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The Lure of Lingerie! Pt. 03

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Peter finds further relief with Jane and Sarah.
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Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/24/2017
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'Come with me young lady.' Sarah took Jane by the hand and led her along the landing to another bedroom door. She opened it and stood back for Jane to see the interior. 'How would you like this to be your bedroom?'

'Sarah? It's lovely; very nice indeed. But are you serious?'

'Very serious, you said you wanted to find your own place, well here it is complete with your own bathroom. You will be most welcome to share my house and I would welcome your company in return - after all, we have some unfinished business, haven't we?' Sara prompted with a squeeze of Jane's hand. 'What do you say?'

The look of delight on Jane's face was priceless.

'Sarah, what can I say? I'd be delighted to stay with you, but could I afford it?'

'As I said, I'd welcome your company my darling and there would be no rent involved.' Sarah gave the teenager a hug. 'We've known one another only a short time, but I think we could get along just fine. Wouldn't you agree? Please say you'll move in, Jane.'

'Oh, I'd love to.'

'Then tell me when and I'll remove my personal things.'

'Thank you so much, Sarah.' Jane was almost in tears.

The two women embraced, thoughts of their earlier unrequited encounter dictating the mood. Sarah nuzzled Jane's neck, her hands dropping to the girl's firm buttocks to draw her closer; it was a moment of sensual understanding for both of them. Acutely aware of Sarah's fingers digging in to her, Jane offered no resistance but thought a response was required and pulled Sarah closer still. Jane's reaction filled Sarah with more optimism and kissed the girl's pouting red lips, first with tenderness and then with passion.

Jane readily submitted creating further desire for Sarah and whetting her sexual appetite for something different; it was the moment she realised there was more to sex than just men and their cocks! Sarah felt her affection for Jane deepening and by way of demonstrating her fondness, forced her tongue between the teenager's red lips; she also sensed her pussy becoming moist.

For Jane's part, she later came to the conclusion that, apart from the excitement created by Sarah's natural display of overt tenderness, she was also in thrall to this mature woman.

Jane's subservience encouraged Sarah, as she revived her sexual overtures to seduce the teenager. Curious about her own sapphic feelings brought about by the teenager's slavish response, she wondered if it was ephemeral, or something more visceral; a dormant passion suddenly awakened?

Sarah's demonstrative ardour was running out of control, as she embraced her new sexual world with Jane at its centre. The teenager, sensing the impatience of Sarah's dominating tongue, ceded to the older woman's caresses, allowing her to float dizzily amid erotic pleasures, thrills that would lead inexorably down the path of sapphic carnality.

Sarah had the teenager under her spell. She clamped her hands over Jane's breasts, squeezing and kneading mercilessly, much to the young girl's delight.

It was Sarah who noticed Peter's presence in the doorway and immediately pushed a puzzled and disappointed Jane away, but not before Peter had the brief tantalising display of the two women kissing. He thought his eyes had deceived him. Did he really see his girlfriend having her breasts clutched by Sarah? Being embraced and kissed passionately by the same mature woman whom he personally lusted after.

But of more concern was the unfettered enjoyment both women were freely enjoying, or was it just his sexually tempered imagination leading him on? In any case it was Sarah's quick wittedness that resolved the situation, leaving him to wonder whether it was just his imagination playing tricks.

'Ah, Peter, come in Jane has some news for you.' Sarah said pulling her clothes straight.

Peter's attention was drawn to Jane in the floral print dress. His jaw dropped as he took in his girlfriend's brand new appearance and the sexy way the floral dress clung to her body in all the right places; then he dropped his gaze to the red stiletto heels and couldn't stop himself whistling.

'Wow, Jane, I can't believe how different you look, sweetheart. You've never worn anything like that before. You look fabulous and those red heels make you look dead sexy.'

'There you are, Jane, I told you he'd love seeing you in that dress.' Sarah said. She turned to Peter and smiled. 'And just wait until you see what's beneath the dress. She's wearing lingerie that gives her a real tarty look, the tart every male wants in his bed.' Sarah turned Jane around and pointed out the seamed stockings gracing his girlfriend's legs. 'And what do you think of these?'

