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The Marriage of Martin Hastings Ch. 14

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Martin meets another male bride on his walk and learns more.
4.2k words

Part 14 of the 21 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 04/25/2011
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Martin walked down the walkway his heels clicking loudly as he moved quickly away from the house. He felt almost naked walking in the bikini that Leanne had seen fit for him to wear out today. Wearing 6" spiked heel sandals and his hair in curlers covered with a large white scarf tied under his chin, he walked with his head slightly bowed as he thought about his situation. He felt embarrassed as a couple of the staff took notice of him then returned to what they were doing.

"I've got to get out of here," he thought to himself as he realized the head of his penis was still exposed out the top of his bikini bottoms. He reached down and pulled the material over it as best he could. The bikini bottoms were just too small to totally contain his maleness. He walked over to the 8' high stone walls and touched them. He looked back over his shoulder to see if anyone was still watching. He felt he was far enough away to take a look around. The mask partially obstructed his view as he had to turn his head rather than just shifting his eyes to see things around him. "Am I in a prison of some kind`?" he thought. His only desire in life now was to escape. All the weird advise and supposed goodwill he was getting on how do that, well quite frankly now sucked in his opinion. Martin walked along the wall as if he was just admiring the flowers the gardeners had so beautifully planted and cared for.

Martin came to the garden area where he had met with Missy earlier. He was walking at a steady pace now as he pondered his options. The pressure in his ass from the butt plug was causing some discomfort and was causing him to walk a little faster, as he didn't know how long it would take to get back to the house going this way.

"Good morning Mrs. Vargos," a male voice startled Martin, "Enjoying your walk?"

Martin turned to find a woman sitting on the bench where he and Missy had discussed his annulment strategy earlier. Except when he looked closer the woman was actually a man dressed as a woman, but he was so much more refined in his look and seemed more at ease than Martin in his feminine state. Martin walked closer his heels clicking slowly on the sidewalk. The man had a pleasant smile on his fully madeup face as he motioned for Martin to sit down.

"Why don't you have a seat. I'm sure it is difficult walking around in such high heels. especially out here." Martin sat down and the the knob on the butt plug he was wearing hit the wood bench causing an audible vibration sound that Martin quickly shifted to eliminate. Dorothy gave a slight laugh. "Oh I see. Don't be embarrassed, things like that happen. Is it uncomfortable?"

"What do you think? Is this what I'm supposedly out here alone for? To meet with you?" Martin said taking in this guys appearance. He was beautifully dressed in a pink full skirted dress with a white collar. He had a wide white 3" belt at his thin waist and white 4" pumps on his feet. His hair was in an updo he had worn as part of the wedding party. "So what is your part in all this?" Martin said standing in front of him almost naked, clad only in his white bikini.

"My part? Mrs. Vargos, I was asked if I'd mind talking with you," he said looking at his long red fingernails. "I said I had nothing really to say to you," the man said looking up at Martin now. "I was then asked if I'd come out here anyway, in case you had something you wanted to talk about. I said sure. So here we are."

"So why are you dressed like that?' Martin sounded a little hot now looking at this guy. "Am I suppose to feel better about all this shit just because another guy is dressed like a girl too? Is everybody around here crazy?" "

"Actually Mrs. Vargos, I think we are all crazy in some ways," he said calmly as he held out his hand to Martin, "My name Dorothy dear," he said crossing his legs.

"Well then, my name is Martin. I'm being held as a prisoner here, and I'm being forced to serve as this guys wife and sex slave. I'm being held against my will." Martin stomped his foot in anger. "They tie me down to do all this girl stuff to me. Can you help me get out of here?" Martin said hoping for a positive response.

"No. Why would you want to leave all this?" is all Dorothy said.

"Why? Because I'm being held against my will you bimbo. How can I get out of here?"

"I don't know." Dorothy said looking about like some dizzy blonde.

"Then what good are you? What are we supposed to do discuss how pretty we look in our dresses?" Martin glared at the glamorously feminized man.

"Martin, I'm the only one wearing a dress here, you are barely wearing a bikini. Do you like my dress though Martin?" Dorothy smiled at him.

