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The Most Sensuous Game

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A kidnapped girl is hunted for sex on a tropical island.
2.5k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/25/2022
Created 09/22/2012
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"This is the first chapter of a story where a college girl is kidnapped and released on a tropical island where women are hunted for sex. In this chapter she arrives on the island where she meets someone and learns of her situation."

CHAPTER 1: My arrival

My life on the island began in a confusing, cool, damp blackness. Faint sounds, crept their way into the silence of my head; intensity slowly growing, dragging me out of the foggy, unconscious tunnel of sleep. Groggily, my mind tried to focus, churning to process the sounds and their origin. The neural firings pulled me still further into conscious wakefulness until finally I began to process my surroundings.

It was the quiet black of night, the air thick and heavy with humidity, yet a cool, salty breeze raced over my skin, tossing wisps of hair repeatedly across my face. The wind carried a chill which alerted me to my complete nudity, skin buzzing with tiny goose bumps from head to toe. My sensitive nipples stood erect, tingling and straining into the cool night air.

My mind stirred frantically, trying to make sense of the darkness which engulfed me.

"Where was I... How had I gotten there... Why... What was happening?"

The weight of my body hung heavy against my arms, hands bound together high above me. I realized that my feet were on the ground, knees slightly bent and stood, bare feet pressing into the sand, relieving some of the ache in my tired arms and shoulders. Even standing fully, my still bound hands were anchored above my head. Against my back I felt the rough texture of wood, a tree or post, maybe the diameter of a basketball.

My fingers reached out at my bindings, attempting to build a mental image from what they encountered. Several lengths of rope had been wound around my wrists, pinning them tightly together and from those bindings, a single, dime-sized rope led high above my reach, probably affixed somehow to the structure at my back.

As I assessed my dire surroundings I began to process the soft defeated sobbing which now filled the darkness around me. I wasn't alone. Hope and then fear boiled up inside me as I struggled helplessly against my bindings. In a panic, I screamed for help, or at least I tried to. Sounds parted my lips, but I could not speak. I could scream, yell and, as all hope drained from my body, cry.


Whether I look at myself subjectively or objectively doesn't matter. I grew up as the prototypical spoiled rich kid, largely without material want. I had worn only name brand clothing, attended private schools, lived in the best neighborhood and spent most holidays on foreign soil, all courtesy of my father's dime. Throughout my high school years I sat high atop my peers who clamored for the scraps that fell from my social table. I'm sure, as a young girl I may have benefited from more quality time, or for that matter, any real time with my parents, but by my teens I had convinced myself I had less time for them than they had for me.

Most story lines about neglected childhoods end with poor choices, rebellion and a "bad girl" attitude, but I had succumb to the same genetic code which drove my parents to success. Even high atop the social ladder, my ambition drove me to the top of my class and away from sex, drugs and rock and roll.

I wasn't happy. My friendships were superficial and I never met the fairytale prince who was as interested in me as he was with my "goods and services." Neither my grades, attachments nor finances prohibited my selection of post-secondary education so as soon as the cap and gown were shed, I left, enrolling in a university as far from my roots as this country's borders allowed.

Oddly enough, I craved the anonymity of normal and college provided just the escape I needed. I had grown to loathe the social status usually afforded me due solely to my background and, upon arriving, shed my designer labels for department store brands, committing myself to a fresh start.

Besides the dressed down wardrobe, several other changes accompanied my new life. For the first time, I found a job. I didn't work a lot of hours or even need the money; my parents still paid all my bills. It first it was mostly for show, another layer to hide my past, but it also gave me a small sense of independence. The work was easy, taking orders in a small trendy coffee shop on the edge of campus town. Occasionally it was busy, but there were also lulls which provided me time to keep up with my course work. The coffee shop was conveniently located within walking distance of both the campus and my apartment, which I shared with a pre-med major who spent most of her time in the campus library.

