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The Mom-Daughter Lovers Club

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A school counsellor opens a new world for Ellie and her Mom.
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Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/10/2021
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Ellie Carter let her lips linger on her Mom's cheek as long as she dared. She could smell the perfume her Mom had applied before they left the house -- a scent so sensual to the teen that she almost let herself slide out her tongue to gently lick at her Mom's smooth and soft skin. She caught herself and with a mental effort forced herself to straighten up and reach for the car door handle. Luckily her Mom hadn't noticed anything, two seconds might be long for a familial goodbye peck, but it wasn't so long that it excited any suspicion it was anything more taboo.

"Bye," Amber Carter, turned her head towards her daughter and gave a smile, that the teen thought was too sexy for words, even if her Mom believed it was just a goodbye grin, "See you later."

"See you tonight," Ellie replied, trying to keep her tone casual and keep any undertone of lust for the woman who'd given her birth under control. It was an act of major willpower to open the door and step onto the sidewalk outside the school, ignoring the other students bustling past, to turn again and give her Mom a wave as the older woman, waved back, glancing briefly at the traffic as she waited for a space to pull out into. Ellie remained in situ a hand raised in farewell and fixed, but fake smile on her face. Her Mom was so hot and sexy, that Ellie could have stayed with her all day, stealing tiny touches and small glances and wishing that her Mom wasn't her Mom, but another attractive divorcee who, in turn, was equally attracted to the High School Senior.

"Are you fucking her?" the voice behind Ellie was far enough away she hadn't felt the person approach, near enough she didn't doubt the words were meant for her.

She turned ready to say exactly what she thought of people who accused others of incestuous sex with relations, but held her words. The speaker wasn't another student, but the new guidance counsellor, Miss Norman. She was only a few years older than the students, no more than early mid-twenties, but still gave off a vibe of worldly maturity that neither Ellie or any of her friends could match. Still it was strange thing to say about someone's Mom and Ellie wondered if there were rumours flying around about her sexuality (which was kind of fluid, but also pretty secret) or a false one that she was seeing some older woman. She decided to scotch the latter, even if not commenting on the former, "She's my Mom," she explained.

"I know," Miss Norman was looking at Amber as the older woman missed the opportunity to drive off as she was turned back to give another wave to her daughter.

"You asked..." Ellie started and then trailed off confused, wondering if she'd misheard or whether it was meant for someone else.

It wasn't a word it was easy to mistake for something else -- at least anything that made sense and all the others around them were making for the school entrance and ignoring them, whilst Miss Norman was continuing to look between the two Carters, making it abundantly clear she was talking to the teen about her Mom. Ellie paused and started again, "No."

"But you want to," Miss Norman nodded as if whilst she expected the denial she wasn't fooled that it was because Ellie was repulsed by the idea. The teen blushed, wondering how the guidance counsellor knew and what she was going to do.

The answer to the second question was to reach into her bag and pull out an appointment card, quickly scribbling on it before handing it to Ellie. "I've a free spot at eleven. Show the card to your teacher to get out of class," Miss Norman instructed.

"Er, yes," said Ellie, unsure what to say.

"See you then," the counsellor gave a friendly smile and walked up the steps to the entrance.

Ellie continued to watch her, confused, missing her Mom's final pull away into the traffic.


Ellie didn't know the rules for being called to the counsellor's office, she had always assumed it was a voluntary thing, not something you were summoned for. But after her initial shock she had managed to think logically for a few moments, albeit instead of concentrating on math. There was no evidence that she had done anything inappropriate (mainly because she hadn't even if she did want to) so all she had to do was deny everything and look affronted at the suggestion. It wasn't like Miss Norman could call her Mom in on the suspicion that her daughter had the inappropriate hots for her. So she was pretty confident when she left the classroom, though less so when she rapped on the door.

"Come in," Miss Norman immediately called.

Ellie entered. She hadn't been in the room since Miss Norman had started [and not often before that]. The counsellor had shifted the desk that had once dominated the middle of the room to the side and instead had installed some comfy seats and a small coffee table in the centre. The twentysomething was sitting in one of them and immediately beckoned Ellie to the other, "Mint?" she asked as the teen sat down and proffered a bowl of little round nuggets to Ellie.

