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The Newlyweds Next Door Ch. 01

Story Info
BDSM, Forced Fem, Non-Consensual.
5.9k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/10/2016
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Carl and Serena turned down the road into the suburbs with the moving van in tow. Having been born and lived all his life in the city Carl had been doubtful about making the move from the hectic bustle and noise that he had grown so accustomed to but Serena had persuaded him it would be best for the both of them. He had to agree with her that the area was nice, it was quiet, almost serene and it wasn't too far from the city for commuting. The two of them had looked at each other after parking in their new drive way before holding hands and making their way inside.

"Welcome to our new home Mrs Hill." Carl pulled Serena in to embrace and she giggled in excitement. They had only been married a week and they'd only just come back from a three day break in the Bahamas for their honeymoon. It had been perfect, the views, the early excited times as a married couple. The sex had been as it always had been, they weren't a couple who had waited before marriage and although Carl was average both in his equipment and in the act itself, it was enough for Serena. Whether it was because she'd never had mind blowing sex before or because she was just wired like that, it never really bothered her.

The married couple happily made their way through unpacking the boxes that they had packed before the wedding from their old apartment in the city. Now everything was in the house and they had paid the removal men they sat back and relaxed whilst sorting the boxes when the doorbell rang.

"Hello?" Carl answered with Serena at his side curious as to who it may be.

"Hello and welcome to the neighbourhood! My name is Olivia, I live next door." Carl and Serena nervously shook her hand and thanked her for greeting them. There was something impressive about Olivia, Serefle uneasy. She easily towered over both her and Carl who were both a little short and if they couldn't help but feel a little intimidated despite her warm welcome. They introduced themselves briefly saying how they had moved from the city and asked Olivia about the neighbourhood.

"It is a very close knit neighbourhood, everyone gets on well and looks out for each other. In fact I'm hosting a BBQ this very evening, perhaps you'd both like to join us yes? Introduce yourselves to your new neighbours." The newlyweds both agreed and said they'd see Olivia later that evening before returning to unpacking the boxes.

The evening arrived and Carl and Serena stood nervously outside Olivia's door, a bottle of wine in hand. They were both dressed casually after their busy afternoon and both immediately felt inferior as soon as Serena answered the door in a stunning dress that looked like it belonged on the runway. She welcomed them both inside accepting the bottle of wine with thanks and led them outside to her garden where the BBQ was taking place. It seemed they were one of the last to arrive as everyone was out talking in their small groups, drinking alcohol and awaiting for the first of the food to be cooked. Nervously the couple looked around as Olivia walked outside and introduced them to their new neighbours.

Carl and Serena were having a great time getting to know their neighbours. The food was great and with the social aid of alcohol they found it easy to speak and joke with their new neighbours. As the late afternoon passed to early evening some were starting to show the effects of drinking and the atmosphere changed from the relaxed summer BBQ it was into a party as the sun set and people moved inside. Olivia set up her expensive looking sound system and put on some modern pop music and earned a cheer from her guests as they started dancing and drinking more inside.

Carl and Serena were both starting to feel the effects of the alcohol and wondered whether they should excuse themselves but they didn't want to appear rude and be the first to leave. Besides, they were both having a very good time speaking and partying despite how tired they felt. As Serena spoke to one of the women in the same age group as hers Carl noticed one of the older guys go out the room with Olivia and disappear. He thought nothing of it but they didn't return for another half an hour and the older guy looked a little flustered on his return. 'Maybe it was the alcohol and he didn't notice the guy return in the room earlier' Carl thought to himself but a little later he saw Olivia leave the room with the older guy's wife. This time he paid more attention, looking around to see if she returned straight away but again she was gone for around half an hour before she returned with Olivia, again looking slightly flustered. Perhaps he was overthinking this he thought, maybe they just got into a heated discussion in the toilet or something.

"So, how're you enjoying the party?" Carl and Serena looked up after sharing a passionate kiss to see Olivia smirking at them. They complimented her on the party she had hosted saying how good of a job she had done and how great of a time they'd had. Olivia joined them sitting down and she spoke a little about the neighbours, she spoke highly of them and seemed to know a great deal about all of them. A few minutes later Carl noticed Serena sway slightly and she dropped her glass on the carpet. For a moment Carl's heart jumped as he dreaded the stain she would have left on Olivia's expensive carpet but thankfully the glass had been empty.

