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The Never Ending Buffet Ch. 08

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Dinner and a movie?
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Part 8 of the 13 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 07/15/2011
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On Saturday morning I awoke to a light murmuring conversation and a marvelous sensation at my groin. Opening my eyes and looking down I saw Mika instructing Jennifer in the finer points of blow jobs. They were huddled with their heads over my morning erection.

"Good morning ladies. You know that if you keep that up, there may be some very messy results."

"There is no mess if I swallow Walter," Mika said, "but I was going to stop before it got that far. I think that I would like another deposit in my pussy today; but if I do Mary may never forgive me. I know she has some plans for tonight after the girls are gone."

"What do you mean after the girls are gone?"

"Mandy has invited Melissa and Carmelita to stay over with her tonight. Leimomi will be chaperoning; which leaves Mary alone for the night, unless you are willing to stay with her."

"I look forward to spending time with Mary; but today is for Melissa. I haven't seen her all week."

"I know you haven't dear. Carla asked if you could take Lita with you when you go to see her."

"Sure, I'll pick her up after I get changed; if that is, you two let me up."

Jennifer took a last lick and they both got up off of the bed. After taking care of my morning needs and a quick shower to clean off the remnants of the night's activities I dressed back into my evening clothes. Downstairs Mika and Jennifer had made a nice light breakfast. It was a most interesting breakfast as both women were wearing nothing but an apron.

"You want me to be frustrated today, don't you?"

"Not frustrated Walter, enthused," Jennifer said.

I had to go home to change into regular clothes, and when I was prepared for the day, I went over to Carla's to get Lita. She was ready, and jumped into my truck.

When we got to Mary's, Carmelita joined Melissa and Mandy in the family room and the three were quickly gabbing and laughing. Mary met me at the door wearing shorts and a halter top. These clothes were never meant to be worn by black amazons. There was an amazing amount of Mary not covered. She gave me a big hug, and asked, "Are you going to stay with me tonight Walter? I know that Mika and Jennifer explained to you what was going on with the girls."

"You ladies talk to each other entirely too much. I'm never going to be able to surprise any of you. To answer your question dear, I would be glad to spend the night with you. Would you like to go out to dinner or something?"

"Dinner sounds good, as long as you are willing to be seen in public with me Walter."

"I would be proud to be seen with you on my arm Mary dear. Do you want to suggest someplace, or are you willing to let me choose?"

"You can choose Walter. I'm not too picky, but let's keep it casual."

"I think I can pull that off Mary; if you like seafood, that is. We can go to Harbor House on Church St."

"That sounds good to me, Walter. It will give us time for some conversation. Everyone says that you are fun to just be with, and of course the sex is great." As she said this I was entertained by the sight and sound of Mary giggling like a teenager.

"I enjoy being with you all and I look forward to knowing you better Mary. On a side issue, do you think I could convince the girls to go to the mall with me? I have a couple of things I need to pick up."

Mary gave me a look of awe mixed with pity. "Will young girls want to go to the mall? What a silly question. Are you sure you want all three of them at once? Most men would run screaming at that idea."

"I'll be fine."

I went over to the couch and pulled Melissa up into a hug. "Hi sweetheart, would you like to go to the mall with your favorite uncle? Your friends are welcome to come along."

"Sure thing Uncle Walt." She looked at the other two girls, "how about it guys, do you want to go?" After receiving affirmative sounds from them, she returned her gaze to me. "Is there something you need?"

"Yeah there is, but we'll talk about that on the way. Would it be Ok to take your car? I don't think the girls would be comfortable in the back of my truck. It's called a king cab, but the seats in back are more for kids than adults."

"Of course you can Uncle Walt. I haven't even had the chance to go anywhere in it yet. I am so glad that you got it for me."

When the girls were ready, they piled into the Mazda, and I gave Mary a kiss and told her that I would be back later.

On the way to the mall I told the girls that I wanted to get gifts for all seven women and that I would need their help with sizes and colors.

