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The Long Weekend


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"Sounds like it. No regrets?"

"Not really. Just missing my main bitch. I hope you're behaving yourself."

"Oh, you know me."

"Mmm-hmm, that's why I said what I said. I hope you and big brother are getting along."

"So far so good. I haven't threatened to cut him yet, so he's safe."

"That's my girl. So what are you getting into tonight?"

Charlie chatted for a few more minutes with Katia, telling her about the night with the hipsters at the Beanery and Linus aka "I Can't Help But Watch". In the midst of her story she heard the telltale creak of the steps and Gavril's footsteps as he entered the living room.

Her words stumbled for a bit when she noticed he was naked, save for a black towel around his waist. His hair was slick with water from the shower. His torso glistened, little droplets of water clinging delicately to the gorgeous thatch of dark hair on his chest.

He had the perfect amount of fur, his dusky nipples a stark contrast. The hair trailed down his chest, onto his muscular stomach, and tapered into a furry trail which continued past the towel slung low on his hips.

She took a minute to appreciate him; He was certainly built like a hockey player—equal parts bulk and muscle. He wasn't a meathead with a thick neck and overly defined abs. He was big, solid, and burly.

Gavril Denisov was ALL man.

Charlie didn't realize she was staring until she heard Katia calling to her over the phone.

"W-what?" she stammered.

"I asked if Gavril was nearby."

"Oh, uh..." Charlie glanced around. He apparently went to the laundry room down the hall. She could hear the slam of the washer and dryer doors.

"Hold on. I'll get him."

Charlie scrambled from the couch and slipped down the hallway. "Hey," she said loudly before peeking into the laundry room. "Your sister's on the phone." Her gaze traveled to his, and she was a little disappointed he was already dressed, wearing black running shorts and a soft-looking green t-shirt.

"Spasibo," Gavril said in thanks, as she practically shoved the cellphone at him. Charlie contemplated waiting for him to finish, but it would be too awkward. With a small smile, she shuffled back towards the living room.

She heard bits from his end of the conversation, most of it in rapid Russian. She blocked out the sound of his sexy accented baritone and pretended to listen to anything else.

Gavril wished Katia a good time and ended the call. He needed to get off the phone quickly. Talking to his baby sister with his dick slowly swelling was just too weird. Yes, he was aroused.

And the hazelnut beauty down the hall was to blame.

He saw the way she looked at him when he walked through the living room, heard the falter in her conversation as she tried not to stare. His lips curved in a wicked grin as he imagined her thought process. His thoughts were centered on the generous swell of her ass.

God Bless yoga pants. The material hugged her just right, the twin scoops of her derriere wiggled lovingly, enticing him, begging him to come and play.

Gavril imagined sliding his cock between those soft cheeks, feeling her pussy contract around him.

Dammit. This was NOT what he came here for. "Get it together," he said aloud. Taking deep breaths, he walked towards the living room. "Hey. Here's your phone."

"Thanks," Charlie said. "I was thinking about ordering a pizza. Sound good?"

Gavril nodded. "Sure."

Charlie placed the call, ordering an extra-large pepperoni with green peppers and provolone. They sat together, watching an episode of Family Guy while they waited.

"So...Katia is having a good time" Gavril said.

Immediately he felt like an ass, but figured his sister was a safe topic.

"Yeah, I guess" Charlie replied, her eyes glued to the television. "Her sorority sisters are giant twats, so that's rough. But Katia's so damn nice; you can't help but be in a good mood around her."

He let out a low chuckle. "Yeah that's my baby sister, ever the peacemaker."

"Don't worry; I didn't give her the real details about our introduction."

"Didn't want her to know you pummeled her favorite older brother, huh?"

Charlie glanced at him long enough to roll her eyes. "You big baby. It didn't even hurt. Besides, beating you wouldn't have been necessary if you hadn't tried to rob me."

"Ahh yes, I was concentrating so hard on the idea of robbing you that I fell asleep in the process."

They grinned. "So you never really told me what you did today," Charlie said.

Gavril shrugged. "Went for a jog, drove around.

Hung out with some friends. Did some photo work. Today was kind of low key."

"Photo work?" Charlie was intrigued.

"Yeah. I'm a photographer."


"Yeah. Mostly freelance, but I have worked with several newspapers and magazines. I suppose my official title is 'Photojournalist' but that always sounds so odd. I think of myself as just a regular journalist. I write articles as well."

