I'm sorry-"

"Don't worry, life doesn't change on my homeworld very fast," Tye said. "In those ten years, my brothers didn't even bother to get new hobbies."

"That's cause your brothers are fucking boring. No offense," Roach said.

"None taken," Tye said. "Roach here's a fiver, and Wind just hit his third year. Most of the older ships are usually on rotation doing the harder duty -- there's been a major mobilization what with the Voidbringers and all." He paused. "But you didn't invite us down here for that. Did you?"

Roxi shivered. She spread her thighs under the molten lead, which bubbled and frothed around her. "No," she whispered.

[...goddamn this is hot,] K'iren whispered. Roxi flushed even more, knowing K'iren was watching her.

"Then why did you?" Tye asked, arching en eyebrow. His silvery tail wagged as he slowly stood and the liquid lead dripped off his rubbery black sheath. The cock that began to peek from between the folds of his flesh was bright, luminous blue and it made her throat begin to work in a convulsive gulp. Her tongue slid along her lips and she found herself able to say exactly what she wanted. Maybe her confidence was like an unstable satellite -- it was going and returning at faster and faster intervals.

Maybe she was just drunk.

"I want you three hunky spaceship boys..." She crooned, standing up. "To run an absolute train on me."

She bit her lip, then turned around. She leaned forward, her palms pressing against the silty ground of this airless world. In a vacuum, her voice carried not by air but by radio waves beamed from her sleek, black and yellow body, Roxi crooned: "Come and fuck me. Fuck me into a goddamn crater." She purred, spreading her thighs as all three of the other starships gave her the most fierce grin. But of course, Tye was first. His paws and his metal claws scraped along her back, drawing sparks against her red hot skin as his nose pressed against her neck. He had some dampness, because sizzling sparks shot up -- none of it hurt, none of it damaged her.

It just made her feel even wetter. Even more needy.

His thick, heavy blue wolfcock pressed against her cunt, teasing her, grinding her up and down. But Roxi couldn't wait. She moaned and closed her eyes, thrusting her hips back. His triangular tip slipped into her cunt, and that was it. He couldn't wait. His cock thrust into her, plunging down to the thick base of his blue knot, his paws gripping her shoulders as he let out an eager whuff.

"Damn, is she as tight as she fucking looks?" Wind asked.

"Goddamn yeah she is. Nothing beats a virgin ship." Tye chuckled, softly. "Mmm, your pussy feels so fucking good, Roxi." His hips drew back, sliding almost the entire length of his synthetic cock from her sex, before he thrust back in, hard enough that the ground cracked as she pressed against it. Her eyes fluttered shut and she groaned out.

"Ah...not...a virgin..." she panted.

"Before you're dipped? Doesn't count." Tye groaned and drove back down into her, pressing his knot against her cunt, spreading her cuntfolds, then pushing fiercer, tying himself to her with a snarl, his breath warm against the back of her neck. She had no idea if it was actual exhalations, or if it was a simulated puff against her...but either way, it caused her to moan out.

"Oh yes! Knot me! Ah! Knot me!"

"Hurry up, Tye, I want my shot," Roach said.

"I don't want to rush the lady," Tye said, laughing, even as his heavy metallic balls clanged against her belly and her thighs.

"Cum in me, cum in me, cum in me!" Roxi moaned.

[Oh god this is hot,] K'iren purred. [Can I tap your feelings for my own body?]

"Uh-huh!" Roxi moaned aloud as Tye took her words as an order. He started to jackhammer into her, faster, harder, his paws cupping her breasts. K'iren's moans began to fill her mind as his knot tugged against her cunt -- and then he howled egerly and she felt his cum, as hot and as filling as the lead she had been swimming in, pulsing into her womb again and again and again and again. His knot twitched -- and then he pulled from her, his knot retracting faster and more easily than she thought a biological one would. She mewled...

But did not have to be waiting for long.

Roach was just as thick. But he was rougher. His hand pushed her head down, cupping her head against the ground as he began to brutally fuck her, his cock stirring Tye's cum in her pussy. This pushed buttons inside of Roxi's brain she hadn't even known she had. His hand cupped her cheek as her head turned against the ground, her eyes closing, her tongue lolling out. When his fingers thrust into her mouth, she sucked on them, her brain full of nothing but pleasure.

She had already lost count of her orgasms when Roach, fucking her with a silent concentration, as if she was nothing but an eager hole for him, groaned and came inside of her. He pulled out and casually jerked his cock once, twice, three times -- and each time, his spunk splashed against her back, steaming and hissing as they boiled away. The buzzing sensation of that boiling cum caused her to mewl...and climax again, her sex tightening as the mixture of Tye and Roach's cum dripped from her well fucked pussy, a thick dollop that fell onto the surface of the lead lake that her thighs were still half sunk in.

Wind stepped up, his cock swaying as he smacked her ass with one hand. "All right, I-"


The comnet log flared before all of their eyes.

"Oh come on!" Roxi whined.

Wind laughed. "I thought that was my line."


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I feel Roxi's pain...

DragonCoboltDragonCoboltalmost 3 years agoAuthor

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