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The Murdered Football Player Ch. 05

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Steamy sex as Don closes in on the answers.
12.6k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/26/2022
Created 02/14/2014
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The order of my stories to read is:

Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, Case of the Executed Evangelist series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10.

The Murdered Football Player series.

Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas.

This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, nor cults, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.

Part 24 - Following The Yellow Brick Road

6:00am Thursday morning. I sipped my morning coffee in the MCD room as I read the Town & County Examiner, the local newspaper (and I use the term "news"-paper loosely), pleased to see that the articles about Coach Marshall were fairly accurate and that they were leaving him alone for the most part. I saw that they weren't pursuing the Coach Gonzales story at all-- and then I realized that this must be because something was being done to keep the Press muzzled. That suggested powerful influences.

"Lieutenant, I may have something for you." Martin Nash asked, coming into the room wearing his ubiquitous suit and tie.

"Good. Whaddya got?"

"I've been doing some data research with Myron." Martin said. "A couple of things popped up. First, you remember about the parents talking about some trouble with Jeff Jackson seducing some other boy's girlfriend?"

"Sure do." I said.

Nash said "Well it looks like girl's boyfriend was from your old hometown of Apple Grove. Kid by the name of Kip Starnes."

"Yes, his mother Cheryl is about my sister's age." I said. "So what happened?"

"It's sketchy, but the Jacksons moved to a town not too far from Apple Grove." Nash said. "The Starnes and the Jacksons became acquaintances and often saw each other through the social events of others. Anyway, this past summer there was apparently some friction between the families that led to a police report being filed. I'm trying to get details now."

"Contact an officer on the Apple Grove Police Force, a Leanne Wisocky." I said. "She's a couple of years older than me. But no matter what you find, I can tell you this: yesterday, I gave Crenshaw of the SBI a hint to go look into the situation. I suspect that you or he will find out that Jackson seduced Kip Starnes's girlfriend, and that it led to problems between Kip and Jeff, which led to their families becoming strained."

"I saw some bits and pieces about that." Nash said. "I was reading some of the SBI's filed reports on the case, to which I've been given some access by going in a roundabout manner."

"I don't think Sandra Speer of the FBI is going to appreciate being called a 'roundabout manner'." I said, teasing Martin by naming his girlfriend. Martin smiled wryly as I continued: "That reminds me, we haven't heard a word from Jack Muscone lately. I wonder what he's up to."

"Sandra said he's in Miami, been there a couple of weeks." Martin said. "Something about a diplomatic conference down there, then a big all-out gang shooting that got a diplomat killed."

"I see." I said. "Well, get with Crenshaw about Kip Starnes... prod him a bit if he needs it. So what was the second thing?"

"It's also about Jackson's parents." Nash said. "I told you before about their connections to a White Supremacy group. Well, seems their names came up in connection with an FBI investigation of a group called 'Superior Bloodlines.' This group is really quiet and under the radar, but their cat got out of the bag when one of their members tried to acquire enough ammonium nitrate to get Homeland Security's attention. They traced the money the guy was buying the stuff with to a 501(c)3 group that's a front, then got the 'Superior Bloodlines' name from a mole that penetrated the group."

"Uhhh..." I said, putting it together in my mind even as I asked, "... and just who did this cat try to buy the ammonium nitrate from?"

"Your personal favorite." Martin said, needling me. "Ward Harvester. And before you ask, Ward's name did not come up in association with 'Superior Bloodlines', but the FBI is looking into more of his transactions."

"Good." I said. "Though I doubt they'll find anything if they hadn't already after the Swap murder case. In any case, do not tell the SBI about this unless they specifically ask you about it. I don't want to step on the FBI's investigation, and we're not here to do the SBI's work for them."


7:00am sharp, and you know what that means. It is very rare for Bettina Wurtzburg to tell us something about our police department before we know it. This morning was one of those rare moments:

"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!" shouted the lovely redhead reporter into her microphone from outside the State Office Building on the Town Square, where State and SBI offices were housed. She looked good in her dark blue dress, which was tight enough to make her breasts strain against the fabric. Mmm Mmm Good, I thought to myself... then came the shock.

