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The Morrisons Ch. 22


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"That was a great time for me too." Sam the navigator added, "I love how your family and friends aren't bothered by nudity and everyone is so accepting of others."

"We have the best parents" Jenna said, "They are committed to certain values but are open minded enough to enjoy what life has to offer. We are only given a certain number of years on this earth so we have to grasp every second and treat it like it's the last one."

"Holy shit, Jenna you sure are your father's kid." Captain McGrath said with a chuckle.

"I'm going to follow in my parent's footsteps and continue the lifestyle I've learned from them. Sooner or later, there are going to be enough of us to break through the society's condemnation of living clothing free. Remember, Adam and Eve didn't wear anything until Eve was tricked into eating the damned apple." Jenna replied.

"Dad told us not to stay to long so we better get going. He said something about not distracting you so we would land safely." Jenna added.

Captain McGrath said, "Don't worry sweetheart, when the three of us are here on the flight deck, we're all business. Even three beautiful naked young ladies, with luscious sized breasts and shaved bald pussies can't distract us. Right guys?"

"What'd you say?" Tom murmured as he looked between all three naked girls.

Everyone burst out laughing and Jenna said, "Come on girls, we better leave before something happens."

Jenna leaned over and kissed both Captain McGrath, co-pilot Tom and then Navigator Sam. Terri and Hanna followed Jenna's lead and after they'd kissed everyone, they said goodbye and left the flight deck.

When they got back to the lounge everyone was relaxing and carrying on a general conversation. Linda and Jen were seated with the others so Jenna, Terri and Hanna each picked a recliner and sat down and joined the conversation. They talked for a little while before Linda got up to answer the phone by the bar.

When she came back she said, "That was Captain McGrath, he wanted me to tell all of you that you have about fifteen minutes to get dressed and get back out here and sit down before he starts the descent to land."

"For those of you who have luggage up here, just leave it in the closet while we land and then you can go back and get it after landing. I have to go let Dan know so they will be ready. See you back here in a few minutes." Linda said.

As everyone was starting to get up Linda said, "Remember we have to clear U. S. Customs when we land."

Everyone was in the lounge carrying on a conversation when the phone rang. Linda picked it up and after listening, she said, "Ok, we're ready up here."

She hung up the phone and said, "Ok everyone, please have a seat, Captain McGrath said we'll be landing in about ten minutes."

Captain McGrath brought the plane down and landed gently on the runway. Once on the ground everyone listened as the engines roared while the plane slowed down. While Captain McGrath taxied to the terminal for private planes his voice sounded over the speakers saying, "I hope you've all enjoyed your flight and on behalf of our crew I want to thank all of you for helping us enjoy this trip. We will be met by U.S. Custom agents who will clear us and then you'll be taken by bus over to the hanger where your cars are parked. Please make sure you take everything with you when you disembark."

After clearing Customs everyone rode over to the hanger. As we got off the bus we were greeted by Hank and Tony. Everyone shook hands and of course the women took turns hugging both guys. Their luggage arrived on airport carts so Ted and Jake helped Hank and Tony load everything into the back of the two trucks. Once everything was finished, I said, "Ok, we're off to our meeting and we'll see all of you at home later."

Kim, Beth and I got into my car and everyone else split up between the other cars. We drove out of the hanger and followed Hank and Tony through the gate. It took me about twenty minutes to get to my office. We walked in and Kelly stood up and rushed over to us and welcomed all three of us back. She asked if we wanted anything and I told her to give Tom Banks a call and let him know we had arrived in the office.

Beth went to her office and I went into my office. I sat down at my desk and saw the pile of mail and papers on my desk and said to Kim, "I can only imagine what your desk is going to look like after seeing this."

Kim laughed and said, "I'm not worried, my mail will wait for me."

The phone rang and when I picked it up Tom said, "Welcome back. Let's meet in board room three, in ten minutes. Oh and you may bring your lovely wife with you."

