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The Mind Element: Ch. 04


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"This is as near as I can get without grounding the boat," he said when they were forty feet or so from the beach, "you'll have to swim the last part." The rescue party were prepared for this and were wearing wetsuits and flotation jackets. Fay couldn't swim, but Jenny and Marco could, and Fay was easy to help since she didn't panic in the water at all. To her this was just another exciting experience on this strange world and she didn't fully appreciate the potential risk. They swiftly made the shore and even before they had reached the beach, Juan had turned his boat and headed back out to sea to begin waiting for their return, covered by the pretence of fishing.

It was only when they had discarded their life jackets and started to head up the beach toward some rocks at the base of the mountain, that they finally encountered resistance. A couple of machine guns opened fire on them, but the shooting was terrible and went well wide. Jenny swiftly identified where the gunfire was coming from and with a moment's concentration and an opening and closing of her fist, she brought the roof of the bunker the weapons were in down on top of them. The shooting stopped.

"Time to get inside," she said grimly, "This will be a bit harder."

The Mistress of Earth concentrated, probing the interior of the mountain for empty space, the sign of a cave or mined area. She found one ahead, through 50 feet of solid rock. Concentrating, she imagined the rock moving aside, crumbling outward, creating a tunnel for them to enter. The tricky part was making it stable so the mountain didn't just collapse and seal it again. Working with the natural grain of the rock, she left in place rock pillars to hold up the ceiling. Finally, she exerted her will on her element and commanded the rock to shift into the pattern she desired.

Even for her, it was hard work and she was sweating with the physical as well as mental effort of straining her willpower to this extent, but finally, amid much cracking and rumbling of rock breaking and moving, it was done. A rough tunnel led into the hillside. It was unlit but they had anticipated that and each of them was equipped with a waterproof electric torch. Switching his on, Marco led the way, followed by Jenny and then Fay.

The tunnel was littered with minor rocks and a few larger boulders and the air was thick with dust so that the going was hard, but it proved solid and stable enough and after about five minutes of clambering they entered the space Jenny had sensed from outside. It seemed to be a storeroom, filled with crates but unlit and deserted and now with a large hole where one wall should have been. Their torches showed them a door to their right. It proved to be locked but Jenny, with just a thought and a wave of her hand, caused it to gently dissolve into dust.

Beyond was a corridor and they followed it, heading deeper into the mountain, seeking stairs or a lift upward toward what they guessed would be the more inhabited parts of the complex. Marco had a hunting rifle Chris had procured for him, but it was really only as a threat. He was far from sure that he could bring himself to shoot someone and in any event it would be no match for the military grade weapons guards here were likely to have. If it came to violence, then Jenny's powers were their best bet - but they were all hoping that it wouldn't. Get in, find Athena and get out again was the plan.

At first all seemed to go well. After five minutes of wandering they encountered a lone worker, in overalls, unarmed and - when Marco pointed his gun at him - scared; he didn't notice Marco still had the safety catch on. Fay read his mind and - yes - he knew where Athena was being held; up three levels and then along some corridors. It seemed likely there would be a few guards, but nothing Jenny couldn't handle.

Led by their prisoner, they found the nearest stairs - safer than a lift they felt - and ascended. They went along the route in their captive's mind. It was when they were at a crossroad junction of corridors, of which they needed to take the left hand one, that Randall Ness sprung his trap. Fay said afterward that their prisoner was just as surprised as they were.

The truth was Ness had anticipated that Ward and his followers had to try something like this to get inside and rescue Athena. It was their best shot at getting her out alive. It was also his at capturing one or more replacements for the escaped Matsu. He had been well aware of the approach of Santos' boat and had permitted Jenny and her party to land. The machine guns had just been a bit of token defiance to let them believe this was real - the gunners had been told to shoot wide, otherwise Jenny, Marco and Fay would now be dead. The worker had been sent down to be captured, but without being told this was the case so he couldn't give it away. The ruse had guaranteed they would walk into the planned ambush.

So it was that suddenly appearing from every direction, even from behind them, came heavily armed men wearing body armour, shouting for Jenny and the others to put down their weapons and surrender. Marco, who was the only one who was actually armed, took in the odds at a glance and hastily complied, dropping his rifle and kicking it toward the nearest guard.

