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The Newlyweds Next Door Ch. 01


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"What do you mean slaves?" Carl asked, his body trembling. Although he was sympathetic about the loss of her parents, no one should have to go through that at a young age, this was wrong, immoral and inexcusable. If she thought he'd go along with this permanently she had another thing coming he thought to himself. As soon as he had the opportunity to free his wife and get out he'd call the police.

"Well I have plans for the both of you, ways to transform the both of you into the toys I want you to be. I won't go into the details as I won't want to spoil it for you but you're both in for some very big changes. Now go sit on the desk over there." Carl looked over to the corner of the basement where Olivia was pointing to see a make-up desk. It looked completely out of place in the gloomy basement but as he walked over he noticed that it looked new, the surface empty and the mirror at the back of the desk surrounded by little lights and spotless. He then felt his hands pulled behind the chair and heard the click of something metallic. Carl couldn't help but panic as he found that his hands had been cuffed behind the chair.

"We're going to start tonight by giving you a little makeover Carl, you see I have too many male slaves who will do anything for me when I call upon them and there's something oh so delicious about taking a once proud man and feminizing him. I advise you stay still, this will hurt if you move." Carl's eyes widened in surprise when he heard the sound of an electric razor and he could only watch in the mirror as Olivia completely removed his beard. There was something so humiliating about being shaved against your will, that strip of masculinity that Carl was so used to, that he actually liked about his image taken away from him. Olivia wasn't finished there though, although Carl never had much body hair to begin with she took care to make sure that every piece was removed from him starting with his chest and arms then onto his legs before finally she knelt in front of him and spread his legs.

"My, what a useless little dick you have there." Olivia laughed and Carl felt his cheeks redden. He knew he was slightly below average in size but Olivia had never complained. "Now be very still, you don't want me to slip whilst I'm down here." The mischievous grin on Olivia's face made Carl wonder whether she would deliberately slip but he stayed extra still to ensure he didn't give her any excuse to slip. His shame grew as he watched the hair fall between his legs leaving just a stubble. That wouldn't do for Olivia though as she went back upstairs briefly and returned with some warm water, shaving gel and a razor. The shaving gel Carl noticed was actually marketed for woman advertising super soft skin and had a smell that reminded him of a perfume that his wife wore. He was helpless as Olivia generously applied the gel around his groin, body and face and then used the razor to completely shave him until he was completely smooth. He looked up and saw the reflection of his bare chest, arms and face and he felt defeated, hoping that this was it and he and Serena can both go home.

"Well that's a good start." Nope, this definitely wasn't it thought Carl deflated as she pulled out some hair removal cream. "This is just to ensure that you stay completely smooth, I will apply some now and then you will do so every other day. If I spot a hair on you other than those on top of your head, there will be consequences." Carl sulked to himself as Olivia applied the cream all over his body and his lower face before she patted him dry with a towel. Still however she wasn't done as she pulled out a pair of tweezers from the draw in the desk and started working on Carl's eyebrows. He winced in pain as she plucked out his eyebrows and then frowned when he saw the thin feminine shape they now held. It looked wrong to him because of what he was used to but Olivia was very pleased with her work as she giggled to herself.

"Now for the make-up." Olivia squealed, obviously unable to contain her excitement.

"What, no! Please don't." Carl begged as he saw her pull out the rather large amount of supplies she had but she wouldn't listen. Olivia started with a face brush as she added a subtle pink blush to Carl's cheeks. His shame grew when she moved on to his eye lashes using an eyelash curler to style his lashes before she finally applied a another shade of pink lipstick to his lips. Carl could never imagine the face staring back at him could be his own, a face he knew so well feminized so convincingly and so quickly.

"This is just a basic start. You'll learn more about this over time and you'll teach yourself how to apply it and how to find colors that work for you. Now if you could open your mouth for me." Olivia ordered and Carl didn't respond, still in shock at how he looked. When Olivia pinched one of his nipples however he cried out and she forced a ball-gag into his mouth. With the gag in place Olivia reached into the draw once more and pulled out a wig.

"I've been preparing to do this for a long time, waiting for someone young with your kind of build that I can transform. You can't know how much it turns me on knowing what I plan for you." Olivia was touching herself as she spoke and Carl couldn't help the erection that strained against his chastity device.

"Smile for the camera" Olivia teased before taking a picture of Carl's reflection in the mirror. Carl couldn't believe it and it took him a second to realize what she'd done before he began to panic once more.

"Don't worry. This is merely for insurance. If you behave and do as I say no one will have to see the picture. Now I'm going to remove your cuffs and get you ready for a few more pictures. Remember to play along or the pictures will go public." Carl ignored Olivia's command and the second the cuffs were removed her jumped up and went to run to the basement door but was immediately pulled back by Olivia who used his momentum to send him flying to the floor. It didn't help that he had barely any muscles or height to him other wise he may of made it but Carl had always been weak physically. Whilst he was on the floor she kicked him and assaulted him whilst all he could do was try to shield himself until eventually he gave in.