Shaking her head Ellie sat down and waited for the counsellor to begin. Miss Norman put the bowl down and glanced at the door to confirm it was closed. "You know why you're here?" she asked and Ellie kept silent. Miss Norman waited just a moment for a response before continuing, "It's because you want to fuck your Mom." This time she didn't allow time for Ellie to speak before putting up a hand to silence, "Don't say anything, I don't want to start our relationship with you lying to me." Ellie kept quiet as telling an untruth was exactly what she had been planning to do. Miss Norman grinned and relaxed, "Don't worry I'm not planning to discourage you, I'm fucking my Mom as well."

A range of scenarios had gone through Ellie's head from threats of prison or psychiatric care to earnest conversations and suggestions of more regular religious observations. But this was one she hadn't expected -- her only hope was that her mouth wasn't hanging open too obviously. Miss Norman didn't seem to mind Ellie's reaction, she probably had been expecting it, as she smiled and pulled out her phone, flicking to the contacts list and showing Ellie a picture of her Mom, above the cell number. The teen could see the resemblance between them, even if there was at least quarter of a century between them. Miss Norman allowed the teen to look at the picture for a moment before turning the phone away and sliding her finger over the screen. She turned it back to Ellie. This time the photo wasn't a headshot in contacts, but of the Miss Norman's Mom in a very sexy bikini. The counsellor flicked with her thumb and it moved to the same beach, but with the older woman now totally naked, half-reclined on the sand and exposing herself wantonly. A new photo came up, this time kneeling on a double bed, her large tits draped over a thin nightie and when Miss Norman flicked again, her Mom was naked on the bed, drilling a toy into her slick slot.

Withdrawing the phone Miss Norman closed it and placed it back on the table, "Those are some shots I took of my Mom on our last summer vacation. We've been together for five years -- I was same age as you -- a senior in High School. We've been together when I was at college and then when we moved here for my new job, she came with me -- we live together as a couple now."

"Oh -- do your neighbours know?" Ellie was shocked and fascinated, as well as more than a little jealous.

"It's not something we spread around -- we don't really socialise with the neighbours much -- I think most of them assume we're a lesbian couple with a large age difference. I just need to remember whenever I'm out walking down the street with her hand in hand I don't call her Mom -- that would be a giveaway."

"Why are you telling me then?" Ellie asked.

"Because I've seen the way you kiss your Mom goodbye and I see the way she looks at your right back. I wasn't sure whether you're fucking yet, but I'm now guessing not...?" she let the question linger long enough Ellie felt forced into an answer.

"No," she paused and then elaborated just so Miss Norman was sure, "We're not fucking."

"But you want to?"

It was the moment of truth. She could deny it and leave the room, she'd have some choice blackmail material over a member of school staff if she ever needed it. But then she had a feeling that this would block out another option, a more taboo and shocking path, but one that Ellie knew, had known for a long time, that she wanted to take. She paused for as long as she dared, scared to take the first step, but then she put on her big girl shoes and said, "Yes -- I want to fuck my Mom."

The confession lightened her like a heavy rock had been rolled from atop her shoulders and Miss Norman smiled happily, as if she too had been suddenly worried that she had misjudged horribly. "Call me Dawn, at least when we're not in the school corridors" she said.

"Yes Dawn," it felt strange to call a member of staff by their first name, almost as taboo as fucking a Mom, but equally it felt like it was a matter of trust and that they were no longer a student and counsellor, but a teenager and her slightly older friend. "You think I stand a chance with my Mom, like you and yours?"

"Oh God, yes, I've been watching you both for the past couple of weeks -- it's so obvious your Mom fancies the panties off you. I can't believe no-one else sees the looks she gives you when you're exiting the car, it's pure lust for your cute behind -- I've almost been expecting her to make a dive for it."

Ellie blushed. If her Mom had been as obvious as Dawn said the teen had been oblivious to it. Dawn grinned, "Don't worry about not noticing -- I guess I'm super sensitive to these things given my own situation, no-one else would put two and two together -- they think the idea of a Mom and daughter having the hots for each other was so preposterous it only happens in porn movies."

"So how, um, did you know, you and your Mom get it together?" Ellie asked, wondering if she could take out her pad and make notes.

The answer wasn't however very illuminating, "I just made a move on her." Dawn gave another wide grin, as if she was remembering, before leaning a little closer, "But it was harder for me and Mom, I thought we were the only ones who felt the way we did. You have me and her, we can act as a kind of lighthouse -- guiding the way for you and your Mom to dock, in a manner of speaking. Assuming you're interested?"

