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The Makings of a High Seas Whore Ch. 04

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The pirate captain forces a bargain.
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Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/06/2007
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Twenty one year old Caitlin had joined a ship's crew disguised as a cabin boy. She was attacked by the ship's cook who had a taste for the type of young man as he believed her to be and she was unwillingly initiated into the art of fellatio. Her skill saved her virginity through first the ship's cook and then the captain once she was 'rescued' from her torment. Following a pirate attack she has been taken to the Pirate Captain but only after she witnessed the heavily pregnant ship's whore enjoying her duties to the men aboard. So far it is only her maidenhead that keeps her from the bowels of the ship and sexual servitude to a ship full of pirates.


Caitlin stood before the dark pirate in only her borrowed undershirt. She was highly aware of her nakedness beneath that thin cotton. The shirt came to her knees and was no longer as white as it had once been. Her hands still shook from what she had just witnessed below decks.

A picture of Bertha, the ship's whore, heavily pregnant and being fucked by no less than three men. Worse still the woman had writhed with pleasure as those men had sucked and chewed at her heavy milk laden breasts; she had revelled in the taste and feel of those men and Caitlin was terrified of the mere memory of it.

She risked a glance at the pirate before her; she blushed as she realised he was leaning on his folded arms and watching her coldly.

"They tell me you are still virginal." He said coldly.

Caitlin nodded.

"But you were found like that," He indicated her shirt and half-naked state. "How do you explain that?" He rose from his chair and studied her impatiently but Caitlin shrank back and shook her head in refusal. "Do you understand your current circumstances here? You have been brought here because it is well known that I will not avail myself of the syphilitic whores in port. Do not think I won't toss outside this door to take your chances with nearly a hundred hot-blooded sailors who are six weeks from port with only one whore to serve them all."

Caitlin clutched at her stomach with both arms, gripping both her elbows with her cupped hands as all her hopes of surviving her adventures were dashed. Despite her situation she found she had run dry of tears as though her experiences over the last weeks had drained the salt from her body. With a quivering voice she told him of Mr Phelps and his threats, she blushed deeply as she confessed to the man taking his pleasure in her mouth. Then the day Phelps attacked her and she was 'rescued' into the captain's custody and having no choice but to pleasure him with her mouth also.

He watched her apparently unmoved by her story. "And you expect to leave this ship with your 'innocence' intact?"

Caitlin raised her large blue eyes to his. "Could I?" She breathed.

He laughed. "Of course; why you only have to make it passed the sailors and jump overboard." He said sourly. "Go ahead see what happens but leave my cabin now."

"What? I don't understand." Caitlin gasped.

The captain stalked around to front of his desk he leant his hip on the edge and regarded her sternly with folded arms.

"Understand this wench. You are here because I am in need of a whore. If you are unwilling to be that whore then I have no use for you, so go."

"But my love; in America." Caitlin babbled uncomprehending.

"Best get swimming." He turned his back to her.

Caitlin swayed on her feet; in that instant of hopelessness she knew that she could not hope to even survive long enough to reach America alive let alone find her love.

"I agree." She whispered.

"To the swimming?" He turned his near black eyes on her. Caitlin shook her head. "Then tell me what it is that you agree to." He asked suspiciously.

"To the ... other." Caitlin stammered.

He arched one long dark brow and gave her a scornful look. "Tell me what it is that you agree to woman or I shall toss you overboard myself."

"To be your whore." Caitlin muttered. To her humiliation her turned his head and placed his hand behind his ear as though he couldn't hear her words. "I agree to be your whore." She said louder.

"And how are you to be a whore when you are a virgin?"

The question shook Caitlin though she knew that he baited her. "Teach me." She whispered. Watching his stony gaze Caitlin shook with the fear that he might yet hand her over to his pirates. Closing her eyes in prayer she dropped to her knees. She took a deep breath and looked up at him.

"Please Captain Sir, please teach me to be a whore. I want to be the best whore you ever had."

Jack Baxter, the notorious Black Wolf, controlled the smile on his lips. To the woman on her knees he showed nothing but a brief tight smile. Inside he felt a fierce joy at the sight of her on her knees begging him to become his whore.

When she had been brought aboard half naked with her long lean legs flailing and the swell of her breasts on display he had felt only disappointment that such a woman would be whore to the petty tyrant that captained the Good Morrow. The news that she was almost untouched made his heart and his loins soar.

Having listened to her story he knew that her naivety was his blessing.