I called Beth and told her we had a meeting in ten minutes in board room three and I wanted a copy of the contract in case I needed to refresh my memory. Beth showed up a few minutes later in my office, ready to go to the meeting. She handed me the original contract and said, "There's a copy behind it in case they want the original."

We walked down to the board room together and when I opened the door I was pleasantly surprised to see all of the board members as well as Tom Banks and all of the department heads, in the room. I looked around and greeted some of the people with a nod of my head and those close by with a hand shake. I walked to the end of the table and Beth chose the chair to my right and I had Kim sit next to Beth. While Beth set up her laptop, I shook hands with Tom and the board members.

Tom chose to stand in front of the chair to my left. He remained standing and cleared his throat before he asked everyone to have a seat. When everyone was seated he said, "I'm not going to say much because I want Dan to tell us what he's been up to but I want to welcome him back from a very successful trip to Germany. Dan you have the floor."

I stood up and looked around and the first words out of my mouth were, "Your jobs are secure! Our team negotiated a very large contract with a company in Germany. Their product will start being used in our facilities as soon as next month. The best part of this contract is we will be able to hire a few hundred additional American workers."

The room erupted with applause and cheers. After the applause died down I said, "Before I say any more about the contract I want to tell you a short story. It won't take long but it's important to me and when I'm finished, I'm positive all of you are going to share my feelings."

"I hosted a picnic for my family and some friends before I left on this trip. When the picnic was over we had extra food left. We were having a discussion of what to do with the food when one of my guests suggested we donate it to the homeless veteran shelter. Now, I didn't even know we had homeless veterans on our city streets much less a homeless veteran shelter in our city. We made contact with the shelter and several of us went to the shelter and they gave us a tour."

"I am sorry to say, it's a sad day in America when we have men and women who fought in wars under our country's flag and served our country so honorably yet they are forced to live on the streets or in a homeless shelter. It's even worse when the shelter doesn't even have the resources to care for all those who stop by for a meal or assistance. Ladies and gentlemen, an American homeless veteran shelter is barely operating right here in our city!"

It was so silent in that room when I paused, you could have heard the proverbial pin drop. I looked around the room and made eye contact with each individual before I continued by saying, "With this new contract, I am going to put together a team and we are going to host a meeting at that homeless veteran shelter and this company is going to offer jobs to those brave American Veterans who have given so much for our country. I want the Board of Directors to approve a special clause in the application process so that any veteran who wants a job can use the homeless shelter address and phone number on their employment application, if they have to."

Once again everyone applauded and cheered and I received a standing ovation. I waited for everyone to sit down before I said, "Most of you know my wife Kim. She was with us when we toured the homeless shelter and she spoke with some of the female veterans who were using the shelter. She found out the male and female veterans have to share the bathroom and shower facilities because the shelter doesn't have the resources to make upgrades to provide separate rooms."

"I am asking the board of directors to look into the possibility of making a sizeable donation to the shelter. We are an American company and we need to put American Veterans back to work and get them off the streets and out of homeless shelters. We need to help make "Made In America" mean something again!"

Everyone and I do mean everyone, stood up and cheered and applauded. I just looked around the room and nodded my head and smiled. Slowly they began to sit down. When I had everyone's attention I said, "I have my copy of the contract right here and I'd like to present this to Mr. Tom Banks."

Tom stood up and said, "Thank you Mr. Morrison. I'll put this in a safe place."

Tom turned to the group and said, "Whenever Mr. Morrison speaks, I never quite know what he's actually going to say, but one thing I can tell you, he never stands up and tries to blow smoke up our asses."

Tom looked at Kim and Beth and then out at the assembled group where a few more ladies were seated and said, "Sorry ladies, that's a figure of speech."

"The contract that Mr. Morrison negotiated means a lot to our company. We now have a steady supply of the material we need to go forward with the expansion we planned. Mr. Morrison I want to thank you personally for your ability to get the job done. Thank you." Tom finished saying as he shook my hand vigorously.

Tom added, "This concludes what I have to say. Mr. Morrison, do you have anything more to say?"

