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The Milf Next Door

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A shy 18 year old boy loses his virginity to a 50 year old.
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Hello, quick note from the author before you read this; Everyone in this story is 18 years of age or older.

Also, PLEASE take the extra second after reading to rate my writings from 1-5 stars. Your opinion is very valuable to me and does matters. Thank you and enjoy! :)


Joseph 'Joe' Miller was a classic 18 year old kid. He was a fairly tanned white boy, short dirty blonde hair, dark blue eyes, five feet nine inches tall, and somewhere around 200 pounds. A good bit of his weight was muscle. But he did have a bit of fat as well. I think 'beefy' or 'husky' would be the best way to describe him.

He had just finished high school and wanted nothing more than to get on with his new adult life. In his school, he was the major outcast of his grade, with only a handful of friends to account for. The main reason; he was a painfully shy kid. So in his eyes, finishing school was a blessing.

Ever since he was sixteen he had worked at the same grocery store, frequented mainly by the old and the rich because of the high prices. He saved up every dollar he made to one day get a car and a house. Every teenagers dream, really.

He was an only child, the product of his parents Linda and Tom Miller. Considering he was an only child, he was always very close to his mom and dad. His parents were also supportive of Joes choice to move out and make his own life.

So much so that they made a promise to him, when he had gotten his first job, that all the money he would save up over the two years until he was eighteen, they would double.

Staying true to their word, they did just that the day Joe turned eighteen. Leaving him with more than enough money to buy a white 1999 Pontiac Firebird, in not too bad of condition, and a small apartment in the suburbs of the small town. Still with enough money to buy all the odds and ends that come with buying a new place.

After a couple of days of working on all the paperwork and boring little details of buying a house and car were finally finished, Joe packed up all his belongings (with the help of his mom and dad), threw them into the U-Haul truck he had rented, and started his 15 minute drive from his parents house to his new place.

After a very nerve-recking drive, taking into consideration Joe had never driven anything bigger than a car before, he pulled up to his new apartment building at around 11:20 am. Backing the truck up in the middle of his two parking spots directly in front of the front door.

Hopping out of the truck, he threw the trucks key into the pocket of his jeans. Opening the back of the trucks large door offered his eyes a fresh look at the mountain of brown boxes in its bed.

"Im going to be here for a while..."

Joe mumbled under his breath to himself with a little depressed chuckle afterwards.

Joe figured he'd better open the front door first before getting a handful of boxes. So he reached into his pocket and pulled out his shiny new house key and turned around to head to his front door.

As Joe turned around from the back of the truck, he stopped with a jump as he was no more than a foot away from a gorgeous red haired woman. She looked to be in her fifties, about 110 pounds, stood somewhere around five foot even, and to Joe, she was HOT!

Joe was startled to say the least. He hadn't heard anyone come up behind him and it's as if she popped up out of nowhere. She now stood in front of him in a tight pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a black tank top with an obviously visible white bra underneath, and bare feet.

She let out a cute giggle as Joe let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to scare you sweetie!"

She said with a smile and in a faint southern accent.

"Oh it's fine, I just didn't hear you coming!"

Joe replied, laughing as he talked.

"I'm just here to be the first to welcome you to the little neighborhood. My name's Ruby!"

She said as she held out her small, fragile hand.

Quickly reaching out to shake her hand, Joe replied;

"Pleasure to meet you Mrs. Ruby! My name's Joe."

"Pleasure to meet you too Joe!"

Their conversation turned silent for a few seconds as they stood and looked at each other.

Ruby eventually continued,

"Anywho, I was wonderin if you'd like to come over to my place for coffee later on to get better aquatinted?"

"Such hospitality to a complete stranger, I have a feeling you're going to be a great neighbor! I would love to have coffee with you Mrs. Ruby."

Josh replied looking into the sweet lady's light blue eyes.

"Aw, it's the least I can do! Great!! Is around

6 o'clock good for you?"

Ruby asked.

Looking back at his loaded truck, Joe jokingly replied,

"I don't know, maybe 10 o'clock would be better. I might just be done by then!"

Ruby and Joe shared a long laugh.

Joe breaks his laugh to say,

"Just kidding, hopefully I'll get this all moved in way before then! 6 o'clock is fine."

"Cool! See you then sweetheart!"

Ruby said with a smile before shaking Joes hand one last time, then gingerly tip toeing her naked feet back up her walkway and into her apartment. The apartment to the right, right beside Joe's new home.

