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The Most Sensuous Game Ch. 02

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Woman hunted for sex fall prey to hunters.
2.8k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/25/2022
Created 09/22/2012
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A week passed since my arrival. Each morning I woke to the startling reality that I was on a tropical island where men hunted me for sex. I had been stripped of everything, clothing, possessions and even my voice. Too scared to even attempt escape my only refuge was a small pool of clear, cool water. Food was scarce in the area and most days my stomach burned with hunger. Fortunately, Jenna, an exotic beauty about my age, had freed me from my bindings when I first had arrived on the island, saving me from unknown torment. Still, with only a stick in the sand to communicate with Jenna, I felt alone.

Jenna had survived the island's dangers for 4 months and had showed me which foods were safe to eat, and more importantly, which were not. We timed our food excursions near and dusk and dawn. Those hours provided some relief from the tropical heat and enough light to forage but also ample shadows to provide concealment from the hunters. In the heat of the day we would loaf in or along the side of our tropical pool, beneath the comforting shade of the trees.

As the natural food supply near our pool dwindled, it forced us to forage further from its safety. A constant hunger took residence in my belly. One early morning the limited resources had me wandering far from the pool in an unfamiliar jungle. The growing desire for food and escape pushed me onward until I became disorientated, and lost. Pressing on, I found myself standing in the brush at the edge of a long sandy beach staring out across a seemingly endless ocean.

The surf pounded against the sand and ocean wind rustled through the trees. It was so beautiful here, really a tropical paradise and except for my first night and mild hunger, I had adapted and may have even enjoyed its simplicity. Still, all I could think about was escape.

I was just about to step onto the beach and run into the ocean when distant movement caught my eye. It had appeared from around a corner of the beach and was moving quickly toward me. Instinctively I crouched into the cover of the brush. It only took a few seconds for me to realize that it was another young woman. I was just about to call out to her when her pursuers came into view. The two hunters were gaining on her, running her down like lions would a gazelle. Frozen in fear, I was unable to help this other woman without falling prey myself or flee without being discovered.

The woman was beautiful -- her large breasts rocking violently as she ran. Her red skin matched the fire in her hair and I deduced that the sunburn was an indication she, like me, was new to the island, perhaps one of the unfortunate girls sobbing in the darkness when I had arrived. My natural tendency for order immediately gave her the name "Red." Her body was a bit curvier than Jenna or I, but in a sultry and womanly way.

The two men caught and pushed her to the ground on the beach just in front of the brush which concealed my position. When she climbed back to her feet they surrounded her, taunting, pushing her back and forth between them. Like the women I had seen on the island, the hunters were naked - their bodies ripped with muscles and tanned from the tropical sun. At my close proximity, I could clearly see the lust growing between their legs, cocks lengthening, stretching outward and upward. I dared not breathe.

The men forced Red to her hands and knees, taking up positions in front and behind her. The man in front of her had long dark, wavy hair and made me think of Tarzan while the man behind her had bleached, nearly white hair contrasting with his deep bronze skin, the prototypical surfer.

"Tarzan" had grabbed two handfuls of Red's long, flaming hair and was rubbing his swollen shaft across the tenderness of her face, cheeks, nose and tightly closed lips. She firmly resisted, turning away from his cock at every opportunity, but as his grip tightened she seemed to accept her fate slowly opening her mouth to accept the swollen beast. I watched in awe. She wasn't sucking him, rather the hunter deeply fucked her face with his cock. With each thrust, I could hear the sound of her gags and watched her spit glisten on his shaft.

Behind her, the surfer had his cock in his hand and, although I couldn't see it clearly, I could tell by his movements he was sliding its head up and down the entrance to the woman's pussy. With a bit of work he was able to penetrate through her reluctant folds and drive his shaft inside Red.

My attention turned back to Tarzan. I watched as he continued to impale her face repeatedly on his cock and saw his body begin to flex before with a final jerk of her hair he buried his cock deep into her throat, grunted, jerked and exploded into her. His cock filled Red's throat and she was turning nearly purple from lack of air. Just as I thought she was going to pass out, Tarzan pulled his wet creamy cock from her mouth, throw a cloth bag on the ground in front of her, turn and walk up the beach leaving the other hunter still thrusting behind Red.

