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The Morrisons Ch. 22


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Jenna said, "Oh, Oh, Beth's pregnant!"

Beth blushed a deep red and quickly said, "No, but we're working on that."

I cleared my throat and said, "This afternoon, when we returned from Germany, I had to meet with Tom Banks the former Chairman of the Board of Directors."

I paused and looked around and discovered only one person caught what I said. Suddenly she gasped and questioned, "Do you mean you're the new Chairman?"

Everyone gasped and I looked straight at Terri and said, "No dear I'm the new Chairman of the Board and CEO all rolled into one, effective immediately."

The joyful sound of loud cheers and clapping hands filled the room. After a few moments I held up my hands so everyone would quiet down. When they did, I said, "Along with my promotion, my executive secretary moves up as well. So ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to the number one secretary." A new round of cheering and clapping erupted from our family and friends.

"In addition to that good news, we stopped by my lawyer's office on the way home and did some legal work. After that was completed my lawyer told me the sale of the three hundred and ninety acres next to us is going to be closing on Tuesday. He also told me the landowner on the other side of the new property was too late with his purchase inquiry so now he wants to sell his five hundred acres and move someplace else. I told my lawyer to look into buying that as well."

Beth spoke up saying, "In addition to our contract, my lawyer helped me fill out the paperwork to legally change my last name to Morrison." Everyone cheered while the three of us sat down. The conversation between everyone was much more enthusiastic, while we enjoyed our dessert.

Kathy and Jake rushed over to Beth and both of them hugged, kissed and congratulated her for her promotion. Kathy looked at me saying, "I know you'll take good care of my little girl Dan. It's great to see her so happy. When is the ceremony?"

Beth replied, "We haven't planned anything yet but when we do, you'll be the first to know, after us of course."

Jake walked over and hugged and kissed Kim. He looked at her saying, "You have such a wonderful family. I'm going to love being an in-law."

We sat down and enjoyed more great conversation and our dessert. The women in the group talked excitedly about what Beth, Kim and I should have for a ceremony. I think by the time we were ready to go, all of the women decided to take part in planning the ceremony.

When we walked out of Captain Toss the hot humid night air smacked us right in the face. As we walked towards the car Jenna unbuttoned her dress all the way and said, "Awww, this is better."

The girls laughed and Kim said, "Only you would think to walk out in public that way."

Jenna turned to her mother when we were almost to the cars and said, "What do you mean momma? It's not my fault if my dress slides off my shoulders, like this."

"Jenna! Pick that dress up; it's going to get dirty lying on the ground." Kim admonished

"Ok, mom, but it's too hot tonight to wear anything." Jenna whined

"You could have waited until you were in the car before you took your dress off." Kim replied.

The cars doors were unlocked and I said, "I want to ride back with Ted, Mary and Joanna so we can finish talking. Shelly I hope you don't mind."

"Absolutely not Dan, I'll ride with the girls. Besides, I think this trip will interesting." Shelly said.

Terri quickly added, "Jenna, you'll have to sit on your dress, we don't have any towels with us, and I don't want you leaking on my brand new seats."

"No problem sis, I'll sit on my dress. I wouldn't want to stain the seats of this beautiful car." Jenna replied.

Tony and his family walked over to me. Patty, Beth and Barbie each gave me a long hug and a kiss and thanked me for taking them to dinner. Tony shook my hand and said, "You're the best guy we've ever worked for. Thank you for everything you do for us."

I looked at Tony and said, "I haven't done anything yet. I cherish your friendship but most of all I appreciate what you and your family did while I was away and I won't forget. You and I are going to have a very long friendship. I won't see you until tomorrow afternoon so have a great night."

We got into our cars and Ted let Jake lead the way out of the parking lot and he pulled in behind Terri's car. He looked at me saying, "It's after dark and I want to be behind the girls."

I smiled and said, "No problem, I understand."

"Joanna, you mentioned to Ted that you've met the woman who was downstairs the morning of the break-in and helped take out the bad guys. If you don't mind, I'd like to know what she told you?" I asked.