Joe walked up to his front door, unlocked it, and stepped inside. He walked around inside for a little while, taking in his new dwelling. Before stepping back outside to start transferring the loaded cardboard boxes from the U-Haul truck to his apartments small living room.

After about three hours, Joe was finally bringing in his last box. Taking it out of the truck and setting it down on the concrete sidewalk before shutting and securely locking the trucks back door.

Picking up the last box he walked up his walkway, exhausted and fatigued. Walking inside his apartment into his living room, he sat down the box along side the dozens of other similar brown boxes and returned to the front door.

After shutting the door he walk tiredly into the box littered living room, and laid down on the soft carpeted floor on his back with a big exhausted huff.

Joe was sore all over. His arms were beyond worn out and he was running on nothing but fumes.

Looking at his wrist watch it was now 3:30 pm. He did some basic math in his head, which was hard considering he was fried of all energy and ability to think. Figuring he had about an hour and a half to get something to eat before having to get ready for his coffee "date" with Ruby, he reluctantly pulled himself up off the soft floor, and left his apartment.

He would then go to his parents house where he'll drop off the U-Haul truck for his dad to return, get in his car, and head to the McDonald's drive thru to put some more fuel in his system.


It was now 5:30 as Joe waited for 6 o'clock. He had gotten something to eat, taken a shower, and had gotten dressed nicely for his get together with Ruby.

Joe's idea of dressing nicely was a black polo collar shirt, a dark blue pair of jeans, and his worn and heavily used red Chuck Taylor high tops. Not the most fancy of all outfits, but he thought he looked pretty good.

As the clock struck 5:55, Joe put on a few sprays of his favorite cologne. He wanted enough for her to notice, but not too much that it'll overwhelm the poor lady.

He watched his wrist watch standing at his door holding the doorknob. The room still lined with all of the cardboard boxes he had brought in earlier. He figured he would just sleep on the floor for tonight and start unloading everything tomorrow after a good nights sleep.

As his watch hit 6:00 on the dot, Joe opened his door, closing and locking it behind him. As he walked over to Ruby's apartment, his shyness and nervousness started to sink in. He had never really hung out and talked with a girl before. Other than his mother, which I don't think counts.

One more thing I should mention, Joe has always had a thing for older women. Milfs or cougars some may call them. He's always loved to secretly look at the older women coming into the grocery store he worked at. Always extremely careful not to get caught sneaking peaks at 40 and 50 year old women's butts as they would bend over to get something on the bottom shelfs. Honestly speaking, Joe found older women much more attractive than girls his age. So much more experience, so much less drama. What's there not to love about mature women?

Not only had Joe never been on a date with a girl, he'd never had sex with a girl. He had never even kissed a girl. No high school blowjobs, handjobs, or make out sessions. Joe was an absolute virgin. Just being around a girl made Joe act like a bumbling idiot.

"Don't do anything stupid Joe. Don't embarrass yourself..."

Joe quietly whispered to himself as he knocked on Ruby's door.

After a couple seconds the door opened to reveal Ruby wearing a cherry red semi-translucent robe that ended just above her kneecaps, leaving her slim legs and cute little feet bare for poor Joe to ogle and drool over. As hard as it was for Joe not to stare her up and down, he fought the urge and after assessing her beautiful body for the first few seconds of her opening the door, he'd only look at her face. Which really wasn't a punishment.

She was still beautiful for her age. If it weren't for the slightly visible crows feet, smile wrinkles, and her neck skin being quite thin and tight, you would honestly think she was only in her thirties. She was very petite as well, her collar bone, jawline, and cheek bones clearly defined.

In Joe's eyes, she was perfect.

"Hello Joe! Please, come in come in! Make yourself at home."

Ruby said with a big smile. She stepped aside, holding her robe together with her one hand and using her other to motion Joe inside.

"Hey, ah, Ms., ah, Mrs. Ruby! Thank you."

Joe stuttered out as he awkwardly squeezed his way through the door between Ruby and the doors frame.

He stepped inside, his nose delighted by the wonderful smell of cinnamon and apples. It smelled as if the warm, welcoming scent came from candles. He looked around, taking in his surroundings. The living room was dimly lit by the afternoons setting sun through the white window shades. The living room was very modern in style. A white leather love seat, a fairly large flat screen TV, and a tan colored carpet under Joe's shoes.

