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The Merger

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A hottie is seduced by her father's powerful new boss.
2.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/01/2022
Created 04/06/2006
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The venerable Barclay's Lighting Inc. was about to enter into a merger with their long time rivals, Lucifer Inc. Sam Barclay, the sixth in a long line of tough, savvy Barclay chairmen had resisted the merger for years, but had finally come to believe that one massive company would dominate the worldwide industry. All the press releases glowed with positive news of how both companies would grow and prosper under combined management - how industry titans Sam Barclay and Gary Jackman would share responsibilities equally. Of course, in business nothing happens as one expects it will.

The Barclays were an extremely respected and privileged family, with a fantastic home in the suburbs, two Mercedes, and their country "cottage" that was more like a ranch. Sam Barclay's only daughter, Victoria, was a much envied girl of 19. Privately-schooled, athletic and highly intelligent, she had the looks to make men weak and her girlfriends question their sexual orientation. Blond, tall, with long sexy legs, shapely ass, smooth, toned belly, and perfect, 34C breasts that she was particularly proud of.

Victoria was famously close to her father. She admired his intelligence, his business savvy, and, more than anything else, his power. But secretly, she was more than a loving, admiring daughter. She recognized that there was something between them - an energy that could only be described as sexual. Her mother ignored it, pretending it was a phase. Her father, affected by it, did his best to suppress the feelings that stirred within him. Victoria on the other hand, did her utmost to satisfy her needs. She wasn't a virgin - she had slept with two lucky boys on a school trip to Paris when she was just 18. From the beginning she had loved oral sex, relishing the idea of being on her knees in front of a boy, but maintaining complete control over the sexual act at the same time (at least that had been her experience). But they were only boys, and she couldn't seem to get her father's image out of her mind when she was aroused. Horny as hell, and frustrated by the lack of sexual satisfaction, she kept herself in top form, exercising daily to keep her luscious body in perfect condition. She bought clothes to accentuate her looks - sheer, thong panties, fitted t-shirts, short skirts, tight, low-rider jeans and sexy shoes and sandals that showed off her legs. She would walk around the house barely dressed each morning, knowing the effect it had on him. She kissed her father whenever remotely appropriate, sometimes "accidentally" on the mouth. She cruelly sat in his lap whenever possible, enjoying both his discomfort and the hardness that developed there within seconds. The resulting family dynamic was complex to say the least, with Victoria slyly seducing her father, her delusional mother turning a blind eye, and Sam Barclay doing a lot of jerking off in the shower, trying not to think about his undeniably sexy daughter in that way. For godsake, he had a multinational corporation to run.

Success in the family business meant that Victoria was expected to take over the reins someday. To this end, Sam encouraged Victoria to be with him constantly from the time she was a little girl. Sam's goal was to raise her to take over the corporation at some point, and so he kept her up to speed on all the ins and outs of his dealmaking. Victoria was a quick study, and learned quickly how to recognize weakness in an opponent and capitalize on it. "Show no mercy," he taught her.

Victoria had shared in her father's excitement about the merger, but as the date drew near, she noticed a distinct change in her father's attitude towards the upcoming marriage of the two giant corporations. Sam Barclay's optimism had vanished. In fact, there seemed to be a sort of mood of panic about her father, something Victoria had never witnessed before. She asked her father about it, but he refused to discuss it. As the merger date approached, he began to withdraw. He seemed tired, even...weak.

The merger date came. That night, Sam Barclay arrived home, uncharacteristically drunk. It was clear that something had happened.

Victoria decided to visit her father at work the next day after the merger was completed. As usual, she pulled up to the front door of the main office in her yellow VW Beetle, dropped her keys at the security desk and breezed into the executive suites. She was well aware of the admiring looks she got from the male staff, watching her perfect, tight ass in her $300 jeans as she strolled down the gleaming floors of the executive office hallway. Outside the Chairman's door, her dad's secretary Janet (who was of course gorgeous, late 20's and very sexy) was on the phone. Victoria had to admit to herself that if she had ever thought about being with a woman, somehow Janet had snuck into the fantasy. She was jealous of the way Janet interacted with her father and skillfully protected him from unwanted calls and visitors. She was fascinated at the subtle flirtation, and the unspoken communication that went on between them. There was a real trust there.

But this time, something seemed wrong.

"Your dad has moved offices."

"What do you mean? How come you are still here then?

"Mr. Jackman is now using this office. And I am working for Mr Jackman now."

Victoria processed this, trying to figure out what had gone on. She looked at Janet closely. She seemed different. A professional edge. Harder.

"Where is my dad?"

"Down the hall, next to the board room"

Janet went back to her telephone conversation, dismissing Victoria. Victoria was pissed off. Who did she think she was? Had she forgotten that her father was Chairman of the company? Or at least co-chair....

She wandered down the hall towards her dad's new office, expecting it to be similar to his former office. To her utter amazement, she saw her dad moving cardboard boxes into a small office between the boardroom and the ladies restroom.

"What's going on Dad?" she said, upset.

He looked up suddenly at her - caught in the act of manual labour.

"Vickie, honey! I wasn't expecting you. I'm just moving into.. uh.. my new office." His face was reddening.

What about Janet? Isn't she working for you anymore?

"Ah, no. Janet is working for Mr. Jackman."

"Mr Jackman?"

Victoria was stunned that her father was referring to him by his surname. She had a sinking feeling in her stomach. Her father had never before addressed anyone in his own company as Mister or Mrs. anything.

"Cant you get someone to help you dad? Jesus. It seems so.... degrading for you to be moving your own shit."