"Dan, I've had a couple of long conversations with her. One was out by the pond in the back and the other was when she took the detail to follow me to the park the other day."

"Before I tell you about her and what she's told me, I want to confess something. I hope you don't mind but I invited her to dinner the other night because she has a delicious body and I wanted to get her alone. I wanted to personally thank her for helping us that morning. The others met her however they don't know who she really is because I introduced her as my friend Judy."

"She comes across as a wonderful lady; however what I saw that morning when I went downstairs, someone stomped those guys and stomped them badly. Every one of them needed medical treatment. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if she is also highly trained and possibly a very dangerous lady, when she needs to be."

"The first time I met her, it was a spur of the moment thing. She only had time to put on a wig and wear some colored contacts, for a disguise. As I said, we met at the pond. We agreed not to wear any clothes because it would look suspicious me leaving the house with something on, when I'd left before and not worn anything. After we met, we sat in the water while we talked. She knew I was feeling really down over killing someone. She understood I had never killed anyone before and she wanted to console me. After I expressed myself, she told me the guy I killed was a very bad guy."

"Dan, she wanted me to really understand, not just hear, the guy I killed was a super bad guy. She gave me some examples of how repulsively he tortured men, women, and children to accomplish his missions and I was totally horrified. When I thought I'd heard enough to make me sick she told me the examples she gave me were only the mild ones. She said he did much worse to most of his victims. She wanted to impress upon me I'd done the world a huge favor by taking him out."

"She told me since the break-in they had doubled the surveillance on your house and the Simpson's house. That's when I found out her people were and have been watching your house and everything we did, including having sex on your lawn or on the deck. She made sure to tell me not to change my routine so the others wouldn't suspect anything."

"So the next time I stepped out on the deck naked, made me an exhibitionist because I knew someone was watching. When I thought about it some, my embarrassment vanished and was replaced with sexual excitement. Especially since, I've had sex in full view of those watching your house. I haven't told the others about any of this and I hope all of you will keep this information private as well."

"Before I took Tina and the kids to the park the other day, I was able to get a message to Judy and she called me at the house. I told her what I was going to do and she told me she would take the detail and provide additional security for us. We had a secret phrase as a code, so I'd know it was her because she said she was going to be in a different disguise. I felt like I was performing in a spy movie, talking to myself in the woods, arranging for security, meeting people in disguise and coming up with a code phrase so we'll know each other."

Everyone got a chuckle out of the way Joanna said that last sentence. Joanna raised her voice and said, "I'm serious! It was fucking cloak and dagger shit. All that shit was going on and I couldn't tell anyone."

"Anyway, I took Tina and the kids to the park and it wasn't until we got to the pool, she revealed who she was by saying the agreed upon phrase. We talked while Tina and the kids played in the pool. The man that came with her sat on a lounge close by and kept an eye on everything so we could relax. It was then that I found out she was wearing a full face mask which included hair. You aren't going to believe this until you see it but you can't tell she was wearing a mask, I swear to God. It was so real it looked like her real skin. I kissed her and I couldn't tell the difference."

"Back to the details, I found out the organization she's with employs a master of disguise who is a former CIA person and he makes both male and female masks for their operatives. She told me I could see her every day of the week and not know it was her."

"She told me her organization is committed to our safety and they will do whatever it takes to help. She also said it was very helpful to know in advance if we were doing something, like me taking Tina and her family to the park, but they have people standing by to follow us when we leave home. Again, this is like being in a spy movie. I figured out how to contact her, so I might be able to get her to meet with the four of us if you want." Joanna finished saying.

I sat silent in my seat as I mulled over the information I just heard. Ted asked, "I know you told me you go out in the woods and talk, would she respond to anyone else if we did that?"

"I really don't think so, to be honest with you Ted. I get the feeling both the woman I know as Judy and her organization want to remain anonymous. That's why she wears the mask. She said with me being a cop, she couldn't take the chance of me seeing her real face because even though I've seen her I still don't know who she is." Joanna responded.