'Christ, Sarah, I can't take it in!' Peter replied feeling his cock react to Jane's alluring presentation. 'What are you wearing beneath the dress?' He asked of his girlfriend.

Jane's pretence at being bashful served only to make her look flirtatious and provocative, which in turn made her all the more seductive.

Sarah nodded her head in the direction of Peter's groin. 'I see you approve of my influence. I'm hoping she will continue to wear clothes like these because they make her a different girl.' She turned back to Jane. 'I'm glad I kept all my clothes and underwear. I'll have to search out more to share with you; maybe we could give Peter a private fashion show. Would you like that?' Peter nodded.

'Good, that's settled then. Now, why don't you sit and listen to what Jane has to say while I fetch some drinks.'

When Sarah had left the room, Peter sat next to Jane on the bed and put his arms around her waist feeling the silky smooth material of her dress exacerbate his stiffness. They kissed as if for the first time, wildly and with abandonment and to Jane's amazement it took only a few seconds for her feelings to adjust from being in receipt of a woman's tender attention, to that of masculine assertiveness, from sharing a kiss with a woman to sharing an even more impassioned one with a man,

Both episodes felt good and both felt natural, Jane thought as Peter pushed her backwards and straddled her waist. She responded by gripping his urgent stiffness causing him to sigh with pleasure. He took Jane's breasts in his hands squeezing them roughly and without finesse, just as he had seen Sarah do earlier; he was desperate to fuck Jane, but he knew that wasn't going to happen today.

Without giving thought to Sarah returning, Peter got to his feet and attempted to hoist Jane's skirt as she lay prostrate, but it was far too tight to allow his hand the freedom between her legs he craved; he could reach only as far as the tops of her nylons. Peter swore.

'Christ, you look so sexy but I can't get at you!'

'Then you'll have to wait.' Jane replied. 'Unless ...'

'Unless what?' Peter breathed hard.

'Well, I could help you out with a quick-hand job before Sarah returns!' She said resuming an upright position.

Peter began undoing his trousers. 'Oh yes fucking please, Jane.' He panted.

Jane's sympathetic attitude was intuitive, considering that within the space of a few minutes she had experienced both female and male hands groping her body. She'd had been given a glimpse of a different world, a parallel sexual universe which drew her to its portals offering her the intriguing vision of 'la dolce vita'. The sexual genie was out of the bottle now and she was relishing the opportunity to pander to her new whims and fancies ... starting right now.

Jane fished in Peter's shorts and withdrew his rigid penis. The purple knob, now unrestrained, pulsed and twitched with lust; it was the first time she'd ever seen Peter's cock. Jane watched it throb, fascinated by the droplets of pre-cum oozing from his helmet, and felt smug at being the architect of his discomfiture. On the previous occasions she'd masturbated him; her hand had remained inside his pants with Peter climaxing mightily in to her hand. There was never any question of him exposing his manhood. But now, as it bobbed recklessly only centimetres from her lips, she could actually lick his pre-cum if she wanted ... and she wanted.

'I often imagined what this thing would look like swollen and hard.' Jane whispered. 'And I'm pleased to say I'm not disappointed.' She wrapped her fingers around Peter's girth squeezing and stroking simultaneously.

'That's lovely, sweetheart, but I need to cum. I'm desperate.' Peter hissed urging his cock closer to Jane's mouth. 'Please, do it faster.'

Jane was always ready and eager to comply with Peter's need to be milked. She loved the feel of his rigid cock as it pulsed and squirted in to her hand. Several times she had been tempted to lick her fingers to discover what he tasted like, but never had the nerve. But today was different; today was for sexual pleasure. She wanted the carnal sophistication offered by both male and female and so began ministering to Peter's cock.

Peter wanted to cum! Jane wanted him to cum too, and she began building a tempo; this time she definitely wanted to taste his spunk!

'Beautiful, Jane,' Peter could hardly speak. 'Beautiful ...'

'Is it, my darling, am I doing right for you?' Jane's voice was seductive.

'Oh yes, that's perfect. Fucking perfect! Oh fuck, oh fuck I'm nearly there!'