Course work and my schedule at the coffee shop occupied some of my time, but I still needed to find a hobby, something different than the usual extravagant shopping trips. During the first few weeks of school one of my classes took a field trip to the nearby state park, and I was hooked. It was only a few blocks from my apartment, an easy walk. I traded studying in the library for studying near a small waterfall or under the shade of a great tree. I walked the beginner trails then hiked the rugged ones. Depending on my schedule, every morning or evening I'd run through the park trails and on the weekends my activities were more extreme, rock climbing or kayaking. Sometimes, I'd just sit in silence, taking it all in. It was here in nature's grand theater that I finally found my repose.

Just as true happiness was sneaking into my life, it was jerked from my grasp. My old life ended one late night walking home from the coffee shop and I was born into this new, strange world.


Noises from the brush and shadows of movement shook me from my sobbing self pity. My heart beat wildly against my chest, pumping the fight or flight adrenaline through my body and honing my senses.

A girl's scream cut through the night air like a knife. It was followed immediately by beastly, carnal yells of men. Every fiber of my being exploded with fear and I renewed a furious struggle against my bindings, kicking, shaking and thrashing to escape an unknown fate.

From out of the darkness a shadow rushed toward me and I froze, fearing the end was near. The figure closed the distance between us revealing a wild-eyed woman with an object raised high above her head. Just as she reached me, her hands began a furious downward swing at which I closed my eyes, accepting my fate.

Her first blow landed squarely against the rope above my hands, jerking my bindings. She struck several more times before I realized she was attempting to free me. Hope began to spring up from somewhere deep inside and I tugged hard against the rope.

The carnal yells and screams were getting closer. Waves of fear crashed against the spring of hope. With the combination of a desperate pull and final blow, the single rope which lashed my bindings to the pole broke and I fell to the ground.

The strange savior helped me to my feet pulling me, screaming with her eyes to run. I chased her through the dark brush, hands still bound together, putting distance between the disturbing cries behind us. My mind did not form thoughts and simply ran.

The adrenaline coursing through my body and my active outdoor life style, helped me continue a frenzied dash deep into the strange wilderness, keeping pace with this stranger whom I owed so much.

Time passed, and as the sun began to lift the veil of darkness our pace slowed to a jog and finally a brisk walk. The woman marched on, obviously heading to a specific destination. Several times I made unsuccessful attempts at speech, finally, reluctantly accepting my condition. Since my liberator also did not talk, I assumed she too shared this limitation.

As light raced across the sky, the wildlife around us woke. Movement and sounds filled the air. A tropical paradise emerged from the shadows of darkness. Sandy trails wound through a light brushy under story while tall tropical trees obscured half of the brightening sky.

We finally stopped at the edge of a beautiful tropical pool shielded from view with thick vegetation from all but our current vantage point. The sandy trail we had been traveling widened to form a small welcoming beach with a large flat rock off to one side. The deep blue waters of the pool were about the size of a 2 car garage. In the early morning sun, I had never seen anything so beautiful.

The woman led me to the edge of the water where she untied my bonds and then we both knelt to drink at the side of the pool. The water was crystal clear, cool and refreshing. I drank my fill and then collapsed into an exhausted sleep.


Rested, I stirred from my nap initially confused by my surroundings. "It must have been a dream," I thought before finally accepting that last night's terrified tramp through the jungle actually happened. My mind started to race with unanswered questions until the sight of my rescuer caught my attention.

She was in the pool, back towards me, the water line high on her thighs. She too was nude. Her wavy hair was jet black and fell to the middle of her back, skin deeply bronzed from a long kiss by a tropical sun. I watched intently as she cupped water from the pool, raised it and then slowly poured it over her body. Toned muscles flexed beneath her soft gentle skin and her exposed butt stood high and tight on her body.

