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The New House Ch. 01

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You better be nice to employees!
2.9k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/26/2022
Created 10/04/2006
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I had just received some money in a will from an uncle I hardly knew. At 22 years old, I knew nothing about investing money but, was getting advice from all my friends on how to earn a good financial return. At the time, the safest and easiest thing to do with the money was to flip a house. So after watching the housing market for a couple of months, I settled on a small fixer upper. The house I found listed for 32 thousand, well within my budget and leaving me about half of my inherited will money left for improvements.

At 5 foot 8 inches tall and only 158 pounds, I had never even really swung a hammer before. I was just a baby faced kid that couldn't even grow a mustache, so I remained clean shaven and smooth faced. I had no physique to speak of, just a soft smooth body and not muscularly defined at all. I didn't have the body for any heavy construction, so I began the process of hiring different contractors to do certain specialized jobs.

I hired a some carpet guys, some electricians, some painters and some other general laborers. The last thing I planned on doing was changing the locks on the front and back door, so at the time it seemed like a good idea to give each group their own key. This way, their work wouldn't interfere with my job schedule and they could come and go as they wanted. Some of the guys worked in the daytime and some of them worked at night, coming and going on their own schedule.

After a couple of weeks, everything was going pretty smooth and I was getting excited about finishing the renovations and getting my house listed on the market in the next week or so. The house was really looking good and I felt my chances to make some good money quick were soon to be realized.

I would go over to inspect their work usually on my lunch break and after work. Sometimes different guys would be working and sometimes nobody was there. Occasionally, I would have to gripe at them about a particular job that was not done to my satisfaction. This seemed to cause a lot of dissent, as they usually seemed to take my opinion as worthless. But I was the boss and sometimes the boss has to crack the whip.

One Sunday, around noon, I went over and entered the house to inspect the newest work. I was dressed real casual, in a t-shirt, sandals and some very loose oversized jogging shorts with no underwear on, since it was my day off. I didn't expect anyone to be there on the weekend and the house was indeed empty. I unlocked the door and entered, then locked it behind me.

I had been having some trouble with a side window that faced my neighbors house. Heavy thick curtains framed the window and I had just bought some new drapes to hang in their place. The window would slide up and down perfectly, most of the time, but sometimes it would stick and hang so bad that it would take several minutes of jiggling and jostling to free it. I had left instructions with the painters to fix it earlier in the week.

After looking around, I decided to check the progress on the window frame work and tried to open the window. Pushing the heavy curtains aside, I slid it up, but once I released it, the window slammed down in the closed position. I opened it again and this time it held in place.

Last week, I had noticed some ivy growing outside on the side of the brick underneath the window and around the window frame. I had been meaning to remove it, so I just leaned out the window and started ripping off as much as I could reach. Stretching out the window with one hand and balancing myself, I got all most of it pulled off. Then reaching out with both hands as far as I could, I tried to get the last piece removed.

Just then, the window slammed shut on me around my waist. At first, I just laughed and tried to push the window up with my back. Then I started to panic because it wouldn't budge, not an inch. In fact, the more I pushed my back into it, the more it seemed determined not to move.

As I stood there in this awkward position for several minutes, I noticed that the jogging shorts had started loosening around my waist. The more I moved, the more they unloosened around my waist and finally fell to the ground around my ankles.

Not wearing any underwear, with my ass now exposed, I really started to panic and struggled to push the window up. I was now stuck with my legs and bare ass in the house, while my chest, head and arms were outside the house.

Just then, I heard the front door open and slam shut. Footsteps sent vibrations through the floor as someone approached me and as I struggled to release myself. This was so embarrassing, I just hoped that whoever was here, would set me free quickly and wouldn't make a big joke out of it. Stuck in this position, I just waited for my rescuers to let me loose.

The footsteps stopped behind me and I sensed there was more than one person in the room. I could hear laughter and then whispering, but couldn't make out what they were saying. I assumed that they were talking about releasing me but instead I felt someone grab both handles of the window and push it down even harder.

"Go ahead man, you go first. I got it, he ain't going nowhere," I heard a voice say.

"Okay, but don't let go. Keep him stuck in there real good. I'll hold him for you after I finish," another voice said.

I felt the heavy curtains being closed and then someone bunched them around my torso so anyone that came along on the outside couldn't see who was on the inside.

My tormentors just laughed and giggled as I realized that maybe they had no intention of releasing me immediately. I feared what was coming next but just kept hoping that they were joking and going to release me soon.

Somebody slapped my ass hard with what felt like a yardstick ruler. It stung my tender cheeks as I heard them inside roar with laughter. I tried not to yell aloud as this could attract attention in the neighborhood. Across the street and a couple of doors down I saw a man mowing his yard. As he watched me, he waved and I just waved back, trying to keep a straight face. I hoped that he wouldn't stop and come over to chat.

The spanking went on for a minute or so, maybe 10 swats or so. My ass was burning and my legs and back were aching from being stuck so long.

"Let me do it some. Hold the window for me," a voice said.

