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The Milking Barn Pt. 05

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Livestock are bred by Mother.
2.4k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 03/06/2024
Created 02/14/2024
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Allison eyes shot open, interrupting a dreamless sleep, to a horrifying feeling. A cold metal object was being slowly pushed into her ass. She tried to turn to look at what was invading her, but her head was immobile, locked into some sort of frame. Her entire body was, it seemed, and she was on all fours with her legs and arms attached to this frame as well. She tried to scream out, beg for whatever was happening to stop, but a large rubber object filled her mouth, and her voice could barely gurgle around it. What the fuck is happening? She could not remember how she had gotten here.

The pushing into her thankfully stopped, though it was deeper and more painful than anything had ever been up her. She tried to fruitlessly shake herself free of this cage, as a woman stepped into view before her.

"Hello 4136. I am required to inform you that you have signed a contract to Seieki-Amalek GmbH for a 99 year term," the woman said, flashing her a piece of paper briefly, pointing at what appeared to be Allison's signature. "Your position is as a milker cow, at least until you reach the age of 22 in 3 years, after which you will be reassigned." Signed a contract? What the fuck was she talking about?

Allison began to take in the rest of the room behind the woman. Across from her were rows of young women around her age, completely nude except for machines going into them, metallic tubes dropping from the ceiling and into every orifice. Their breasts, all large and full, hung below them with what appeared to be large metallic suction devices on each of them, connected to the floor with tubes. Oh my god, she realized, they were also all pregnant. They all had a contented, glazed expression on their faces.

"You will refer to me as Mother," the woman continued, "As I am now your Mother. I am sure you are a bit concerned about your... situation, but let me assure you, all of the livestock end up loving their new lives, usually quite quickly, and I will always be here for you. However if you do not cooperate things will get very difficult, so please do not disappoint your Mother. For now you will only be milked once a day, as it will take time for the hormones to take effect. Once you are bred of course we can ramp up production..."

The woman who called herself her mother walked away, leaving Allison in shock as she absorbed her fate. Bred???


"I'm sorry ma'am but the entire breeding system is toast, and we are not going to be able to get the burned out part for weeks," the maintenance man said to Mrs. Albertson, "there is nothing else I can do."

Mrs. Albertson sighed. "Well, alright. I'll shoot this up the chain. We have, what, exactly thirty that need to be bred? Mostly new too... great timing."

A sly grin spread across Jake's face. "Well ma'am, there is always the old fashion way."

She gave him an annoyed look. "Yes there is, Mr. Mason, but you will have no part of it."

Fucking bitch, he thought. He was allowed to have all the fun he wanted with the boys, but for some reason can't touch these heifers? "Of course, ma'am, I was just offering a solution."

"Of course you were, of course," she replied, rolling her eyes and walking off.


1078 had spent the week since his punishment quietly accepting his milkings, along with his morning exercises with the maintenance man. He had come to anticipate both actually, he had to admit, and was hard at the thought of once again waking up to the man's cock pushing into his ass. A bell rang, and his liquid lunch filled up his mouth and water cleaned his behind out. Mmmmm, lunch is so tasty, he thought. What had been his name? Reese or something? 1078 was easier to remember and fit him better, he decided with some finality.

He heard the doors swing open, and Mother strode into the room followed by the biologist.

"Which ones, Doctor?" Mother asked.

"The highest fertility rates are... 1012, 1034, 1057, 1069, 1078, and 1105. That should be all we need."

Mother walked up to each of the listed stations, removing the boys from their milking frames and machines. In their mouth she placed an open ring gag, and attached a leash to the back of it. None except for 1078 had the strength left in their legs to stand, and Mother promptly pushed him down when he did anyways. Without a word, she began to lead them toward the door slowly, as they shuffled and bumped their naked bodies against one another, crawling as fast as they could behind her, the doctor following them all.

They passed through the door and down several hallways, until reaching the entrance to another room.

"Been awhile since I've been in here," the biologist said to Mother. "Automated breeding saved us a lot of work, but I did miss it..." She was a bit flush.