On the walls were framed photographs of Ruby with a man. The pictures were obviously dated, Ruby looked to be about ten years younger in the brushed-steel framed photograph. The wall was lined with similar photos of Ruby with this man. The man appeared to be at least ten or so years younger than Ruby in these photos. Who the man was, Joe had no idea. And not wanting to be nosey and poke around, Joe kept his questions to himself.

Ruby closed the door behind him and stepped closer beside Joe as he looked around, taking in the surprisingly modern living room.

"Wow! This is a very nice place you have here Mrs. Ruby."

Joe complimented.

"Why thank you. I try to keep up with the changing times, it kinda makes this old lady feel younger, ya know?"

"Old? You don't look a day over 25!"

Joe replied, obviously exaggerating.

"Oh stop it!"

Ruby said playfully slapping Joes arm as she giggled and blushed.

"You're such a gentleman. Such outstanding manners as well!"

She replied.

It was now Joe's turn to blush as he let out a quiet laugh and said,

"Thank you Mrs. Ruby."

"No problem honey. Now come on over here and have a seat. The coffee's fresh and hot off the stove."

She said as she took Joe's hand and lead him into the small kitchen/dining room. Where she had a small, two-seat table.

On the table was an old fashioned kettle, two coffee mugs with saucers, two small spoons, a saucer of sugar cubes and a smaller kettle with cool cream inside.

Joe sat down on the wooden seat where Ruby had lead him, she herself sat down on the other wooden seat directly across from him.

Ruby leaned over the small table and poured the fresh coffee from the kettle into Joe's mug.

"The coffee is real dark. Would you like some sugar or cream? Help yourself!"

Implored Ruby as she sat down, now pouring her own coffee.

"Sugar is fine thank you. And thanks again for all of your hospitality Mrs. Ruby. Not many people are so kind as to invite a new neighbor over for coffee. If you're this nice to a stranger, well then your husband is a very, very lucky man!"

Joe said staring into his coffee and stirring it as he talked, too shy to look her in the eyes as he said this.

"Oh don't mention it sweetheart! And it's actually just 'Ms. Ruby'. My husband Frank died 5 years back, a car accident..."

She said as her smile faded a little.

Joe's smile now turned into a sympathetic frown.

"Oh, I had no idea. I am so sorry..."

Joe started as Ruby cut him off.

"Ahh it's fine! Don't worry about it honey."

She said, now sporting a big smile on her face again. Causing Joe's smile to slowly return.

"And you can just call me Ruby. That's very polite of you to say 'Ms. Ruby', but it makes me feel so old!"

She laughed out loud as she finished her sentence, causing Joe himself to break out in to laughter.

Joe replied,

"Oh come on, you're not old! Trust me, you look really great!"

Ruby gave Joe a raised eyebrow and a fake-shocked look after Joe's confession. She then bursted out into laughter as Joe tried to correct himself.

"No, I didn't mean it like, I, I mean like... Uhggggg! I just love embarrassing myself! I'll tell you what!"

Joe said as he now joined Ruby in her laughter. Ruby shortly broke her laughter by saying,

"No honey, it's fine! You're so shy it's adorable! You're too cute, the gals at school have gotta be rippin' down walls to get to you!"

Joe replied in laughter at his own expense and replied,

"Not exactly. I wish! But truth be told I've never even had a girlfriend! It's pretty sad really."

"You're lying through your teeth! Get outa here! Im sure you've hand so many girls, you've just lost count."

Ruby replied.

"Im dead serious! Not even a first kiss, yet alone..."

Joe cut his sentence short as he realized what he was going to say was far beyond table etiquette. Yet alone in front of a lady.

"Yet alone what?"

Ruby curiously asked.

"Ah nothing really."

"No come on! You were gonna say it! Now you've got my curiosity all peaked. You can say what you want sugar, I've heard it all before anyways. Ain't nothing these old ears haven't heard yet!"

Replied Ruby.

"It just, I've never had... Uhh, like, well you know."

Joe awkwardly and shyly mumbled.

"You mean sex, don't you sweetie?"

Ruby replied with a very deep and slow voice.

"Y... Yeah..."

Joe shamefully admitted under his breath as he again stared into the coffee in front of him.

The room now went quiet of its laughter and the both sat silently for a few seconds. What felt like an eternity to embarrassed and ashamed Joe.

