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The Morrisons Ch. 22

Story Info
Dan’s life changing event - affects many other people!
40.1k words

Part 22 of the 29 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/19/2011
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Thanks to Fat_Dad for editing The Morrisons!

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**Author's Note: The Morrisons is a continuing story where each chapter builds on previous chapters. If this is your first encounter with The Morrisons, I'd like to suggest you read the previous chapters prior to reading this one. There's a complete list of story characters on the last page. Please enjoy!

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**Before you read this chapter, be advised that it contains very graphic depictions of raw sex and/or love-making between two or more consenting people. IF such depictions upset you or make you lose sleep, PLEASE don't read any further. You may not enjoy reading a particular portion of the story; that doesn't mean other readers will dislike that same portion of the story. It's a different-strokes-for-different-folks kind of story.

For the sophisticated intellectuals who read incest/taboo stories on Literotica expecting to find professional authors with perfect everything, including but not limited to, punctuation, spelling, dialog, characters with only sophisticated actions, etc., please pass this chapter by, you won't find that here! We do our best to correct all typos and spelling errors but some may still slip past us.

I appreciate hearing from readers, and I want to thank all those who took time to send me a public or private message. However, please don't leave a derogatory comment, if you willingly overlook THIS WARNING.

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For the record: All characters engaging in sexual activities are of legal age!

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From - Chapter 21

Joanna giggled and asked, "Can you claim something changed so you can stay overnight?"

Judy hugged Joanna and said, "Something did change and I'm looking forward to experiencing the change again, but until then, I have to go home."

They hugged and kissed for a few more minutes, then they stood up and both of them walked arm in arm down the hall towards the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, Joanna left Judy momentarily so she could shut off the alarm and then re-joined her. They walked to the front door and stepped out on the porch. They embraced, held each other tightly and kissed passionately before they backed away from each other and Judy walked off the porch.

Joanna stood and watched as Judy walked to the passenger side of her car. When she opened the door the interior light came on and Joanna saw there was a guy sitting behind the steering wheel. Before she got into the car Judy waved and Joanna waved back. The engine started and Judy closed the door as the car started moving forward.

Joanna walked back inside and closed and locked the door. She leaned back against the door and reflected upon her day with the mysterious woman. Her heart pitter-pattered when she thought about the beautiful body of the woman she made love to, but didn't even know who she was.

Finally Joanna moved and walked over to the office and she looked at all the monitors for a few minutes before she set the alarm. She walked upstairs and down the hall. Everything was silent in the house. She turned on the monitor in the bedroom and watched it switch screens. She reached up, turned off the lights, rolled over and hugged her pillow as she drifted off to sleep.


Chapter 22

(Fast forward a few days to the Morrison's homecoming)

Joanna rolled over in the big bed; she blinked her eyes a few times before she finally opened them. She looked to her left and saw Barbie's tendrils of blonde hair splayed over the pillow providing a beautiful frame for her face. She looked around the room and realized that this was the last morning she'd be waking up in Kim and Dan's bed. Their plane was due to land at noon and they would most likely be home around one o'clock.

Barbie rolled over and draped her arm across Joanna's chest before her eyes flickered a few times as she woke up. She smiled at Joanna and whispered, "Good morning."

"Good morning to you." Joanna replied

"I had the most wonderful time last night." Barbie said in her sexy voice.

"Oh darling, I enjoyed myself and I hope you will want to be with me again." Joanna said as she looked into Barbie's eyes.

"Oh yes, I'd like that a lot." Barbie exclaimed.

"I've got to pee; I need to get up even though I'd love to stay right here." Joanna said.

"Me too, but I'd rather stay here and cuddle with you." Barbie whispered as she tossed off the sheet.

Joanna looked down at Barbie's small "A" cup titties and she reached out and cupped one in her hand and said, "They are so beautiful."

"There's not much there but I think they're plenty big enough for me. I've never passed mom's pencil test, that's for sure." Barbie said.

Joanna looked at Barbie strangely and Barbie giggled and asked, "Don't you know what the pencil test is?"

