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The Mommy Next Door

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Loving wife and mother falls prey to her sexual corruption.
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April 11, 2022 Her Morning Treat

On an early Monday morning Kim awoke to the rays of sun blindingly shinning through her bedroom window. As she moved out from under her sheets, she noticed her husband still sleeping soundly on the left of their bed. Being his day off she did not anticipate he would be up for a while.

Kim was 39 years old, and although she had already given birth to two children she had remarkably kept her weight down, maintaining her sturdy yet curvy-like figure. Her straight Havana brow hair swept of her back slightly below her shoulder blades, showing her beautiful face to the world.

Moving from her bed, and barely concealed by her 36 DD size black bra and knickers, she walked over to her closet to fetch her day's outfit. Scanning through for her work attire, Kim suddenly felt a shock shoot through her body.

Her eyes opened wide and her mouth drew open, as what felt like two fingers were snaking passed her panties and into her clit. she motioned her hand down to stop the pounding, but the sensual sensation and force of his rough fingers was too much for her to stop it.

"Uh, Uh, Aughhhhh" She moaned loudly

Her ravaged clit began to moisten up as she clenched and contracted in anticipation of her orgasm. However she would have to wait, as her husband withdrew his sliming fingers from her pussy's deadlock grip. With his release he left with a firm slap on Kim's ass, who proceeded to collapse on her hands and knees, panting heavily and wet ooze dripping from her open clit. With no words exchanged as he left the room, leaving an exhausted Kim to clean up her dripping mess.

7:35am The Mad Rush

Getting ready for the day had always been a challenge for Kim, feeding her kids, doing her makeup or gathering her paper work. Every day the same routine yet always the same rush.

While doing dishes and preparing lunches, her kids called for more cereal. Kim reluctantly heeding to their command and squats down to reach for some in the lower cabinets, each time her heels dig deep in the crack of her regular fit dark blue denim jeans. As she squats, she hears her kids chuckling at how they see "Mommy's Bum", where her brown belt pushed up against the belt loops of her jeans, revealing her crack. Per usual she scolds them for doing so, but knows they are only joking about.

Moving to the door Kim props up her firm round breasts in the mirror, and slips on her Blundstones ankle boots. The compliment that the light brown boots made with the dark blue jeans always accentuated Kim's ass being more round and protrusive, although it was not her intent Kim did subtly enjoy the attention she got for it.

Swiftly grabbing her blazer and her keys she closed and locked the doors behind her. Waving goodbye to her husband and kids as they walked to school, she sat her ass snugly in the seat of her mini-van. The back seats had been folded down to haul their garden foliage. Kim always loved gardening when she could, but felt slightly exhibitionist when the high school kids would walk by and gaze at her squatting in the garden, similar to her kids although the innocence was lost somewhat.

8:45 An Unsuspected Stop

She was late. Kim always strived to get to work on time, and a younger Kim would see it through. However as time passed Kids and distractions would fill her life complicating her timely manner. As Kim drove she slowly creeped passed the limit pushing 60Km/h even 70Km/h in a 45Km/h zone.

These roads were bumpy due to the recent rain erosion. Meanwhile another erosion was happening down below. The vibration of her vehicle, were stimulating her already foraged nether regions. She began to feel her panties moisten, and began to slow down when out of nowhere the wail of a siren could be heard.

"Damn it" cried Kim frustratingly as she slowed down into a private road.

Although her panties where slightly moistened it had at least not soaked through to her pants. Kim was thankful for this, but that had been the least of worries, as the cop slowly approached the vehicle.

"Do you know how fast you were going ma'am" the officer asked holding a pen and paper.

"I'm sorry officer I was in a hurry I didn't..."

"I'm going to need you to step out of the vehicle miss" the officer interrupted.

"and leave the blazer and sweater inside" he finished.

Kim proceeded to remove her dark blue blazer and thin black sweater revealing her protruding hard nipples underneath the white t-shirt she had on. Quickly she removed herself from the van and stood facing the cop with her ass pressing to the side of her door.

"Turn around and lift your hands in the air." The officer instructed

Kim obeyed and turned around while lifting her arms above her head. Almost immediately the cop used his right arm and grabbed right above Kim's shoulder while taking his left foot and kicking her left leg into a spread eagle stance. Kim was taken aback by the cops aggressiveness and almost turned around, when the cop spoke.