"Wow," Charlie remarked. "That's actually really

cool. And kind of a coincidence."

"How so?"

The sound of the doorbell interrupted their conversation. "Pizza's here!" she sang out. Charlie reached for her purse on the coffee table but Gavril stopped her.

"Let me get it. I insist."

"Oh..." Charlie was kind of surprised. "You don't have to do that."

"Yeah I do. I'm invading your space for a week. It's the least I can do."

"Well I could never pass up a free meal. Thanks, Gav."

Gavril raised a singular dark eyebrow at the shortening of his name but didn't say anything. He made for the door to pay the pizza guy. When he returned Charlie had plates and several bottles of beer.

"Pizza and beer? So you're that kind of girl?" His grin was mischievous.

"Most definitely," Charlie said with a nod. "I hate those fruity concoctions. They are nothing but a sugary, brightly colored hangover in a fancy glass. Give me beer, a gin and tonic, or a shot of whiskey any day."

She glanced up at Gavril, who studied her intently. The look on his face was one of pure admiration. "You really are something else, Charlie" he finally said.

"Oh, I know. You wanna watch a movie? I'm thinking something funny. I need a little comedy after this long ass day."

Gavril nodded. "I can understand that."

They settled in, enjoying the pizza while watching The Hangover. Halfway through the movie and seven beers later Gavril heard himself asking

"Why is that a coincidence?"

"Why is what a coincidence?" She chuckled at the screen before turning to meet his gaze.

"Earlier when you found out I was a photographer you said it was a coincidence? Why?"

"Oh." She giggled. "I'm a photographer too. I'm majoring in advertising with a minor in photojournalism."

Gavril took a large swig of beer. "Well now. That is a coincidence."

"Katia never mentioned that?"

"No," he replied. "We were never really home at the same time. I'm usually quite busy, running around on some assignment."

"Understandable. What's your specialty?" she asked.

"I was an athlete, so I am interested in sports photography the most. I have a blog with my work, and I contribute pieces to ESPN."

Charlie was impressed. "That's really cool. I had no idea you were so..."

"Smart?" he supplied. He laughed loudly at her guilty expression. "Don't worry about it, gorgeous. I get it all the time. People see my size and my looks, and they label me a dumb jock. It's fun to make them see that I'm actually capable of carrying on a conversation, despite my accent."

"I get that. I'm supposed to be this angry black girl all the time. For the most part I'm just snarky." She was still trying to wrap her mind around the fact that he called her gorgeous. Girl stop bugging, her brain chided.

"Snarky? No, I think you're sweet. However these nice words could be a side effect of my brain damage. Getting hit with a baseball bat will do that to you."

She chuckled. Setting her beer between her legs, Charlie swept her natural hair into a high ponytail, the thick curls reaching just to the nape of her neck. Gavril watched her, his eyes following her movements. Her hair looked incredibly soft; he was resisting the urge to reach out and finger one of the dark spirals.

Charlie grabbed her beer and took a healthy sip before replying. "Sweet? That's definitely not a word most people would use to describe me. And the more you talk about my beat down skills, I'm inclined to believe you secretly enjoyed getting beat up."

Gavril shrugged, playing it nonchalant. "You could say that. But normally, I'm the one who does the spanking."

His words struck her deep, washing over her skin like scorching fire, leaving a trail of want in its wake before swiftly landing at the apex of her thighs. She bit her lip, trying to bring the focus back to him and not let her mind wander to fantasies involving the Russian and his sultry promises.

Was Katia's brother really trying to put the moves on her?

"So you like to dominate, huh?"

Gavril's full lips curved into a shrewd smile. "I am always in control."

"Oh really?" Charlie's copper gaze fixed him with a challenging look. "And what happens when you meet a woman who defies you?"

Gavril edged closer to her. Their legs were practically touching and he could feel the heat emanating from her body. She was wearing a fitted blue t-shirt. The collar of the shirt was a deep v-neck and allowed him a wondrous view of her bountiful cleavage.

She certainly was endowed. If he had to wager a guess, she was at least a D cup, maybe even a DD.

A dirty mental image flashed in his mind, of sliding his hard cock between the fleshy valley of her breasts, her pink tongue daring out to lick the tip.

He groaned softly before replying. "I may have to let her spank me," he said with a wink. "If such a woman exists." Gavril settled back on his side of the couch, gripping his beer bottle firmly before taking another huge gulp.