Jane realised Peter was going to be quick with his climax. She also understood why. But she couldn't allow him to mess up her dress. She pumped him faster and harder trying to figure out the best way to catch his cum. Peter breathed loudly. 'Open your mouth, darling,' He hissed. 'Let me cum in there.' He shuffled forward and saw Jane open her mouth and stick out her tongue. He positioned the tip of his cock on Jane's outstretched tongue and abandoned all thoughts of self-control; it was an electrifying feeling.

'Don't make a mess on this dress, please.' Jane begged sensing her boyfriend was on the verge of finishing.

'I won't,' Peter said taking charge of wanking himself. He applied more pressure to his shaft, his desperation surging. 'I'll finish off.'

Then they both heard footfalls on the stairs and the clinking of glasses.

'Quick,' Jane urged. 'Sarah is coming!'

'So am I!' And with a final flurry, Peter reached his limit and joyfully began squirting spunk in to Jane's mouth; his relief evident. When he'd finished delivering his warm mess, Jane brought her lips together and sucked dramatically, ensuring she received every last drop and none escaped.

The clinking glasses came closer.

'Come back to my room you two.' Sarah shouted. 'I've got champagne to celebrate Jane's good news.' Peter looked at Jane her lips pressed tightly together but she couldn't speak. She pointed at her puffed cheeks.

'Oh fuck! Swallow it.' He told her trying to cover his erection as Sarah appeared in the doorway. She saw Jane on the bed with her skirt hoisted to her stocking tops and her cheeks puffed while Peter, with his back turned, was clearly adjusting himself. Sarah smiled knowingly as she recognised the sound of a zip being drawn.

'Well, I leave you alone for ten minutes only to return and find you're up to no good.' She admonished sarcastically. Sarah walked to a chest of drawers and found a box of tissues. 'Here, my lovely,' she said handing the box to Jane. 'Use these to spit it out. Personally, I love to swallow it!' And taking Peter by the hand, Sarah led him from the room, while Jane decided whether to spit or swallow.

Sarah closed her bedroom door behind them and forced Peter against it, her hands fumbling for his erect cock. She was excited to discover he was still hard.

'Mm, you have just shot your cum in to Jane's mouth and you're still as hard as nails.' Peter managed a smile. 'I like that in my men, the ability to retain a hard-on. I'm not surprised though; Jane and I must be producing enough testosterone to keep that thing hard for a month! You lucky boy! Christ, I was away for only minutes and you two couldn't wait. It's a wonder I didn't return to find you with your cock up her cunt.'

Peter felt a streak of bravado and replied. 'I would have save for the fact her dress was too tight and restrictive for anything like that.'

'Then you will have to take it off her later and try again. I'm sure she'd like that. And ...' Sarah continued. '..., bearing in mind you are both virgins, perhaps you would allow me to offer some guidance and a spot of instruction.'

'What! You mean you'd want to be present when Jane and I make love?'

'That's right, I will show you both what to do and how to position yourselves. You know, the first time can be a bit of a nightmare but if you allow me to assist, then you will both have the most beautiful time.'

Peter thought about Sarah's offer. It appealed to him, but could Jane be persuaded to have a third person present when such intimacy was involved. His mind returned to reality when he realised Sarah was still stoking his cock ... and making him feel good!

In response he lifted Sarah's skirt his fingers seeking the naked flesh above her stockings. He felt the silky touch of her panties on the back of his hand. Sarah didn't deter him so he turned his hand over and fingered her fleshy mound through the gossamer thin material. Sarah's thighs suddenly gripped Peter's fingers, halting him in his track.

'As nice as that feels young man, you are again going to have to wait for another time. It's Jane that requires our attention. You've just had your selfish way with her and now it's time to make her feel good in return.' Sarah said removing Peter's fingers.

Just then the bedroom door was pushed by Jane, forcing Peter and Sarah to stumble.

She entered unaware of what had been taking place on the other side. Sarah turned her attention to pouring glasses of champagne and Peter looked at his girlfriend, wondering what she'd done with his cum.

'I never got to tell you my news, did I, Peter?' She said breaking the silence.