"I am performing a routine search do not move" He stated.

"Please officer I'm begging you I'm late for work" Kim pleaded.

The cop ignored Kim's plea and proceeded to unsheathe a baton from his side. As soon as the cop tapped her lower legs denim cuff with the baton, Kim was brought back this morning pleasure fest that her husband forced upon her. Kim's clit began to squirt her mommy juices into her already wet panties now slowly seeping towards her denim pants.

Biting her lips, Kim prayed that the cop wouldn't move his baton to her pelvic region and prod her wet surprise. Just as the cop was about to reach her wet present he lifted the baton from her left leg and proceeded to continue on the right. Moving up her inner thigh reaching her clit. This time the cop tapped her private region. The preceding sound that arose was similar to that of stepping in a puddle of water "SPLAT", drips of Kim's juices could be seen coming off of her denim pants. Instantly she panicked.

"P-Please, i-it was an accident I swear... don't... I-I don..." Kim was interrupted by an abrupt push towards her side door, her face and milky breasts pressed firmly against the glass.

"looks like I'm dealing with one horny mother aren't I" The cop barked holding Kim's arms behind her back, and pinning her to the van.

"Get off me you fuck " Kim growled, muffled while pinned against her side door window.

"Oh I will fuck you soon enough" In a flash the cop grabbed the collar of Kim's white t-shirt and the straps of her bra ripping both off with his hands, while his meat rod pressed up against her wet denim ass. Kim's moderately sized breast's burst from her chest with her nips erecting firm, from the cold outside air. Kim was in shock with her boobs pressed firmly against the glass as her clothing lay tattered at her side.

"Now are we ready to see what's in there" The cop whispered, reaching into her denim pants and cupping her wet clitorous region.

"N-no, stop this now!" Kim resisted firmly, with a shaky tone in her voice.

"Come on now bitch, you know you want this" the cop whispered back.

These stimulating sensations surged through Kim's body. From her pussy which still spewed a continuous flow of juices soaking her denim pants and dripping to to the concrete below, to her breasts which began to tender as the mans body pressed increasingly up against her. A surge of pleasure shot through her, a flashback of this morning's sensual incident. She did want this, she wanted it so bad.

Kim did not resist when the cop grabbed her by the hair she had so perfectly groomed this morning. He then proceeded to open her vans trunk and throw her face down on the folded seats. His actions where rough, and Kim relished it, she wanted to be punished for the slutty mommy she was, spanked and taught a lesson. The cop moved quickly handcuffing her left and right wrists to the head rest rods of the front seats, then positioning himself behind her rotund ass, while she got on her knees. Kim placed her hands on the seats in front, bracing for what was about to ensue.

The man yanked her denim jeans down her legs to her ankles, stopped at her brown boots. Yet another restraint to prevent Kim from struggling. With Kim's ass in plain view and her pussy gushing with juices the man unzipped his pants, grabbed Kim's hips and drove his meat shaft along her perineum and into her cavernous gaping cunt with haste. Kim let out yelp of pain and pleasure as his shaft bore deep inside of her, discharge from her insides swarming and latching to his cock as it withdrew and penetrated further.

Kim uttered many loud and exhaustive grunts, while her face turned red culminating in the force of the mans deep and painful penetrations, venturing into Kim where not even her husband dared press into.

"S-Spank me hard, I've been a naughty mommy" Kim pleaded exasperatedly

Kim's eyes widened and rolled up while her mouth opened and her tongue lurched out, from the mixed pleasure of her pounded pussy and a whopping slap to her right ass cheek. Kim go what she begged for. Her mommy breasts heaved forward and back with every thrust and her white ass growing as red as her face with each slap.

Suddenly Kim felt an explosion of red hot liquid shoot deep within her clamped pussy flaps. His cock remained deep, blasting short bursts of baby fluid in her as her pussy clenched and contoured firmly around his shaft.

"S-Sto... Y-You can... I'll... g-g... preg..."Kim tried to plead, but the pleasure was too much to overcome. Kim wanted all the man's juices giving hers in return. After what seemed like forever the man removed his cock, their juices spilling rapidly out of her devastated and gaping snatch covering and soaking the floor of her mini-van. Still bent over the cop uncuffed Kim's wrists from the seats.