Charlie tried to process that little tidbit, but her mind was occupied with thoughts of a naked Gavril. It was an internal struggle that pitted her rational side against the 'I haven't had a good dicking since Obama's inauguration' opposition.

THAT'S YOUR BEST FRIEND'S BROTHER, her brain screamed. So what, she thought. What's the harm in a little mindless flirting?

There wasn't any harm. Gavril was hot, and she was bored. It was a perfect match. Charlie just had to make sure it didn't go any further.

So she chose to take the high road, ignoring his raunchy confession and shifted the conversation to a safer topic. "So what are your plans for the weekend?"

Gavril noticed her swift topic change and grinned. She was flustered. He wasn't going to call her out on it...not yet, anyway. "Well besides the banquet I really didn't have much planned. Guess you are going to keep me entertained."

She snorted. "Entertained? You're a grown ass man. Entertain yourself." Charlie drained the rest of her beer. "Besides, I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm kind of boring."

"You are far from boring. A little peculiar, but it's interesting."

Charlie grimaced. "Uh...thanks, I guess."

"No it is a compliment. Most women I meet are so one-note. They're so busy talking about themselves they hardly leave room for me to get a word in. I think this is one of the first conversations I've had with a female that didn't make me want to dig out my own eyeballs with a dull spoon."

She laughed, despite the gross imagery. "You have a lovely way with words. What a wonderful mental picture."

"Imagine how I feel."

"I'm not sure if I should be flattered. Guys act like it's such a revelation when they meet someone that can actually hold a conversation. We aren't some mythological beast, you know. Some of us are very bright."

"I know. That was a compliment."

"Oh was it?" she opened her eyes wide, batting her lashes coquettishly. "Why Mr. Denisov, thank you for your kind words. I know my feeble female mentality cannot possibly understand all those big words, but you speak in such a soothing manner my delicate sensibilities are reassured."

Gavril laughed heartily. "You are a fucking trip. You know exactly what I meant. You are fun to talk to."

Charlie smiled back at him. "I know. I just hate that generic 'most girls' shit. Who are these neurotic headcases? I think that line is just a bullshit line guys use to justify treating girls like crap. Plus, most men aren't exactly wielders of the 'excellent communication skills' sword either."

"You have a point. But then again, I am not most men."

"I'll say. Have you always been so...gigantic?"

"Yes. I was six-foot one when I was thirteen."


"You should talk," he said. "You're pretty tall too."

"You noticed, huh?"

"I might have picked up on it a couple of times." His hazel eyes gleamed. "Luckily, I like my women tall."

Charlie eyed him. "Are you flirting with me?"

"Oh, I am definitely flirting."

Her laugh was incredulous. "Dude, you are something else."

"I've always heard 'brutally honest' was the best way to describe it."

"Funny, I was going for shameless."

Gavril scooted closer. "That could work too."

Charlie could feel the flush rising in her cheeks. What the hell was he thinking? Exactly the same thing you are, her brain taunted. It was true; she thought he was sexy, but she wasn't trying to hook up with him on her sofa.

But there was always her bed.

Shaking her head, Charlie slid further down on the couch. "'re ridiculous."

His laugh rumbled deep in his chest. "It's just a little harmless fun, Charlie. I like fucking with you."

She could have sworn he'd said 'fucking you' and she squirmed slightly. Not even two days and her body was already trying to run the show. Down girl, she warned silently. "Well, I should probably be getting to bed."

"Do I make you nervous?" Damn. Not only was he fine, the motherfucker was clearly psychic too.

He studied her silently, the look in his eyes still playful but she knew he was quite serious.

"I wouldn't say nervous."



"Hot and bothered?" His smile was wicked now.

Charlie dared to look at him. He was closer now; in fact he'd scooted so far over that she was practically pinned between his massive body and the arm of the couch. The distance between them was short enough that she could smell the clean scent of the soap from his earlier shower.

She had to admit; he was a smooth operator, however she was not the swooning type. The man was hot but he was trying to play like he was already crowned king of her pussy, and frankly,

Charlie Horton was not that kind of girl.

At least not before dinner and drinks.

Well he did pay for the pizza, her brain chimed in.

Fair enough.

"Hardly," she replied with a smirk. "But it seems like YOU are."