"What's wrong with you. You're a man for god sakes." Martin looked through the mask trying to intimidate the sissy male in front of him. "Listen, I'm married to this bastard. They think this is all real here."

"I was in your bridal party. It was a beautiful ceremony."

"BEAUTIFUL?? My hands were tied behind my back and I was gagged at the altar, or did you not notice the obvious." Martin turned away. He wanted to just tell this person off and walk away, but it was the first time he had been able to discuss things openly with another person. He needed more information, even if that other person was a male bimbo that seemed to relish his role.

Dorothy looked up at Martin his smile fading away now. "I'm not married Martin, but I was married for two years to a man also."

"So you got out of it? How did you get out of this mess and why are you still dressed like a damn girl then? Did they brainwash you or something?"

"No, I'm legally a widow Martin." he looked up at Martin to gauge his reaction.

"You killed him?" Martin said astonished.

"Oh no, no, no..........He died as answer to my prayers I think, but I had nothing to do with it. As for dressing like a girl, I just hang around now to inherit the money that is in a trust for me. I was not rich before, like you are. I will move on after the terms are all met. Probably another six months."

"You have to be kidding me." Martin couldn't believe this guy would dress like this for another six months just for money. But then again Martin always had had money.

"I was part of the same, same sex arranged marriage loophole in the law as you are Martin. It really sucks for us doesn't it. No pun intended," Dorothy smiled, "I feel the laws were never meant for guys like us to end up like this, but were twisted and argued in courts in perverse interpretations, to give you and I this wonderful life we now enjoy," Dorothy said as he allowed his hands to display himself as if he was a model displaying a desirable object. "I don't like wearing women's clothes anymore than you do Martin. What guy in his right mind WANTS to be treated like this. The law that allows us to be married to these men doesn't require we dress like women. Bet you didn't know that. It's our husband that requiring us to dress like women." Dorothy then chuckled, "It's funny you know, we also have to get Public Crossdressing Permits to be able to crossdress legally in public. You'll have to have one in your purse at all times when in public."

"NO!...NO!...NO! I can't take this anymore." Martin said putting his hands on his curlered head.

"We are wives to these men by law though. People stare at me when I'm in public and laugh or get angry and say things that are really hurtful," he said as he lowered his eyes. "Don't judge what you don't know Martin. We are not prisoners, we are legally, Male-brides."

"So you're telling me you had to marry a man you didn't know in a perverted same sex, arranged, bullshit marriage, or whatever this is suppose to be?"

"No. I actually knew my husband for years before we were married." Dorothy stared off in the distance as he gathered his thoughts, "We had been friends and I actually worked for him in his company." Dorothy looked at the Bliss Mask that didn't reflect the astonished look on the face behind it. "I guess at some point he approached my family about having an 'arranged marriage' with me. My family agreed to have me marry him, as he was a very wealthy man. Not as wealthy as your husband is though. They thought it would be best for me, with all that lifetime of security and stuff you know." he said with extreme sarcasm. "I'm sure my mother is very happy with her new lifestyle with all the endowment that was graciously bestowed on my family for my hand in marriage." Dorothy looked at Martin, "Let's just call it what it really is. I was sold Martin. I knew nothing about any of it till he asked me to marry him out of the blue one day on the golf course. I thought it was all a joke. I really did, then he insisted he loved me." Dorothy lowered his eyes again. "I had no choice in the matter it seems. I was taken away against my will and dressed in women's clothes, and I have dressed as a woman ever since. I then was very thoroughly wedded, bedded, told how much I was loved by my new husband and told how lucky I was by others." He now lifted his lashes and looked at Martin. "Come to find out my older brother, my mother, and grandparents, all gave their consent for my marriage to this man. I think that was the biggest blow of all."

"Well I'm not going to just sit around and just accept being some guys Trophy Wife and I'm sure not just going to stay around and accept being fucked up my ass anytime this guy feels like it. Just because they dress me like a girl damn sure doesn't make me one," Martin said.

"It's The Three Nights of Consummation, Martin. Once that's over, I'm sure the sex will be a lot less intense and frequent. A traditional pride thing, the consummation is for these guys. Life is much easier after the Coming Out Banquet."