Apparently they just changed positions and the other guy started spanking me. Another 10 or 15 swats fell on my exposed ass and I felt tears come to my eyes. This guy took his time and made deliberate blows. I flinched and twisted trying to absorb and soften the blows, but he would wait til I relaxed before each swat, ensuring I received the full effect he intended.

"How you like my work now bitch? Am I doing a good job Mr. Big Time contractor?," the voice laughed..

Looking for clues from voices or conversation, I had none, since I had berated every employee there in one way or another. Somebody was intent on taking their revenge and I couldn't do a thing about it. My ass was burning from the spanking and I was totally humiliated.

Finally the spankings stopped and I heard the voice of the guy holding the window say, "Come on man, lets get out of here."

"Fuck that, I'm going to teach asshole here a lesson in manners. Just keep holding that window down," the guy behind me said.

All this time I had been bent over at the waist with my feet together and legs closed to protect my ass as much as I could. I felt the guy behind me try to open my legs but I kept pushing them back together.

"Open those legs dude or I'll beat your ass some more," the guy behind me said.

As I still resisted, I felt him stop trying to pry my legs open and then the whippings started again. Only this time, he did it really hard and fast. He must have given me twenty fast ones. Blow after blow landed on my ass as I grimaced and twisted, stuck in this position. Finally, in so much pain and exhausted I opened my legs wide. The spanking stopped and I felt him grab my hips with both hands.

"Relax dude, I'll go easy on you. Don't fight it, you might like it," the guy behind me said.

All the sudden I felt a wetness like spit being applied to my asshole from his hand. Then a blunt hard object was being pressed into me. I knew then he intended on fucking my ass and there was nothing I could do about it.

He grabbed my hips and leaned into me, trying to push his cock into my ass. I never wanted anyone the rest of my life to know about this shameful predicament I was in, so I kept quiet. Afraid to draw attention by screaming and being found out, I just bit my lip and let him have his way.

I have no idea how big his cock was but he was having trouble getting it in. He was very stiff and hard as he fumbled to penetrate my ass. Poking around the hole and trying to get started he slapped my ass again with his hand.

"Open up dude, relax, give me some of that bitchy ass of yours," he said.

Resigned to my fate, I tried to relax as he started making some progress on entering me. I felt his cock start to push past my sphincter muscle and deeper into my bowels. As he entered me, I felt my ass open and stretch to accommodate his large stiff cock. I wished he had used more spit. Once he had breeched my opening and had my ass a little lubricated he just started plowing away. Long deep strokes, fast and furious, he jammed in and out of my vulnerable ass.

"Yea baby, that a way, let it go, let me in," he said as he went deeper.

The pounding was starting to get to me. I was really struggling on it. I didn't know whether to clinch my cheeks or unclinch them. It seemed difficult either way. I felt full and bloated and his hips still hadn't touched my ass, so I knew he had more to give if he wanted to.

The pounding continued and all the sudden it didn't seem to hurt anymore. The initial pain was gone and now all I felt was the fullness and warmth. He kept driving more and more into my ass and now I began moving with his thrusts. My own cock was responding to the rhythm of his thrusting, like I was dry humping the air between my legs.

As his hips now ground into my cheeks, I felt him bottom out. He had given me all he had, deep inside my ass and stretching me open. It felt wonderful but I was ashamed and didn't want them to know I liked it.

"You got him now partner. Look at his cock. He loves it. Look at his ass pump back to you. He loves it, " the guy holding the window said.

Grasping my hips roughly I felt him swell and heard him groan. All the sudden hot liquid filled my ass as he pounded deep into me. Grinding as deep as he could, he emptied his seed up my ass enjoying his new found power over me. As his thrusts slowed and he emptied his balls, I felt him withdraw and pull out of my hungry ass.

"That's how you keep a bitchy boss happy. You like that shit huh?," he taunted me.

My hard cock just swung between my legs as I hung trapped in the window frame. I wondered if it was over. I wanted more, I felt like I was going to orgasm but he finished to quickly.

"Dude you got to get some of this. It's hotter and tighter than any pussy I have ever had before," he said after he withdrew from my ass.

"Hold the window for me," the other guy said.

As they switched positions, I just stood there not moving and not fighting it. My cock was hard and I wanted more as I felt the second guy move into position behind me.

"I hope you can handle this, I'm a little bigger than my partner, but I'll be real gentle on you," he laughed.

"Damn dude, you should be in a circus. I feel sorry for your wife, no, I feel sorry for this guy, ha-ha-ha. How big is that thing?," his friend asked him.

"I think it's about 10 inches long. Never had a complaint about it being to small, but some girls say it's too big," he laughed.

I felt the hard tip pry into my ass and stretch me out farther than the other guy had stretched me out. His cock was thicker too. I was really wet from the load of cum in my ass and I'm sure that helped to accommodate this much larger cock. He filled me to my previous limit in just a few seconds and was going to unexplored depths immediately.

This guy was different though, like he knew he had too much cock for my ass. He handled me like he was a compassionate lover and cared about my feelings. He made love to my ass instead of just pleasing himself. He smoothly and slowly stroked his cock in and out, massaging my prostate and gently feeding me more and more. He allowed me to get used to his cock instead of just pounding his nuts to my ass.