I looked around the room and said, "Yes, I want a progress report from all department heads at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. I will have Ms. Kelly Jones find out which room is not being used and send each of you an inter-office memo. I'm back and ready to roll up my sleeves."

As everyone was standing up Tom tapped my elbow and said, "I want to see the three of you in my office in a few minutes."

I stayed in the room and shook hands with a few more people and they congratulated me. When Beth finished packing up her laptop I said, "Come on let's go see what Tom wants."

We walked over to Tom's office where we were met by Brenda Summers. I smiled and said, "Mr. Banks wants to see us."

Brenda stood up, "Please follow me."

Brenda knocked on Tom's door and we heard him say, "Come in."

As we walked in Tom got up from his chair and came around his desk with his hand extended. We shook hands and he was going to shake Kim's hand but she walked over to him and hugged him. He looked a little surprised and then stepped back. Beth stepped forward and hugged him also. Tom asked us if we wanted something to drink. I said a bottle of water would be fine. Kim and Beth asked for water also. After Brenda handed each of us a bottle of water Tom offered us a chance to sit down.

Tom looked at the four of us and then asked, "Dan should I ask your wife to wait in your office? I have some questions to ask you that may be termed a bit personal."

"Tom, Kim and I are a team. As you know she is also an executive so unless we are going to discuss private company business, I don't see why we should make her sit all by herself. As for my secretary, well your secretary is here so that about evens everything." I said straight forward.

Tom looked at Kim and she replied, "Dan's absolutely correct, we are a team. We don't share private company business but we share everything else."

"Well Dan, I'm not going to beat around the bush because you never do. Now that you know my secret, what do you plan to do about it?" Tom asked.

I looked at Tom and said, "I'm sorry Tom, what are you referring to?"

Tom looked at me and said, "I love sex. I've always loved sex. Linda loves sex. Brenda loves sex. Do I have to make it any clearer?"

I looked sideways at Kim and then at Beth before I turned back to look at Tom. "I love sex also Tom. What you and Brenda do is totally your business. I get plenty of sex so I don't have the time, or the motivation to worry about your sex life."

Tom looked across his desk at me and said, "Do you mean to tell me that you don't intend to use any of the information you recently learned, to force us out so you and Beth can take over?"

"Tom, I've been with this company for many years and I've always prided myself on achieving advancement because I worked and earned it. I've never used any leverage against anyone for a promotion and I'm not about to start now."

"I always thought of you as mister straight lace and never dreamed that you would be enjoying the charms of your flight attendant. But again, whatever you do is strictly your business. Tom, you're the one who tipped the scales when you told me that Linda wouldn't tell anyone if she saw me naked or that Linda would take care of all my needs. All I said to Linda when she came to my office was, I had a very interesting conversation with you. The poor girl was shaking. She actually thought I was going to fire her Tom. I let her off the hook rather quickly and told her she was safe in her position."

"I'm not about to use anything I've heard about you, now or any time in the future." I said looking directly at Tom.

"What about Brenda?" Tom asked.

"Once again Tom, whatever anyone does on their own time is none of my damn business. As long as their lifestyle doesn't affect their job performance, I don't see why anyone has to know what goes on between people and their personal lives." I honestly admitted.

"So let me get this straight, you are not going to go to the board and tell them anything you've learned or heard about me or Brenda? And as an up and coming, you aren't interested in pushing me out so you can take over?" Tom questioned.

Looking directly at Tom I said, "Hell no Tom, you have been an excellent boss and I really don't care who you have sex with, that's strictly your business. And Brenda, I don't care if you're screwing Tom, or anyone else, that's your business. I think we are going to make an excellent team. We're going to run this company and we're going to take it to new heights."

Tom looked at Brenda and said, "See, I told you there was no need to worry. I've had my eye on Dan for a long time and he's the right man to run this company. I don't know Beth that well but I'll take Dan's word that she's trustworthy."

