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The Man Who would be Queen Ch. 08-09

Story Info
Emotional feelings are developing and a guess at what is up.
5.5k words

Part 6 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/09/2018
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Chapter Eight

"Degrees of Evil"

Written by Rikki:

It was early the next morning and there was much to be done today. It would require a lot of initial exposure in public for Dexter in some sort of female attire and he wasn't ready for this.

"Dexter please put the dress on honey. You know you have to do this," his mother said handing him the simple light blue sun dress.

Dexter took the dress and looked at Angela.

"Dexter, you have to do this for now. You know what they said when they picked you up and you have a decree from the Queen herself. This is not something to mess around with," Angela said pleading with him. "Please Dexter, put on the dress."

"I am the one who has to prance around in front of my friends dressed like a girl. Now I have to convince them that I actually want to be a girl when I don't. Why can't you two understand? You're looking at it from a practical point of view because the Queen says. I'm going to be mortified as a man."

Angela was still in her nightie. She walked over to Dexter and hugged him.

"Please Dexter," she said softly. "I don't want you to have to do this anymore than you do. The only other choices you have are to try and run, or resist by not cooperating. Either way baby, they will take you away and make your body female sooner than later. Not really much of a choice," she said lowering her eyes. "I don't want that either."

"Where is it we have to go today anyway that's so important?"

"Sarah says we need to start the process. We need to visit a clinic that does these type of things."

"Types of things? Why don't you just say it mom?" he growled.

"Ok. You're right. We will be going to a clinic that specializes in male to female sex changes. We need to get your paperwork started. Then they will be able to recommend counselors and other people that will help in your transition support," she said with a concerned tone. She was worried what effect hearing such direct talk on the matter might have on Dexter.

"Great. So what comes first, or should I even ask what I should expect? At least tell me that," he said throwing his hands up in the air.

"Well," his mother started. "They will probably want to start you on female hormones as soon as possible and for you to start living and dressing as a girl full time immediately. Then you will see a counselor regularly to help you deal with and answer questions that you may have."

Dexter looked at his mother.

"Hormones? How do you know all this?"

"This is what Sarah told me would probably happen. She says we need to do the process for now, so you need to start taking the hormones when they say to."

"Sarah? What does she know? She has no idea what is being asked of me. This is not a dress up game. I'm not being asked to just dress like a girl and then it will be ok. This life changing, altering not only who I am, but what I am, and I have no choice in the matter?" Dexter voice was now very loud.

"What do you want to do Dexter," his mother as softly with tears in her eyes.

"I don't know. I am a man. I have many friends and all of a sudden in one day you want me to just change? Wear a dress in front of them and tell them I have always secretly longed to be female? "

"That is what the situation is yes dear. How do you want to handle it?" she asked again putting the ball back in his court.

"I have no idea. How does a guy answer that?"

"I have a suggestion," Angela said softly taking his hand. "What if you let us, me and your mom, make the decisions on how you look and you follow them. This way it will feel for you like you are following instructions rather than implementing this on yourself."

He looked at her with a helpless look in his eyes.

"We will be as sympathetic as we can Dexter, but baby we have to be able to be objective in all this too."

"But Angela."

"Dexter, you will have to agree to let us help, and you have to pretend to be accepting, or it will not work. Let us deal with the agenda and your feminine progress while Sarah tries to get you out of all this."

"I guess you're right," he said almost resigned to the fact.

"Thank you baby," Angela said giving him a deep passionate kiss right in front of his mother.

"So are you going to wear the dress?" his mother now asked picking it back up from the bed.

Dexter cringed and then Angela spoke.

"Wait. There is nothing that says Dexter has to wear a dress to show his desire to be female. How about if we start him in a pair of jeans today and a blouse of some sort," she said looking at him at arms length, "Then maybe a pair of woman's flat sandals and I will paint his toenails red."

"No Angela!" he spat out a little shocked.

"And you will need to wear a padded bra Dexter." Angela said in closing.

"No." Just the idea made him cringe.

"She's right honey, it is feminine enough for the trip today."