"I don't feel so good." Serena groaned as Carl asked if she was okay. Tenderly he helped her up to help her home.

"Is everything okay?" Olivia asked, her tone full of worry. "Help her outside, perhaps a little air will do her some good yes?" He leads her out into Olivia's back garden and helps her onto a seat before going back to getting his drink. It had been a while since they'd both drunk like this, it was inevitable one of them would ended up too drunk. He sighed as he continued drinking whilst stroking her hair as she leaned against him.

"How is she doing?" Olivia asked as she came out with two more drinks. Carl took the drink gratefully and said that she was half asleep to which Serena mumbled something incoherently. Olivia shrugged apologetically.

"Perhaps I should get her home, thank you for tonight." The disappointment was clear in Carl's voice. It was one of those great nights that had ended bitterly when he still wanted to party. He knew with married life there wouldn't be too much opportunity to do so in the future.

"Nonsense, the night is still young. I'm sure Serena wouldn't mind if you stayed here and got to know the neighbours a little better, hey Serena?"

"Stay, have fun." Serena said sleepily before yawning and Olivia offered her a room upstairs for the night to save them from having to walk back even though it wasn't far of a walk at all. Serena agreed apologizing to Carl though he just smiled and embraced her in a hug before kissing her goodnight. Olivia waited patiently before helping Serena upstairs whilst Carl headed back inside to the other neighbours. He chatted sports and work with a group of guys for a while before he realized that Olivia hadn't come back down yet. It wasn't until another fifteen minutes had passed before she did looking as perfect as she had when she opened the door to them this afternoon. She came over to tell him that Serena was safely tucked in and sat down joining him drinking.

As the late evening turned into early morning people started to leave the party and Carl was getting more and more drunk. He was slurring his words and struggling to see straight but he still felt great like he could keep going. Then the last husband and wife left leaving just him and Olivia. The two of them chat for a while, really hitting it off and Carl couldn't help but wonder if Olivia was flirting at one point.

"I think you should stay here tonight Carl." Carl froze, he suspected Olivia of flirting and he had gone along with it thinking it was harmless drunk fun but perhaps she thought he'd wanted more. "Serena is in the guest room upstairs, you can join her and not have to sleep alone tonight." Carl breathed a sigh of relief. He loved his wife more than anything but he was very drunk and Olivia was a very attractive woman. Deep down he knew that was a pitiful excuse as he knew he wouldn't have been able to decline her offer had she offered. Like most men though, he was flawed and alcohol only made that flaw worse. She led him upstairs to the guest room where his wife was flat out sleeping on the bed. He waited for Olivia to leave before he undressed but she waited there expectantly.

"Take your top off for Carl, it's not anything I haven't seen before." With Olivia waiting expectantly Carl just shrugged and took off his top. He wasn't exactly muscular, he always had a thin frame, it didn't help that he was quite short and was always teased over how little muscle he had and how weak he was. Tried as he did he could never get in the routine of working out, he hated it so he took care of what he ate and had kept himself slim. Siting down, Carl expected Olivia to walk out but she suggestively walked up to him pulling down her dress to reveal her naked body underneath. He froze as he was overwhelmed by her perfect body and then he panicked turning round to check Serena was still asleep.

"Don't worry about her. She'll be out until the morning." Olivia purred as she straddled over him undoing his jeans. "Besides, we had our fun earlier." Carl was lost in the moment so it took him a minute to register what she said but he finally did.

"What do you mean, 'you had your fun earlier'?" Olivia just laughed and she pulled out her phone showing a video of her and his wife kissing. She was still out of it but she was giggling afterwards. It then went on to show Olivia going down on his wife, she kept looking into the camera lens as she teased Serena and got her to say that Carl never made her feel like this. Carl felt betrayed even though he knew he wasn't far off doing the same thing.

"She's had her fun, time for yours." Carl's eyes blurred as Olivia removed his jeans and took his cock between her fingers.

