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The Long Weekend


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With a sigh, she moved forward and planted a quick kiss on Dale. The group clapped loudly, making Dale grin.

Gavril watched the scene with interest. It was obvious that Charlie's manager had a serious crush on her. It must have made his night to get a kiss from her. Gavril sipped his beer, a smirk pressed on his lips. Let Dale have his little kiss; Gavril planned to get much more from his milaya later.

The excitement from Charlie and Dale died down and soon it was Gavril's turn. He gave the bottle a turn and it spun wildly before landing on a sultry brunette who ran her eyes up and down his body before shooting him a slow, sexy smile. Gavril smiled back and quickly kissed her.

The game moved into the second round shorty after. Charlie was enjoying herself until her turn, when the bottle landed on none other than Linus "I Can't Help But Watch".

Now maybe she was a little tipsy, but she definitely didn't remember him being there when the game first started. She could hear Mimi's loud laughter ringing out in the room as Linus grinned triumphantly at her. "Well hello Charlie. We meet again."

Charlie shot him a look. "Let's just get this over with, Linus."

Linus' smile was a mile wide. "Come on, babe. You know you're going to enjoy it."

"Hey, let's keep the shit-talking to a minimum" Topher interjected. "We don't want the natives to get restless."

"Sorry Toph," Linus said sheepishly. Charlie raised an eyebrow in his direction. Of fucking course Linus and Topher would know each other. They all ran in the hipster crowd.

"Alright remember. This round includes tongue. You have to kiss for a full minute," Topher added in, much to Charlie's annoyance. After shooting Topher a dirty look, she grabbed Linus' t-shirt and drew him close.

"Hey!" he exclaimed. His shaggy hair fell softly into his eyes. "I knew you were feeling me girl, but damn."

"Shut up," she snapped before pressing her lips to his. Linus' lips were warm, a little chapped, but not too bad. He was a bit too eager, practically forcing his tongue into her mouth. Charlie was glad when the minute was up. When Topher called time, she gently moved him away, wiping her mouth as if trying to remove traces from his kiss.

Linus grinned at her. "There's more where that came from girl," he said with a smirk.

"Thanks, but I'll pass" she shot back. Charlie sipped from her cup, determined to wash the taste of Linus' desperate kiss out of her mouth. Her eyes traveled to Gavril, who watched her with amusement. Charlie was kind of hoping to at least get him at some point in the game. She wanted to use the bottle as an excuse to make a move on him.

Gavril's turn in the second round came up, and once again it landed on the brunette who made eyes at him before. "Yeah, Amber!" someone shouted. The girl grinned shyly. Amber crawled forward as Gavril moved closer to her. "Hi again," she said with a smile.

"Privet" Gavril replied. She leaned in eagerly, smashing her lips to his. He was caught off-guard but recovered quickly, getting into the kiss.

Charlie watched as the brunette practically mauled Gavril's face. Irritation bubbled slowly in the pit of her stomach and she had a sudden urge to snatch the girl's hair.

Whoa whoa whoa, Horton. Calm that down right now, she thought. Mercifully the kiss was over in a few and Charlie felt her body go back to normal. Gavril broke the kiss and Amber appeared dazed.

She rolled her eyes at the lovestruck look on the girl's face. Sorry sweetheart, she thought. You're gonna have to look for your own guy. This one is gonna be occupied tonight.

Sipping her drink, she giggled at her boldness. She supposed she could blame it on the alcohol, but she'd already planned to make her move on Gavril before they came to the party.

By the time the third round came up, most people were either too drunk or lost interest. Charlie shook her head. The attention span of the average college student was laughable.

After a while everyone agreed to stop playing and enjoy the rest of the party. Charlie was chilling, chatting with a large group of people including Paul and Mimi. Gavril had disappeared earlier and Charlie hoped that Amber wasn't anywhere near him. Her mind kept focusing on the little brunette who was clearly starstruck over Gavril.

Excusing herself from the group, she headed upstairs to refill her cup and to also look for a bathroom. The first floor wasn't as crowded as it was earlier, much to her relief. She was able to move through groups of people with ease.

Charlie went upstairs, hoping there was a bathroom in a bedroom. The first door she came to was closed, but she barged in.

"Holy shit, I am so sorry!" she yelped to the half-naked couple making out furiously on the bed. Charlie nearly laughed aloud as the girl tried to cover up her bra-clad breasts.

