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The Long Walk Back

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A female prisoner used for the pleasure of her captors.
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A young woman finds herself a plaything for the amusement of her guards as they escort her back to her cell. The humiliation of her interrogation only now made worse by their abuse and humiliation of her


My eyes still stung from the tears that had flowed so freely during the examination that was etched as freshly on my body as it was in my minds eye. The shackles were unforgiving in their encirclement of my ankles and were ill-fitting enough to begin to rub the skin raw until it beaded with blood and led to its warmth trickling down my instep

Each step I took was only a half gait of those taken by the guards at my side and I was forced to double up on the speed of each step, an increasingly painful experience given the chafe of metal against my ankles and the fiery massage that bathed my crotch with an increasing severity. Even with my body wiped free of it, the painful echo of its presence ached my sensitive flesh as deeply as my innermost parts ached from the rough violation of his fingers.

So strongly pungent had been the odor of the methanol that even now it still invaded every breath I took, almost as deeply as his probing fingers had been as he ...as he ...I tried not to think of it, tried to partition my mind and free it from the vileness of reality. Somewhere from the recess of conscious thought I tried to dig out some passage of a text that I had committed to memory, but my thoughts kept betraying me with those memories

I was in an almost stunned silence as the guards flanked me within the cold compress of the cell lined corridors and as such it was several minutes before I actually realized that we had turned right instead of left at the end of this corridor and that they were leading me down into a new part of the prison complex.

What else had there been to do but to map out the interminable journeys on which I was led through the compound, imprinting each labouring step as though it where to be the very last I would take. It was then that a wave of panic set my thoughts awash, perhaps this was it ...that I was even now being led away after the formality of processing and would now face the sharp bite of rough rope around my neck, or worse.

Perhaps I would be violated on the way to the execution ...perhaps during ...maybe ...even after, but by then at least the mental suffering that was becoming such a heavy weight within me would be over.

Then I remembered his words ...or, as they felt after my time spent in that room with him, a grave promise

"...we'll continue your interview later"

The memory of his voice was of grim comfort though. As it only promised a continuity to my torment. After all, he had no reason to hide from me my fate ...only toy with me from the inevitability of it.

Those thoughts were abruptly quashed from my head when one of the guards pushed me forward against the cold wall of the corridor, his hand running along the cleft of my buttocks before burying against the intimacy of my flesh that was still raw from before. His probing fingers reminding me a little of what I had only recently endured during my 'processing' but there was no façade of authority with his movements,

Rather his pungent male odor prevailed against me as his calloused fingers splayed apart my lips as his forefinger flicked harshly against my clit before plunging forcibly into my pussy.

"A right whore this one ...she's fucking wet already!"

Though it was true that my body was moist, it was certainly not from his touch but from the lingering film of burning grease that had been smeared within my depths from the earlier examination. I gritted my teeth and gasped out at his intrusion deep into my flesh, I could feel the writhing of his fingers as they writhed within my tight channel. I tried to cry out but was silenced by the other guard as his own fingers sought out my breast and started to tug forcibly on my nipple. There was a more frightening presence in the corridor with me though, one that had, until now, been quite content to watch the men as they began to manhandle me.

She took her moment to step from the shadows as wound her fingers through my hair, tightening her pull on my scalp as she yanked my head back from the wall with little care for the stress it put against me. I yelped from the sudden pain as she slowly lowered her head towards my gaze as my eyes shifted to the side and caught the shadow of her in my peripheral vision

"Pretty lips ...bitch." she spoke, her voice a whisper of menacing intention as I was surrounded by these uniformed hyena's

"Drop her!" she hissed towards the guards, her instruction was received with a dark exchange of grins between them as I suddenly felt the breathless pull of my body from the cold press of the concrete wall. I was pushed hard across the width of the corridor ...coming to a sudden rest against the opposing wall where the back of my head rung with the impact and caused me to stumble forward, my legs still shackled and my balance compromised because of it.

The world spun ...my body fell towards the cold ground, but I had little chance to catch my breath before they grabbed a hold of my shoulder and spun me across onto my back. I lay there for a moment looking up at the three of them. My chest rising hard with each breath, my pale skin a patchwork of reddening abuse.

"Let's put those pretty lips of yours to work bitch." the female guard spoke with a malevolent tenor as she walked across me, coming to a halt, standing over my face with her legs splayed either side of my head and my vision drawn inexorably towards the shadow beneath her skirt as she settled in her domineering stance above me.

Her hands fell to her side and began to pull upwards on her dark pencil skirt until she grasped at the severe hem with her fingers and with the material bunched between her fingers she slowly rode the clothing up across her thighs revealing more and more of her legs to me. The light in the corridor was bleak and only the pools of light came from the iridescent glare of the stark neon lights spaced intermittently above and succeeding in only lighting the immediate vicinity whilst seeming to cast an even greater darkness in the bridge between the next one.