Ruby then sat forward in her chair, reaching across the table and placing her hand on Joe's chin.

Moving his chin up in her hand until they were eye-to-eye, Ruby looked him in the eyes and broke the long silence,

"Honey, that's nothing to be ashamed of. I actually think it's cute. You're so shy, you just need someone to show you how it's done. Someone with experience..."

Ruby said as she now moved her hand up from Joe's chin to his ember-red cheek, caressing his big face in her small and delicate hand.

Joe sat speechless as he let Ruby finish, his mind traveling a mile a minute.

"Maybe I could help you Joe, would you like that?"

Ruby spoke slow and deep.

Joe tried to spit out his words, but nothing came out except stuttering. Failing to say what he meant, he just closed his mouth and nodded his head 'yes'.

A big, gentle, and loving smile crept across Rubys face as she now stood up, took Joe by his sweaty hand, and lead him up the steps. Still holding her robe together with her other hand.

After getting up the steps, Ruby walked Joe into the open door of the master bedroom. Inside was a large queen sized bed, dressed in a lavender purple comforter. Along with a dresser, a large standing mirror, and two closet doors.

Joe's main focus obviously being on the bed.

Sitting Joe down on the bed in front of her, she slowly opened up her red robe and let it fall off her small shoulders to the carpeted floor to reveal a matching red lacy bra and thong panties.

Joe's pants started to bulge as he watched this beautiful cougar undress in front of his virgin eyes. This did not go unnoticed by Ruby.

"By the looks of your jeans, I think you're liking this aren't you?"

Ruby seducingly asked.

Joe replied by simply nodding his head, he was still speechlessly in disbelieve as to what was all going down.

"Why don't I give your cock some much needed attention. You just relax and enjoy the hot, wet feel of my mouth on your throbbing pole."

Ruby ordered as she got down on her knees and began to undo Joe's pants.

As she got the button undo and the fly down she told Joe to stand up. As he did, she slowly shimmied Joe's pants down and let them drop around his ankles. In front of the little old lady lied a sight she hadn't seen in a very long time. This was the first time she was going to have sex since Frank died.

Joe took off his black shirt and now stood only wearing his bulging black boxer briefs, his pants around his ankles, and his shoes.

Ruby next began to untie his shoes. After she had taken his shoes off, she had him lift up one foot at a time as she pulled his pants and socks off at once, and threw all his clothes in one pile. Leaving him in only his briefs.

"Oh it's been sooo long since I've had a fat, juicy, veiny cock in my tiny, tight, pink pussy!"

Ruby slowly moaned as she rubbed Joe's strained cock through his underwear with her tiny, feminine hand.

Joe could hardly believe the smut coming out of such a proper lady's mouth. It only made him hornier.

"Ohhh yes Ruby! Oaahhhh..."

Joe released in a large grown from his gut.

"I need to see this cock Joe! I neeeeed it! Five years baby, it's been five years since I've gotten pounded by a big cock I need it so bad. Are you gonna give it to me baby? "

She asked Joe

"Oh yes ma'am. Im going to give you a pounding you'll never forget!"

The not so shy anymore Joe said as Ruby slowly pulled his boxers down, slowly revealing his blood packed erection from the cotton confines of his briefs.

As the elastic band slipped past his pink, mushroom shaped cock head, his cock sprung out in front of him and in front of the face of his new mature lover. Causing both Ruby and Joe to gasp; Joe gasping from relief, and Ruby gasping from shocked pleasure.

"Oh honey, such a beautiful cock! And such big balls! I love big balls!"

Ruby complimenting him as she wrapped her cool hand around his steaming hot meat rod, her other hand cupping his nuts. Her hand a little too small for her to fit both testicles in.

Joe's cock was nothing special, really. Im not going to say he was 9 or 10 inches long because he's not. Instead he had a much more realistic 5 and a half inch long cock, veins running up and down its length, and a pretty fat girth of the same 5 and a half inches. Standing straight out as Ruby wrapped her small hand around its hot length, but wasn't able to enclose her hand around it entirely.

His balls, however, where much larger than average. Not exactly the size of golf balls, but just slightly smaller.

She looked up into Joe's eyes as she sensually asked him a question that she already knew the answer to,

"Would you like me to put your big hard cock in my little mouth sweetie?"

Joe, nearly cumming just from her dirty talk, quickly replied,


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