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The Music is Bad

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A woman is forced at a music festival...or is she?
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The following story has themes of non-consent sex, humiliation, abuse and other dark themes. If such content offends you, please do not read. This is an erotic FICTION story not meant as any sort of political or societal protest. This is purely for entertainment and never meant to happen in reality.

"Don't move," a low feminine voice tells me from behind. Right as I hear it, I feel something pressed against my lower back. Something that feels hard and circular...something like a gun. Instantly I stop and don't even breathe. Oh dear, I think I'm being robbed...and by another woman too.

I am at a music festival, which isn't like I thought it would be. I thought it would be a bunch of people around a single stage where different bands would play throughout the day. But it's not like that at all.

First the location of the festival is on multiple acres, so they have multiple bands, all playing at once across multiple stages all over the place. Then they have tents where people are selling all sorts of things from purses to drinks, not to mention carnival games that have been set up. It's almost like a state fair or something.

I came to this festival to see a friend's band. After all I'm 26 and think I'm a bit old to be playing a hippie festival girl, but my friends assured me it wouldn't be like that. They convinced me to come here and have a break from reality. I thought it would be fun, especially since a few people I know were going as well. Thus, I arrived around 9 in the morning and now it's pretty late as the sun set a long time ago.

To be honest, I never meant to stay this late. I told myself I would leave right after my friend's band played...but I was having so much fun. I had a few drinks, met a lot of interesting people, found new bands playing good music, not to mention watched a bunch of really awesome shows. The time just sort of snuck up on me.

And now...I see just how stupid I was. You see, I was dancing like an idiot thanks to a few shots I just took from someone I just met, and then I accidentally sent my cell phone flying as I was holding it in my hand while dancing. It flew and went between the space between two stages that are back-to-back. The first stage has a band playing on it, while the one behind it has a dance show playing to the music. My cell flew right in between the two stages, in what looks like an alley made of tarps.

If I had been thinking, I would have asked a friend to go with me to get my phone as the alley is so dark. If I wasn't an idiot, I would have asked for a flashlight, glowstick or anything to light my way because I can't see anything here and now I'm down this alley, alone, with what I think is a gun pressed against my back.

"Calmly put your hands on the wall in front of you," the woman orders while pushing the gun into my back harder. It's strange how I can hear my heart pounding over the loud music and thumping bass from the band that's playing. It's even more strange that I can hear her so clearly. Maybe because her lips are damn near on my ear.

Doing as she wants, I calmly lift my hands and place them on the wall in front of me which is covered by a tarp. Much like someone getting arrested, I rest my palms on the wall and wait, wondering what she means to do.

"That's a good little girl," the robber-woman tells me. Good little girl? I almost turn around to face her to say that I am 26. And sure, I'm barely 5 foot and 110 pounds, but I am not a little girl. If she didn't have a weapon, I would show her that too with a punch right in her va-jay-jay.

"Hey!" I gasp in complete surprise when she grabs my ass. She literally puts her hand on my left ass cheek and squeezes. Squeezes hard too. Squeezes so hard I move my hips forward in reaction as it is almost painful.

"Don't fucking move, you understand me!?!" The robber hisses in my ear, her scary anger flowing out. Anger isn't even the right word for what she is. Rage is a much better word from the way she sounds. It's damn scary.

She presses her weapon so hard against me I fear I may have the indention of on my back. With fear flooding me, I move my hips back and stand like I was to make her happy. My face does turn red when she grabs my ass again, only this time she squeezes multiple times. Just grabs as much as she can as hard as she can. She starts slow and timid, as if seeing what I will do. When I do nothing, she gets rougher. Worse of all, I swear I hear her moan in pleasure as she openly gropes me.

I close my eyes and feel my body tense as her hand moves to my other ass cheek. Again, she gropes me slowly and roughly, moaning as she does as I'm made to keep my hands on the wall. It is a very violating feeling, one that makes me feel much smaller than I am, but in a way I sort of like the feeling of it, as I've never had another woman grope me. I've never really done anything with another woman except a few kisses when I was a teenager.