They might still have had a chance had Jenny been able to act. The Mistress of Earth with her control over the material world could have jammed every gun with a thought, brought a corridor ceiling crashing down on their enemies or any number of other things. But Randall Ness had planned this with care. As the ambush was sprung he stepped out of a room off the corridor in front of the rescue party. In his hand, already activated, was the mind control wand his engineers had built with Athena's ring. Ness directed in straight into Jenny's face.

"Miss Kitaka, you will immediately surrender and take no hostile action against me or my men. I am your Master. You will obey only me. Tell your associates to surrender."

"Yes Master," Jenny said slowly and reluctantly. "Marco, Fay, offer no resistance. Surrender to them." What no one other than Jenny knew was that even as she felt the weird - but somehow familiar - light patterns tugging at her mind and hauling it into new patterns, she had taken one last action to help her true Master. Using the connection that existed between them and all her mental strength, she had sent Chris a final desperate message.


On the MV Zodiac's bridge Chris reeled back in shock, ending up resting against a wall. Brigit, seeing the look of horror on his face, gasped, "What is it?"

Grimly her husband said, "It was a trap. Jenny and the others have been captured. Ness has got them."

"Fuck," Freya swore, "what do we do?"

"Get us in there. I don't care know if you have to rip the place apart, but get us in there," replied Chris, fear in his voice. "I can't lose another one of you. Oh god, this is my fault."

"No it isn't Chris," said Brigit moving to her husband's side. "We all knew the risks."

"Yes, but don't you see?" Chris muttered, "The Creature was very clever, but it wasn't human and it never quite understood us and I used that against it, but that bastard Ness knew exactly what we would do. He's second guessed me, which makes it my fault. I should have known, come up with a better plan..."

Brigit realised Chris wasn't thinking clearly enough to give orders at this moment. Athena, who the other Mistresses accepted as senior among them, wasn't here either and it was probably best not to let Freya act alone; she was all too likely to take Chris' command literally and do something rash. Brigit decided she had better take charge.

"Matsu, Freya, we need to get inside, but let's give ourselves the best chance of staging a rescue. We'll go to the island, find an entrance and blast our way in." They nodded; Brigit's plan seemed the best they could do. Then the Irishwoman gave the yacht's captain orders to head for the island and circle it until they found somewhere they could land.


"Right, I've got what I want, time to go before Mr Ward and his friends discover what has happened," Randall Ness said, sounding pleased with himself. Turning to Dan Baker, he added: "Colonel, is everything prepared at the boat?"

"Yes sir; the crew are ready to take her out at your command. Professor Makris is there, drugged and unconscious, along with Dr Gupta, Lucia Torres and Samantha Meyer as you have ordered."

"Excellent. You and two of your men take Miss Kitaka here to the harbour. The other one can stay with me as bodyguard. That will make ten passengers. There's no room for others, so everyone else will have to remain here. I'll just give some last orders and then join you. Tell me Colonel, who is a reliable man among my own guards?"

Baker thought for a moment, "Carter Jackson. He's ex-US army. Cut above most of the trash you hired."

As Baker and his men departed with Jenny, Ness turned to Marco and Fay. "I don't understand where you two fit in, but I don't much care - I have what I need. I'm not even going to waste time on controlling you. Instead, I want you to act as witnesses. When Christopher Ward gets here and frees you, tell him that I have Athena and Jennifer and if he wants to keep them safe, he should leave me alone. Perhaps when I have finished with them, I may let them go. And tell him I have the power to control minds and if he persists, I can make life very difficult for him."

Ness waved to Jackson, an African American in his early twenties, who carried himself with the disciplined bearing of a soldier. "Lock these two up, but otherwise don't harm them. Then go to the control room. I'll let you know when I've left. Wait twenty minutes and then get on the radio to that motor yacht out there and tell them you are surrendering the island. Let them come ashore and offer no resistance. I spent a lot of money on this place, and I'd like it back in one piece eventually."

Randall Ness and his mercenary guard made his way down to sea level and to the small harbour where a very expensive and fast motor yacht of his own awaited them, the engines running and the other passengers, including Jenny and the drugged Athena, aboard. He was about to ascend the gangway and board himself, when there was an interruption. Through the door from the complex onto the jetty burst Talia Hendry and ran toward him.