"No, I've never heard of it. What does it do?" Joanna queried

"My mother used to make us girls, take our tops off and she'd lift a breast and place a pencil under it and then let go of the breast first and the pencil last. If we didn't have enough breast to hold the pencil from dropping, she said we didn't have to wear a bra if we didn't want to." Barbie explained.

Joanna laughed, "Oh, don't make me laugh, I've got to pee."

"I'm not being funny, this is serious shit. That's exactly what my mom used to do." Barbie stated

On the way into the bathroom Joanna cupped Barbie's boob, "Honey, I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing because I've never heard of the pencil test before. These are perfect. They're like fun sized Snickers candy bars. They're sweet and just the right size to eat and enjoy."

Joanna sat down on the toilet and peed and when she stood up Barbie took her place. Joanna adjusted the shower and when Barbie finished she walked over and joined Joanna. They washed each other's body thoroughly, then got out and dried each other.

When they finished they walked down the hall and noticed Tony and Patty weren't in their room so they headed downstairs. The smell of fresh brewed coffee tickled their nostrils as they descended the stairs. Patty saw the new comers first and said, "Well, good morning you two, I hope you got at least a little sleep. I know you kept us awake for hours." Patty began to laugh.

"Coffee?" Patty asked

"Does a bear shit in the forest?" Joanna asked with a pleasing grin spread across her face.

Patty poured two cups of coffee while Joanna leaned on the end of the new counter. Barbie set the cream down, "I need an eye opener. I have a feeling it's going to be a long day."

Tony came in from outside and saw Joanna looking around the kitchen. Tony walked over and stood beside Joanna saying, "I think those guys did a fantastic job with this kitchen. When the Morrisons see it, they'll know it's new but there's nothing we can do about that."

"I agree there's no way to disguise the changes so I wonder what Dan is going to tell the girls." Joanna said.

"We only have a few more hours before we find out. They should be here sometime around one o'clock or a little after." Tony replied.

"Are you going to go pick up Tina and the kids today?" Tony asked.

"Yes, no one said anything about not having them here for the day. I've talked to both Dan and Ted." Joanna replied.

Everyone took their coffee and walked out on the deck and sat down to enjoy the stillness of the morning.


On the plane almost everyone was relaxing. Dan was in his office and Beth was in her office. They were trying to catch up with business after their brief three day mini vacation. Dan picked up his phone and paged Linda.

Moments later there was a knock on his door and Dan said, "Come in."

"Dan, you paged me?" Linda asked once she was inside the office.

"Yes Linda, would you please find Ted and tell him I'd like to see him in my office."

"Dan, I believe he's in your bedroom with your wife."

"Ok, that's not a problem. Knock on the door and let him know I want to see him when he's finished."

"Dan, I want to thank you for everything you've done for us on this trip. You included us in all your activities and we've never been treated like that before." Linda said

Something in Linda's voice told me there was something else on her mind.

I leaned back in my chair and asked Linda to have a seat. I looked at Linda and asked, "Is there something you'd like to discuss with me Linda?"

"With a weak smile, Linda replied, "You don't miss much do you Dan? Yes there is. I have a little sister who made some bad choices in her personal life. She didn't get involved with drugs or anything like that; she got involved with an older guy during her senior year of high school. The guy turned out to be a first class jerk. My sister graduated with very good grades and had been accepted to some prestigious colleges."

"I won't go into all the details but she had a huge argument with our parents and they told her she was on her own. Since she didn't have anywhere else to go, she called me and asked me to help her. She wants to get away from the guy and asked if she could move in with me."

"After she told me what she's been through this past week, I offered her a chance to come and live with me on two conditions. I told her she has to be willing to get rid of the jerk and not see him anymore. Especially after what she told me he's allowed his friend to do to her. I also told her she has to get a job and keep it. She promised me she would do both so I figured I'd ask you if you would give her a chance and hire her. I could teach her to be a flight attendant or if you don't want her to do that yet, I'm sure she can do something, anything Dan. She just needs a chance." Linda finished saying.