I tried to move my head away from their glare as they proved far more debilitating to my vision that the darkness did ...in fact the darkness had often now proved to be somewhat of a comfort and I had come to yearn for it in the times I was away from my cell.

She kept pulling at the hem until she stood there with her pencil skirt bunched around her waist and exposing her naked female charms to me. From my vantage point, prone on the floor, I could clearly see the cleft of her sex, she was free of any hair, and the slight reddened blush of her crotch gave rise to the curious thought in my head that she only recently waxed. Was this a commonplace activity for her ...or was it something she indulged in when she knew the prospect of forcing a prisoners favour was within her grasp. My mind felt as though I was grasping at thoughts ...any thoughts, all in an effort to free myself of any mental shackles to the events that I was helpless to dissuade and leaving only 'flesh' for her to violate.

She shuffled her feet and began to squat over me, the occasional glimpse I caught of her face begat an expression of perverse delight at what she was about to force upon me he full bloodied cleft. As she lowered herself, the natural shift of her body exposed more of her lips and the tightness of her taboo hole as she came to rest only a few inches from my face. My breathing came in panicked gasps, something that seemed to delight her more as the fearful wash of each breath I took pulsed across her bare pussy lips

Her hand dipped down and wound tightly through my hair, pulling my head up from the floor a few inches to met the pungent sweet scent of her sex and she pressed my lips against hers and ground her hips against me, rubbing her scent against my face and groaning as the bud of her clit pressed tightly against the bridge of my nose.

I tried to pull away from the cloak of her heady musk as her body found natural fallow against my face. She seemed to sense the resistance easily and responded with a tightening against my scalp and dropping to her knees ...pushing her rich flavour against my unwilling mouth.

"Put your tongue to work you bitch!" she snarled and thrust her crotch against me to mark the point, "If you don't do a good job of it, I will have my two friends spill their seed over your pretty little face and then have them drag you down and throw you to those rapists. You think they will be able to resist the scent of a cum stained little whore? I don't think so. They will be all over you like a pack of feral dogs, and if you are lucky enough to survive the ordeal then your fertile womb will have been filled with the bastard sperm of rapists and murderers." her voice rang with barely concealed excitement at that prospect.

I knew this was no idle threat on her part, there was an air to her tone that spoke with decisive malice. One way or another she was going to get pleasure from me, but whether it was by the flicker and twitch of my tongue funneled between her warming sex ...or the watching of my flesh desecrated by a dozen rabid

I made my choice ...the only one I could.

My lips parted a little, feeling the warmth of her blood engorged outer lips against them as the tip of my tongue teased out against her heat and tasted the potent odor of another woman for the first time. My movements were hesitant and clumsy but it seemed to matter little for now ...the very fact that I had succumbed to her demands seemed to send a shrill pleasurable shiver through the she wolf as she ground her moistening petals against my face, her fingers still wound through my hair.

"You can do better..." came a whisper from her ...but within it was as much a threat, a dark promise that if I didn't 'do better' then they might yet slake their cruelty by throwing me to the 'feral dogs'. My tongue parted my lips fully, trailing along the sodden cleft of meat between her thighs as I tasted her warm compress against the sensitivity of my taste. Sensing this, she pressed harder and ground tighter, the hidden folds of flesh harboring her sensitive bud now rolling hard against the hard bone of my nose

She dropped forward a little, her free hand splayed against the floor as she bore some of her weight and close her eyes and groaned, my tongue sliding deeper and flickering against the boundary of her tight entrance as the first sliver of wetness trickled down the funnel of my tongue and rolled to the back of my throat. Each sway of my tongue was met with a roll of hips and a deepening groan from the woman as she seemed to start to lose herself in the rising tide of release that flickered at the fringes of her consciousness. I recognized the signs of course ...but my mind tried to shield me from the reasoning behind her growing pleasure.

The sound of zippers being drawn down almost in union was about the only thing that my sense of hearing caught against beyond the fevered groans of the uniformed bitch lacing my face with her honey. It was a sound that caught against her too, and for a moment her eyes flickered open and she glanced across her shoulder, her body still a haven for breathless pants as she heightened her enjoyment of me.

"Cock?" I could tell from the tone of her voice that she was relishing this. "This little whore is hardly worthy of having cock inside her ...besides, who knows who ...or indeed what, she has had up there." she glared at me, truly relishing dehumanizing and demeaning me

None of it where true, her insults were cold and caustic but I had become to realise that this was as good as I could expect to be treated here, far from the glare of any who may have questioned such actions, all I was, was a number ...meat, something from which pleasure could be derived from without guilt of those involved. My arrest and incarceration had seen to it that I had lost all those human rights that were held so precious in the world clear of this one.