With an abrupt final slap on her raw ass Kim collapsed exhausted and corrupted. For several minutes Kim was left laying unmoved in a puddle of her own ejaculation, intoxicated by her sexual experience, the model neighborhood mom idolized in her community now turned a slutty fuck toy.

10:38am Clean Up and Wash Off

Kim cleaned out as much as she could from her van. Using old napkins and a small package of tissues she wiped up her ejaculated secretion and closed up the back. At home she would wash the rest out with soap and water, but for now she smeared enough away to not be overly noticeable. Gathering up her tattered and torn white T and black bra she fumbled towards the driver seat, quickly pulling up her sopping jeans. Driving in wet jeans and panties was uncomfortable but Kim was not about to go back home nude.

Work had called shortly after her altercation, being sure to provide a lengthy excuse, she had managed to get the rest of the day off, not at all detailing the promiscuous acts she had committed earlier. Pulling out of the side street, Kim took relief that no one had spotted their interaction, as she tugged her black sweater on, covering up her wriggling teats.

Unfortunately for Kim, her moment of relief was a moment of victory for a young man watching her speed away from the scene. James had watched the whole show unravel, videoing portions, capturing angles with his camera and generally enjoying the entire spectacle that transpired. James happened to also live across the street from Kim, it was no accident he found her being fucked by a cop. He followed her there! James was 22 he still lived with his parents and had a small room on the upper floor of his house looking down into Kim's living room and bedroom. He had a sturdy build with dark brown hair, and although he had many hobbies his favorite was spying on Kim.

James is what many would call a creep, a voyeur. He had slowly begun keeping track of her regime; the time she woke, when she left, where she worked, the route she took, when she got back, everything. He had only begun tailing her last week just to watch her more at work, he did not expect today to occur as it had. He now had so much dirt on her, he could expose her for the MILF she was, humiliate her across town. No. All he wanted was Kim he wanted her to beg him for more, he wanted to punish her for all her whorish ways. This evidence would do perfectly.

Kim drove carefully home. Driving slower than she normally would, not to risk being pulled over again, especially in her sopping attire. As Kim pulled up to her house she was glad to see her husbands truck was not parked out front. Likely he had gone to the gym for his morning workout.

Kim parked and scrambled her torn clothes together, wrapping her blazer around her waist to cover her soaked pants. Once she entered the house, she kicked off her boots and made a dash towards the shower. Locking the door, she undressed herself dropping her pants and peeling of her drenched panties. Flipping the nobs and kicking the clothes in the corner she jumped in the shower.

Feeling relived to be out of wet clothes, she enjoyed the trickling of the warm water passing through her hair, beading across her breasts and down to her clit. Kim began to rub her hand across her beautifully shaved pussy, rinsing any juices and residue away, hearing it splat to the shower floor. Kim finally felt safe, she felt clean and proper. Yet still lingering was the memory of her brutal fucking, fresh in her mind.

11:30am Kim's Chore

The buzzing of Kim's phone told that her husband would not be returning soon. That was fine by her, she only wanted to relax, drink her tea and digest her sexual experience from earlier. Her mind kept drifting to the pleasure and sensations she was feeling in her van. The hard pounding against he ass, the magnitude of the spanks and her pussy filing with hot sperm. Would Kim end up pregnant, how would her husband even react. Kim could not even fathom such a scenario.

Suddenly a fierce knocking could be heard coming from the front door. Kim removed herself from the table and walked down the hallway to the door. Kim's new clothes consisted of a pair of black shorts, and a white bra barely visible through her grey t-shirt. As Kim opened the door she notice the young man standing before her it was James.

"Oh, hello Mrs. Brennan." James spoke. Using Kim's last name.

"Hi, James what's up?" Kim replied, curious of his visit he did not normally stop by during the day.

"I was just wondering if I could talk to you about something I have had on my mind for a while?" James answered "If your busy I can stop by later"

"No, no come in I have the day off, Bruce is out and I'd like to have the company" Kim insisted.

Kim closed the door behind James and escorted him to the kitchen where she had been sitting. James sat at the island in the kitchen as Kim was preparing tea for the both of them. James could not help but stare at Kim's perfectly round breasts pressing against her gray T as she talked about her weekend.

