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The Map

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Debauchery of unwilling couple on savage island.
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It all started as a trip of a lifetime; the married couple was enjoying the paradise of the remote pacific islands they were visiting and all the splendors that the warm vibrant climate had to offer. The beaches were magnificent, the sunsets were breathtaking and the food was exquisite. Then there were the nights - which were nothing short of their expectations of what a healthy dose of tender romantic island lovemaking between a man and woman would be. It simply couldn't be any more perfect.

A lot of interesting supernatural legend was attached to the region, and it had played a role in the couple's decision to go there for vacation. On this particular morning, they decided to rent a boat to go visit and explore some of the other islands in the local chain, having already hiked and explored the main island from beach to beach. As they were boarding their boat on the dock, one of the locals handed them a map and told them to pay close attention to it. He explained to the couple that some of the local islands were deemed too dangerous for visitors, and that such islands were clearly highlighted in red on the map as ones to avoid.

It was a perfect day for being out on a boat as the seas were calm and the wind was light. As the duo set off in the general direction of one of the islands that sounded interesting, the woman was applying suntan lotion to her face and neck. She had set the lotion bottle on top of the map to keep the breeze from blowing it away, when suddenly, her elbow knocked the bottle off and the map slid off the stern into the water. Frantically she grabbed the map out of the water and tried to dry it off, but to her dismay, she noticed that the red ink from the islands highlighted as "forbidden" had succeeded in turning most of the map into a big pink smudged mess.

She told her husband what had happened, and they stopped in order to figure out what they could do. They were already several miles from the dock, and going back to the dock to get a new map would mean they wouldn't reach any of the islands they wanted to visit until lunchtime, effectively killing half of the day's excursion. They both looked over the caked pink mess on the map trying to remember which islands were the ones to avoid, but it was now totally unintelligible of which island was safe to set foot on and which wasn't.

After thinking about it for a few moments, the woman suggested they just press on, and that they would use their own judgment when they approached any one island. "How dangerous could any of these islands really be anyway," she asked, "we're in the middle of a paradise. Everything has been perfect, this whole vacation. How can we go wrong?" After thinking about the adventure in the bedroom the night prior, the husband agreed with his wife's reasoning, and put the sails on the boat back up to carry on.

They scanned the map and decided to make way for the largest island. How could that island be one to avoid? Surely it's just as safe as the island that housed the resort they were staying at, the couple reasoned. Thus, in this split second moment, their fate was decided and sealed.

An hour later, the beach of the large island began to come into view. It looked more rugged and overgrown than the island they had been staying on, but everything seemed peaceful and tranquil otherwise. Curiously, there were no signs of activity or human beings at all. As they got closer, the pair realized that the island seemed to have a deep interior, but it was hard to guess what was in the center as the island itself was several miles wide, and the underbrush starting about 20 yards from the waterfront made it difficult to see anything further in.

Finally they landed on the beach, and pulled the boat further up in the sand and tied it to a tree. As they stretched their bodies from sitting for the last couple of hours, they both got the sense of something being eerie and ominous about this island, and that maybe they should leave. On top of this, the island looked very inaccessible anyway, with the exception of the open beach the interior was very heavy jungle-type terrain, and didn't appear to be navigable. After talking it over they decided they would at least stay there long enough to eat the lunch they had packed and enjoy the view of the gorgeous sky blue ocean.

After lunch, they went for a short stroll down the beach before shoving off again. As they watched the small waves splash down on the sand, the husband happened to look over to his right and saw a small but well beaten trail leading off into the jungle. Inquisitive minds began to ponder following the trail and finally they looked at each other and said, "Shall we explore?" With that, they walked up to the path, got a sense of where they were on the beach so they'd know what to look for when they returned, and proceeded to follow it with the husband leading the way.