It was Amber from the Spin the Bottle game. Her heart sped up, trying to get a glance of the boy and sighed in relief when she realized it wasn't Gavril. In fact, he was as far from Gavril as possible. "Dale?" she questioned.

Dale grinned sheepishly from the bed. "Uh, hey Charlie."

Charlie didn't know whether to be relieved or highly amused. "Well I'm gonna just head outta here. You two crazy kids have fun."

She closed the door behind her, chuckling to herself. Walking a few doors down, she rapped softly and entered the room when she heard silence. Charlie said a silent prayer of thanks when it turned out to be a bathroom.

Setting her cup on the counter, she quickly relieved herself and washed her hands. She was just smoothing her hair down in the mirror when the door burst opened.

"Hey can't you fucking knock!" she exclaimed. "Oh it's you."

Gavril smiled. "You were expecting someone else, milaya?"

Charlie shivered. She wasn't sure what he kept calling her, but just the way he said it her body was responding. "I wasn't expecting anyone at all. Most normal people knock."

He laughed while stepping into the bathroom. Gavril shut the door, the click of the loud vibrating loudly in the small space. "Sorry, Charlie; I knew you were in here."

"You were absolutely sure?"

"Okay so maybe I was only guessing," Gavril said.

"But my guess was right. And I am glad for that."

"Oh yeah? And why is that?"

"Because now I finally have you all to myself." He inched closer, and Charlie briefly glimpsed the hungry look in his eyes before he pulled her close.

Pressed against him, she could feel the tightly corded muscle of his thighs straining against the dark denim jeans. It took all her willpower not to grind her pussy into his leg.

He felt so fucking powerful, as if he could lift her with ease. The thought of her legs wrapped around his waist sent powerful throbbing pulses to her core, making her ache so badly she cried out.

Gavril heard her little groan. It made him unbelievably hard; he wasn't sure what it what about this particular girl, but there was something primal in his lust for her.

Maybe it was her scent; it was deep and sensual. While most women wore floral in the summertime, Charlie smelled like danger: hot metal, sandalwood, and musk with just the barest hint of oranges. She was intoxicating.

He could feel her nipples pebbling through the flimsy fabric of her dress and was curious to their color. Were they cocoa like her, or dark-capped like sweet juicy blackberries? He hungered for this woman in his arms. His body begged to feel hers, and his tongue salivated for just a taste of her. She would be sweet. Indeed she would.

Charlie could practically hear the thoughts in his head and they mirrored her own. It wasn't the alcohol at all. She was stone sober and horny as hell.

One smoldering look from the man and she was practically humping his leg, her poor pussy begging for the good time his hazel eyes promised to deliver. She licked her lips and watched his gaze follow her movement, his eyes grower wider at the flick of her pink tongue.

"Don't tease me, milaya" he growled. He lowered his lips to her shoulder, brushing the fine skin. His grin was large when he heard her soft gasp. His lips trailed up, his tongue snaking out, marking a wet trail in the gentle curve of her neck.

Her eyes rolled in pleasure. She felt like absolute putty in the man's hands and he hadn't even kissed her yet. Charlie knew she needed the upper hand. Reaching between them, she gently cupped his hardness before rubbing her palm against him.

Charlie gasped when his hand tightened around the back of her neck as he gently bit her earlobe. "I believe I said don't tease me," he managed to speak, the clipped Russian accent growing thicker. "I will have to punish you for that."

She chuckled, giving him one final rub before sliding her hands back to his waist. "Do it. I can take whatever you give me."

Gavril raised an eyebrow, shooting her a sharp look of lust. "That is good to hear, malyutka. Because I plan to eat every inch of that pussy until you beg me to stop. And then, when I've had my fill I'm going to spread your legs wide and fuck you until you scream." He grinned at the need on her face, her libido ignited by his dirty words. "That is the punishment for my bad little milaya."

Her hips rocked against his, her pussy grinding sweetly against his thigh. The friction wasn't enough and she nearly cried out in frustration. But she wasn't going to let him see just how much his words affected her. "Promises, promises Russian" she said throatily.

She reached up, pressing her lips to his. Gavril groaned, her little act taking him by surprise. Charlie had the advantage; she teased him with her tongue, stroking his into submission. When she felt his hands cup her butt and lift her firmly off the ground, her gasp gave him control and he took over.