Carl woke up to a bright room which he didn't recognize his own. His head was pounding and he felt sick but he struggled to remember the night before. There was the BBQ and the drinking, he remembered Serena getting drunk early and also flirting with Olivia but that was about it. Gingerly he got out of bed and that was when he noticed something was wrong. Looking down he could see that his penis had been encased in some kind of steel device. Panicking, Carl tried frantically to remove it but it was secured around the base of his balls and locked by a small padlock. It was then that he heard his wife stir beside him and he rushed to get dressed before she saw.

"My head hurts!" Serena moaned beside him. "How much did I drink last night?"

"Quite a lot. I did also, can't remember much at all." Carl admitted wondering whether he passed out, the last thing he remembered was sitting downstairs with Olivia. "I'm going to go thank Olivia for letting us stay. See you downstairs."

When Carl left the room Serena lifted the covers to inspect the cold touch she felt which caused her to wake up. She had been completely fitted in a metal chastity belt which was locked into place. Like Carl she had very little memory of the night before, her last one being that of going outside to get some air. Wanting all of a sudden to get home she quickly got dressed and walked slowly upstairs, worried that the metal contraption would make a sound.

"So, you two had a good time last night yes?" Olivia looked just as perfect as she had the night before, not a hair out of place and although she'd been drinking as well she didn't seem to show any signs of being hungover.

"Yeah, what I remember of it anyway." Carl joked to hide his worry and Olivia laughed. She made the two of them a coffee and they sat there quietly both deep in thought and hungover. They didn't stay too long after that, both wanting to return home to try to get the strange devices off of themselves without letting the other know.

For most of the afternoon Carl and Serena both attempted to get their devices off, Carl in the garage and Serena upstairs. Both had taken a box to pretend they were emptying but with the agenda to get their device off before their partner realized. There would just be too many questions they wouldn't be able to answer. On top of the question of how the devices were placed on them they were both worried whether they had been unfaithful. How were they in the position to have the devices placed on them in the first place? Unfortunately for them they were both unsuccessful at removing the steel devices which made going to the toilet all the more difficult. Carl's device had a slit to piss through but he had to sit on the seat to pee. As for Serena, there were small holes for the pee to pass through and there was a hole where her ass was so she could poop without it being obstructed by the belt. That night they both went to bed early, exhausted from the night before and worried about how they were going to get the devices off of them.

Carl woke up early the next day for work. He had to commute to the city for his work in the office and he'd been hoping to have the device removed by then. It was this morning that he found out another downside to it. He woke up in a large amount of pain as his erect penis pushed against the metal cage unable to fully grow. The pain was unlike anything Carl had felt and he had to have a cold shower to get it down. The mixture of the pain and the fact he couldn't touch himself actually made him feel more aroused and he could already feel the blood flow once more after the shower and he sat uncomfortable as he ate cereal. This was going to be a long day he thought as he went upstairs to give the sleeping Serena a goodbye kiss.

Serena was awake before Carl was but she was too scared to get out of the bed before he left for work in case he saw the belt. Standing by the window, hiding behind the curtain she watched him drive off to work before she went downstairs. She debated looking online to see who could come out and remove the device but she wouldn't be able to live with the humiliation of someone she didn't know seeing her like that and naked. Out of options she decided to walk over to Olivia, it was early but perhaps she'd be able to help.

"Good Morning Serena, everything okay?" Serena took in Olivia's appearance in just her silk underwear as she opened the door. She couldn't help but feel inferior to her and she nervously asked if she could come in, she needed help. Over coffee Serena explained how she woke up after Serena's party with the device locked on her and she was wondering if it was placed on her by one of the neighbours during the party.

"Oh no, it wasn't any of the neighbours."

"How would you know?" Serena asked, goosebumps raised on her skin as Olivia's tone made her fearful.

"It was me, now lets get that contraption off of you. Come with me."

Carl didn't get back to his new house until six that evening and he was surprised to find that Serena wasn't in. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing as he wanted another attempt at removing the steel cage. With her not in he could attempt using one of his tools he unpacked yesterday to delicately cut it off. It was then that he saw the note on the table.