I must have made a noise, because she turned to face me. Watching her seemed like I was paging through the pictures of an exotic centerfold photo shoot. She appeared to be my age with a lean athletic build and an incredible long shapely body. Her breasts were simply amazing. They were full, much larger than my own, and perched high on her chest, resisting the gravity that must pull at their weight. Each breast was the same deep bronze highlighted by a half dollar sized, well defined, dark brown areola and nipple. Inadvertently my eyes drifted down between her legs where I saw the well manicured thin black line of hair leading down to the top of an otherwise clean-shaven pussy.

My staring was obvious and irresistible and I almost didn't notice her motion for me to join her. In my foggy state of obedience, I rose to my feet, brushing the sand from my skin and stepped into the water. Slowly I moved toward this wonderful woman who's beauty I envied and to whom I owed so much, not knowing what was about to happen. Suddenly, I became aware of my own nudity and crossed one arm to shield my breast and used a second hand to cover the area between my legs.

The incredible woman made no such effort to cover herself. Each step I took brought me closer and revealed more of the beauty of her face. The eyes which had been wild and crazed when she freed me were now dark, mystifying circles of warmth. Most of her face had dainty features except for full, pouting lips.

She reached out and took my hands in hers leading me to a spot directly in front of her. Looking down, I saw the sharp contrast of her bronzed hands against the light complexion of my skin. I couldn't resist comparing my bodies features to those of this golden goddess. We were both lean, but I was a good 6 inches shorter and my creamy skin did more to conceal the muscles that lay beneath. My shoulder length, hair was straight and a golden blonde. My ass was firm and small, to her long and lean, and had more curve than hers. The most striking difference was when comparing our breasts. My breasts are best described like those of a young teen. They are small, not quite large enough to fill out a B cup bra. At their tip is a light pink areola no larger than a quarter and at its center a small pink nipple.

Reaching into the cool waters, she cupped water in her hands and slowly poured it over my body. I stood there, unable to move as the cool waters cascaded down my naked body. With each trickle of water, I felt my body relax washing away my cares.

Never before had I felt such tender care. I was both fearful and eager to embark on my first experience with another woman. It was a fantasy I had often while gently bringing myself to orgasm beneath my silky sheets, but one I believed would never be realized.

In this foggy state it took longer than expected for me to realize she was carefully rinsing the scrapes and cuts I'd received while fighting against my bindings and running through the tropical understory. The realization that this exotic beauty was only caring for my wounds caused my face to burn with embarrassment. She must have seen my humiliation because she gently held my face in her caring hands and leaned in to place a warm and tender kiss on my lips.

Her full lips parted only enough to briefly embrace my lower lip before slowly pulling away and slipping her body below the surface of the pool. My eyes had closed the second she held my face, not wanting to betray their desire. After her kiss I longed to know what I might have seen in her eyes. Holding that kiss deep inside my heart, I too slid into the waters to cool my body and shed the horrors of the previous night.


After the swim I felt refreshed, but away from the healing waters my mind again raced with the reality of my situation. Questions seem to rise out of every crevice, building on each other and soon a desire to escape filled my soul.

The sands of the beach provided us a basic means of communication. She first wrote the cliff notes version of her story.

"Name -- Jenna"

"4 months here"

"Kidnapped from college"

Her story mirrored my own, but I hoped that my stay would not be so prolonged. It was good to know her name and I shared mine, Natalie, with her, although since we couldn't speak, I didn't really see the point. Then I continued with my short written questions and learned that Jenna believed we were on an island, although she wasn't sure about its size or location.

When I scribbled my question about what happened back where she freed me, Jenna's eyes swelled with tears. In the sand she replied, "here, men hunt us for sex."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

I loved it. I can't wait to read more. It was so beautiful..

Don't pay attention to the jackass waiting for the oral rape.

Write what you feel, you are obviously a deeply intelligent person.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Interesting story

An interesting story (so far).Why can't they talk? Why did you remove that ability?

FrankelFrankelalmost 12 years ago
Nice work

Have often pictured this scenario. Very nice writing. Hope to see the rape (preferably oral) in next chapter.

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