"I will look like a fag, not a girl," he complained looking at them both for some sympathy.

His mother picked up the dress and held it out to him.

"Which do you feel is the lesser of the two evils Dexter? You decide."

Angela left the room for a moment and returned with her purse. She dug around for moment and pulled out a bottle of red nailpolish. She held it up for Dexter to see.

"If you want my help, sit down in the chair and let me do this," she said telling him to have a seat.

"Angela, can I see you outside for a moment?" Lynne said stepping out of the room.

"Angela this afternoon when we get back I want Dexter to present himself to his brother and sister and I want him to be wearing a dress or something more than nailpolish."

"Why the quick push?" Angela looked to her for an answer.

"He will be living here with them. We can't hide the fact that Dexter will be slowly dressing as a girl. It needs to be done all at once Angela, and he needs to be totally dressed as a young lady. Let them get over the shock and get it all out at once. At least with the kids."

"Ok. I see your point. Let me think about it while we are out today. Maybe I can feel Dexter out and find some comfort zone for him in appearing before his brother and sister as a girl."

"It's not likely," his mother said.

"I know, but this is very difficult for him." Angela said now walking back into the bedroom shaking the bottle of nailpolish in her hand.

This was difficult for Angela too. She had no idea how she would react herself at the sight of Dexter dressed as a girl. She kept her concerns to herself. Dexter had enough to worry about without being worried if his girlfriend could deal with the events as they began to unfold.

Angela did know that she felt a deep compassion for his plight and wanted to help soothe the emotional distress she knew was feeling now and the horrible things that may lie ahead, yet she would have to be energetic and positive about pushing him along.

"I'm so glad he is not caving on this," she thought seeing her man giving in to being a woman easily might be too much for her to accept. This was such an unknown. Nobody knew how to act or what to expect anymore.

"You ready to let me paint your toenails?," she said in a cheerful voice trying to keep the atmosphere light but firm in doing what had to be done.

"Angela, this is not easy for me," he said reluctant to start.

"I know and it's not easy for me either Dexter," she said in a very serious tone. "Put your foot up here for me," she said patting the edge of her chair.

Angela put cotton between his toes to keep them separated. Dexter watched as she opened the nail polish and took a firm hold of his big toe. He turned away and stared a the wall as Angela now one by one painted his toenails a bright crimson red.

"Oh Angela," he whined when all his toenails were painted red. "I can't walk around in public with my toes painted red like that. What if I see someone I know?"

"Dexter, you're just going to have to get used to it, at least for now. They are going to see you or find out sooner or later. This is about keeping your dick and balls intact, not being embarrassed because your toenails are painted."


Sarah walked forcibly down the great hall. She was pissed at the Queen's insistence that she dress in a formal Ball Gown and felt absolutely ridiculous wearing a full length lavender Ball Gown, with a huge sash bow on the back. Her elbow length satin gloves were the same color as her dress and she wore 4" silver high heel sandals. Her hair piled up on top of her head in curls, long earrings. Very inappropriate look for a professional lawyer trying to make a serious argument on her client's behalf.

"The damn bitch Queen is trying to distract me, and make me even more self conscious in her presence," she had told Clarence the day before when told it would be formal.

Sarah carried a small clutch silver purse as she walked along side one of the queen's administrative managers who was dressed in a nice business blazer and skirt and explaining proper formalities for meeting and addressing the queen, again. Sarah had been through this fifty times or more. She had the entire thing memorized but it was something she had to endure each time she had an audience with the queen.

Sarah took a seat on the ornate wooden bench outside the great doors of the Queens Counsel Chambers. While she sat there she took a pair of ornate clip on earring from her purse and clipped them on her ear lobes. She had refused to wear the gaudy earrings till the last moment.

Sarah found the doors intimidating no matter how many times she had been here before. This chamber was where the Queen would always receive her. It was large and partially lit and usually empty except for the Queen herself, and one or two of her counsel that sat off to the sides. Privy to what was happening but far enough way to not be noticed. They were the Queen's closest advisers.

The doors opened and a uniformed security man stepped out.

"The Queen will see you now," he said holding open one door to the chamber.