Without a thick cock down her throat, it surprised me to hear erotic moans escaping Reds open mouth and I was appalled by myself when I realized I had unconsciously buried my finger inside my own now-aching pussy. I hated that watching these two men take what they wanted from this young woman had turned me on and that I actually was imagining myself in her place. But I couldn't help myself -- my own carnal nature took over. My finger moved in and out of my pussy matching the rhythm of the Surfer's cock as it moved in and out of the other woman. In my mind, my finger was his cock and he was fucking me.

My orgasm washed over me just as the Surfer started grunting in his own erotic explosion. I bit down so hard on my lower lip to prevent any sounds of pleasure escaping that I tasted warm, salty blood. He pulled his cock from her pussy, still twitching, cum oozing from its tip. Like Tarzan, he threw a cloth bag to the ground, turned and walked away.

My body was still quivering from orgasm as, from the bushes, I watched Red regain her strength. Overwhelmed with guilt I stayed hidden, ashamed of my inaction and even more so of the pleasure I had taken in her horror. My curiosity, although it burned to know the contents of the cloth bags was not enough to overcome my shame so I stayed hidden as I watched the woman gather the bags and quietly walk away.

It was now clear the hunters would behave as animals, beasts searching only for carnal pleasure and I was the hunted. "How many hunters are there," I wondered, "how many prey," and "Could I avoid my apparent fate, and did I even want to." Eventually I began walking back in the direction of the pool, hoping to find a landmark I recognized that would get me back. My feet felt like lead as I carried more guilt than I thought possible. Wandering aimlessly, my mind raced with questions, until Jenna found me. The sight of her sent relief sweeping over me, alone on this island seemed unbearable. Back at the edge of the pool, I waded into the waters, slipped beneath the surface and tried to rinse my guilt in its cool waters.

After my swim, I dried on the large flat rock in the warm, drying rays of the sun. My week in the tropical rays had faded my tan lines, noticeably darkening my skin. Once dry, I collected some large soft leaves and made a bed in the shade for a midday nap.

Sleep did not come easy. Instead my mind replayed what I had witnessed. Had I really watched another woman get raped by two men right in front of me and done nothing? My mind tried to justify my inaction with logical thoughts of my inability to do anything even if I had tried and what might of happened to me. But instead of just guilt, I now also felt weak and powerless. It further disturbed me to know I had masturbated to a fantastic climax watching 2 hunters devour their prey. What would Jenna think if she knew? Mentally exhausted, sleep finally came, but not before one more burning question snuck into my thoughts, "what was in the cloth bags?"


My arrival on this island was terrifying, but since, it had been mostly peaceful. I had even begun to enjoy the simple life here. However, on the first day of my second week I was reminded of the danger present on this island when I witnessed two men forcibly fuck a voluptuous red-headed woman, and done nothing.

Waking into the heat of an exceptionally muggy afternoon, after a morning search for food had come up empty and I had witnessed the hunters in action, Jenna and I decided it was time to take a risk. The resources in the area around the pool were depleted leaving us two options: forage further or leave the pool all together and try to find both food and shelter on another part of the island.

Jenna had only found the pool a week before I arrived, spending her previous three and a half months bouncing from one location to another, never staying in one area for more than a couple days. It had been the only refuge I had known so neither of us wanted to leave the cooling waters of our hidden pool.

After this morning, I knew it was only a half hour walk to the ocean and its potentially vast food supply. I sketched the idea in the sand by our pool to which Jenna quickly crossed it out and wrote "danger." The beach did pose a real danger leaving us exposed to the men who hunted us for sex, I'd seen it first hand, but I believed it was worth the risk and finally convinced Jenna.

I followed her through the sandy trails, weaving between the tropical vegetation making frequent stops to listen for danger. Jenna took us to the beach at what could only be described as a cautious half speed. When we finally reached the edge of the vegetation we stopped and waited in silence.

We were standing just feet from where I had hidden earlier today helplessly watching the red-haired woman raped by 2 hunters. A wave of guilt flushed over my body remembering my failure to act and the erotic desire I held while watching her violation. My fantasy about taking her place was replaced with fear of the reality that one day I would in fact take her place against my will.