"Yes. How?"

"You should come over to dinner on Friday, both of you and dress up properly in dresses -- not jeans and tops," she said.

"She doesn't know you, why would my Mom want to come?" I asked.

"Trust me, if you invite her she'll come," Dawn replied with a knowing confidence. "Also don't tell her about me and my Mom being a couple; in fact probably best if you don't mention I'm a guidance counsellor she'd only worry about you."

"What do I say then?"

"Tell her I'm new to the area, that's true and I'm sure I can pass as eighteen," she said, before adding with a smile, "at a stretch."

"So how will this work?" I asked, "Will it lead, um, to, er, you know, sex..."

"...with your Mom?" Dawn grinned, "Well me and my Mom can lead you to water, but in the end you'll need to be the one to make your Mom drink."


It was Friday evening and Amber Carter was unreasonably excited. She tried to tell herself it was because it had been almost a year since she'd gone out to dinner, even if tonight was with a friend of her daughter and the girl's Mom. But that wasn't the real reason and she knew it. For months she'd been thinking more and more about Ellie as sexy young woman and less and less about her as a daughter.

Ever since Ellie had asked her at the start of the week Amber had been thinking about it, quickly booking herself in for a quick trim and tidy of her shoulder length hair and a session in the nail salon so that they were a deeply varnished red and perfectly shaped. It had been worth shelling out on an expensive perfume as well, just a couple of dabs for this evening, but enough to make her feel desirable and like a woman. She knew Ellie wasn't really interested and that it was not a real date, not least because they were going to be with another two people, but in her mind, for a moment, Amber could pretend it was.

Opening the wardrobe, she took out the dress she'd decided on. It was as sexy as she dared for a date with her daughter, a shoulderless red number which went half way down her thighs and clung resolutely to her body, showing her curves to their best advantage. She had others which showed more cleavage, but she had reluctantly decided that even if Ellie hadn't realised her intent, the other Mom might mistake it for a lonely Milf out for some lesbian action with a fellow singleton. Still she hoped that Ellie was more daring than she was -- the teen had some very short and semi-revealing dresses. Whilst Amber publically disliked and discouraged her eighteen year old daughter from wearing to go out with her friends, in secret she loved seeing Ellie in them and wouldn't have minded if the teen wore them all the time.

There was a knock at the door, "Are you ready Mom?" Ellie called, "I said we'd be over at half past."

"Nearly ready, five minutes," her Mom replied.

It was nearer ten, but as she looked in the mirror and pursed her ruby red glossed lips in a fake kiss, she knew it was worth it -- even if Ellie wouldn't notice how sexy her Mom was for her. She headed down the stairs, her daughter was sitting in the lounge playing with her phone. For a moment Amber paused, looking at the teen, she was delectable with her blonde hair in a pony tail over her shoulder and wearing a dark dress that looked translucent (but sadly wasn't) over her bosom and stomach and which wrapped around the top of her thighs leaving plenty of leg on view. For forms sake she felt she had to say at least something, whilst hoping her daughter wouldn't take it seriously enough to change, "Are you sure that's suitable to wear? I'm not sure you should be out in that."

"Don't be so old fashioned," Ellie put her cell away and stood up. "You look nice," she added with a smile.

Nice wasn't sexy, but Amber was still wearing to take the compliment. She picked up the keys, "Come on, I'll drive."

It was a ten minute drive, which wasn't enough time to sit beside her delightfully sexy daughter, as far as Amber was concerned, especially as when the drive ended she wasn't rewarded with one of those all too brief kisses the eighteen year old Ellie still felt able to bestow on her. The house was set a little way back at the end of the street, not exactly secluded, but certainly with more privacy than many. Ellie was out of the car and up at the door, waiting for her Mom expectantly. Amber clicked her key, waiting half a second for the comforting beep before walking the twenty feet up the pathway. Her daughter slipped her arm through in a friendly gesture before ringing the bell.

The young woman on the other side of the door must have been expecting them as the door was open in seconds. "Hi," she said a young woman in a dress almost as daring as Ellie's, "You must be Mrs Carter, I'm Dawn. Hi Ellie... come in... Mom, Ellie's here with Mrs Carter."

"Call me Amber, Mrs Carter sounds like I've not been divorced for ten years," Amber said.