Sarah quickly stood up and straightened out her skirts. The skirt was made of chiffon and there was two full length petticoats underneath it to give the skirt volume. She immediately walked into the chamber trying to carry herself in as professional manner as possible under the circumstances there was none. Sarah had a determined look on her face.

Queen Jewel sat emotionless, staring at Sarah as she approached. Queen Jewel was a beautiful young woman. She had long straight almost black hair that she allowed to hang down to the middle of her back. The sides were pulled back and held in place with a gold and diamond oval clasp. She was dressed in a black riding outfit. She obviously had another place to be right after Sarah was done presenting her case.

Sarah reached the podium where she would address the Queen from. She looked up at the Queen and caught her stare, then respectfully lowered her mascaraed lashes and then slightly bowed her head. Sarah pulled the sides of her skirt out slightly and did a deep curtsy.

"Your Majesty," she said before standing back up.

"What is it this time Ms. Greer?" the Queen said softly but with authority.

"Thank you so much for receiving me on such a short notice request. I have a petition here on behalf of Mrs. Wilson. She has been sentenced to public exhibition in the pillory for taxes she paid late."

"The lower courts make those decisions Ms. Greer, not me. You know this."

"Yes ma'am, but Mrs. Wilson is a Lady of high standing in her community. She has many political opponents and enemies I might add. I feel her sentence was very harsh for the crime she committed and was probably politically motivated, especially since she had paid the back taxes with interest before a verdict was rendered."

"What is it you seek of me Ms. Greer?"

"This woman spent six hours yesterday along with nineteen others on public display in a pillory. She was an emotional wreck and I feel that in itself shows how effective the one session was on her. I feel like she has been punished enough for her crime and request you grant her leniency and commute the rest of her sentence."

"And what is the rest of her sentence?"

"Majesty, this loyal subject of yours still has four more public sessions on the books she is required to fulfill. Four consecutive Monday mornings, six hours each."

The Queen looked at the papers that Sarah had provided. She then glanced to each of her advisers. She put her hands together in front of her, her perfectly manicured red nails catching Sarah's eye for a moment.

"Granted," the Queen said without emotion. "Is there anything else?"

"Yes, I am working on the case of Dexter Ferguson. The family has asked me to represent them in this matter," Sarah said passing more papers up for the Queen to look through. She just sat them down without looking at them. This didn't surprise or bother Sarah as the Queen didn't bother with such things. She had advisers.

"And what are you concerns on this Dexter Ferguson?"

"Majesty, there has been a decree issued by you that this young man is to have sex reassignment surgery. We are wondering why there is such a decree?"

"I'm not aware of what you are speaking of," the Queen said as a counsel came up and whispered in her ear handing her a document, "Ms. Greer, apparently public records show this Dexter Ferguson is a female, not a male."

"What?" The Queen's statement knocked Sarah off her thought process.

"Yes. You will need to examine records and find out what this is about. If there is a mistake, it needs to be corrected at other levels and not with me." The Queen seemed unmoved. "Public records indicate this person is already a woman."

"What about your decree? You know he's not a female. You decreed he become one. What's going on here?" Sarah said aggravated, looking about and her voice raised in front of the queen.

"Careful Ms. Greer. I grant you special audience and privilege in this chamber that no other subject gets. Do not take it for granted. I have told you I am unaware of what you are talking about."

Sarah bowed her head.

"Forgive me your Majesty."

"Is there anything else?"

"There is a man convicted of a brutal sexual assault on a female school teacher. He goes before the tribunal this week to decide if he will under go a sex change before serving his life sentence."

"I assume you don't represent this man?"

"No ma'am. The laws don't allow for legal counsel at a tribunal sentencing."

"That is correct Ms. Greer. The tribunal will examine and determine if the severity of the crime rates such a process. He was already convicted and sentenced by a jury and a judge and he had a lawyer to represent him then."

"Yes Ma'am," Sarah said becoming very tense again, "but there are still questions in his case. The plaintiff is from a very powerful family and I feel the verdict is already decided."

"Do you think this man is innocent Sarah?" the Queen asked.