"What is your name whore?"

Caitlin flinched and answered him, not moving from her knees. He gave her his full title and watched her wide eyes shimmer with fear; she knew of his reputation.

"Take off the shirt Cate."

She froze but recovered quickly to pull the shirt over her head. Jack looked down at her naked body, he had to let out his breath slowly so as not to show his reaction. She looked up at him with a deep blush on her cheeks as his gaze roved her pale body. Her shorn hair gave her a boyish look but her body was all woman. Small high breasts swelled over narrow ribs and her gently curved belly flared into her hips which led his eye to dark blonde triangle of hair at apex of her thighs. In the coolness of the cabin those pink nipples tightened to taut nubs giving the illusion of desire.

She was his whore, she knelt before him awaiting his demand and he couldn't decide just what he wanted to sample first. To buy some thinking time he casually walked around her taking in her slender back and plump buttocks as he did so. As he walked around to her face he held out his hand. She blinked up at him in confusion but laid her own small hand in his. He pulled her to her feet and led her to his bed.

Caitlin lay back in the middle of the bed. Her mind so numb that she was no longer aware of her nakedness, she didn't think to cover herself up and all she could think was that she would never marry her love. The whole reason she was in this situation was because she had not wanted to be separated from Michael when her father sent him away and now he would never want her. She would be another man's whore instead of her love's wife.

She chewed her lip and the pain brought her thoughts back to the room. She turned her head in time Captain Baxter pulling his shirt from his back, his long curls spilled over wide muscled shoulders. He looked nothing like either Phelps or Captain Jones, her only real experience of male bodies.

She was sure she had seen heat in his eyes when he had looked at her body but she was less sure now that he was once more restored to his frosty demeanour. Taking a calming breath she smiled wanly at him; she had begged him for help and she simply had to fulfil her bargain with him. If she was to be his whore then she would be the best whore she could be; just as soon as she found out how she was to do that.

He looked at her with surprise for a split second before his features shuttered down to arrogance once more. He folded his clothes ad placed them carefully onto a chair before walking towards her naked.

Caitlin swallowed, she had never seen an entirely nude man before. She supposed she thought he would look like her; with the obvious differences. But his body looked nothing like her own; his was hard packed with muscle and coarsely haired; a man who had worked hard for many a year.

She felt the bed shift under his weight and held her breath as he crawled up the bed towards her. As he drew himself over her body he pulled her knees wide apart; Caitlin closed her eyes in the shame of her exposure. She shivered at the feel of his breath so close to that intimate part of her.

"Open your eyes." His cold commanding tone brought Caitlin's eyes open with a start. "A frigid woman has no place warming a mans bed."

Caitlin stared along her body to his eyes, she let out a shaky breath and nodded her understanding. She couldn't help but continue her stare down the length of his broad torso to his rigid member. It twitched and bobbed as though her gaze were a physical touch. She darted a look at the pirates face, his expression was as neutral as ever but there was a heat to his eyes that she had glimpsed before. It spoke of the pleasure he intended to take from her. As she watched him he continued his advance towards her; she could feel the heat radiating from his skin as he moved only inches above her.

She thought for a moment that he sought to kiss her mouth, she felt the weight of his gaze on her lips so strongly that she wet them with her tongue but he stopped level with her chest. His eyes dropping from her face to her breasts. Caitlin's eyes widened as she watched the heat in his eyes turn searing.

She jumped even as she watched with rigid fascination when he lowered the point of his tongue to one taut peak. Unwillingly the image of Bertha and the two men suckling hard at her milk tautened breasts came to her mind not just the wide stretched jaws and dreamy expressions of the men but the reactive writhing of the woman.

Caitlin gasped at the sharp tingle that shot through her flesh from that slightest of touches of his tongue on her teat. Her nipple puckered and tightened almost painfully beneath his tongue and then once more at the feel of the cool air on wet flesh. He licked her with the flat of his tongue; one long stroke that slid from her ribs to almost her shoulder. She swallowed convulsively as the action seemed to transfer the wet heat of his mouth on her breast to her centre; her breath shivered from her lips.

When she looked at his eyes he regarded her with such arrogant smugness that she feared she had already done something wrong. She widened her eyes with her question.

He fought to keep the smile from those cruel lips. "You like that." He stated with a hidden humour she didn't understand.

"Should I not sire?"