"Master, Master, they said you were going. You can't leave me behind. I'll die without you Master!" The blonde girl threw herself at his feet

"Sorry Talia, but there's no room; everyone I'm taking is necessary and more valuable than you. I said you were a good cocksucker, and I meant it. But good cocksuckers are commonplace. I can always replace you."

"No, no, please Master... I'll do anything you want, but don't leave me. You made me your slave and I can't live without you. I'll... I'll kill myself if you go."

"Do shut up, Talia; if that's what's worrying you then I forbid you from committing suicide. There, you can't do it now. Wait here for me like a good girl and maybe I'll come back one day. Now, silence woman - I don't want to hear any more from you. I've got more important things to do."

So saying, Ness turned away and went us the gangway. The yacht's crew immediately began the process of casting off. Talia remained on the jetty where he had left her, sobbing uncontrollably, her mind in turmoil from her desertion by a man who had made himself her whole universe and sole reason for existence.


As his yacht sped away from the island, Ness was able to relax. He was safe for the moment. Even if Ward and his women had the power to affect him at this distance, which he doubted, he was confident that with Athena and Jenny aboard they would do nothing drastic. They were headed for a port further south, next to which was an airstrip where he had an executive jet waiting. Within two hours they would be in the air, beginning the journey to the States.

In the circumstances he felt he could celebrate his success. He summoned Lucia and Sammy to his private cabin and then sent for Jennifer Kitaka. Jenny entered to find the other two girls completely naked and kneeling either side of a chair in which Randall Ness sat, still clothed and looking very pleased with himself.

"Ah Jenny," he said, "You look overdressed for this company... strip naked at once."

"Yes Master," the ebony beauty replied placidly and proceeded to remove her clothing. Ness was delighted by what he saw. The twenty year old trainee doctor was a highly desirable woman, not particularly tall, but with a perfect slender figure except for her large breasts, which looked even bigger on her small form. Ness felt a sudden strong desire to make her his, and in the process, enjoy another triumph over Christopher Ward.

"On your knees Jenny," he said with relish "and then come over here and suck my cock."

"No, Master," Jenny said in the same calm way she had spoken before.

"Ahh... what did you say?" Ness said in surprise. "I gave you an order."

"Yes Master, but I cannot obey it."

"Why?" asked the puzzled and suddenly worried Randall Ness.

"Because I am under a command much stronger than your control. My status as Mistress of Earth carries an obligation to only have sex with the Master of Elements and my elemental sisters. It is impossible to break that rule on someone else's command." Although Jenny sounded as calm as before Ness thought there was a certain underlying tone of satisfaction in her pronouncement.

For a moment Randall was just frustrated by the thought of missing out on fucking this hot girl, both in her own right and as a trophy for his ego, but then a much more alarming thought struck him. "Tell me Jenny, if one of your 'elemental sisters' as you call them, was here and I gave you an order and she did the same who would you obey?"

"You Master. I don't have to obey any of the others, not even Athena."

That was fine as far as it went, but now the big question. "And if Christopher Ward was present, whose orders would take precedence?"

Jenny seemed to be supressing a smile of happiness as she answered, "I would obey my true Master in that case. I obey you otherwise, but the Master of Elements has my complete loyalty. That is a bond breakable only by death."

"Jennifer, put your cloths back on and go away. Find the steward, he'll tell you where to wait," Ness said gloomily. This was a disaster. Jenny was potentially a hugely powerful weapon for him, and yet it now seemed a fragile one, which Christopher Ward could take away with a word. Randall had hoped that he could strike some sort of deal with Ward and the others to leave him to work his new powers as he wanted in exchange for the return of Jenny and Athena. But now he realised this was not possible; the only way to be safe was to neutralise the threat that Ward and Athena posed. He would have to come up with a plan.

He looked at the naked and subdued women crouching beside him. He could see that his obvious anger and fear at what Jenny had said had upset them. For a moment he considered dismissing them too, so he could think about what to do with this new problem, but then he realised he was too annoyed to reason clearly at the moment. He needed to take his frustration out on someone and the small and harmless Lucia was perfect for that. She wouldn't even care - in fact she would enjoy it; any attention from her Master was welcome to her enslaved mind and body.