Just over visiting Olivia, come over as soon as you get in, she's cooking dinner for us both.

Serena xoxoxoxo

Deciding that he could give the tools a chance another time he quickly showered before getting changed and heading over to Olivia's.

Olivia opened the door wearing a leather outfit that completely stunned Carl. She motioned for him to come in walking off into her living room and he could smell the food cooking from another room, it smelt amazing. Before Carl got the chance to speak however, Olivia took the opportunity to shock him straight away.

"Carl, remove your clothes here and then follow me downstairs." The authority in her voice almost had him complying immediately but he questioned her.

"What? No! Where is Serena?"

"Look you little man. I know what pathetic secret you're hiding underneath those clothes, if you want it removed ever, do as I say. Remove your clothes and follow me. That is unless you want it kept on you forever?" The venom in her voice made him rush to get undressed and he followed her with his hands covering his caged cock and balls. She led him through the kitchen where he saw a couple from the night before, naked and chained together whilst they prepared her meal. They didn't look up at him as he passed but he noticed the male had a cage similar to his and the woman had a chastity belt on. Serena opened a locked door to reveal stone stairs that led downstairs to her basement. As he went down the stairs he heard the sound of something vibrating and the moans of his wife.

"Serena!" he called out as he pushed past Olivia and he froze at what he saw. Kneeling over some device, Serena had her arms tied behind her back with the rope tied to a hook in the floor. There was rope around her neck which tied to four poles around her and her mouth was gagged with a large ball type object.There was also string tied around her nipples attached to two more hooks on the floor, stretching them painfully. Her eyes were closed and she didn't seem to be aware of his presence.

"What have you done to her?" Carl almost screamed out in shock at what he saw.

"Well your wife came to me early this morning. I got her to come down here this morning and well, she's been on that ever since. It's called a Sybian and it is a very powerful vibrator. The worse part is that I've made sure that she hasn't had an orgasm yet. She's been on that thing for nine hours now, and every time she's come close to climax the vibrating stops and it's cut out. Since she's tied down to it so tightly she can't even hump it to bring herself over the edge and believe me, she's tried."

"Serena, are you okay?" Carl shouted once again, not fully taking in what Olivia explained.

"She can't hear you, nor see you either for that matter. I was pleased to note your wife wore contact lenses, you see I had this new pair I wanted to try out on her. They're called blackout lenses and they pretty much do just that, blackout all sight so that she cannot see. The headphones in her ear are the latest in noise cancelling technology so although the white noise and subliminal messages being played into her brain aren't too loud, she can't hear a thing unless I speak into this mic. Now whilst I won't make a deal to free her, I will offer you a chance to earn her some much needed release. You can't imagine the torture, the hell she is in. well not yet anyway but you will do soon enough. She will give anything for release right now and I will allow you the chance to earn her that, oh and just in case you're too selfish for that." Carl looked up when Olivia paused to see her take a photo of him naked and caged on her phone. "This picture will find it's way to your office, to your social media pages. Think of the irreparable damage that would cause to your life. All you need to do is agree to obey me without question this evening and the picture will not go online and your wife will be allowed the orgasm she so badly craves right now. Do we have a deal?"

Carl's mind was racing as he tried to think of a way out of the situation but he already knew that he was royally screwed. He could refuse her but then god knows what she'd do to Serena, not to mention the hell his life would be if that picture made it's way online.

"Yes, I'll do it." Carl resigned fearing the worse.

"Good. You see this house used to belong to my parents. We had lived here for quite some time but unfortunately they were involved in a car accident which took them both away from me. They left this house to me and I had to admit losing them changed me. I went to a very dark place and as much as my neighbours tried to help by coming round and offering their support, it did not help. Eventually I found a way to relieve the pain I felt and that came in the form of lashing out on others. It first started when I had an affair with the man you saw in the kitchen. I found ways to humiliate and use him but couldn't bring myself to permanently destroy his relationship so I took control of his wife as well. I actually control most of this neighbourhood, some even behind their spouse's back but you two will be my first permanent twenty-four/seven slaves."


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