It wasn't long before we saw a hunter stalking along the beach waiting. Watching him, we noticed a second man hiding in the bushes just off the sand. They were lying in ambush for girls, like the fiery-haired, busty woman from earlier today, or Jenna, or me. They knew we were hungry and would eventually go to the best food source available.

The sun sunk low in the sky turning it a brilliant red. In the distance we saw a woman run from the bushes towards the ocean waters, bending over to collect mussels or other food and then watched as three hunters swarmed upon her taking turns forcing themselves into her in the shallow waters. Jenna and I watched in silence as one by one they threw a cloth bag to the ground then continued down the beach.

This was the second time in one day I had watched a woman raped and done nothing. Thankfully, this time I felt less guilt. Jenna was there with me and did not act; either to prevent it or to welcome the girl to our small group. I sensed she knew the risk of exposure too well and with our food already limited, one more would just exacerbate our needs.

In the cover of darkness we returned to the pool, defeated and painfully hungry.


Hunger pains woke me in the early morning light and I looked over to see Jenna, beautiful Jenna, sleeping peacefully. I was determined to go back to the beach in search of food, but knew she would object since the hunters frequented it. I silently crept away running through the brush toward the ocean waters, praying any area hunters would still be asleep.

I only briefly paused at the tree line before sprinting across the beach to the water. The oceans shallow waters teamed with wildlife and I reached down into the waters, harvesting whatever looked edible. As quickly as I had run to the water I held my bounty and ran back into the cover of the trees. Out of breath, I stopped 20 yards inside the cover of the brush and turned toward the beach to see if I had been noticed.

Straining my eyes up and down the beach I waited, the surf and my heart pounding in my ears. When I was sure I hadn't been seen I turned back to the jungle coming face to face with a hunter.

The ocean life dropped from my hands as I moved to sprint away, but was caught by the steel grip of his hands. I started to scream, but then realized it would only bring more hunters.

With a single hand he pinned both my arms to a tree above my head. Fear paralyzed my body. I shut my eyes tightly, trying hard to ignore his other hand squeezing and twisting at my tender nipples.

I thought about all the things they tell you as a young woman facing an attacker; scream, fight, resist, but accepted that none of them would improve my situation. It was more likely a mob of angry monkeys would join in the attack than a knight in shining armor would come to my rescue. So, I did my best to separate my body from my soul.


Before I fell victim to material things; electronics, designer clothes, shoes and accessories; I was a girl like any other. I tried to focus on the thoughts of childhood play, running with friends across a playground. Long forgotten childhood memories began to flood my mind -- I loved the park, the swings, slides, water and the cool, soft grass under my feet. While I'd abandoned the open air for stuffy malls in my early teens, my love of nature was renewed during my first year of college and now, even as things tore down around me, I appreciated the beauty of this tropical paradise.


I didn't resist when he kicked my legs apart. I feared the pain from a cock shoved into an unwilling body. His cock pressed against the opening to my pussy and in a single stroke, penetrated me fully. It burned when he pushed through the folds of my pussy, so much so that I prayed for his cum inside to lubricate my stretching walls.

He fucked my violently, slapping me across the face when I began to cry.

I remembered the other woman penetrated from both ends by two hunters and found comfort in knowing that, had our roles been reversed, I wouldn't blame her for inaction. Imagining watching me from the brush, I even could accept this as erotic. When he exploded inside me I finally felt relief, it was over.

Pulling his cock from inside me he released my hands and let me slump to the ground. Before he turned to walk away, he threw something toward me. I opened my eyes to see the mysterious cloth bag, but I no longer cared what was inside.

I'm not sure how long it took to gather myself, but I knew unless I made my way back to the pool, I risked another encounter. My vision was blurred from a combination of tears and the swelling which burned the left side of my face where I had been struck.

Reaching out, I pulled the bag toward me and spilled its contents. I had paid dearly for couple of bread rolls, fruit, nuts and 2 sticks of dried meat. I replaced the food in the bag and managed to find two of the mussels I'd grabbed from the ocean. Standing I slowly meandered back toward the pool in a disorientated daze, longing for Jenna's comfort, tender touch and silent understanding.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Write Faster!

I've been following this since you first uploaded the first chapter. Please write faster so I can read it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

this is fascinating..

and not too far from reality.

Men just want sex, and women want to be cared for.

Please keep writing

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