As he slowly and gracefully slid in and out of my ass, my hips started to pump back again towards him. I would meet each of his thrusts trying to get him to go deeper. He was very patient and had incredible control. My cock was rock hard and humped the air between my legs like I was fucking something. I knew I couldn't hold back much longer and was getting ready to shoot my load. My thrusts back to him were very obvious and exaggerated.

"I'm going to make the boss blow. He's going to blow. Watch this," he told his friend.

Just then I felt his pelvis hit my ass. He was all the way in and I couldn't help myself. I just started groaning and bucking back as hard as I could. I felt our skin slap together hard as he bottomed out in my ass. He just froze and held it there, deep as he could. I squeezed my eyes shut as hard as I could and went with the feeling. My cock started jerking and spraying a load over the freshly painted wall.

Over and over I squirted onto the wall. My ass was humping like a machine on that 10 inch cock as I moaned and grunted. I twitched and shook all over. I looked at my neighbor across the street and he looked at me like I was crazy or something. I must have looked like I was being electrocuted. He had no idea what was happening, I hoped. He had stopped mowing his yard and was just watching me intently.

"Look at that, look. I told you I could make him blow. He loves it, he really loves it," he laughed.

"Damn dude, fuck that ass, fuck it good," his friend told him.

Proud of his performance and pleased with me bowing to his dominance, he grabbed my hips hard and started shooting his load up my ass. He held me firmly and just ground every single centimeter up my ass. As he held his cock as deep as it would go, he sprayed my bowels with his seed. With my ass pressed as tight as it would go against his stomach, squirt after squirt he deposited the load up my ass, deep where it would puddle inside til my next bowel movement.

"Okay partner, you and me better split. What about him?," he said as he pulled out of my ass.

"Fuck him, leave him just like that, with juice running out his ass and down his leg. Maybe he will be there tomorrow morning and need some more. Maybe he won't be so bitchy either about our work," his buddy said.

As they left, I heard their footsteps fade and the front door open and close. Weakly I tried to budge the window up, but it still wouldn't move. My neighbor had stopped his yard work and was walking towards me.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

ooh yes please

theycallmecyclonetheycallmecycloneabout 16 years ago
how.. scary...

i dont know why but the helplessness of the situation scared me a little... but i'm also a little excited... hmmm, i may have to explore that.

goolappergoolapperalmost 18 years ago
RedAss Is HotAss

Keep up the great work Kent. As far as I'm concerned you rule the GayMale Category....Hehehe....Any po'Dudette who's had their ass whipped then fucked till they SquirtOff

would hav'ta AGREE!!! Can't wait to read more & more of the adventures of the Pal's Dad...

Really appreciate the work you are doing. This is real man-2-man sex not that "okay, I sucked you, now its yer turn to suck my l'il thingie" crapola that predominates gay lit... I've got your Prof bookmarked so I won't "miss" any of your work..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
I'm a straight girl

This is SOOOOOOOOOOO friggin


I wish I could have watched

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

That story was sooo good. When I was done reading it, I reamed my ass with my 9" dildo until my dickclit shot my cream everywhere, and then I ate it all up. What kind of a slut would I be if I let any cum go to waste? I wish the guy had begged his captors to pound his ass! He should have pleaded with them to stuff him full of cock, to fill him up like the cock-loving whore he is!

That's what I did when I went to a construction site. A guy asked me if I was looking for a good time, and I said yes. He whipped out his cock and I started sucking it right there! His friends all whipped out there dicks and formed a circle around me, and I jerked and sucked all of those pricks! Then they took off my pants and all raved about how sexy and round my ass is, that is before they filled it with their dicks! There were 8 total, and all of them fucked me up the ass. I just begged them for more, screaming "Fuck my slutty ass! This bitch needs cock up his ass! Stretch it out and cum inside it!!" The guys did just that, and the whole time I had dicks to jerk and suck. I came so many times just from sucking dick and being fucked up the ass! I'm such a nasty slut to cum just from being gangbanged! Then as the last guy was fucking me up the ass, he came, and all of the other guys around me jizzed my face, body, mouth, everywhere!! I ate a lot of it like a good cumslut, and gave the first guy my underwear and a key to my house... and here he is now.

He has me doggy writing this. Oh godddd, he's fucking me up the ass so hard!! yes!!! ilove it!! fuck my ass, stud! ream that tight fuckhole! it was masde for your cock! keep going! I love being fucked up the ass!! oh god... nooo dont pull out. please let me be your whore and fuck me. i need your cock up my ass filling me! i wnat to feel you squirting in my ass... YESSSS PLUNGE IT BAKC IN!!! YOUR COCK IS GETING BIGGR AND yes NOW ITS CUMMING IN MY ASS!! OH GOD I'M CUMMING TOO! I'M SQUIRTING ALL MY PUSSYBOY JUICES JUST FROM BEING FUCKED UP THE ASS YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

That's how it would have to happen to me. I got ohhhh so hard. Who finds me and what do they do? Loved it.

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