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The Matrons of Regal Bay Ch. 61


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Annie hugged her mother then. "Mom, I've always loved you. You know that." She met Greta's eyes with hers. "Maybe I was wrong to push everyone away, for so long. I don't know why I ever did."

"I think I do," Greta replied. "I think your repulsion at our family's activities was brought on entirely by the way your sister enjoyed herself, and how your father enjoyed spending his time with her as well. I imagine that you felt left out, even after you were shown the Van Winkle life-style. I blame your father for that, but maybe I should take some of the blame as well. I was never as supportive of you and your choices as I should have been. That was my fault."

Again, Annie hugged her mother, just a little tighter this time. "Thank you, Mom. I needed to hear that, I think." She held her mother a moment longer, and then stood. "I've got to get going. Tim and I have some things to talk about."

"Give him my love," Greta insisted as they headed for the front door together.

"I'll leave that up to you," Annie retorted. "I plan on giving him my love when I get home, if you don't mind! He is my son, and my lover, after all." Annie kissed her mother good-bye and headed out. Greta stood in the doorway a moment longer, waving as Annie pulled away, before stepping back inside and closing the door.

Annie knew that once again things had changed for her, and as she drove she realized that she hadn't felt so relaxed or happy in quite some time. All it had taken was making love with her own mother to lift away the problems and show her that she was indeed a special woman.

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7aalmost 3 years ago

I have not commented on many chapters in this series because most of them do not warrant a comment. Incest is supposed to be mutually agreeable between equal partners. There is no positional dominance nor emotional abandonment, as punishment. In Annie's case, this was not true. For her mother to recognize her mistakes and admit them was wonderful. For Annie to realize her mother always loved her and accepted her for who she is validated her existence as a daughter. For Annie to accept her son as the child's father, without regret, established the foundation for a long and hopefully long-term loving relationship with Tim as a equal partner, something she never had. As a romantic and having no problem with mutually agreeable incest among equals, I would give this chapter 6 star rating, if I could.

FoggyKernelFoggyKernelover 3 years ago

Here ends the tale of Annie. And while you sort of dealt with the issues between Annie and the rest of her family, you sort of glossed over them. In Tale 4, her father basically raped her. And I don't recall you actually making a point of her sister hogging all of her father's time. Also, I felt that her mother's apology was rather disingenuous, because she could have step up when it happened, but failed. This lack of support is not easily fixed. Again, it is as if you have grown tired of these tales and are just wrapping them up without really bring it to a closure.

sniffpantiessniffpantiesover 7 years ago

Loved this pregnant Annie of my greatest fantasies is knocking up my mother too.....keep on writing Wolf......

KlitomaticKlitomaticover 7 years ago
Great Imagination

I'm not a huge fan of anal, (A little goes a long way.) However, your naughty and down right nasty thot processes seem to mirror mine. Must be why I like you. Keep up the good work.

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