The both of them then sat down at Kim's dinning room table. The table was a dark wood with six chair spots, the room lit with a warm orange glow from the light above and the sunshine glaring through the large kitchen windows, looking out towards Kim's back yard. Behind Kim in the dinning room was another large window which faced directly into the neighbors house next door. Kim had closed the pull-down blinds to that window for more privacy today, although often she kept it open.

"Well what was it you wanted to ask me?" Kim asked, in her sweet mother-like tone.

"Oh, uh ah well actually..." James stuttered. He had not come very well prepared and needed to think up something quick.

"Fuck it!" James thought. I will just get right to the point.

Almost immediately James gestured his left hand up and to the right, before knocking it down on the table and sweeping all it's contents down to the other end of the table. With loud crashes and clanging noises silverware, tea and other items trampled into a pile at the other end. Kim was shocked and nearly got up saying.

"James wh-what have you do-?" Kim was muffled as James pulled her by her freshly straightened brown hair to the table, facing right Kim's cheek and lips was pressed firmly against the brown table.

"whrt rrh uh dunine!?" Kim managed. Kicking legs and flailing her hands about to free herself.

"Where were you this morning Kimmy?" James asked mockingly. Already knowing the answer.

Kim froze for a minute a chill shot through her spine. She knew that she had been caught. In an attempt to play it off Kim struggled a response.

"wh-whrt du uh mein!?" she stammered.

"Let me refresh your memory for you then, bitch" James responded. With his free left hand James freed a folded piece of printed paper with a crude image on it. Kim was horrified. The image, although blurry from the poor printing, captured Kim handcuffed to her van and being fucked mercilessly. Kim remained silently staring directly a the crumpled photo in front of her.

James loosened his grip on her hair allowing her to sit back down in her chair. James moved up off his chair and pushed the table down the dinning room, leaving a gap between the two of them. James sat back down looking directly at Kim. She had crossed her arms tight, below her breasts, which only accentuated her already heaving boobs, looking down at the floor in defeat. James spoke.

"You have two options Kim." James stated.

"You can be outed as the whore MILF you are or..." James paused. Leaving room in between his two choices.

"Or what?" Kim inquired.

"Or you start doing chores for me, on a regular basis." James finished.

"What, chores do you mean?" Kim asked shakenly.

"How about I do a demonstration" James replied. He unzipped his pants freeing his erect member in plain view of Kim.

"No, no, no I won't do that, not this way!" Kim replied quickly.

"I have already gone through enough, please." Kim cried. Beginning to tear up, she did not want a repeat of what happened earlier.

"Suck it now! You degenerate MILF or I will reveal to the world the slut you are! Understand!?" James barked forcefully.

With tears trickling down her cheeks and her lips pursed tightly Kim did not respond. Continuing to stare at his erect cock. It was a silent affirmation that she would agree to do his "chores".

"Now, on your knees and crawl over her you whore!" James yelled pointing towards the floor.

Kim obeyed, bending onto her hands and knees on the wooden floor. Her boobs felt heavier pressing against bra and hanging down from her chest, whimpering as she crossed to his end. Once Kim reached James, she sat on her knees, her ass pressed against her ankles. Sobbing gently in shame, looking up at James.

"Open wide bitch." he commanded motioning towards his erect shaft.

Kim slowly opened her her mouth, her small tongue slowly draping over her cracked bottom lip. As she hovered over top of his cock, Kim suddenly felt grab a bushel of her hair. Panicking her arms went up to try and grasp for leverage, but it was too late. As her eyes widened her nose smashed into James's upper pelvic region as her chin brushed up against his swollen balls. James's cock was now deeply lodged within her throat restricting her from the air she so desperately needed.

"Sc-Sc gucch, gucch spchrt!" Kim choked, begging for air.

"Just a little longer my little mommy." James said pressing Kim's head firmly against his cock.

Kim positioned her hands on James's chair in an attempt to pull off his cock. Her ass sticking in full view in the air, while her boobs shook violently below her struggling to pull off. James would not allow it.

"Guc, guc guc, gask, gask!" Choked Kim. Gasping for any air she could find.

Finally, feeling fully satisfied with her service James pulled Kim off his cock by her hair. A mix of saliva and jizz began rushing out of Kim's mouth. Gasping for air Kim choked out.

"P-P-Please, s-stop... now, y-you got...wh-"Ignoring Kim's pleas for the face fucking to stop, James plunged her head back down on his cock. repeatedly bobbing her head up and down this time.


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