"Joanna, would you see if you can get her to meet just the four of us, even if we have to walk out by the pond? I'd like to be able to ask her some questions." I said as I looked over my shoulder.

Joanna said, "I'll take a walk out in the woods tomorrow. However, if she calls the house phone, she may not talk to anyone but me. Would it be ok with both of you if I use my cell phone number in the woods and let her call that number?"

Ted looked at me and said, "I don't see any problem in that."

"Go ahead use your cell phone number. I don't care what it takes to make arrangements to meet Judy; I'd like to see if she will."

"What time will you be home tomorrow night Dan? I'll have to be able to give her a time to meet." Joanna asked.

"Set it up for six thirty if that's ok. I should be home by then and have a few minutes to relax." I responded.

"I want you to know, if she meets us by the pond, her people will also be there. You won't be able to see them but they'll be watching us." Joanna warned

"Are you saying there'll be armed men or women around the area of the waterfall and pond while we're talking to this Judy?" Mary asked

"Yes. She is never alone." Joanna replied with authority in her voice

"Damn, this is like living out a spy movie." Mary added

I looked over my shoulder at Joanna, "Joanna, I know Ted probably won't be able to get you out of that jail duty right away but I've encouraged him to try very hard. I've told him that you've demonstrated your ability and I feel your talents are being wasted on jail duty. In addition, I'm sure Ted won't be able to keep you on special assignment now that we're home, but there's no reason for you to leave our house if you don't want to. You are welcome to stay and if you decide to stay, I'll buy a bed for you to sleep in."

Joanna looked at me saying, "Dan, I really appreciate what you've said, but I don't want to wear out my welcome. I've learned a lot about myself while I've been staying at your house. The fact that Mary and Shelly talked me into being nude in front of so many others was a huge step for me and now I love being nude. I can talk openly about my personal sex life and not be embarrassed. I enjoy allowing others to see my naked body. There are just so many changes, it's hard to fathom."

"While you were gone I've jogged through the woods completely naked and found out that it makes me very wet. Once I walked and once I jogged from the end of the trail up the road to your driveway naked in hope someone would drive by and see me, but no one did. God, I was so soaking wet when I got to the driveway."

"Once I was told that there are people in the woods surrounding your house watching for any danger, but at the same time they have watched all of us having sex out on the lawn, the deck, the pool and hot tub at first I was embarrassed. Judy told me not to say anything to anyone and advised me not to change my habits and continue doing everything including having sex in front of her people. At that point I became an exhibitionist and I found out I loved being watched, it made me super wet. You are the first people I've said this to so I hope you'll keep my secret. I want people to see me naked now; it's so much more fun."

Mary looked at Joanna and asked, "Have we created a monster?"

"No you haven't created a monster but you've let the tigress out of her cage and she's on the prowl for new and better adventures. Dan, I love your house and the leisure lifestyle all of you live. I want to live like that the rest of my life." Joanna replied.

"While we are talking about the break-in, Judy convinced me to pull the disc out of the machine and replace it with a blank disc because she didn't want the police to get the disc. I have it hidden up in your bedroom Dan. I know it's probably tampering with evidence but since the police don't know about the disc, I figured it would be better to wait for all of you to get home and decide what to do with the disc."

Ted exclaimed, "I tried to review the disc this afternoon when I got home and it was blank. I thought the system had messed up."

"I didn't look at the disc so I don't know what's on it; I just replaced it with a disc I unwrapped." Joanna replied.

Jake pulled up to the gate and pushed in his code number and all of us drove in past the gate. While Ted waited for the gate to close he said to Joanna, "When we get in the house, we'll go up to Dan's bedroom and you can get the disc for me. I want to look at it."

Mary piped up saying, "Hummmm, Joanna it sounds like the boss can't wait to get you into the bedroom and naked. He wants to take a look at it."

The girls started giggling and Ted said, "Yep, I definitely want to take a look at it but I have to have a player to put it in to see the quality."

Joanna said, "Hey, I'm a player! Didn't you hear me when I said I love to be seen naked now?"