Once inside the overgrowth, the couple found themselves following a very windy trail and seeing a lot of exotic vegetation and small creatures. None of the creatures seemed to be threatening or aggressive and the flora was actually quite beautiful. The trail itself was mostly a soft bed of thick moss and the wife commented she could almost take her shoes off and walk on it very comfortably. Most of the sunlight was blocked out and it did create a somewhat eerie overtone as the twosome proceeded further into the jungle-like surroundings, but even this added to the allure of going further and further in to see what kind of breathtaking natural beauty awaited them.

Nearly an hour went by and the couple had been treated to many fantastic sites, such as the impressive mini lagoon with waterfall off a tall cliff, and also what appeared to be possibly an ancient human construction of rocks arranged to indicate it might have been a dwelling of some kind. They inched further and further in to this mini jungle paradise they had unwittingly discovered, and suddenly, around a bend came upon a small clearing with a manmade structure of stone, suggestive of an ancient temple.

"Wow," exclaimed the woman, "Have you ever seen anything like this in your life?" The husband agreed that it was a very impressive thing to have discovered. It had symbols on the front and sides of the structure, but it was hard to tell if it had been used recently. As they gawked at the temple, they realized it was well into mid afternoon, and that they had to be at least a couple of miles in from the beach by now. "Perhaps we should rest here for a few minutes and then turn back," said the husband, "it's going to be dark before we know it, and we don't want to get lost out here."

After taking a few snapshots, the couple took one last look at the temple and turned back to the trail. The angle of the sun by now had given the jungle an intensified sense of murkiness, and ironically as beautiful as both of them had found this trek to be, they both sensed something precariously compromising about where they were. The woman blurted out, "Hon, this has been fantastic today but this place is starting to give me the creeps – perhaps we should get a move on." Sharing her newfound sense of urgency, her husband took her hand in his and they began to walk faster out of the jungle.

Then it happened. Just as kind as this alien landscape had treated them, it suddenly turned against them. The pair unexpectedly heard rustling leaves behind them, and without warning both were tackled to the ground. They struggled to break free but several people were pinning each of them down. The woman cried for help as she squirmed to break free, but it was no use. Before the couple could see who their assailants were, cloths were held over and pressed into their faces. Drowsiness then set in rapidly and very soon, everything went black.

As the twosome regained consciousness, they heard tribal music and lots of voices chanting and shouting. Whatever had been used to render them comatose was very potent; both of them felt extremely groggy and could not see anything right away. Slowly, a visual materialized to accompany the sounds they were hearing – first as a total blur and then a gradual focusing. What they focused to absolutely terrified them. They were tied up against trees, and deep brown-bronze skinned natives with painted faces and bodies surrounded them, speaking in a language that wasn't comprehensible. They looked like a completely different tribal band altogether from the natives on the island where they had been staying. They didn't look very advanced technically as most of them wielded spears or other blunt club-like weapons, and all were very scantily clothed, men and women alike.

The couple struggled with their restraints to try to escape, but it was no use. And now the natives had noticed they were awake again. Several began menacingly looking over them, poking at them with their hands and spears, touching their clothes, with half threatening and half puzzled looks. One of the male natives took the wife's arm to examine and pinch at it, while a female ran her hand though the husband's soft brown hair and down one of his cheeks. Obviously the natives had noticed that the captive pair's form of dress and light complexion was quite different in contrast to their own. The two detainees became even more mortified as they noticed dead carcasses of sacrificial animals and bloodstained trees and rocks around them. "Oh my god," said the husband, pulling harder against his restraints, "do you think these are cannibals?" The wife turned snow white with terror at hearing these words come out of her husband's mouth, and shrieked for help as long as her lungs could exude breath.

Suddenly the music and dancing that had been going on stopped, and the tribesmen looking over the couple cleared the way to make a path for what appeared to be the leader of the tribe – a graying male of advanced years. He looked at both the husband and wife, and seemed to be asking them questions in his own language. Seeing that perhaps he was a man of reason, the two prisoners pleaded with him to let them go. They promised they would leave the island immediately and never intrude on them again. But it was useless; the leader simply didn't understand what they were saying.