'No, he never gave you the chance!' Sarah butted in. 'He was too intent on satisfying his male lust.' Sarah handed out the glasses of drink. Ignoring Sarah's remark Jane continued.

'Well, Sarah has offered me accommodation, which means I won't have to move away. I'll be using the guest bedroom for as long as I need it. Isn't that marvellous, Peter?'

Peter's face lit up with a broad smile. He turned to Sarah. 'That's fantastic news, thank you Sarah.'

'Yes, we're all going to be seeing a lot more of each other and you two will have your own little love nest. But in the meantime, Jane, I think you'd better find something a little more staid to wear for when you go home. We can't have your mother seeing you dressed like this.' Sarah ran her hands down Jane's back and stroked her rear. 'She might think I'm trying to lead you into a life of debauchery. Come on, let's find something plain.'

The search among the lingerie on Sarah's bed resumed until she came across a cream coloured bra and matching panties, both plain and unadorned. 'This should fit the bill, Jane, and now some outer clothes.' Eventually Sarah came up with a cream satin blouse and a green, full skirt, which she laid over the back of a chair. Turning her attention to the remainder of the lingerie spread across the bed she added. 'I'll scoop these up later and put them back in to the drawers, and when we have time we'll go through everything, to decide what you want to keep.'

'That is so kind of you, Sarah, isn't it Peter?'

'Yes it is, very kind indeed.' Peter answered knowing full well it was just part of Sarah's grand seduction ploy for his girlfriend. 'But,' he continued. 'Just remember, I've yet to see the red lingerie under that dress.'

Jane looked at Peter then at Sarah, deliberating whether to remove her dress. She was unsure of what to do. A few minutes earlier she'd taken Peter's cock in her mouth and allowed him to fill it with spunk. Prior to that she had allowed Sarah to push two fingers up her cunt and she had loved both occasions, but what if Sarah began touching her again in front of Peter? As much as she'd like it to happen, how would he react? It was a perplexing situation and one with only one answer - be positive.

'OK, I will show you.' Jane said looking at Sarah. 'Will you unzip me please? And Peter, just sit and watch.'

Sarah put down her drink and moved behind Jane. Taking the zip in her fingers she hesitated, looking at Peter over Jane's shoulder. 'Are you ready for this?' She said lowering the fastener; the whooshing sound adding to the tension in the room. When the dress opened at the back and Jane's flesh was visible, Sarah leaned forward and kissed the young girls neck. It was a moment of theatre, a fleeting but provocative performance which was mirrored by the nervous smile on Jane's face.

With a little assistance, the dress slithered down her body and rustled to a heap around her feet. Jane struck a seductive pose in her sensuous red satin lingerie effecting Peter and Sarah to practically salivate.

'By Christ, you look stunning, Jane. Never in my wildest fantasies did I ever imagine you'd wear anything like that! Fuck, you have a gorgeous body! And that underwear shows it off to perfection.' Jane stepped from the folds of the dress and gave a twirl of her body ending up facing Peter. Sarah placed her hands on the girl's shoulders.

'I think you've summed it up perfectly, Peter. Your girlfriend does look stunning and sexy and she does have a gorgeous body, a truly gorgeous body; deserving of the nicest lingerie.'

Slowly, Sarah's hands disappeared from the girl's shoulders and reappeared around her waist, where they dwelt for a few seconds before lifting and coming to rest on Jane's breasts. 'And these breasts are to die for. I love them!' She jiggled the young girl's tits and the red satin shimmered under the overhead lighting to create a luminous, erotic display. Jane pushed her head back against Sarah's cheek and offered her mouth for the older woman to kiss.

'Now, you may think this wholly inappropriate behaviour, Peter,' Sarah continued. 'But Jane's tits feel fabulous, as you know well, and I can't resist their allure either. Neither can I resist her lips.' So saying the two women's faces came together, their lips met and silence filled the room.

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donnaeliza25donnaeliza25about 7 years ago
And on we go

Peter you have done it again, i came 3 times reading this and can't wait to read the 4th story. You have a gift xxx

rightbankrightbankover 7 years ago
Beautifully written

But much too short

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