When we got to the mall in Burlington, the name had changed so many times that I had no idea what it was called now; I found that there were very few stores and the shopping would not be worth the trouble. I had not been here in some time and had not realized the extent of the shrinkage caused by the new shopping area going up near the interstate. I wanted to go to a covered enclosed mall, so after a little conference with the girls we decided on Four Seasons in Greensboro as being the closest.

The extended drive allowed me to get to know the other two girls a little better, and to bring home to me, after two stops enroute; just how often an eight month pregnant girl needs to pee.

While I was waiting for them outside of one store they wanted to go into, I called the friend who had helped me get Melissa's car. I asked if he knew of a nice looking sedan I could get for around three grand.

"You are in luck Walt. George was just telling me yesterday about a black '98 STS that a customer had traded to him. I doubt that he would ask much more than that for it. Would that suit your needs?"

"As long as it can be fixed up without too much money involved, sure. Cadillac made some good cars in that era. Does it have the Northstar engine?"

"Yeah, George said that it was running rough, but he thought that it just needed a tune-up. The body is very clean, and except for the driver's seat, the interior was cherry. He said that he was going to take it to auction. He didn't want to put anymore into it than he already had unless there was a firm offer."

"Get on the horn with him for me please. That is exactly what I need. Tell him to go ahead and do a tune-up with platinum plugs and change the oil to synthetic. If he knows anyone who could do the re-upholstery on the driver's seat I'll pay for it. Tell him to fix anything else that needs it, paying special attention to the brakes. Give him my number, and have him call when I can pick it up. I really appreciate the help Bob; I'll tell you why I need the car later, but you may not believe me."

Lunch at the food court surrounded by boxes and bags was fun. I told the girls my plan for tomorrow and just generally had a good conversation. We left earlier than I expected because Melissa was getting tired. Her due date was less than two weeks away. It was good to see her laughing with her friends. She had felt so excluded when she was with Jack. He liked to show off his 'snowflake', but didn't allow her the chance to make many friends. She let me know that living with Mary was great. "I just love her and the others Uncle Walt. They treat me like some kind of rare jewel or something. They are all anticipating the baby and I know that she is going to get as much love as I did growing up. Thank you for finding them Uncle Walt."

"Don't thank me honey, they found me, not the other way around."

Back at Mary's I stashed my purchases in my truck and then joined the girls at Leimomi's. Mary was over there as well. The two ladies were talking while the girls were changing. Mary was still in the shorts and halter top, but Leimomi was in a very revealing bikini.

"Oh wow Leimomi, I didn't know that you had a pool."

"My dick of a husband had it built so he could look at young girls. I caught him too soon for him to enjoy it much, but the girls and I all have fun here. Would you like to swim some?"

"I would love to, but I don't have a suit."

"I think there are a few left over from my husband that might fit you. I'll show you where they are."

Just then the girls came out laughing and talking. They were all dressed in tiny bikinis. As they passed I saw that all three were wearing thongs as well. Melissa saw me looking and turned back.

"Come on Uncle Walt. I can see why you would want to look at those two, but I'm so fat my belly is hanging down over my bottoms."

"You are not fat dear, you are pregnant, and you get more beautiful every day. I haven't seen this much of you since you were about five; I don't think I should see this much now."

Leimomi got up from the lounge chair, showing that her suit was a thong as well, and walked over to me. She was obviously strutting and showing off for the others, so I held out my arms, and when she walked into them I slapped her exposed left butt cheek a loud, but nearly painless, whack.

"That is for teasing young lady. I don't need you teaching my niece any more bad habits."

"Are you kidding Walter? She taught me."

The Polynesian beauty giggled as she slipped out of my arms and the girls all laughed as well.

I followed Leimomi into the house and to her bedroom. Her house was laid out much like Mary's, except that they had never converted the carport into a family room and there was no fireplace. As soon as we crossed the threshold to the master bedroom Leimomi turned around and plastered herself to me.