Gavril shrugged his broad shoulders before easing up on her. He returned to his side of the sofa, a sly grin on his face. "You're one tough little cookie, Ms. Horton."

Charlie nodded. "Too bad you'll never know how awesome my cookie really is."

His hazel eyes burned brightly at her words.

"Don't be so sure about that, malyutka." His voice was soft but firm.

A sharp shiver of sheer pleasure rippled through her spine, shooting fiery sparks all the way down to her core, which she knew was already wet.

Their playful banter was having a serious effect on her poor pussy, the dull throbbing increasing tenfold.

It'd been so long.

Charlie squeezed her knees together tightly, in an attempt to lessen the ache. Fuck, she needed to get laid. Apparently the Russian on the couch was only too willing to oblige. The gloves were off; they were officially flirting with one another.

Oh my god I am having dirty thoughts about Katia's brother, she thought silently.

Gavril was having too much fun. Initially he was joking with her, throwing out silly lines and seeing if she would bite. He never expected her to be just as snarky right back. She was feisty; he liked feisty.

More and more, he was beginning to fantasize about her: the way her lips folded around the mouth of her beer was positively pornographic. When her pink tongue darted out to lick the remnants of beer from the lip of the bottle, he almost moaned aloud. Was he really getting jealous over an inanimate object?

He had to leave the room. Sitting here with her was only going to get them into trouble. And the trouble he had in mind involved her ankles near her ears and his cock buried deep inside her undoubtedly sweet snatch.

Yeah, he needed to get the hell away from his little sister's best friend.

"Bed sounds like a good idea. I have a meeting tomorrow morning." Gavril rose from the couch, gathering up the dirty plates.

Charlie grabbed the empty bottles and the pizza boxes before following Gavril into the kitchen.

After tossing the bottles and putting away the extra pizza she decided to head upstairs. She turned and slammed right into Gavril.

"Jesus!" she exclaimed. Her hands instinctively reached out, her palms pressed against his chest.

Charlie could feel his heart thumping wildly underneath her hand, every frantic 'thumpa-thumpa' pulsing in time to her own heartbeat.

Instinctively Gavril's arms encircled her waist.

He couldn't help but notice that she seemed to fit rather effortlessly. Her height allowed him to search her eyes with ease. Her expression was curious but also hesitant. Gavril pounced upon her moment of indecisiveness, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.

Charlie felt his warmth drawing near, and shut her eyes. Her heart picked up speed, beating wildly in anticipation. She waited for his lips to meet hers and was otherwise shocked to feel them on her forehead instead.

"Goodnight, Charlie." He removed his hands from her ample hips. "Sleep tight."

Gavril left the kitchen quickly, leaving Charlie positively puzzled.

He hit her with the fucking forehead kiss.

That motherfucker was SMOOTH.


"No he did not bust out the forehead kiss!" Mimi exclaimed.

Charlie nodded. "He really did."

"Damn. Now that's a smooth motherfucker."

"I know, right! That's exactly what I said!"

Mimi shook her head. "That's risky too, bringing out the big guns so early in the game. The forehead kiss has been known to melt even the coldest of panties. I admire his balls."

She was paused for a moment, and Charlie knew she was about to hit her with some ignorant shit.

"You know, I distinctly remember a certain someone saying yesterday that she wasn't interested in a certain Russian behemoth. It makes me wonder what could have possibly happened to make her change her mind."

Charlie rolled her eyes. "See this is why I don't tell you anything."

Mimi smirked. "Well you can always call Katia. I'm sure she would LOVE to know that her older brother is trying to get all up in your goodies and you're not even stopping him."

"Well...he is fine."

"Oh hell yeah. I mean, if I wasn't happy with my ginger soulmate I'd climb his big ass and put my flag firmly on the top of that. He'd be wifed up, no doubt."

Charlie exploded with laughter. Mimi could always be counted on to bring the extra. When Mimi called and suggested a lunch meet-up, Charlie was only too happy to oblige. She needed a little time away from Gavril. She wasn't ready to face him and she wasn't even trying to decipher the code behind that forehead kiss.

"So what are you gonna do?" Mimi sipped her water and stared pointedly at Charlie.

Charlie forked a cherry tomato from her grilled chicken salad and popped the juicy bit into her mouth. Chewing thoughtfully, she pondered Mimi's question for a moment before answering. "Well...I'm

not sure."

"Well I think you should go for it."


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