"No," Sarah said softly, " I believe he's guilty. I feel removing him from your kingdom for life through incarceration is enough. He deserves no better. But to remove his..."

"Enough!" the Queen said holding up her hand. "These policies are supported by over two thirds of the kingdom. These type of crimes are down to almost nothing as a result. Do you know why Ms. Greer? Because men don't want to be changed into girls and have it all over the public media before being incarcerated for life. It works very well as a deterrent."

"Two thirds of the population is female," Sarah said sarcastically.

"Ms. Greer. You argue for these men every time you see there is a tribunal being convened. You have once again raised your voice to me. You seem to still harbor angry feelings for me. I said I was sorry, and granted you privilege. There will be a citation waiting for you when you leave. You may occupy the available pillory that your client has been excused from for your unbecoming outburst. That will be all for today."

The Queen stood.

Sarah did one more deep curtsey. "Thank you your Majesty."

Sarah now stormed down the hallway.

"Wicked bitch," she hissed under her breath. She had never become so emotional in the Queen's presence before and the Queen was having none of it.

Sarah picked up the citation requiring her to report to the mall Monday morning for her public penance.

"Not aware my ass. She is way to involved in this Dexter's case. I can feel it. There is something big here and I'm going to expose her for whatever it is she wishes to hide," Sarah thought as she was now escorted out of the building wearing her lavish ball gown.

Chapter Nine

"A Simple Complication"

"Settle down Dexter, it's okay. This is the sexual reassignment clinic. Males who want to become females come in here all the time in different forms of female attire and feminine appearances. Most of the guys transitioning wear dresses when they come here," Angela said trying to calm him from being so self conscious as they pulled up in front of the building.

"What about the males that don't want to be females?" he said bluntly. "Do they wear dresses too?" he snapped back.

"Dexter you look fine, you will not look out of place here," Angela said again.

"Somehow that doesn't make me feel any better Angela," he said looking straight ahead.

"Dexter, you need to check the attitude," his mother said looking into the back seat where he and Angela were sitting. "We are buying time for you here. You need to do your part. Are you ready, because it's time to move forward with this."

Angela got out of the car and went around to the other side for Dexter. He had opened his door but still sat there, obviously nervous about stepping out dressed as he was.

"Let's go honey. Once you've been out in public it will get a little easier each time," Angela said taking his hands.

"How would you know?" he asked stepping out of the car and standing up.

Dexter didn't know which was worse, being dressed like he was in front of his girlfriend and mother or stepping out in public in front of strangers that had no clue that he was under extreme duress to do this.

Angela looked at Dexter. She had a supportive smile but a sad heart. She didn't want her boyfriend to look like this. She wanted the man that he truly was, but she did love him and knew this was not his doing.

She had put together Dexter's ensemble for the day. He was wearing a pair of blue denim capris jeans. They were very tight fitting and covered his knees but left his clean shaven calves and shins were exposed for the sake of being fashionable. His feet were in a pair of 2" wedge heel, black patent leather peep toe pumps woman's shoes. Four of his red toenails pushed painfully out the openings to be admired by the public.

"You look fine sweetheart," Angela said kissing him on the cheek trying to reassure the nervous man. "At least you're not wearing a dress on your first outing," she added.

Dexter was wearing a red ruffled, long sleeved peasant blouse with a padded c-cup bra underneath. Angela had parted his hair in the middle and combed it back on the sides holding it place with two butterfly barrettes.

"Here you will need this," Lynn said holding out a black shoulder purse.

"Do you really expect me to carry a purse mom?" he said irritated at the thought.

"Yes, as a matter of fact I do Dexter," Lynn said looking him over. "Women carry purses."

"I'm not a woman. Why are you making me do..."

His mother interrupted.

"Dexter, you can do whatever you want. You're an adult, this is your life and you know the consequences of your actions. You are here to convince these people that you wish to be a girl. Understand? You're telling them you don't want to be a man anymore. So, I think the purse is irrelevant and the least of your concerns right now. Besides, you will probably be wearing dresses to this place in the future anyway."


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