"Channel Two News has learned that Senior Detective Steven Ikea of the Town & County Police has resigned from the Force as of midnight last night, in order to take a position with the State Bureau of Investigation's highly respected Narcotics Task Force!"

A huge roar went up, complete with shouting and clapping. No, it wasn't MCD: my guys were just staring at each other in shocked silence and wonder.

It was the Vice Division that was cheering so happily.

Bettina continued: "There will be a press conference here at the State Building at nine o'clock, where Director Jack Lewis will introduce his newest agent. Director Lewis has already released a short press statement, saying that the hiring of Agent Ikea away from the Town & County Police will only strengthen the already considerable abilities of the SBI NTF. The Town & County Police have not yet issued a statement, but this can only be a huge blow to their Vice Squad, which will struggle to maintain its war on drugs without Senior Detective Ikea's skill and leadership."

"Pul-eeze!" I said sarcastically. "I'll take one Teresa Croyle over ten Ikeas."

"Hear hear." agreed Cindy Ross.

The TV continued with Bettina saying "We now go to Tim Dawdle, Channel Two Sports. Tim!"

"Thank you, Bettina," said the pajama-boy puke Dawdle, "and that is indeed really big news. In Sports, Channel Two News will cover this morning's press conference by Head Football Coach Brian Harlan. Coach Harlan has a lot of questions to answer, and reporters will be asking about PED use by the football team and a potential cover-up of that, as well as the death of Jefferson Jackson, a crime that the local police forces are unable to handle. We will bring you any new information, including our coverage of the highly anticipated press conference with Coach Harlan. Back to you, Bettina!"

"Thank you, Tim, we really look forward to your incisive questions for Coach Harlan." Bettina said as I prevented a very red-faced Angela Harlan from throwing a paperweight at the TV. "In other news, the SBI is working on the case of Jefferson Jackson's untimely death, and sources close to the investigation have told Channel Two News that Kip Starnes of Apple Grove,--" As Bettina named the state, Martin and I exchanged a glance, "--is a person of interest. Starnes is a backup player on the University team, and the SBI wishes to talk to him about his past relationship with Jackson as well as a possible relationship between Jackson and Starnes' girlfriend, one Abby Winters, also of the Apple Grove area. Channel Two News will of course bring you any new information in the case. This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!"

The chatter was interrupted by the singing of two Vice Detectives and several Uniformed police officers coming into our room, singing loudly "Ding dong, the witch is dead! Which old witch, the wicked witch! Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead!..." This performance draw laughs and cheers until the Chief came into the room.

"What the hell is going on?" Chief Griswold thundered. "This is a police station, not a Broadway theater!" Everyone grew suddenly silent, but then the Chief grinned and said "Crowbar, Nash and Ross, come to the main conference room. The rest of you... enjoy the performance of our Vice theater company here, then get to work!"

Everyone cheered but grew quiet again as the Chief continued, just a touch of venom in his voice: "I would say that Vice is a man short, but that would be saying that Ikea is a man... which is in considerable question." Laughter and general happiness ensued as years of tension were released in one morning...


At 8:30am a group of us entered the main conference room for a meeting with the SBI reservists that had been called up. The Chief, Captain Malone, myself, Martin Nash, Tanya Perlman, Cindy Ross, Teresa Croyle and Tim Geiger were in attendance. SBI Deputy Director (DD) Conlan and Agent Ted Crenshaw were also present.

"I'm sure you're all shocked about the announcement this morning regarding Mr. Ikea." Conlan said. "Just between us, and this will stay in this room, I was just as surprised as anyone. I had no idea that was going to happen."

"I had no idea this was coming either," said Ted Crenshaw, "and I dare say that not many of our agents in Town knew about this.

"Well, we're sure not complaining about it." said Teresa Croyle with an alacrity not heard from her in some considerable time. Captain Malone's facial expression did not change, but I could see that he did not disagree with Teresa's sentiment. My, how things had changed! I thought.