Mother pushed open the door, and 1078's eyes went wide when he saw what was inside.

Around 20 young women were held up in frames similar to his own milking station, except they were angled onto their back, their legs spread eagle. They wore the same open circle gags as the boys, and their arms were bound together above and behind their heads. They all had shapely breeding hips and most had large, ample breasts. Their hair was mostly cropped short. Their exposed slits were already wet. Another ten girls were bound and laying on the ground in a corner, waiting their turn.

A few of the boys, overcome at the sight, started charging on all fours as quickly as their weak legs and arms could carry them toward the girls, and were pulled forcefully backwards by Mother with her leash. "No! Bad boys! Stay!" she ordered.

They all reluctantly stopped, staring up at the girls, slobbering through their gags, their cocks solid and oozing pre-cum.


Hearing the door open, Allison looked up from her frame and saw a group of naked young men on all fours lead on a leash by the woman from earlier, along with another in a white lab coat. She had been dragged here and placed in this humiliating position a few hours earlier.

The other girls started moaning and thrusting into the air upon seeing the boys, and she watched in horror as the woman who demanded she be called Mother lead one of the boys directly toward her. He was slobbering through a gag and his eyes were wildly consuming every inch her naked body, and he pulled hard against his leash to reach her. He appeared to be her age, with blonde hair to his shoulders, but mostly free of body hair. In a normal situation she would consider him cute, even pretty, she briefly thought.

"I will start with, uh, 4136," the woman said, turning to to the scientist or doctor or whatever she was, "bring up another boy to breed with 4098. We have 30 to get through. This one is new, I will be overseeing this breeding for some domestication." The boy was straining against his leash less than a foot from Allison now, his tongue licking at the air in the direction of her pussy. Despite the horror of all this, she felt a twinge of anticipation. Why was her body betraying her like this?


Mother took another step, and 1078 could finally, barely reach her. His tongue was just in reach of her warm pussy now, and he pushed forward just enough to give a single solid lick. He looked up at her face, she looked disgusted and horrified, pulling back on her bound arms in an attempt to get away from him, but as he licked her again, he saw her eyes briefly roll back in pleasure, and her face flush. She tasted so good, he thought.

"4136, you are a lucky little cow. This eager boy is going to breed you. His seed is very valuable corporate property so I do NOT want you to waste a single drop..."

1078 heard grunting and wet slapping from his left, and looked briefly over to see another boy was already on top of one of the girls. They were locked in ecstasy, the boy furiously and mindlessly pumping into the spread eagle girl, who was screaming through her gag in pleasure. And he saw the Doctor was leading another boy forward. He turned to Mother and whined. It's his turn already!

Mother chuckled, "Calm down my little bull, Mommy will let you have her, but you've got to warm her up. This one hasn't yet had the time & medicine here to adjust..."

He turned back to her and Mother loosened his leash a few more inches, and he buried his face in her pussy. He heard her briefly, hesitantly moan, before her resistance restored. He licked endlessly, hearing the moans and grunts of the boys and girls breeding next to him already, his cock hard and more than ready.

As he licked he tasted her juices now, and knew she was getting wet. He felt Mother step forward and grab his leash right above his neck, while her other hand reached in front of his face and started directly rubbing the girl's clit.

"4136, look at me. I'm going to remove your gag and you will say '4136 is thankful to be bred, mommy.' Anything else and you WILL be punished. Understood?"

1078 looked up at the girl's face as he licked. She glared back at Mother angrily, but as he licked harder and Mother played with her clit she shuddered in pleasure. Mother reached forward and removed her gag.

"FUCK, fuck you bitch, let me-"

Mother slapped her firmly. 1078 vaguely remembered he had once been slapped. If only this girl accepted her place like he had...

"Bad girl, no. That is NOT what you were told."

Mother reached forward and grabbed her by her short hair, pulling it back.

"You are livestock now. You are to be bred like one. You will thank me for the privilege. Say it, NOW"

She whimpered. 1078 could feel her slowly starting to grind into his face now.