Looking at Linda, I said, "I'm willing to give anyone a chance. I don't want to start her out as a flight attendant that should be a goal for her to work towards. I'm sure if she fills out an application, she will get a job. I'll review her progress in six months and if she's been on time and does a good job, I'll make sure she's advanced. I think for her to gain the position of flight attendant, she should have a good record with our company for a couple of years."

"Thank you Dan. I appreciate you helping my little sister, she's really a great kid; she just got mixed up with an asshole. I'll make sure she understands she's being given an opportunity and she better not mess it up." Linda said with the look of relief.

"May I hug you Dan?" Linda asked.

"I stood up, walked around my desk, hugged Linda, and said, "Help out your family as much as you can, some day they might not be there to help."

Linda hugged me tightly and said, "I know, that's why I wanted to find my sister a job. I want her to know she can depend on me."

"Don't forget, poke your head in the door and tell Ted I need to see him." I said to Linda as she stepped away from me.

I went back to work, and soon after Linda left my phone buzzed, when I picked it up Beth said, "Tom Banks is on line one for you."

I pushed the line one button and greeted Tom. We traded general information and then he said, "I would like for you and your wife to stop by my office this afternoon if that's possible."

I told him we anticipated landing around noon and we would have to clear Customs first so we wouldn't be able to get there until one o'clock or after. Tom told me he was going to be in his office all afternoon so whatever time we arrived would be fine with him.

I called Linda again and asked her to poke her head back in the room and ask Kim to come to my office as well.

I paged Beth and asked her to come to my office. When she walked in, I told her Tom wanted Kim and I to come into his office and I wanted her to be in the building just in case I needed her to do something for me. I informed her I wanted both of us to be dressed in suits.

While we were talking there was a knock on the door and when Beth opened it, Kim and Ted walked in. I asked them to be seated and then told Kim that Tom Banks wanted us to come to his office so we were going to go there instead of going home first.

I looked at Ted and asked, "Can you contact Tony and have him come to the airport with his truck to pick up the extra baggage we've accumulated?

"I can have Tony meet up with Hank some place by the airport and have both of them go in the gate together. I'll get right on that." Ted replied

"I talked to Tony and he said everything is fixed however it's obvious that the counter is different and the cabinet doors are different so there's no way to hide the fact that something has been done in the kitchen. I had hoped to go home with everyone so I could explain what happened when we arrived. I think, honesty is the best policy and I think it's best if I do it before we land so I can explain it before they see the changes." I said as I looked around at Beth, Kim and Ted.

"Dan, I feel if you are going to tell everyone, you should give an honest but brief overview without going into details." Ted said

"Ok, let's do this; get everyone in the lounge right away so we can get this over and done with. Beth, I want you to send Linda and Jen downstairs with the others until we finish our family meeting." I responded.

Everyone left my office and I started doing some work until Beth came back and said, "Everyone is ready."

I walked out into the lounge and looked around at everyone before saying, "Beth, Kim and I won't be going home with all of you because we have to attend a meeting this afternoon, right after we land. I really wanted to be at the house when all of us arrived together so I could explain the changes that have taken place, while we've been gone."

Jenna and Terri snapped to full alert. "Changes dad?" Jenna blurted out for both.

"Over the past few days I continued, I've been in contact with Joanna and Tony and they have briefed me on their situation. We left our house in very capable hands however; a few days ago, I'm told, we had a break-in. Between Joanna, Tony and his family, they were able to subdue and stop the burglars in the kitchen. The only damage to the house was limited to the sliding glass doors and the kitchen area where the burglars entered the house."

"Again, I'm told that the alarm alerted everyone and it gave them plenty of time to react. Ted has been working while we've been on our vacation and he's had his company add an additional layer of security to the estate so the burglars won't be able to get anywhere near the house without us knowing about them."

"After talking to Tony, I'm sure you'll notice the new counter top and cabinets so I wanted to be the one to tell you everything has been fixed and in the case of the sliding glass doors, they are now made of shatter proof glass. So what I'm saying is, everything is in order and there are no outstanding problems." I finished talking and I looked around the lounge at everyone.