"The hell with tradition. Like I'm going to sleep with another man. I'm NOT a girl." Martin snorted.

"Well, you're doing it all right now aren't you." Dorothy smiled. "Look Martin, after the consummation and the banquet, you can pretty much go anywhere you like. You can do as you please. You can act as a man if you want, do manly things, the only thing is you have to dress in feminine attire and present yourself as so. If you were a woman this would be more like you are being totally pampered while having a wonderful sexual experience. Treating you like a princess as you gladly surrender yourself to your husband. Women do this too you know. The tradition was originally just for women. They would get on the bed on their knees and put their arms out and forehead on the bed and offer themselves to their new husband to be seeded. The husband seeds his bride while standing and once he is finished he will relax on the bed or even sleep for a bit, and the bride would sit in a chair next to the bed as she anxiously waited to be seeded again. You and I get to participate because we are now officially wives," Dorothy said with much sarcasm.

"So I've heard." Martin said reflecting back on Constance's tirade earlier.

"You are heterosexual man I presume?" Dorothy gave a smile.

"What do you think?" Martin hissed at the question.

"The humiliation just never ends, because you are, and always will be, seen by others as nothing more than a man dressing up like woman. They see you as a feminized man Martin. Not a woman. That's why all the snickering and giggling by the girls and angry looks by the general public. There is no sympathy for your situation. And to top it all off, the public believes you like your new lot in life. You will never get used to it."

" NO!!! I'm not going to be subjected to this as a lifestyle. I've got to get out of here. Can you help me get this damn mask off my face?" Martin stood. He was feeling the hot sun on his skin. It pissed him off knowing it was burning the image of the bra into his chest.

"Oh no. I'm sorry. I won't do that. That's your Bliss Mask."

"I know it's a Bliss Mask. Do you know what it's like wearing this thing? It's driving me crazy." Martin yelled.

"Yes I do. I had to wear one. I wore mine when my husband met my parents at a nice public restaurant. I don't want to hear about your backyard embarrassments. Try wearing it in a public setting. Sitting in a restaurant watching while everyone else eats, and you have to continue your fasting till the banquet while wearing a stupid mask. Oh yeah, not to mention all the turning heads, stares, and whispering from all the other patrons. Oh they've all seen Bliss Mask worn in public before, but this time it's a guy dressed like a girl that makes it so novel to the public."

"Why didn't you just leave, if you can go where ever you like?"

"Well you can't just leave during the consummation as to many people are involved with you at that time. However, I did leave once Martin," Dorothy said as he stood up. Dorothy unzipped his dress and sat back down. He lowered his eyes almost shamefully as he slid the dress top down. Martin stepped back as he saw the cleavage Dorothy had in his bra. Dorothy had breast. He took his left breast and lifted it out of the bra cup for Martin to see. It was a firm breast and protruded and the nipple projected straight out when he released it. There was a small ring in his nipple, but the thing that caught Martin's eye the most was the nipple itself had been tattooed into a bright red flower. A rose. Martin was stunned yet found the site of this young man's situation strangely erotic. Dorothy revealed his other breast, and it too was tattooed with the same bright red rose on the nipple.

"He had your nipples tattooed?"

"Yes. Hurt like hell too. Two tattoo artist did both nipples at the same time while I was restrained. I was told it was to spare me repeated trips and discomfort."

"He made you have breast implants to punish you for running away?"

"Well, it was never really clear. I think he did, but I was told I got them because he thought I looked very sexy with breast, and of course you now how much he adored me." Dorothy quipped with sarcasm again."Do you like them?" Dorothy gave a slight smile of resignation, "You see Martin. I can wait another six months dressed like a lady to get that money. It really doesn't matter at this point. I have girls who I have sex with, and I live very well. I will stop doing all this the second I get the inheritance. I'll burn every feminine thing I own, cut my hair and then I'll worry about the tits."

"How long did it take your dick to be able to erect again?" Martin asked.

"What do you mean?"

"They are giving me something that prevents me from having erections." Martin said.

"I don't know. I was never given anything like that. I had concubines who visited with me while my husband was away. I never slept alone. I was always able to have sex with these women. They were all very beautiful women by the way. They were always dressed so sexy. All whores, but very beautiful whores."