There was of course another very real reason, that being the thin glaze of balm that still burn against the slim wet sheen of my depths from the rough examination prior to all this. The last thing they would have wanted was to experience the same irritation as that flowed through me and would continue to do so most of the night.

Above me, she glanced around, the subtle movements of her body serving to grind her pungent wet cunt even tighter against my lips press and the shameful dart of my tongue.

"There." she pointed into the darkness on one of the unused cells. "That will be good enough for her."

I couldn't see anything, but the chuckling from the two men hidden behind her cemented the rise of a new humiliation they intended to inflict on my flesh. The sound of footsteps and scuffling, then the return which was met with greater frivolity. The first I knew of their 'game' was the brush of something hard and unforgiving against the limit of my sex as they pushed my legs apart as far as the shackles would permit. Then what followed was pain as the length was thrust deep inside me, the balm acting as lubricant to its invasion as they drove it hard and deep until the tip of it glanced against the neck of my womb. The pain was sheer and I cried out against the bucking female guard as she rode my face, pushing my face solidly against her as my back arched against the trials inflicted on me by the guards between my legs.

It was an act that was met with relish by the she wolf as she cried out hoarsely for them to continue 'fucking the little slut'. Something they didn't need telling twice as they pulled the uniform girth of the wooden handle from my depths and then plunged it in stiffly once more, it never gave ...my body did and a sharp cry from my lips resulted in a cry of pleasure from the guard as my tongue wormed its way against the tight wet embrace of her body.

A tremble took to her hips ...a low groan ...the fingernails of the hand splayed against the floor now clawed at the cold stone as the surge of her orgasm began to take control. She pressed tight to me, the fingers through my hair holding me fast as a wetness flowed from her the moment an orgasmic scream took to her lips. Her hips sent into spasm as she squirted ...her wetness flooded me, following the profile of my face and trickling into my nostrils and down my throat, setting in its wet wake a violent series of coughing as I felt myself almost drowning from the taste of pleasure she had drawn from her body at my abuse

"You enjoyed that didn't you?" her voice rang through the corridor as she stood above me, her body still naked from the waist down but for her severe patent black heels and the remains of her glistening release still trickling down her thighs.

Her moving away was the cue for the two guards who, after watching such a lurid display, had been sporting firm meat as they pounded the handle of the toilet plunger into my body. They dropped to their knees, one either side and worked their turgid flesh with there hands just inches above my face, from the looks of them both they were close, a fact that hadn't gone unnoticed by the woman.

"Open your mouth slut ...so help you, you had better swallow every drop of what they give you else the next time you taste a man it will be one of those convicted dogs!"

My lips, still sticky from her now parted and waited, my eyes bereft of emotion but for the wetness of a quiet tear that pooled against the corner before trailing down my cheek and being lost in the wetness that already glistened against me. The air above me was a mix of scents, her feminine perfume punctured now by the heavy flavour of man as the almost unified twitched of their cocks as they worked them over my open mouth worked its way into each intake of breath.

The next moment was filled with me gagging and choking as they spilled their thick strands of seed into my mouth, pooling at the back of my throat, they prevented my spitting it back out when they pushed their hot meat into my open maw, ensuring that no drop was wasted on the floor, and they never removed them until the movements of my throat confirmed to their satisfaction that I had swallowed their load.

"Filthy fucking lesbian!" she scolded me as she began to tug her skirt down. Her reprimand was repeated by the guards who were even now tucking their spent flaccid cocks back into their trousers, their cocks stilled glistening from the remainder of their release and the thin glaze of spittle that had been forced upon them from their despoiling my mouth.

"Get her to her feet!" spat the woman, and the guards grabbed a hold of my hair and proceeded to haul me up and continuing on with the journey down the corridor as though the little lurid detour had never happened.

The journeys end came with an open cell, a cell that was far removed from the general populace of the prison, as each of them seemed to be in this wing, giving them an air of 'privacy'. The shackles were released from my ankles and I was led inside. The she wolf clasping my lower jaw as she rose my head so she could look at me eye to eye, despite my best efforts to flee from her gaze she held me fast.

"Pretty lips." she spoke, perhaps a little softer than before but no less malevolent for it, she then leaned in to me and pressed her lips to mine, forcing her tongue into my mouth and tasting the rich soup of taste and scent that still pervaded my mouth ...it could almost have been seen as a tender act, but for her desires behind it that were purely self serving and cementing her violation.

With that she pulled from me and left, the two men in tow, pausing only to lock the door with a decisive clunk and the metal mechanisms turned over, leaving me alone in the gloom of the cell. There was food awaiting me ...and fresh prison garments, but I touched neither, my mind still rocked from the days events and it was all I could do to huddle against the cot, almost unaware of the thin wet trickle of red that seeped from between my intimate cleft, the rough wood of the handle having grazed the delicate depths of my body and giving the balm a renewed fire as it felt as though it was torching my insides.

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