"Damn it Walter! How did you know what would turn me on? I'm tempted to keep you in here for an hour or so, but I promised Mary that I would be good."

"You ladies are going to kill me. First there were the two this morning, and then the girls kept teasing me at the mall with fashion shows, then all the skin at the pool and you with that gorgeous body against mine. Mary may get more than she bargained for tonight. There is no need for both of us to be on fire though, let me take care of you before we go back out."

So saying, I guided Leimomi to the bed. I lay her back onto it, and swiftly pulled her thong down to hang off of one foot. I spread her legs and dove into her pleasure center. I quickly took her to three orgasms before lifting back up.

"Now Leimy, I thought you were going to be good?"

Looking over my shoulder I saw Mary, now dressed in a straining two piece suit, standing in the doorway, I could also glimpse all three girls behind her.

"I was good Mary; he wasn't. Walter doesn't play fair Mary. First he spanked me, and then he licked me. What was I to do?"

"I suppose just saying no wouldn't work too well, would it?"

"Uncle Walt! What the hell has gotten into you? You never acted like this with Aunt Jessie."

I gathered myself and just had to respond. "Not when you would remember it, no honey. Jessie and I had a very active sex life when we first got together, but that kind of tapered off, and the last few years she was not feeling well at all. Jessie was never a high libido woman anyway; but I was very happy with her. These women are taking me back twenty years or more. I didn't have this much fun in the free-sex sixties, but then I didn't have such beautiful women willing to be with me then. I have trouble believing that I do now. All of you go on back to the pool now, I'll behave and we'll join you shortly. Where are those suits Leimomi?"

There were a couple that I could wear and after Leimomi put her bottom back on, what there was of it, we went out to the pool. The girls giggled as soon as we came out but it turned out to be a very calm and relaxing afternoon. Between bouts of lazy swimming and splashing games with all five girls; I sat and drank lemonade with Mary and Leimomi. We talked about many things. These two had been friends for a long time and their marriages had dissolved at about the same time. They had comforted each other and so had survived a little better than some of the others. They confessed to me that they had taken care of each other's urges from time to time rather than to go barhopping for sex. Mary said that she had tried it a couple of times; but the scene was depressing, and the sex unsatisfactory. It was mostly a lot of damaged people trying to avoid commitment and more pain.

I finally begged off so I could go home and change for this evening.

At home I stashed my purchases up in a closet, where I hoped my new sometimes roommates wouldn't find them. I wasn't sure when I would use these parcels, but it couldn't hurt to be prepared. I had purchased lingerie and cheap jewelry and perfumes for each of the women. They were all in labeled bags to keep me from getting confused. I picked out a pretty necklace for Mary for tonight, and perfumes for Amy and Leimomi for tomorrow. I hoped that the girls would keep my purchases secret until each of the women had at least gotten something.

I showered and changed into slacks and a polo shirt. I packed an overnight bag so I wouldn't have to come back to the apartment before the hike on Sunday. I picked up a small bouquet at Harris Teeter and showed up at Mary's at seven. She was in a sweater and skirt with flats and looked quite fetching.

The bouquet and the necklace went over very well.

"You didn't have to do this Walter, but I am very glad that you did."

"It would not do to show up for a date with a beautiful woman empty handed my dear. Shall we go?"

Dinner at the family style seafood restaurant was as good as usual. I love the flounder and Mary went for the calabash shrimp. After dinner we went to the theater for a nice romantic comedy. We sat in the theater and held hands like teenagers. Mary felt so good in my arms, that as we left I couldn't help but give her a kiss in the lobby. The smile on her face was beaming.

At her house Mary grabbed me and led me to her bedroom. She pushed me onto the bed and started stripping with no prelude. I watched as her light chocolate skin appeared and I could feel myself getting aroused. There was no artifice or coyness, Mary just wanted to get naked, but the honesty thrilled me more than if she had tried to tempt me with a striptease. In no time at all Mary's mammoth tits were out in the open, and then her skirt and panties joined the rest of her clothes on the floor, and I could smell a very aroused woman.