"Look Vicky. This company is going through a tough patch. We all have to pull our own weight. I have to set an example."

"Yeah sure dad, whatever."

"By the way honey, there's something I have to talk to you about." He motioned for her to come into his office, and closed the door behind her.

That's the point that her life changed. That was the point that she learned about the deal with Jackman. The fine points of the agreement that were settled in the final heady last few days before the merger.


When the details of the so-called merger came out, the news spread pretty quickly. What had been advertised as a merger was in fact a hostile takeover. Victoria's father was apparently lucky to still have a job in the new, powerful firm. His responsibilities had been reduced to nothing. He was merely a redundant figurehead in the new company. The fine details that allowed Victoria's father to maintain a position on the board, and a salary, and some degree of dignity in what had actually been a total outright hostile takeover of his company.

Clearly, her father had given up a lot. There had been major sacrifices made in working conditions, perks, responsibilities, decision-making powers. But one of the deal points was very, very personal. It involved Victoria's father giving Jackman access to the most precious thing in his life. His 19 year old daughter.

Her father explained to Victoria what he had committed her to. It involved her reporting to work at Jackman's office each day after school, and doing personal "assistance" work for him. He explained that ultimately it would be good work experience, and would help to prepare her for college. He told her that it was important to the family, that it was part of the deal, that there was no way to avoid it. He told her to make the most of it. And something in his eyes told her not to fuck it up. It was a desperate plea. It struck her that her father's welfare and her family's lifestyle was dependant on her keeping Mr. Jackman very happy. He told her that she was going to have to meet Jackman and start when he needed her - probably immediately. His words echoed in her head: "you will do it, Vickie, whatever Mr. Jackman says. Either you make this work, or no more riding, no more summers in Cape Cod, no more trips for you and your friends to Europe." Then he broke down. He literally started sobbing. He turned away from her ashamed. And she was sickened by the sight of it.

Her face beet red, she walked out and left her father alone to get his shit together. She decided she introduce herself to this "Jackman" on the way out. Better to face the enemy than hide. Janet was at her desk, on the phone as usual. Victoria at first stood patiently by her desk, but when she didn't get any attention, she sat down. Janet barely looked up at her. For some reason, Victoria felt suddenly unimportant. It occurred to her that she no longer represented anything special to Janet. She was no longer the boss's daughter. She was just another employee at the company, and someone who suddenly ranked below Janet. It made Victoria uncomfortable.

While Janet spoke calmly and professionally into her tiny headset microphone she looked Victoria over. Her eyes took Victoria in coolly, lingering for more than a brief moment on her tight t-shirt. Victoria blushed. Finally she ended the call.

"You spoke to your father about the arrangement?"

Victoria nodded.

"Good. Mr. Jackman is on the phone right now, but I'm to show you in."

Janet got up and motioned for Victoria to follow her. She opened the large, familiar oak door to her father's old office, and proceeded inside. Victoria entered, and stood waiting near the large leather chair opposite Jackman's desk. The desk itself was oversized and perfectly neat. A phone, two pens, a pad of paper, a laptop computer. And Jackman turned to the window, on a wireless headset, speaking forcefully to some poor minion on the other end. She sat down in the chair, demurely crossing her legs.

"I don't care about that, you dumb piece of shit. You shouldn't care about that. Make it happen goddamit and prove that you still deserve to be a part of this company.

He spun around on his chair. He took her in as he continued his rant. She was taken aback by his masculine good looks. Dark, slightly greying hair, chiseled features, fit, athletic frame. His piercing blue eyes traveled over body, starting with her legs and moving up over her belly, lingering shamelessly on her breasts, to her face. Victoria was reddening, and off-balance. Despite her negative feelings towards this man, her under attended sex began to tingle and moisten. The confidence and power of this man was unmistakable. He continued berating the unfortunate underling.

"Don't bother me with things like this in the future. Godammit, they told me that you knew what you were doing. Take care of this stuff yourself. Get back to me when it's done, Barclay." He pressed the release button on the phone.

Barclay? Jesus, she thought. He was talking to my father like that. The revelation sent a jolt through her system. The anguish that she felt in hearing her father abused by another man that way made her stomach lurch, sending a spark of electricity downwards to her now fully aroused clitoris and engorged pussy. She swallowed.

"Miss Barclay. Nice to meet you finally. Janet has told me a great deal about you."

Victoria squirmed uncomfortably, not sure how to react to this man who she despised but had been told to respect - a man she loathed but to whom she felt an unmistakable attraction. What had Janet told him?

"Stand up," he commanded. "Let me take a better look at you."


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sierramclanesierramclanealmost 13 years ago
Been Looking For This

I read this story awhile ago and absolutely loved it, and I've spent months trying to find it again! And now I did :) Amazing story!! Great job!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

I had a difficult time accepting that Sam Barclay, "the sixth in a long line of tough savy Barclay chairmen," would wilt so easily, and give up his only daughter to the new CEO to boot. Reality is that he would dump his company, with a multi-million dollar parachute package in place, and retire, or start another company....

FYI, I gave the The Merger Chapter 2, a Five rating because it was super-hot. I can't wait for Chapter 3. Make her dress up in some slutty outfits please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Great Beginning

This could lead to a great story when all is said and done!!!

emisweetieemisweetieover 17 years ago
Fabulous beginning...

...a very sexy scenario with huge potential and all the necessary components of a very erotic tale. Many more chapters to come, I hope.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

Great opening to a series with a lot of taboo and kinky potential. Hope Part II is as good as part I!

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