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The Neutralizer Pt. 03

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Medical draining for Joberi commences.
1.5k words

Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/28/2021
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Medical draining commences

"Joberi!" she squealed. "Look at your cock! It's so big and red and angry! Oh, wait. You can't—your head's strapped down. Aw..poor baby. Don't worry. Just let me take care of everything."

Time for the Neutralizer to neutralize.


A quick glance at Joberi's black orbs toned down Ina's nervous giggles, but not by much. This entire process was all too strange to her! What did she truly know about sucking a man's soul out? Through his cock, no less? Nothing, that's what. Nothing, thanks to the oath that all Zhertum swore to forsake lustful pleasures.

At least she had successfully passed the first hurdle of getting it hard. Diving in with both hands was better than standing around and twiddling her thumbs, her father had often told her.

Following that logic and grabbing his thick and straining shaft with both hands, she gently squeezed the wet tip. The movement caused his slit to wink at her.

Hehehe. Looks like a tiny mouth. Using her thumb and index finger, Ina pinched his cockhead and made his slit 'talk.'

"My name's Joberi Junior. I'm a sock pup—no...a COCK puppet! Hey, you get it, Joberi? A cock puppet? Hahaha...I crack myself up! Watch me do a full salute! Do you"—she laughed hysterically—"see this? Oops! I did it again. I'm such a silly goose! I know you can't see it, but these droplets you're dripping out of the tip of your cock? Dr. Daru told me that's the negative matter. I've got to get it all out of you, do you understand? Got to suck it allll out, just like your cock is a straw and I'll die if I don't have every last drop. Or..."—her voice broke off in a warble—"...or you'll die."

Bliddik. The very thought caused her eyes to turn glassy with unshed tears.

A voice boomed through the loudspeaker in the room and made her jump. "Ina, my dear, listening in from our end, it appears you are indeed experiencing a minor bout of delirium. No need to worry, though—it should wear off momentarily. Remember—you may even find yourself becoming a bit, erm...aggressive. Carry on. We will be here for guidance if you need us."

Ah. He's right. She blinked back the moisture, a silly grin tilting her lips. "Hear that? I'd better get busy."

With those words, Ina stuck out her tongue and lapped up the fluid slowly trickling down Joberi's cock. Up and down the engorged veins, all around the thick shaft. The more she tasted, the more she puzzled over just how much negative matter his body could hold within him. Even more confusing was how it could only be drawn out by a trusted person, but what did she know? Dr. Daru was right—she did not have any training in spiritual medicine, but she was excited for this hands-on—haha...mouth-on—training.

"Does it ever stop? Every time I get your shiny little crown clean, you make even more of a mess. Naughty Joberi. Hmm..." she giggled again. "I think this injection is bringing out my motherly instincts. I feel so...strange..."

Ina could feel the oddest sensation in her breasts. They weren't overly large, but they were suddenly feeling heavier than usual and a bit achy. Throwing that thought to the back of her mind, her lips engulfed the head of him, causing the loudest and deepest of noises to vibrate his vocal cords.


She smiled around the intrusion in her mouth and then began sucking on that inflamed knob. Her newfound bravery was limited to just the tip.

For now.


Suck. Suck. Suck.

Lick. Lick. Lick.


Ooooooh, more fluid.

Glancing up as she rolled her tongue and nursed on his cockhead, Ina saw his muscles tensing.

Fingers clenching.

Thighs shaking.

Belly trembling.

Mouth open and gasping.

A quick look down showed his toes curling in on themselves.

Grunts escaped his throat. "Uhhhhhhhh... Hhh...hhh hhh aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

Squeezing his shaft as tightly as she could, she intensified the suction, as if she could pull it out by sheer will alone.

Suck harder. Suck harder.

A soundtrack of moans and grunts filled the room as milky white fluid suddenly erupted from from Joberi and into her mouth.

"Agghhh!" This time it was Ina making the noise. "Dr. Daru! Wha—oh my gosh, it's everywh—what am I supposed to do with all this mess? It won't stop! I've got—ewww—negative matter running all down my chin! Is it—gag—safe for—cough—me to swallow? Guess we forgot to cover some points."

"Oh, erm... Indeed, we did. My apologies, Ina. Once the negative matter encounters oxygen, it loses all toxicity, so it is perfectly safe for you to ingest. A good thing, as it is not possible for you to avoid it completely. Would you be so kind as to take a look at Joberi's eyes and inform me of any change?"