"You'll learn to obey first time soon enough." Olivia began and she then helped him up and cuffed him to one of the support beams in the basement. She slapped his face, chest and penis constantly until tears filled his face. He was physically and emotionally spent and all he wanted was for the beating to stop but Olivia didn't relent.

"Just remember, when you fuck up, it's not just you that pays." Olivia said over his blubbering and then turned her attention to Serena. With her sense cut off Serena wasn't prepared for the firstly slap to her breast and Carl could only watch helplessly as Olivia repeated the treatment she gave to him on her. Serena cried out in shock but with the constant teasing her mind was a mess and she was very tired so she just took the beating, sulking softly.

"Are you going to behave this time?" Olivia tugged at Serena's hair threatening to hurt her more and Carl gave in.

"Yes, I'll do as you say, please don't hurt her anymore." Carl begged once again and then let out a sigh of relief when Olivia released her grip and then uncuffed him. Once free she went back to the desk where there was a black bag by the side of it. She pulled out a pair of matching light purple lace panties and bra.

"I hope these fit, trying to guess your size after only seeing you for the first time a month or so ago when you went to view the house with your wife. You're very small though, almost nothing to you. I bet even my own stuff will be too big on you. You're body is pathetic, it's more feminine than masculine before my interference. Now put these on." Carl stepped into the panties more humiliated than he'd ever been in his life but he didn't have a choice. There was nothing else he could do. Moving on to the bra he struggled to fix it on behind him and ended up looking hopelessly over to Olivia who laughed before helping it on. For the rest of the night she had Carl try on different dresses and skimpy clothes designed for girls and model them for her. Of course she took a picture of each outfit he wore and all the time he watched Serena struggle as the Sybian would bring her close and then stop, her whimpering made him cringe and he just wanted to help her.

"Right, that's enough for your first night." Olivia started. "You'll sleep here tonight, in those panties, if I find they're removed when I come back down you'll both be in trouble. Now lay down." Carl complied this time not wanting a repeat of the beating for himself or Serena. When he was on the floor she cuffed his arms in front of him round the pole and then went to leave.

"What about Serena? You promised." Carl cried out.

"You're right." Olivia said and she changed the setting on the Sybian with her phone. Carl watched and it didn't take long for Serena's body to shake violently as a long anticipated orgasm ripped through her body. She cried out loudly into the gag and her whole body shook in response to the orgasm, she'd never reacted like that when she was with him Carl thought to himself. It didn't end there however and the Sybian continued it's assault on Serena.

"You said you'd release her!" Carl shouted as Olivia's body buckled once again and she tiredly moaned into the gag.

"No, I didn't. I said I'd grant her release, which she has and will again, and again, and again. Enjoy your sleep." Olivia laughed wickedly as she left the basement, locking the door behind her. Carl tried to get comfortable but on the cold stone floor it was near impossible. Then there was the cries from Serena, at first it was only pleasure but after each orgasm that passed it was obviously causing her pain. A little later he noticed that she wasn't making any sounds at all he could see that she'd passed out though that wasn't for long before she woke up with a mixture of pain and pleasure once again.

That night Carl hardly got any sleep at all and was almost thankful by the time Olivia came back down and turned off the Sybian. Serena had passed out again and Carl didn't blame her, it must be the only escape she had all night when she was passed out.

"Get up." Olivia commanded when she uncuffed him and she led him upstairs to the bathroom where she helped him remove the makeup that had messed up whilst he had slept and removed the wig. Olivia then had him shower and handed him female toiletries to use. The toiletries were centered around softening skin and a small part of Carl thought it actually felt nice though he wouldn't admit it. Once he had washed Olivia told him to put the panties and bra back on before getting dressed in the clothes he had yesterday.

"Now you will go home, when you are home you will change into your work clothes but ensure the panties and the bra remain on, I expect a picture every hour showing them sent to my number which I have placed in your phone. Serena will stay with me throughout the day and if you prove you're wearing them every half hour through pictures I'll prove she's still in one piece. Now get to work, I have plans for you Carl, or should I say Crystal."

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I want to be carl or should I say crystal. Hurt me please


AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I want to be Carl.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

love b oliva's slave knowing i do anything she orders

WriteStarWriteStarover 2 years ago

These stories with forced chastity never make sense? Just say them they should take it of or u go to the police and when they say no go to the police and say they drugged and than confined u in this shit. They get arrested and depending they not only pay a fine but go tomorision and u can go....

llyfrllyfrover 3 years ago

stpuid, call the police

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