"Cool, Amber, I love that name, Ellie's told me so much about you since I arrived, I feel I know you," Dawn gushed as she ushered them in, "Mom's just finishing in the kitchen. Do you want some wine? Oh, I can have a soft drink with Ellie, though perhaps you'll let us have some wine with dinner -- my Mom is relaxed about me having a glass at mealtimes."

"Yes, for the wine for me. I suppose one glass won't hurt for Ellie when we eat, but only one," Amber replied. It didn't surprise her that Dawn's Mom let her drink at meals, she looked and sounded more mature than a typical eighteen year old -- in fact if Amber had met her in the street she'd have easily put her for at least a college graduate; teens grew so quickly nowadays, she thought.

Before Amber could get the wine a door opened and a woman stepped out. She was perhaps five or six years older than Amber, nearer fifty than forty, but the familial resemblance with Dawn was apparent, even to the extent that she was wearing a sexy dress that like her daughter's showed a daring amount of cleavage. She smiled warmly at the Carters, "You must be Ellie and her Mom..."

"Amber," Dawn quickly said moving towards her Mom. To Amber's surprise she slipped her arm round the older woman's waist and pulled her closer towards her, as her Mom turned her head, so that the kiss which came moments later was full on the lips, and seemed to last for a long time. Dawn broke it and faced back towards the Carters, "And this is my Mom and lover, Julie."

It was a strange way to refer to her Mom, even if they were close. Not that Amber minded, she thought that she and Ellie had a really good relationship, but she would have loved it to be as near as that Dawn and her Mom evidently had. She certainly wasn't complaining when Ellie slipped her arm round her waist like she was in a competition with her friend. "It's so nice of you to invite us over."

"No problem," cheekily it was Dawn who answered even if Amber's comment had been aimed more towards Julie, "We're new in town, so it's great to meet some new friends, isn't it Mom?" Again as she spoke she leant in and kissed her Mom full on the lips.

The older woman tittered, "Of course, we didn't do enough entertaining before when you were at co... your old school."

"I was going to pour some drinks," Dawn said and disengaged her arm, it seemed quiet reluctantly.

"I just need to finish some things in the kitchen," her Mom said and turned to go. Her daughter responded by giving her a gentle slap on behind, making Julie giggle as if she was didn't mind her daughter spanking her in public.

Dawn was already turning back to the Carter's, "Come through and make yourselves comfortable, dinner will be about twenty minutes." She led them through into the main room and Amber took a seat on one of the sofas, Ellie sitting gratifyingly close by, almost -- not quiet -- touching her thigh. Dawn quickly found them some drinks and then sat on the sofa opposite, asking Amber about her job and explaining she wasn't quiet sure what her Mom did, but it involved something in tracking advertising spend in newspapers. Then she and Ellie spoke for a few minutes about some movie which was out and that led to them all saying what their favourite eighties movie was. After fifteen minutes of pleasant but inconsequential conversation, Dawn looked at the clock, "I better see if Mom needs any help in the kitchen."

Amber gave a small laugh, "I wish Ellie volunteered to help me make dinner sometimes," she joked.

"You've a gem there," said Dawn surprisingly serious for a second, "Don't let her escape through your fingers." Then suddenly she was grinning again, "I'll be five. I'll open a new bottle of wine for the table," she added and then was gone.

Waiting for a moment to make sure she was left Amber turned to her daughter and said quietly, "They're very close, aren't they."

"Well, duh," Ellie whispered back, "Did you not hear what they said when they introduced themselves."

"About being lovers?" Amber's eyes slightly widened, "I mean they didn't mean it, did they? I just thought they were close."

"Like lovers?" her daughter replied with a touch of sarcasm.

"No, well, I suppose yes," Amber lapsed into silence, wondering what to say next, "Should we ask them?"

Her daughter didn't answer that question, but instead asked one of her own, "Would you mind if they were?"

"I don't think they are, we're just misunderstanding," Amber said, though even as she was saying the words she was doubting them, "I mean they've only just met us, they wouldn't be so open about it if they were." Did she sound judgmental? she didn't want to be one of those Moms who seemed to be against all the modern mores and wished they were back in some mythologized version of the fifties. Plus it was secretly a turn on to think that a Mom could be in a sexual relationship with their daughter. "If they were it's not a problem to me, they seem happy and it doesn't harm anyone."


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