But on the other hand, I feel like vomiting as she's nothing more than a robber using her power of control over me to molest me. Well, not molesting but groping for sure. This bitch is crazy and could very well kill me just for a few dollars and a squeeze of my ass.

"Just take my money and go, please," I beg in a quivering voice, which I'm not even sure she hears due to the music. At this...she spanks me. She actually swats my ass with her open hand. I'm shocked by this and let out a small welp.

"Be quiet," she replies in a hiss. I'm not sure why, but that spank has a powerful effect on me. It's very embarrassing for some reason. Makes me feel like I am a bratty kid getting punished by a dominate person. Of course, this isn't true, but for a second, I really liked the way it made me feel. It cut through all my emotions like tearing through cobwebs.

"Just for that little outburst..." the woman hisses, and then I feel her hands on the front of my jean shorts. Her fingers seem to eagerly find the button that keeps them closed.

"Wait, no, no! Don't!" I beg but keep my hands on the wall. She's moved the gun away from my back but I fear if I try to physically stop her, she'll get spooked and fire. So I keep my hands on the wall as I feel her unbutton my shorts.

"Oh my goodness," I gasp as I feel my shorts pulled all the way to my ankles. I stare forward into the darkness as I feel this, not believing it just happened. Some woman just pulled my shorts down. Did it in this dark alley, where no one knows I'm here. I'm standing with my panties showing and my shorts at my ankles.

Her hands are on my panty-covered ass now, rubbing. She's put the gun back into my back and runs her free hand all over my ass. Runs it over both cheeks, then cups one and squeezes, then repeats.

SMACK. She playfully open-hand spanks my left ass cheek. To this I jerk forward as I wasn't expecting it. My reaction makes her laugh as I'm assuming she finds it cute. She then does it again, to which I jerk again.

"Ahhhh, did Daddy never spank his princess?" She taunts and spanks me again, and again. Her comment makes my face burn red in embarrassment. And I'm not sure how I know this, but I know she isn't referring my father when she asks, but a dominate male lover. Like I'm less of a person because I've never let a guy dominate me to the point of being spanked or something.

She begins to switch from my left cheek to my right in her spanking. Only she starts to hit rather hard. At first they were playful slaps, but she gets harder and harder to which they are really beginning to sting. It gets downright painful, to the point I start yelping with each spank as my ass throbs badly. If it wasn't for the band playing, I'm sure someone would hear my cries or the loud claps of her smacking my poor bottom.

"Stop, please. Just take my money, it's in my shorts. Please, don't spank me anymore," I finally am able to tell her, wanting this to stop as I'm damn near panting. My entire ass throbs and stings from what she's done. Makes it feel that the small tight ass I work hard to keep is now huge and swollen.

"Just can't keep your fucking mouth closed, can you?" She then says annoyed. I then gasp a loud gasp as I feel my stomach sink to my feet...she pulled down my panties. Just suddenly grabbed the waistband and yanks down, exposing my bottom completely to the darkness.

"Step out of them. Step out of them you stupid bitch," she demands with rage as she tries to force my shorts and panties off over my shoes. In a daze I do as she wants, trying to pull each foot out of the shorts and panties. It takes a few moments, but she manages to do it and remove both to leave me completely bottomless in this alley.

"Here's your present!" She says in a mocking manner and presses something against my mouth. In my fear I'm sure it's the gun. That she's going to put it in my mouth and end me. But it's not. Instead, it's something very, very soft. She keeps pushing it to my mouth until I figure what she wants, which is for me to open up.

A wave of humiliation comes over me as I realize she's just shoved my own panties in my mouth. That she's just gagged me because I was making too much noise. The humiliation only grows as I realize my hands are still on the wall because I didn't move them at all. I let her do all this without even fighting.

"Much better," she croons...and slaps my bare ass again. This time it really hurts as there is no protection. I yelp and jerk with each smack, which is accented by her laughing as she does it. With her laughing at my pain and humiliation. Only after every 3rd slap, she runs her hand over my ass to grope me. Runs it all over, then squeezes as if claiming her prize.

The pain is so intense that I can't keep quiet. But the worst part about what she is doing is how it makes me feel. Sure I'm scared, even terrified, but as much as I hate this, it feels exciting. The newness of it, the weirdness of it, the fact that she finds me this attractive to try and do something so crazy.