"NOW," Mother repeated, stroking her clit faster.

"F-fine... I am th...thankf-" *SLAP*

"Say your name, 4136!"

"Mother... mommy... I... 4136... am thankful... to..."

1078 felt her thrust harder and harder into his face, her ass rising up into the air a few inches and her juices covered him, he licked as fast and hard as he could.

"... to... TO BE BRED," she moaned out, thrashing around, cumming as 1078 chased after her bucking pussy.

"GOOD GIRL, good heifer. Come for mommy, 4136, and then lets let this boy on you before he bursts on his own."

He felt Mother grab his leash again, right above his neck, and pull him briefly backward as the girl's orgasm came to a shuddering conclusion.

"Are you ready, 1078? Are you ready to use this dumb cow as your milker? Are you ready to pump her full and breed her?"

She pulled his leash firmly and he looked up at Mother with his slobbery face and barked out an affirmation through his open gag. He was more than ready, his cock oozing precum on the cement floor. Around them all the other boys had been brought up by the Doctor and were humping into girls, some were already onto their second.

"Good boy... lets go!"

She pulled him up and forward, and suddenly he was face to face with the girl. His dick poked and searched and found her slit, and he thrust in fully immediately, it was soaking wet still, and it gripped him back, and tried to kiss her through his gag. She looked back up at him desperately and took his kiss, as he thrust into her again.

He felt Mother's hand on his ass, and she pushed him deeper into the girl with each thrust. His grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into him. The metal frame she was locked into creaked and shook with each thrust.

Mother grabbed her head

"You like my boy's hard cock, 4136? You like being bred like an animal in heat?"

"Oh god..." the girl moaned as boy rutted into her, slobbering at her face. A brief moment of lucidity flashed through the lust, and she wondered how she ended up here. She looked to her left and right and saw the girls around her being bred just as ferociously, their eyes glazed over. Is that what she looked like?

Mother stepped closer and grabbed both of them by the back of their heads, pulling them apart, staring down into their souls, as he continued to hump.

"Look at me, livestock. We own you. I own you. Mother owns you. This is your fate from now on. Both of you toys will be milked of everything you have, fucked and used until I say otherwise. You are 1078 and you are 4136, whatever names you had and whoever you were in the past is over and done with. Now cum in this bitch and breed her, baby boy, and earn your Mother's love."

He fucked into her harder than he ever had into the milker machine, staring up into his Mother's eyes, and finally came into the warm tight pussy of the girl under him. As he came, he felt her do the same and her head jerked back out of Mother's hands and she screamed out. With all his strength he pumped his seed over and over into her, determined to breed the squirming girl under him for his Mommy, his fingers digging into the flesh of her ass.

Finally he was spent, and he lay slack on top of her as she lightly twitched, both of them heaving for air.

Mother's eyes lit up at the sight. She stood up fully above them, saying "Oh good boy, good girl! If that doesn't catch, I don't know what will!"

"I will let you recuperate for a minute or two, 1078, but your work isn't finished for the day, lets get you to have one more go with her, and then you have five more girls to breed," she said, and then playfully spanked his butt cheek.

He said nothing but looked up at Mother with nothing but love and submission in his eyes. Laying on top of 4136, he could already feel his cock getting hard against her thigh again. This was such a nice day.

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contestwinnercontestwinner2 months ago

The authors greatest strength is their serialized stories. However the short stories are great too. I hope to see more! I'm very invested.

itsnotjustmeitsnotjustme6 months ago

Loving this story line. Thank you!!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I really like this story a lot. I’m loving the introduction of the women and their place at the farm. I do have to admit though you write cimpelling characters I’m actually rooting for. I hope in the end they do get away, but after they’ve had some more fun of course!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I have not enjoyed this series at all,the stand alone stories are much better,the author should concentrate on his strengths.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This is good, but is there a story coming ? Like maybe they find a way to get together and try to escape. This operation and tactics can't be legal.

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