"He gave you women to sleep with?"

"Oh yes. The women were only allowed to spend the night with me though. It was to keep me comforted while he was away. I think it also kept me sane in a way. I could do as I pleased with these girls. Of course I still had to dress as a girl when I was with them," he gave a smirk as he continued. "My husband selected the girls, who were all professionals by the way, and I could never have the same one visit me for more than a month. Then I would have a different girl. No long term relationships were going to develop with any of these girls. They ranged in ages from 18 to 50. I never was asked what I wanted in a girl, she would just present herself to me in the evening in my bedroom, get her little giggling episode from the initial sight of me dressed like a girl out of the way, then she would be mine for the entire night taking care of my manly sexual needs," he smiled as he reflected on some of the memories. "I'm sure you will get a concubine too," John gave him a smile. "It's just part of the relationship."

"Oh yeah, a lot of good a girl in my bed will do me with a limp dick." Martin snorted.

"Who said you would be getting a female?" Dorothy chuckled. "Your husband may decide to get you a male concubine for all you know. The hard throbbing cock in your relationship may not be your own you know. These people do what they want. Don't you know you are submitting yourself totally to your new husband and his whims?"

Martin was furious with this guys ease of sitting there acting as if he was some pseudo girl, and being very comfortable in his role as he was saying all this. Martin had to know something though. He needed to know now.

"STOP IT!! Can this marriage be annulled by requesting a sex change?" Martin couldn't believe he just said that, but the desire to know was greater than the humiliation of saying it. He had to know if Missy had lied to him.

"Why yes, of course it can. I've heard that is one way in which the courts would accept an annulment in these cases." Dorothy smiled and looked at Martin. "I think such arguments are better suited for men like me than for you though."

"What do you mean?"

"Well Martin, I've been dressing and living as a woman for two years. I have had sex with men regularly during that time. If I was still married, I'd have a rather convincing argument for annulment based on a desire to have my sex changed to female. You on the other hand are just starting. Two days now? Getting them to believe you really want to be a woman may be a little more difficult just based on your lack of experience and enthusiasm of just looking and acting like a girl." Dorothy looked Martin over, "Now that bikini and those heels are rather over the top. I think if you were to stay over the top like that in front of the domestic help for a while.........well it can't hurt your case. Make them think you like it"

"How long are you talking?"

"Oh I'd give it at least a year if I were you." Dorothy said pondering the question.

"A YEAR! I wouldn't give this place a single day of me cooperating in being a girl. I will fight them all the way. They will have to force me. I will never do this willingly."

"And they will Martin," Dorothy said as he stood and placed his breast back in the cups of his bra, as he watched Martin eyes through the mask stare in disbelief. "Would you zip me up please Martin," Dorothy said turning his back to Martin. Martin zipped the dress for him. Dorothy held his hand out to Martin and said. "Come on let's walk together for a bit."

"What? You want to hold hands? You may like this stuff, but I'm not going to do it." Martin spat out.

"Look at us Martin. Look at you............We are dressed like girls Martin. GIRLS! Yes, we are going to hold hands. Why not? Does that make me want to suck your dick? No. I find such thoughts sickening, even after all the time I've been married. You might as well get the staff behind you on this annulment plan of yours, and being a HAPPY outrageous, flaming crossdressing male-bride in their eyes, is a good start for you."

Martin took Dorothy's hand and walked away slowly. The wind was blowing the scarf that covered Martin's hair rollers, as the sun continued to burn the image of Martin's bikini into his chest, back and hips. Martin lowered his head as they walked.

"Dorothy, how do I stop this? I don't want to be a girl." he said softly as they walked through a wooded area Martin was startled when he was grabbed by Dorothy by both arms. Martin tried to pull back but Dorothy shook him vigorously.

"Listen to me Martin. Stop your whining," Dorothy said looking about now making sure no one was looking.

"What are you doing?" Martin said struggling with him.

"JUST SHUT UP AND LISTEN," Dorothy hissed in a lower tone. "Run Martin," he told him staring hard into the mask. "The next chance you get, you need to try and get out of here."

"You don't seem to be in much of a hurry to get out of your girly life. Why should I listen to you? What's going to happen?"


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