The girls were still laughing as they got out of the car and started unbuttoning their dresses. Ted turned to Joanna and said, "Just don't make a big deal out of it but head upstairs and I'll follow."

Joanna walked upstairs without saying anything to anyone and while she was in our closet, Ted called out, "Hey, where are you?"

"I'm in the closet." Joanna said as she burst out laughing.

Ted opened the door and said, "Well come out of the closet then. I don't mind."

Both of them laughed at the double meaning and Joanna handed the disc to Ted. Again she said, "All I did was take it out, so whatever you find on there is what happened."

Ted said, "I'm just interested in finding out how many people were sent to this house to get Terri and Hanna. There's a lot of big money floating around somewhere to hire those guys and we need to piece this together."

Joanna asked, "May I work with you on this? I know I'm only a rookie assigned to the jail but I'm also part of this now. They made me part of it when they broke into the house. And I'd love to see this through to the end. You know they're going to call me as a witness."

Ted said, "I know. Let me see what I can do. I'm going to work in the morning and since I'll be back at work, they'll want me to release you from this special assignment. I'm going to ask for a few more days so we can have a chance to talk before you go back. I have some questions for you."

"Ted, all of us were naked when the cops arrived. They saw me, Tony, Patty, Beth and Barbie completely naked. They held Tony and me downstairs even though I told them I was a cop. Ted, I had to show my pussy to keep them from talking about me at the station. I told them we were in bed when the alarm went off" Joanna replied

"The one thing I ask of you is not to say anything to anyone about our lifestyle here and don't give them any additional information other than what you told them on the morning of the break-in." Ted added.

Ted and Joanna left my bedroom and Ted put the disc in his room before both of them headed downstairs with everyone else.

Downstairs, everyone was gathered in the dining room. I remembered I hadn't said anything to Terri and Hanna about talking to my lawyer so I asked Terri to follow me into the office. I closed the door and said, "Terri, I talked to my lawyer Ed Hurley today and told him you wanted to change your name. I told him he has to come out here to see you and to bring the paperwork with him. I told him I'll cover the cost for legal and court fees. So he'll be calling you to set up an appointment. Is that ok?"

Terri threw her arm around my neck and said, "Thank you dad, it means so much to me. I want to have a real family again."

"Terri, for this next part, I want you to go get Hanna and bring her in here." I said.

Terri was gone for a couple of minutes and came back with Hanna. I looked at both of them and then said, "Ed Hurley, my lawyer is going to represent both of you even though the District Attorney will prosecute the case for you. I want to make sure we stay on top of the investigation and we have someone inside to get information for us and to make sure there's a full investigation."

Terri asked, "But why would you pay an attorney to represent us if the District Attorney is doing it as part of his job?"

"Sometimes people with some kind of influence will have certain information, let's say, left uncovered. I want to make sure the investigation turns over even the smallest leaf to make sure we have everything. With Ed working with the District Attorney, I'm positive that will happen." I replied.

"Also I talked to Ed about the two of you. The men who abused you have assets and I told Ed I wanted him to seize their assets and the value can be divided between you when this case is settled. So Ed is going to talk to both of you when he comes out here and fill you in on what he's doing. He'll also brief me, since I'll be paying him." I said

I asked both girls if they had any questions and neither one had any. I said, "Let's go back and join the others."

After they hugged me we walked out to the kitchen and joined the others.

Jake asked me, "Dan, we've had a lot of fun hanging around with all of you great people but Kathy and I should get back to the farm. Do you think you can catch that pilot friend of yours, was his name Jack Smith, and find out when he'd be available to take us back?"

"Oh damn, I thought you would like to stay. Yes, I'll call Jack right now." I replied

I walked into the office and pulled Jack's card out and dialed his number. Jack answered his phone and immediately asked, "Can't get by without me, can ya Dan?"

I started laughing and said, "Someday I'm going to block my name and number and then call your phone repeatedly just to harass you."

"I can picture you doing that too." Jack said as he laughed loudly.

"So what do I owe this phone call to? Are your in-laws ready to go back home?" Jack asked


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