Beth looked at me with questioning eyes and I realized she wanted to speak so I nodded my head at her. Beth stood up and said, "When I came to work here, I was fresh out of high school. Shortly after I was hired, I found myself working for Dan and I'm lucky enough to still be working for him. When Dan was recently promoted, he totally surprised me when he wanted me to advance and stay as his executive secretary. I can tell you, I am as committed to doing the best job I can for this company. Like Dan, I don't care who is taking care of the sexual needs of others. I'm a team player, my only concern if for our company."

Tom leaned back in his chair and looked at me first and then at Beth before he said, "That's what I wanted to hear. I don't want people who use cut throat techniques to better themselves. I know I've chosen the right people to take over."

"Dan, I'm going to change the topic. After your very successful trip to Germany and your presentation a little while ago in the board room, I can see you're ready to take the reins of the company."

I looked directly at Tom and said, "I'd have very big shoes to fill. Tom, I've only been the CEO for a short time, what's the driving factor behind that sudden change?"

"Dan, you are the right man for the job. Unless you're flat rejecting this offer, you've proven yourself many times over that you are the guy I want leading the company." Tom said.

"This offer?" I questioned.

I looked at Tom's face searching for any hint but there was none. Finally, Tom said, "I have pancreatic cancer Dan. My doctors have given me six months and I want to spend that time with my family. I haven't told anyone else except my family and Brenda, of course now you and Beth. I've made arrangements for Brenda to have a decent separation package so she can live comfortably for the rest of her life. She's been my executive secretary for a long time and I don't want her to have to break in someone new." Tom finished saying with a hardy laugh.

I looked at Brenda and she smiled and shrugged her shoulders without saying anything.

Tom continued with, "I've been meeting with the Board of Directors and they know I have a medical problem but I didn't specify what it was. I told them you were promoted to CEO because you have the qualifications. I had them come to the meeting today to listen to you, even though I didn't even know what you were going to say. They were all very impressed Dan and they've approved your new position."

"Your new position with this company, if you want it, is Chairman of the Board/CEO and the position is effective immediately. All you have to do is tell me yes." Tom said with a smile on his face.

To say I was stunned by Tom's revelation is an understatement. My mind was reeling and then I heard Tom ask, "Well Dan, what do you think?"

Kim squeezed my hand causing me to look at her and then over at Beth before I slowly rotated my head back straight and looked into Tom's eyes before I said, "My God Tom, you sure know how to shock a person. As I said before, you leave some very big shoes to fill but I'll do my best to fill them. So my answer is yes, I'll take the new position and as you know Beth comes along with me."

"Dan part of the reason you are the right man for the position is because you've always made sure the people who work for you get credit for their contribution to making everything work. Please don't ever stop recognizing those people Dan." Tom said.

"There are some additional perks in store for you and Beth which includes a very healthy increase in both your salaries. I've asked Brenda to put together a package for each of you. Both of you will have to sign your new contracts and file a copy with the Board of Directors and H.R. Also each of you will need to sign your new salary statement and send a copy to payroll.

"Before you leave today you'll have to let Joe Bailey, your new chauffeur, know where you live so he can pick you up tomorrow morning. Brenda and I will be cleaning our personal items out of our offices and you and Beth will be moved over here. You will have to choose someone to be an assistant to you. That person won't be a CEO because we've combined your former position with Chairman of the Board. You can decide the title and the job description for the person. Do either of you have any questions for me?" Tom asked as he finished talking.

I sat in my chair still trying to process everything that had just transpired and finally decided to just go with the flow. I said, "Well, this has been nothing short of a shock. I am so very sorry to hear about your medical condition and I can only wish you the best as you fight the cancer. This conversation will remain private. Finally, I want to thank you for believing in me and allowing me to take such a huge step up."

Tom smiled at us and said, "You might not thank me when you learn you'll be traveling more and you'll work longer hours and be on call when you are off."

"By the way, while you were in Germany, as one of my final decisions for the company, I committed you and Beth to visit one of our suppliers. They think a sharp increase in the price of their product, is warranted. Their contract is almost due and I have a feeling they are going to try something. I always like to stay ahead of everyone so, I want you to take a few of days and go visit them and tour their facilities. They have four processing plants and I think it would be wise for you to visit each one."

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