"Ah hell, might as well," she then says in a manner that seems to throw caution to the wind. Her hands move around me where at first I think she's hugging me from behind. I find quickly this isn't the case as she is lifting up my shirt.

I protest into my gag, telling her not to do it. That this is going too far. But within a few moments she's pulled my shirt up and over my head where she slides it down my arms. Pushes it until my shirt is bunched up tight on my hands, leaving me in just my bra.

Then my bra is unclasped, freeing my breasts. I feel my breasts bounce free of my bra as I'm slightly bent. I knew this was coming but it doesn't stop the strange violating excitement it brings. Just like it doesn't stop my nipples from feeling hard as diamonds.

Humiliated and feeling sexually used, I groan into my panties. She then calmly slides my bra down my arms so it too lays on my arms, making me all but topless. Not just topless...but naked.

"These are rather nice," she croons as both of her hands cup my breasts. I let out a loud protest at this as she is going wayyyyyy to far. She's groping me! No, now it's molesting me! But she lets me know to be quiet by grabbing both of my nipples and pinching. I grow quiet after this and allow her to do as she wants.

Her small and delicate hands hold my small breasts as if weighing them. My boobs have never been huge but the way she holds them, it makes me feel like I have huge bouncing boobs, the likes the world has never seen. She then lifts and squeezes them in a very gentle manner as if exploring them. Next she starts to rub in a strange manner where she uses her thumb and one finger one below my nipple the other above.

As much as I hate this, the way she rubs feels so damn good. She nearly goes to my nipple as she rubs and then stops, making it very teasing. I find myself trying to arch my back little by little so her fingers will finally reach my nipples where they need to be toyed with.

"That's it, I can't take it," she says in a very desperate sounding voice. The rage is gone and now something desperate has replaced it. Her voice sounds as if she's tried her best to not do something. That she's been holding back.

Her hands move to my arms now, running along my bare skin. Once again it feels almost like she's trying to hug me from behind, but I know that isn't the case. She oddly grabs hold of my bra which hangs off my wrists. In a rapid and scary motion, she starts to wrap my bra around my wrists over and over and over. She does it in a frantic motion, as if she'll die if she's not fast enough.

Taken back by this, I don't fight her. I don't even fight when she takes the two loose straps and ties them together. I'm not sure how I know that is what she is doing as I can't really see, but I do. It's as if I see it perfectly in my mind.

She does the same thing with my shirt and wraps it over and over around my wrists to make sure they are bound. I yell into my gag out of surprise when she grabs my shoulders and spins. Now facing the other way, I can see the dim entrance of the alley. This gives me a very dim outline of the woman.

But before I can really look, she grabs my bound wrists. Whomever she is, she's a lot stronger than what I thought she would be. I pictured her being some drunk or high woman that would get herself tired out fairly quickly and maybe pass out, but she has a lot in the tank.

I then do start to fight when I feel what she tries to do next, which is lift my hands up. This makes the realness of this situation hit me full force as I know at once what she is trying to do. I attempt to put my hands down to stop her but she's so much taller and stronger than I am.

She is able to stand up straight while lifting her arms, which makes me go to my tiptoes. She does this while lifting her hands upward with such force she takes my bound hands with hers. Not accepting this, I fight to put my hands down, to try and protect myself, but she's too strong.

It hits me and makes my stomach drop when I figure there's a latch or hook or something on the wall. She must have known it was there and attached part of my bra or shirt to it, as I can't lower my hands now. I try several time to lower them, but I'm stuck as the fabric is too strong. Stuck with my breasts exposed and womanhood helpless.

Now that I helpless and strung up, I can take time to see the dim alley. In the distance of the alley opening, I can see the festival thanks to the very dim light. Moreover, I can see my rapist. Well, kind of. I can see her outline.

I expected a 6'5 hulking woman built like a tank, but that's not what she is at all. She's small. Well, bigger than I am, but only by a few inches. Plus, I can see her frame and she is very slender and feminine and not muscular at all, just like I am. Her body is nothing like what I thought she would look like.