He didn't answer her and instead placed his lips around her painfully pointed teat, he drew that puckered flesh into his mouth and the sensation made her gasp in shock. Tingles of shivery heat ran from her breast to her the very centre of body where she could feel moisture gathering at her core. She was confused by the many sensations; her breast felt as though it was created for this man to feast at. With no conscious thought her hips were tilting upwards towards him as though drawn by some magnetic force.

With the new angle of those hips the pirates hard length pulsed only a hairs breadth from that most intimate part of her body. She cried out as he stroked his length along her opening. When she pulled back from him he held her firm with one cupped hand on her bottom. As he gripped her his fingers kneaded at that soft rounded globe.

The pirate did not move his mouth from her breast or his hand from her arse as he dipped and stroked his cock over her. Parting her sensitive folds and spreading the strange musky moisture along his solid length. Caitlin heard him make an unconscious noise in his throat, as you would when sample some new delicate morsel of food.

Caitlin's breathing matched his for it harsh nature, the rising of her chest pulled at the breast in his mouth which drew yet more tremors from her. It bowed her spine with its intensity and she couldn't decide if she liked it more when she pushed up at him or when she pulled from him. She moaned low in her throat at the devious torture her body had invented for her.

She felt a flash of panic as the stroking of his cock changed in nature. He began to rub that fat bulbous head in circles pressing purposefully at her opening. His hand under her hip stopped her moving but it couldn't stop her trying. She heard his breath hiss against her the wetness he had made over her breast and finally she realised that her struggles were affecting him. He drew back pulling her breast with him until the skin was a stretched almost painfully tight and as she stared in morbid fascination he dipped his hips and pushed himself inside her.

The movement so sudden and swift that there was a delay in her recognising the stab of pain for what it was. Tears filled her eyes; they were not just for the pain but the loss of her virginity and the life she left behind her. As the pain ebbed she slowly became aware of the thickness of his cock as it pulsed solidly within her, just his pulse and nothing else and the feel of it seemed to coax her inner walls to tremble around him.

She looked into his eyes with confusion, before she could read his expression he shoved further inside her. She screamed and pushed her whole body upwards, she had thought herself to be filled with him before. Caitlin could not bear that terrible stretching, she felt as though her hips would pop from their sockets.

Before she could adjust he began to move in long slow relentless strokes. He moved his body higher above her, pinning her knees almost to her chest and she felt each stroke as though it were a punch in the stomach. She thought she would die from the pain of it, from the humiliation of him holding her so widely open as he stabbed relentlessly deep into her belly.

Just when she thought she would truly die of her shame Caitlin felt the strangest sensation. Heat poured into her centre, her body began to tighten around that thick thrusting cock like fingers closing into a fist. She could feel panic rising from within as she fought to understand what was happening to her.

Caitlin could still feel every inch of his solid length stretching, probing and pounding her insides and she wondered if he would tear through her if she continued to shrink around him. She gave a short cry of real fear as liquid heat poured through her belly, her walls pulsed around the thick shaft and instead of willing him to pull out it felt as though her body was trying to draw him in. That long thick cock jerked and twitched inside of her which in turn made her shudder.

The pirate plunged deep and ground against her as he hissed out a long breath through his gritted teeth. Caitlin watched him as he held himself so still above her his eyes hooded and hidden from her.

Slowly her breathing settled and her fear returned; what if he thought she would never be good enough to be his whore? He might still throw her to his crew, to join Bertha.

He pulled away from her and rolled to his side. Caitlin lowered her aching hips from the hated position and lay silently waiting for him to send her from his bed and back to the bowels of the ship.

Wiping away a tear from her cheek she finally turned towards him. A soft snore rose from him; he slept. Completely unaware or unconcerned by the torrent of emotions running through her.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
When is the next one

I love all of your work, but this one leaves me wonderng what happened next, hope you write one more that can give us an endng.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

You are a great writer and this short story is simply genius till now. Please go on. I cant wait to read part 5.

Sincerely Yours A.R.E.S.

Corpse_riderCorpse_riderabout 13 years ago
Shiver me timbers

Sex on the high seas. Refreshing historical erotica. Spelling and grammar needs a little more attention and I wasn't entiely convinced by some of the dialogue, but a good read anyway.

ladybug71ladybug71about 13 years ago
Are you going to....

Are you going to finish this story? I really liked it and would like to see it finished to the very end, please. You have a wondrous erotic mind and I see that in your stories....great writing!!!

nyehnyehover 13 years ago
Me too!

That was great! Please continue the story!!!

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