Gavril set her on the bathroom counter and wrapped her legs around his waist. He could feel the throb of her hungry pussy but decided that would have to wait. Right now he was busy with the heady taste of her tongue. She tasted like that damn sugary jungle juice and it was making his head swim.

Charlie reached for his crotch, eager to feel what he had in store for her. She wanted to see what the Russian was packing, but Gavril gently moved her hands away. "Not yet, krasivaya," he whispered, his breath warm against her skin.

He planned to enjoy her thoroughly, just not now in the tiny bathroom. He wanted ample time and no interruptions. His lips trailed her skin once more, kissing her cheeks before moving to her neck. His teeth nipped bluntly at her flesh and he grinned when he heard her soft mewl of pleasure. He was enjoying her little sounds; they were incredibly sexy.

Charlie tugged gently on his hair, bringing his face back to hers. She shot him a slow smile.

"You have no idea what you're getting yourself into, Mishka" she husked. She tilted his head, angling him so that his jaw was in perfect reaching distance. Her full lips brushed against the dark stubble on his jawline, enjoying the sensation from the soft hairs.

Her tongue snaked out, licking a spot just below his ear. She grinned widely when she heard the deep rumble of pleasure spill from his lips. His hands tightened around her waist and she could tell he was struggling to maintain control.

Charlie smirked. Good.

With another wicked grin she licked the same spot before tugging his ear gently. "Seems like the Russian has a weak spot," she teased. When she bit down on his skin, Gavril slammed his hand against the wall, the force making a slight dent in the plaster.

Lifting his head, he tugged her hair, tilting her face towards his. Charlie was gloating, her light eyes dancing as she shot him a triumphant smile. Gavril's eyes were predatory as he hungrily claimed her mouth again. He showed no mercy, his tongue dominating hers.

He didn't dare move his hands from her hair. He smelled the damp sweetness between her thighs and knew if his hands traveled down they would never leave. Gavril was so lost in the exquisite taste of her pouty lips; he barely heard the pounding on the bathroom door.

It was only when the person threatened to break the door down did he snap to attention. With an irritated groan he lifted his lips from her. "Occupied!" he shouted at the door.

"That's great," the voice yelled back. "But the cops are here and they're shutting the party down. So you need to get the hell out of the bathroom."

Gavril glanced back at Charlie, who looked just as frustrated as he. With one last kiss, he gently lifted her from the counter. As he set her down, he made sure to adjust himself.

Before either one could say anything the door flew open to reveal Nick with an extra-wide grin.

"Well, this is a surprise" he exclaimed with exaggerated shock. His gaze shifted to Gavril's look of frustration to Charlie's swollen lips and mussed hair. "Busted."

"Oh shut up," Gavril said. "We should probably get out of here if the cops are breaking shit up."

"Yeah. Topher's passed out in his room and it seems I'm the only responsible adult on the premises." Nick glanced at Charlie. "Your tiny little friend with the bright hair? She's wasted off her ass and screaming for you."

"Thanks," Charlie said hoarsely. "We should get going."

"I bet," Nick replied. He was still smiling at Gavril. "Don't hurt him Charlie."

She laughed. "I can't make any promises."


Gavril waited patiently while she unlocked the front door. He stepped inside after her, watched as she laid her keys down on the table by the door. The car ride home was interesting. Mimi was completely drunk, singing loudly with the radio and laughing when Charlie told her about finding Dale and Amber together.

Charlie was relatively quiet, aside from chuckling at Mimi every few minutes. He was sure the ride home felt like an eternity for her, because he was feeling the same way. He couldn't wait to get her back. He was positively giddy at the thought of tasting her.

Yes, he would do that first. Her pussy taunted him the whole way home, smelling so fucking delectable. The scent of her arousal was faint, but for Gavril, he was practically dizzy from it.

She padded to the kitchen, turning on the light. Her throat felt absolutely dry. She was still feeling a little bit of the jungle juice but for the most part she was sober. It was a good thing, too. From the look in the Russian's eyes, she was going to need her wits about her.

Charlie reached into the fridge and grabbed a water bottle. She'd just taken a drink when she felt herself being grabbed from behind. "Oh!" she exclaimed in surprise. "What the—"

"What did I tell you would happen once we got home, Charlie?" Gavril whispered. His deep voice in her ear made her tremble.