When my eyes met Terri's, I stopped looking around and focused on her. She finally asked, "How many burglars were at the house dad?"

I truthfully replied, "I really don't know for sure but there were at least a couple."

"From what Tony tells me, you'll be very happy Terri. I guess they had to replace the counter top but in the process they had to replace the cabinets under it also because they couldn't match up new doors with the ones that were on the old cabinets. He said the kitchen looks great." I said.

I asked, "Are there any other questions?"

No one said anything so I said, "We've had lots of fun these past few days but it will be nice to get back home where we can all relax and enjoy our normal routine. The three of us will join you right after we finish our meeting with Tom Banks."

Everyone stood up and started milling around and Terri walked over to me and looked up at me before she threw her arms around my neck and pulled me close. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her petite body to mine when she suddenly whispered, "You know more than you told us daddy, burglars my ass."

She pulled back a little and looked at me directly in the eye, "Do you know I love you?"

I pulled Terri back into a tight hug and whispered, "Whatever you think I might know is not for distribution or publication. Just know that I love you and you're safe with me."

Beth and Kim walked over to us and Kim said, "I hate to interrupt this little squeeze-a-thon but I think we need to go take a shower so we can get dressed when the time comes."

I looked at Terri and winked and she winked back saying, "Remember, honesty is the best policy."

I stared into her eyes and very quietly said, "Remember, sometimes the whole truth is best left unsaid."

Terri nodded her head and smiled at me before she released me, in a louder voice said, "So my house is back in order? I'll let you know if I think something more needs to be done."

I laughed, "Ok, I'll be waiting for your assessment."

I turned to Beth, "Let Linda and Jen know they can come back up and that we're going in for a shower."

Jenna came over to me asking, "May I go to the flight deck?"

"Knock on the door and ask them if they are busy before you go in. If they let you in, don't stay too long." I answered with a smile.

"Dad may Hanna and I go with Jenna?" Terri asked.

I smiled and replied, "Yes, you can all go but we want to land safely, so don't over excite Captain McGrath."

All three girls joined hands and took off running. I watched the three sets of bare bouncing ass cheeks until they disappeared at the end of the stairs. When I turned back and looked at Kim and Beth, both of them were smiling. In my defense I asked, "So how many other dads get to send their girls to the flight deck completely naked to see the captain?"

Beth said, "You ole softy you! When you're doing business, you're hard as nails but when it comes to those girls, they could walk up one side of you and down the other." She finished her sentence with a playful slap on my ass.

Kim hugged me, "Come on let's go get our shower."

As Beth, Kim and I were walking towards my bedroom Ted tapped my arm and said with a huge smile, "You certainly have a way with words."

I smiled and said in a quiet voice, "I told the truth but Terri came over to me and let me know she didn't think I told everything I knew. That girl must have ESP...!"

Ted said, "No problem Dan, we have everything covered."

We walked into my bedroom and while we took turns showering and taking care of personal grooming, the three girls were up on the flight deck enjoying the view and being the view.

When Captain McGrath first told them to enter, Terri exclaimed, "WOW, it's big!"

Captain McGrath turned his head and smiled asking, "Terri have you been peeking again?"

Terri immediately blushed and said, "Oh, not that, I know what size that is silly. I'm talking about your home away from home. I expected to see only a little cubby hole with the three of you crammed in like sardines."

All three girls walked up to the back of the pilot and co-pilot's seats and leaned forward and looked out the window. Hanna said, "It looks like we are flying over a large bed with a white comforter on it."

Captain McGrath said, "This is our view most the time."

"Aren't you supposed to be holding something right now, to fly the plane?" Jenna asked

"We're on auto-pilot and I've already set our destination into the airplane's computer so until it's almost time to land, I sit here with Tom and Sam and watch the instruments and gauges. Don't worry we have everything under control." Captain McGrath replied.

"Did you guys enjoy the trip as much as I did?" Hanna asked.

All three guys reminisced about the good times they had. "I loved going to the sauna and thermal bath." Terri said. "Everyone was so friendly and it was great to see people of all ages there enjoying themselves."

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