"What are you waiting for Walter? Strip! I've been waiting for this all week. When I thought that Leimomi was going to get to you first, I was very hurt, and then she said that you had just wanted to ease her anxiety and I got wet, and I haven't dried up since. That was the third pair of panties I've soaked today and I will not wait any more."

While she was talking I was stripping, and as I finished she dove onto the bed and pulled me on top of her. Mary was a joy to be with. Her skin was so soft and those huge tits were a treat all their own. I had never been with such a large woman before her and I was truly enjoying myself. Mary played with my quickly hardening cock as I attempted to get milk from her nipples.

"Oh Yes Walter, suck on those titties, suck harder on them. I need this so bad, please make love to me Walter."

I really didn't need any encouragement. My hands were busy on the inside of her thighs as I moved on from the tits and headed south. I wanted to taste Mary again; she was so excited that she was dripping. I maneuvered her till her legs were hanging off the edge of the bed then knelt down between them. Mary's pussy was smooth and had nothing hanging out, I could see a gap where the entrance to her womanhood was located and her clit was already peeking out from under its hood. She had not turned the lights off so I could see the moisture coating her lips. I nuzzled her, and as she moaned and tensed, I took a good bottom to top lick.

"Damn Walter, you're even better than Leimy at that. You hit places I didn't know I even had and it feels so good. I never knew a man could make me feel like this."

After that, she kind of stopped making sense. I took her to an orgasm quickly, then took my time and worked her up slowly for the next. As it approached I reached up and grabbed her tits and just as I took her clit into my lips and diddled it with my tongue I pinched both nipples. Mary grunted very loudly and tried to squeeze my head. The oils came out in a gush just before she collapsed back onto the bed. I stood up and poised, ready to enter her.

"Are you ready Mary, do you want me in you?"

"Yes Walter, yes, fuck me now, fuck me please."

I pushed forward and slowly slid into her hot depths. I bottomed out and slowly pulled back. Mary clamped down and tried to keep me in. It was amazing how tight all of these women were. I have gotten more experience with women in the last couple of weeks than in the prior 40 years. Even if everything went to hell tomorrow I would die happy.

Mary hooked her ankles behind my thighs and pulled me into her harder and harder as I leaned forward and latched onto a tit. It didn't take long before I could feel an explosion coming on. I reached one hand down and rubbed her clit and she was peaking as I filled her up. All the teasing all day long had primed the pump something fierce and I filled that pussy.

"Damn baby, I think you put a fire hose in there. I can feel it dripping and you haven't even fallen out yet. Here, use this pillowcase to catch the drips then get up here and I'll clean you off."

Mary had pulled the case off of a pillow and handed it to me. I pushed it up against her sloppy slit as I backed my limp dick out. I then climbed up onto the bed and lay down. Mary grabbed the pillowcase and held it in place as she bent over to my crotch. She held my dick up and sucked it into her mouth. She lovingly cleaned my whole nether region with her tongue and then lifted up and slapped my hip.

"Okay lover, lift your ass and I'll pull the covers down so you can get in and go to sleep."

It would have been nice to play some more, but damn man, I'm 60 years old. Doing what I already had done today was pretty much all I had to give. Mary didn't seem to be disappointed and after a quick stop in the bathroom she joined me under the covers.

"Thank you Walter. That was one of the best times I've ever had. If that is what happens when you get teased all day, we'll have to keep it up."

"Thank you Mary. I love making love to you and will continue as long as I am able and you want me to. You are a fantastic woman and I would want to be around you even without the sex, throw that in and I may never want to leave. My biggest problem now is to not fall in love with all of you."

I cuddled up next to the big beautiful brown lady and quickly went to sleep.

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Diecast1Diecast1about 2 years ago

great story. AAAAAA+++++

bigguy323bigguy323about 13 years ago
You need to take this story somewhere. Right now it's stuck on suckfuck.


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