Several of the tribesmen and tribeswomen standing around the leader began talking to him simultaneously in an agitated tone. Perhaps this was it – they could be discussing how they were going to prepare them for that night's dinner. After a few moments of jabber, the leader silenced them all and walked over to the couple. He looked them both over, from head to toe, and then he muttered some words that almost sounded like a blessing or some kind of prayer, touching both the husband's and wife's heads as he did it. He then kissed them both on the cheek, and motioned for the other tribesmen to take them away.

They were untied from the trees, and with spears aimed at their necks, were led away to some primitive looking structure made out of bamboo. They were pushed inside, into a room that looked large enough to contain a good amount of people but still have a somewhat cozy feeling to it. There were a lot of woven baskets lying around, some stools and some other pottery items. Strangely, a couple of primitive looking tables with animal skins spread out over them were placed in the middle in this structure – set up like a centerpiece of some kind, perhaps the equivalent of a dining room table. Although they appeared to be tables, they were a bit low to the ground to really be comfortable for standard dining.

Seeing this setup sunk the hearts of the captured pair; they were absolutely convinced that they were going to be tortured, sacrificed or eaten – perhaps all three. Several warriors stood guard with spears still aimed at their necks, and restrained their arms. A few minutes passed by, and slowly, other members of the tribe filed in the room and sat down. The silence was maddening to the couple as they stood there for what seemed to be an eternity awaiting whatever their fate was. Nightfall had arrived, and they wondered if they were ever going to see the sunrise again.

A little more time went by and the room had slowly become full; there were now probably at least three or four dozen people in the room. One could have heard a pin drop as they all sat quietly, most of them looking the couple over. Suddenly, several young women came in the room, all carrying what appeared to be coconuts. They were placed on top of a few woven baskets around the two tables in the center of the room. One of the women then motioned to the warriors to bring the female prisoner over to one of the tables.

The wife, sensing this was her last chance to say anything to her husband, blurted out "I love you" to him. One of the warriors covered her mouth firmly to keep her from talking, and tears began to stream out of her eyes. The husband told her he loved her too, and was also summarily silenced with a hand over his mouth, and then he was pushed over to the other table. They were shaking, not knowing what was about to happen to them, but knowing their fate was about to be revealed.

Unexpectedly, several people began to remove the wife's clothes; she screamed and started cursing herself inside her head for letting the stupid map fall into the water that morning. She tried to wriggle away from the people undressing her but it was absolutely hopeless. First her top was removed, followed with the ripping off of her swimsuit halter, and a necklace yanked from her neck - exposing a pair of bare bouncy breasts. She was then lifted up to have her shoes and socks removed and pants tugged down her legs. All of her clothes were thrown aside as they let her down back on her bare feet. She tried to lurch away one last time, and this only met with her little bikini bottoms being ripped off her body that much faster. She stood there and blushed in embarrassment as the eyes converged on her nude voluptuous body.

The husband watched helplessly as his wife had been stripped naked. He tried to reach out to help her, but was pulled back and restrained. And then to HIS horror, he felt his own clothes starting to be removed – he tried to fight it but it was just no use. He soon felt the eyes also zeroing in on his nudity; and powerless to do anything about it.

Both were forced on to separate tables on their backs; their arms were spread eagled and tied up to the table's legs. Neither of them had noticed that there were posts protruding upwards from the ends of the tables until now, and their legs were being spread outwards and upwards and tied to these posts. Oddly, their rear ends had been placed down on a heightened lump of animal skins; what seemed to be the equivalent of an elevated pillow on a bed. They lay there, totally restrained, naked, vulnerable and helpless – at the total mercy of these natives.

The sinking feeling in their stomachs became an anvil as the young native women began to hover over both of them, each picking up one of the coconuts. This was it; they are going to smash our bodies to a pulp, thought the wife. Both of them looked at each other one last time, whispered their goodbyes to each other and closed their eyes to await the inevitable.