She dropped his semi-hard shaft still oozing negative matter. Stepping around his bound outstretched legs, she peered into his eyes as he lay there panting. "Nothing yet."

"Ah. You must keep going. Milk out as much as you can. The lack of change in his eyes indicates that the negative matter is still within him. Remember, his life depends upon it. If your mouth tires, we have some, can implement. We'll leave you to continue your duty. Again, we are here if you need assistance."

"You heard the doctor. This my duty—my civic duty. You've still got more negative matter in you and I've got to get it all out. The doctor said it may be uncomfortable for you, but this is the only way. We must empty your eyes of the black so I can see that beautiful green again."

The liquid that hadn't spurted into her mouth had spattered all over Joberi's stomach and chest. It hadn't tasted like much of anything. Maybe a little salty, but that was it. She grabbed the still damp cloth that had been used to sponge him down and tenderly wiped him clean.

Ina picked up his cock again, noting the way his breath caught again, as if in anticipation. She leaned down and exhaled all over the crown, letting her own hot breath tease it.

Joberi released a throaty sigh. Mmm. Must still be sensitive. Good.

Her lips wrapped around him again and began the not-so-unpleasant task of extracting more of the negative matter, this time sucking harder than before. Well, not-so-unpleasant for her.

"Agghhhhhh! Mmhmmhmhmhmh!" he whimpered. His hips tried to jerk, but the restraints held him fast.

Harder and harder Ina sucked, running her tongue all over that swollen tip, not allowing any fluid to escape her vacuum-like hold, just as Joberi's bonds refused any movement. One hand stayed on his turgid member, while the other slipped down to tickle the crease where his thigh met his groin.

Suck. Squeeze. Tickle.

Tickle. Suck. Squeeze.

Squeeze. Tickle. Suck.

She was in ecstasy. Mhmmm. I'm so bliddik turned on. How can I want to love him and hurt him at the same time?

Joberi's erratic breaths and whimpers filled the room every few seconds now, head thrashing as much as the restraints would allow, which wasn't much at all. Ina knew he was going to blow at any moment. Got to tip him over the edge. I wonder what would happen if I...

She hummed.

He howled.

He came.

Hoarse shouts mixed with ribbons of white shot out of him. This time it all went down Ina's throat as she swallowed the negative matter.

The loudspeaker clicked on."Fantastic work, my dear. It sounds as if you are making significant progress. Keep it steady."

Emboldened by the doctor's praise, she placed her lips over his slit and suctioned with as much force as she could muster. Just as if Joberi's cock was a straw and she was trying to get the last bit of sweetness from her favorite beverage. At the same time, she tickled his nutsack all over.

"Gghhhh! Ghhhhhh! Ghuhgughgughgughgh!" His hips jolted as if he'd been zapped with a cattle prod and more fluid erupted like a geyser from his overstimulated glans. "Ahhghghghhghghgh!"

It was true, then. A bit of force would coax that negative matter right out of him. She picked up the pace, hollowing her cheeks and sucking deeply and rhythmically on that swollen head, Joberi gasping in time to her mouth.

"Ghg! Ghg! Ghg! Ghhhhh!" Another long stream of cum was forced from his tortured cock and into her mouth as she gulped it down.

Licking her lips as she raised her head, she said, "That's three. Let me check my poor Zhertiko's eyes."

She stepped back to his head again. "Doctor! I can see the barest amount of white in the corners of his eyes! I—I'm so excited, I could just—" So beside herself with exuberance, she popped a kiss onto Joberi's open mouth without even thinking.

"Progress and good work, indeed! After hearing your efforts, my colleagues and I have formed a hypothesis that aggressive post orgasm treatment, whether with your mouth, hands, or other items, is indeed the key in turning the tide for Joberi. Maybe even for all of the other Zhertum we've recovered from the Grifus."

Ina blushed. "Oh, thank you, doc—"

Sounds from Joberi interrupted her.

His eyes blinked rapidly.

His mouth opened. "I-I-I-I-naaaa?"

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

That is a unique story. I certainly can testify to the unimaginable pain of post orgasmic torture. It testifies to the saying there can be too much of a good thing

I wonder whether women have the same type of pleasure pain experience?

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