"Well, it complicates things." DD Conlan said. "I'm hoping calling up these police officers for some SBI Reserve duty will be helpful to the Reserve program. I don't think Director Lewis likes the program, and his hiring of Ikea the way he did is part of the problem. So you guys need to do a great job and work well together, as I believe the Reserve Program will be a true asset to the State. Let me introduce the new reservists." As he introduced them, I made observations.

Theodore Washington was a Detective on the Southport Police Force. He was black and what my mother would call "movie star handsome". He was about 5'8", slender to medium build, and carried a confidence about him that some would call a swagger. He had graduated first in his class at the Police Academy and the Academy Advanced Course, one of only three persons to ever do that (and I was certainly not one of them).

Molly Evans was perhaps an inch taller than Cindy Ross, and she had platinum blonde hair, though she wore it in a different style than Cindy. She was what one might call a tomboy, with a muscular-looking frame, broad strong shoulders, just like Cindy... but where Cindy had bulked up for her competitions, Molly stayed feminine. She wore pants, but I was curious to see her legs, and I suspected they were at least as good looking as Cindy's.

The comparison to Cindy was more than just idle... Molly Evans was Cindy Ross's older sister. Sitting in the same room, one could tell the differences between them: Molly's face and nose were slightly longer, for example; but at the same time one could clearly see the very strong family resemblance.

However, as Molly was introduced, Cindy made no facial change, and I realized she was working hard not to give Molly any special acknowledgement on her facial features. Ditto that for Molly.

"Crowbar, I want you and Crenshaw to work with Detective Washington, here." said the Chief. "I've read great things about his work in Southport, but he's still a young whippersnapper that could use your guidance. Detective Evans, you can work with Croyle and Ross."

"Just don't get between them when they start bickering." said Captain Malone, a hint of a smile on his hardened facial features. "You might not realize it, but a lot of work gets done when it looks like they're fighting."

"Chief," I said, "with respect, I'd like to suggest that Detective Evans work with me and Crenshaw at first today, and that Detective Washington work with Cindy and Teresa... the reason being that Detective Evans---"

"Please, call me Molly, okay?" Molly said.

"Certainly, thank you Molly." I said, smiling. "Anyway, she and I have corresponded on some issues concerning a certain psychopath killer, and I also have it on good authority that she's turned down some politicians' bribes with beatdowns, which makes her an excellent candidate to be awarded an iron crowbar." Molly blushed modestly as Tanya and Martin "ooh-d and ahh-d". I was hoping that would get Cindy to smile a bit, but it did not; Ross's countenance remained unchanged and the tension inside her did not relax.

"I totally agree, Chief," piped up Cindy, with some intent in her voice. "And Theo and I went through the Police Academy Advanced Course together, so I need to get him right and get all that bad training out of him."

Everyone laughed, but Molly peered across the table at Cindy.

"Don't be fooled, Chief," Tanya said, the sparkle of mischief burning brightly in her eyes, "Don just wants to get to know the new lady better."

"You get all the girls, Crowbar." the Chief said, smiling, but then became serious. "Okay, but I want you all working together and getting to know each other while you guys are here. Tanya, work with Don's team; Martin, work with Cindy's. Geiger, hold down the fort in Vice, get Angie Harlan and Diana Torres if you need any help in there. Anything else, Tom?"

"No, Chief." said Conlan. "I have a feeling this is going to work out even better than I thought."

"Oh, it's nine o'clock." the Chief said. "Turn on the TV. And let's meet back here at 10:00 with your teams' action plans."


The SBI press conference at 9:00am was broadcast live as SBI Director Lewis introduced his new agent Steven Ikea, with State Senator Nathan Allen standing prominently next to them and Agent Ferrell more modestly placed behind the group. As we watched, I was wondering why Senator Allen wanted to be seen at this event and so prominently, and also why Director Lewis was making such a big show of hiring a new agent.

Everyone else was wondering about Ikea. He was wearing sunglasses, not taking them off even when he spoke for a moment at the microphone, and several of my Detectives noted that he looked like he was wearing a lot of makeup. I only smiled as Cindy and I looked at each other, both of us knowing what facial damage that Ikea was concealing... and I have to confess that I was very happy to have been the one that administered that damage.