A few moments went by, and nothing happened. But suddenly, something fluid-like started to dribble on their bare skin. They both opened their eyes and saw small streams of liquid dropping from the coconuts, which turned out to be containers with their tops off. A familiar odor hit their noses as they realized that coconut oil was being poured all over their bodies. What kind of sick ritual is this, thought the husband, why can't they just get it over with? The containers were put down after their bodies were very amply covered with this sweet smelling oil, and suddenly, a few pairs of dark brown/bronze hands began rubbing the oil into the couple's skin. Slowly and incrementally more sets of hands joined in. As more and more people began to participate in whatever they were doing to them, the wife noticed that both males and females were performing the rubbing on both herself and her husband. She became very confused as to what was happening, and suddenly screamed out, "WHAT ARE THEY DOING TO US?!"

A hand was put lightly over her mouth to quiet her down. She was still scared to death, utterly bewildered as to what was going on. Strangely, the hand over her mouth wasn't being forceful this time, but rather it almost seemed like it was being reassuring. She followed the hand and arm up to the person who was covering her mouth with her eyes and she found one of the young women giving her a very friendly look, almost glowing. She started to relax just a little, even though still petrified at the precarious situation she was in.

The husband was equally confused as more and more sets of hands began to rub the coconut oil into his slender body. Was this just some ritualistic cleansing preparation before sacrifice, or was it about something else, he wondered. He looked over to his wife and noticed the dark hands all over her milky body; her pale skin was already glistening sharply underneath the fire torches lighting the room. He felt a little ashamed to be a little admiring of how she looked covered in oil, but it was very quickly extinguished as he reminded himself of how dire this situation was and that he had no control over it.

On the other table the wife lay there almost in a trance in order to try screening out the horrors that awaited her, but a new problem was arising. As at least a dozen pairs of hands massaged over her naked body, she noticed that it was actually starting to feel very nice, and her nipples were hardening. She felt ashamed for even entertaining the idea that it felt so pleasant and relaxing, and attempted to put it out of her mind. But without warning, she felt more coconut oil hitting her body amidst the myriad of hands – the sweet odor of coconut pierced her nose as the added lubricant rendered her more silky and glossy. She then looked at the hands rubbing over her body, which she hadn't done to this point. It was probably a mistake. Beholding all the hands polishing her radiant skin just made her nipples respond more, and now the same woman that had smiled at her before was smearing oil into her nipples as well. It made her exhale erratically and the wife was losing her battle – she was now becoming turned on, even in the face of certain death. Her body was betraying her and forcing her to enjoy what was being done to her.

The husband by this point was encountering very conflicting thoughts; he could not put his wife's slippery shiny body out of his mind, and the multitude of hands rubbing him from his neck on down to the bottom of his feet was markedly distracting him from the peril he had been feeling. They weren't touching his penis directly, but the massaging of his inner thighs intermittently grazing his balls was having an additional impact. He tried not to think about it too much, but the sound of his wife exhaling in that familiar breath of getting in the mood hitting his eardrums finished off any hope of him dashing the erotic feelings forming in his mind. It horrified him to think she was getting something out of this sexually, but excited him at the same time. As his self control deteriorated, his penis began to respond to the thought of the wife and himself unwillingly being encompassed and manipulated to the point of being aroused by the arcing sensations coursing through their bodies. He felt a little ashamed because he knew at least half of the hands touching him were male, but his body was ignoring that fact and making him revel in it.

As time went on, the pair found themselves being driven to even more tenacious vibrations of desire. The unwelcome physical assault and accompanied guilt of allowing other people to invade the sexual sanctity of their marriage weighed heavily on their minds, but there was simply no turning back. Both found themselves swaying their hips and moaning uncontrollably in response to what was being done to them, and the sight of their pale bodies being maneuvered by dark savage hands was just adding to their excitement. Husband and wife were no longer thinking of how they were going to be brutalized or killed.


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