It's here that I realize that I didn't know what I thought she would look like. In my head I pictured a hulking figure with a black ski mask and black clothes. You know, a scary looking person from your nightmares. Yet from her outline, I think she's wearing a tank top and shorts.

Due to the light coming behind her, her entire front is in shadow. I try to look at her face as I really want to see it, but it's impossible. This is when I notice that she is doing the same to me. She is looking me over, and looking directly at my face as she surely can see it with the dim light.

Suddenly she puts a hand over my eyes. I protest at this, yelling into my gagged panty mouth as I don't know what she's doing. When I see the bright flash from around her hand, I figure it out very fast. The bitch just took a picture of me.

Humiliation stuns me at this and I stop moving and talking. She took a picture. Took a picture of me, naked. Naked and tied up. Worse...anyone looking into the alley would have seen. Would have seen me like an object on display, naked and tied up with the flash that draws your eyes.

It stuns me so bad that I don't even react when I feel her mouth on my right nipple. Her lips surround my hard nipple and suck, taking it all the way into her mouth as she closes her lips. When I do react, I moan.

Now she bites down gently, only she puts her lips around her teeth so it's not sharp against my nipple. She bites down repeatedly and fast, making me squirm as she teases my nipple in a way I've not felt before. I protest at this, begging her to stop, only when I do this, I hear her laugh as she keeps biting my nipple.

"Don't like it when I do that?" she mocks softly with a laugh. I look down at her as her mouth is still right next to my nipple and shake my head no. She again laughs softly.

"Then you will hate this," she says and brings her hand up to pinch my left nipple. I protest and go to my tiptoes again, but she starts to bite my right nipple again in the same manner, driving me wild. At the same time she bites my right nipple, she pinches my left. She does both at the same time, biting and pinching then releasing then doing it over and over.

Against my will, my protests of pain and embarrassment turn into moans of pleasure. It comes out of nowhere and surprises me a great deal as I wasn't expecting myself to make such a happy noise. It's just my nipples have always been sensitive. They have always been the place I loved for my partners to start with, and, well, I've never had a female do anything such thing to me before. And she seems to know exactly how I've always wanted to be touched.

"Spread your legs," she demands, her mouth opening while still around my nipple. I take this to be a threat, meaning that if she wanted, she could bite down or pinch my other nipple extremely hard.

I consider my options at the moment and find myself spreading my legs without delay. It's weird that I would do this, as I know I should try and fight her. But some part of me is enjoying this too much. Enjoying this violation as if it was the treat of a lifetime. It's such a crazy thing to admit, but it's true. I'm enjoying this and want to see what she's about to do. I want to be treated like a victim by her.

"Nice sweetie, very nice," she croons as my legs are spread and goes back to sucking my nipple. My eyes close, but not because of her tongue flicking at my nipple. They close because she's started to trail her hand from my breast downward. Her fingertips brush against my skin lightly, over my stomach, then to my hips, and then find their way to my clit.

My head shakes NO in reaction to her placing two fingers on my clit. She softly laughs at this and presses those two fingers ever so gently against my private place. Feeling it drives me wild as no woman has ever touched there. It's a forbidden feeling, one that feels dirty to feel as if it should never be done, which is why it feels so incredible.

While sucking on my other nipple, she presses her fingers harder against my clit and rocks them back and forth. This proves too much and I let a moan come out, which is blocked by my gag. She does hear it because she rocks those fingers even faster.

Moan after moan comes out as she does this, her fingers feeling so soft and so hot against me. In a shameful moment, I feel myself press my hips forward as she presses harder, sending me into a dark bliss. As this happens, I discover I am beyond aroused and wet. I've reached a sort of arousal that I didn't even know was possible, like going underwater in a jacuzzi, but instead of water, it's arousal.

"Now...for the fun part," she purrs and I feel her start to move her entire body downward. This brings me back to reality and I start to shake my head no again. I look down, not that I can really see anything, but I do feel her long hair brush against my skin as she moves further and further down.

"NO!" I say into my gag, but it's too late. Her tongue presses against my clit, making me melt. Worse, her hands move between my legs, where they first open me up more, then start to rub and caress gently.


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