"You, little slut," he said addressing the Latina girl, an edge of bitterness in his voice, "bend over the end of that couch there and display your ass and cunt to me. I want you to play with your clit and pussy and as you do, tell me how much you want to be fucked."

"Ohhh, yes Master," Lucia replied eagerly. The idea was hugely appealing to her, twisted as she had been to desire above all things to please her Master.

Ness began to strip, "Samantha, while Lucia does that, suck my cock. Get me ready to fuck her."

"Yes Master," replied the taller girl.

Randall watched as Lucia bent over, shamelessly spreading her legs to give him an explicit view of her pussy and the little puckered hole above it. While she used one hand to support herself, the other was between her legs, gently caressing her labia and clit and toying with the entrance to her cunt. Lucia was getting wet already - the idea of being taken and used by her Master was an automatic turn-on. He felt Sammy taking his semi-erect cock in her warm, wet mouth but concentrated on the show Lucia was providing.

The Latina spread her legs even wider and bent forward in a blatant display, her head resting on the couch. Lucia stuffed a couple of fingers in her cunt, fucking herself while murmuring in a husky voice, "Fuck me Master; shaft your little slave's cunt with your big hard cock. I'm wet and ready Master. Take me hard and fast." She looked like she might cum at any moment. Sammy was eagerly slurping and sucking on his cock and Randall' erection was now as hard as an iron bar.

He shook Sammy aside and stepped behind Lucia. Without a word he slid his cock into her pussy. She was soaking wet and yet still tight around his penis. As his balls slammed against her rear, Lucia came, so excited was she. Ness began to pump in and out, gripping her thighs as he thrust hard, not holding back, his balls slapping against flesh as her buried his cock in her cunt over and over again. Nor was there any need to concern himself with his partner; the Latina slave girl was lost in bliss at being used in this way by her Master.

"Samantha, lick my balls," Randall commanded Sammy. The girl did her best to obey given the position he and Lucia were in. She crawled between his legs and then sat, her back against the edge of the couch, and lifted herself up as much as possible, her height helping. Even then she could only do the job she had been ordered to when Ness slowed his thrusts into Lucia. This proved worth it; the feeling of a wet tongue licking and teasing his balls while his cock was embedded in a hot, tight cunt was delicious.

Tiring of that game at last, Randall changed his orders. "Samantha, lie on the couch in front of Lucia. Lucia, lick her pussy. I want to watch that while I fuck you." Sammy hastened to obey and it made for an arousing sight - Lucia's brunette hair between Sammy's legs, her face hidden as she busied her tongue on the tall girl's clit and Sammy playing with her own breasts, teasing the nipples with her fingers as she smiled up at her Master. Randall gripped Lucia's hips and pumped into the Latina faster.

Ness was going for it now, fucking Lucia as hard as he could. He was getting close; Sammy and Lucia had both cum already, three times in Lucia's case - being used by her Master like this was driving her wild with excitement. Randall could feel the sperm rising from his balls - any moment now. He pulled out of Lucia's dripping cunt. "On your knees, sluts," he growled.

The two girls practically hurled themselves off the couch and onto the floor at his feet; they knew what was coming and didn't want to miss out. Randall towered above them and stroked his cock a couple of times; that was all it needed. His spunk sprayed out across the upturned faces of the two girls, to their intense delight and Ness' satisfaction, spattering their noses, chins and mouths.

He breathed deeply, feeling calmer already. "Clean yourselves up and then go," he said to Lucia and Sammy and then added, "you did well." The girls beamed with happiness at being praised, even as his cum was still dripping down their faces.

When they had gone, Randall Ness slowly dressed himself. He found his mind was clearer, his anger and frustration washed away by the hard sex. He had already known that he couldn't control Athena and now it seemed that his control over Jenny was unreliable as well. He had built specialised facilities on the island to contain the women's powers, which is why he had taken them there. These were now lost and he had no others ready. It would be a months before he could equip something similar elsewhere. That made Athena Makris more of a risk than an asset.

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