Part 25 - SBI-Failure-Style Interrogation

"So what's the plan, Don?" Tanya asked me. We were sitting in the Chief's conference room. As Martin Nash brought his team up to speed on the Jackson case in the main conference room, I'd just done the same with my team, adding a few details of Ned's appearance on Campus days before. That led to a more detailed discussion of Ned and his heinous crime spree.

Molly's perfume wafted into my nose as we talked, and it was not clear to me why I was noticing it so much... and thought it smelled good and was perfect for her. She carried herself very well, in a very professional manner, but for some reason I could just sense the woman beneath the professional shell. It surprised me that of all the women I knew and came into contact with, it was Molly who was making such a strong sexual impression with me... she had the "aura", just as Laura and Melina did. I tried to clear my mind of such thoughts, as we had a job to do.

I noticed Molly sneaking glances at me from time to time also, and I figured she was observing and sizing me up the way I was doing to her. Tanya also had visually evaluated Molly, Theo Washington and Ted Crenshaw, but Crenshaw seemed like most agents and officers: he didn't seem to be using the powers of observation and deduction so crucial to our work.

"Our plan is to interview Janet Riordan this morning. She and her husband, wealthy University alumni and donor Tom Riordan, live in Nextdoor County, on the big lake near where we interdicted Joe Arruzio, as Tanya might remember." I said.

"I read about that." Molly said, looking at (and seemingly through) me. "That was great work you did solving that case."

"On behalf of my excellent team, thank you." I replied. "Anyway, I very strongly suspect she knows something of value, and while four agents of the law ganging up on her might be overkill, it might also shake something out of her."


"Our plan is to interview Kip Starnes, as well as any other names that pop up vis-a-vis girlfriends seduced by Jeff Jackson." said Martin Nash. "Agent Crenshaw has already been following that angle. We're also going to interview some players and others to see if there were any racial problems on the team, especially with Jefferson Davis Jackson."

"Any comments?" asked the Chief, primarily aiming the question at me.

"Just a couple, sir." I said. "Martin, don't forget that the team is flying out of town tomorrow for their away game on Saturday, and they're practically on lockdown already today. Get what you need very quickly, as the coaches are already frazzled, pissed at us, and really under a lot of pressure right now. Don't make their jobs worse with our interference. Second, I don't blame you for looking, but concentrate on the girlfriends and jealous guys. I just have not picked up any racial issues to this point."

"True," Theo Washington said, "but since I'm here, I might can get something from the 'brothers' that none of you can get." I couldn't deny that point.


I was driving towards Nextdoor County with Molly Evans riding "shotgun" in my Police SUV. Tanya and Ted Crenshaw were following us in her unmarked police car. We had no sooner started our ride when Molly came right out with it:

"Okay, Don, why didn't you want Cindy and me to work together today? The real reason?" she asked, trying to spring it on me. I smiled; I liked the way this woman worked, and it was similar to my own style.

I gave my already-considered answer: "First, I think you are both professionals and would've handled working together in a professional manner. Having said that, I think it is very important for this SBI Reserve program to work. I am part of it, and I think it's vital that it work if the SBI is to be made into a competent organization. To be blunt and up front with it, I could not help but notice that there is some strain between you and your sister, and I already know that there has been strain there. So... I suggested that you work with me instead, at least today."

"Well, you're right about that." Molly said. "How much do you know about our rift?"

"Well, I know about Cindy's... orientation," I said, "and I know that it is the basis for the problem. I will tell you this, it's not nearly the problem I have with my sister." I told my story of Elizabeth to Molly, then added "I think you guys are a lot closer than I ever was with my sister, so I think... and hope... you and Cindy can work it out and be as close as you were when you were younger... if I don't miss my guess."

"Wow." Molly said. "It's true; you do see everything. Are you really psychic, or just guessing lucky?" I noted the grin Molly was trying to hide in asking that. We were connecting well.

"Who knows?" I said. "The FBI is already threatening to burn me at the stake."

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