"Gavril, I—"

He chuckled. "What's wrong? You had all that mouth for me earlier. Are you scared now?"

Charlie scoffed as he lifted her up quickly before settling her on the island counter. "Me? Scared? You obviously must be new. You don't frighten me, Russian." Her copper eyes met his hazel ones in a challenging stare.

Gavril was amused. "But I do make you wet, don't I milaya?" He settled himself between her legs, spreading them a little. "I know I do. I can smell you right now." Closing his eyes, he inhaled deeply, taking all her beauty in. "Mmm, you smell so good Charlie," he moaned. "Let me taste you."

She had to hand it to him. He was smooth as hell.

Wordlessly, she shrugged out of her cardigan before slowly sliding her dress up mid-thigh.

Gavril leaned in, capturing her lips in a scorching kiss. One hand was perched on her thigh, while the other traveled up her smooth skin, pushing the delicate fabric of her dress aside. What he found there surprised him.

The smoothness of her mound excited him, her soaking sex bare save for a lovely thatch of curls which were incredibly soft to the touch. Gavril smiled against her luscious lips. "You are not wearing any panties," he rumbled.

Charlie shot him a wicked smile. "Nope," she gleamed. Grabbing his hand, she guided his fingers, sighing softly as his digits trailed gently against her wetness. "YA vsya mokraya" she whispered before kissing him yet again.

He groaned at the sound of her husky voice whispering those dirty words to him. She was right; she was indeed all wet. "You speak Russian" he said with a grin.

"A little," she confessed. "Just the naughty stuff. Never know when you may—oh!" her sentence cut off as he pushed a thick, callused finger into her tight hole. "Fuck. Need it," she finished. Charlie bit back a gasp when the rough pad of his thumb brushed lightly over her sensitive little nub, the action making her legs quiver and her pussy clutch his finger even tighter.

Gavril's lips made a slow, winding path down her body, stopping to lick and suck her neck, kiss her collarbone, and nibble the sensitive valley between her abundant breasts. Charlie was going crazy; he hadn't even reached her navel and she was close to her first orgasm.

Her breath caught in her throat when he added a second finger, his thumb still making slow circles around her clit. Before she realized what was going on, he removed his fingers altogether.

"What..." Once again the sentence died on her lips when she saw him lift his fingers to his lips, shoving them into his mouth and sucking them. The gesture was obscene and so fucking erotic. Charlie watched as he savored her flavor, his eyes nearly rolling back from her taste.

Gavril was in heaven. She was so fucking delicious it was unbelievable. His cock was painfully hard, pushing against the rough denim fabric, begging to be released for a chance at that sweet brown kitty. But the little head would have to wait. Big Gavril had a taste of heaven, and his greedy ass wanted more.

Without thinking, he pushed her back gently onto the counter and spread her legs wide. "Don't move," he growled, shoving the flouncy skirt of her dress to her waist. Through the dim light of the kitchen he was still able to make out the absolute perfectness that was her pretty, dark pussy.

She was incredibly built, from the thickness of her powerful thighs (all the better for her to clench him tightly while deep inside her), to even the adorable pudge of her not-flat-at-all tummy (a perfect place for his forehead to rest while his tongue worked its magic on her dewy folds.

Gavril bent lower, his butt coming into contact with one of the stools near the counter. Perfect, he thought to himself. As he sat down, he spread her legs even wider. With a lick of his lips, Gavril lowered his head and got to work.

Charlie was wrought with anticipation, her body humming with tension. She felt his soft lips on her thighs before he took her by surprise and covered her button completely with his mouth.

"Oh. My..." she gasped out, her hips rocking forward automatically. His name tumbled from her lips as the first orgasm hit her suddenly. She braced herself on her elbows and rode out her pleasure, her hips humping his face.

Gavril attempted to steady her, wrapping his free arm around her leg. "Where do you think you're running to, milaya? I'm not through with you." With a prideful smirk, he pushed two fingers deep inside, enjoying the loud whimper she made.

He showed her no mercy, plunging his fingers in and out of her tight little hole with the quickness. Though he still held onto her legs,

Charlie began to meet his fingers, fucking them in a nice speedy rhythm that left her breathless and incoherent. He watched her for a few seconds before lowering his head back to her sweet pussy, his mouth going straight for her clit. With his free hand, he spread her lips further and dove in, sucking and nibbling at the little bundle of nerves.


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