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The Nightwatchman

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The outlaw turns out to be a she and is punished by the lord.
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The horses galloped through the forest as they were in pursuit of the outlaw. They had just been at the point of performing an execution of three men that had not paid their taxes, as the infamous nightwatchman had appeared. He had fired three arrows sitting on the walls of the keep above the gate, cutting the hangmens ropes, helping the condemned escape and causing public uprising. Then he had jumped down on the drawbridge, jumped on his horse, and made his way in the forest, his hiding place, as everyone knew.

Except he was not a he, he was a she. She pushed herself against the foot of a small hill by the side of the road, as the horses dashed passed her, their riders looking, shouting orders. She knew every path and tree in the forest, and knew exactly how to evade them, waiting for them to overrun her, then slowly making her way back to her hiding place.

She looked around carefully as she glided between the autumn leaves, moving to her favourite bush. But all of a sudden she was grabbed from behind, taken by the throat, and pushed to a tree.

"Here, here! I've got him!" the soldier who caught her shouted, barely containing his enthusiasm.

"Shut up you idiot," she said through her teeth as she gave him a vicious kick in the balls and pulled his fingers off her neck.

But it was too late. The horses came gathering around, their commander seeing the scene before him, and giving the sign to surround her.

"I caught him!" the soldier said again, panting, slightly doubled up from the whack in his nuts, but still excited.

The commander got of his horse and made his way over to her, in slow, intimidating steps.

To her surprise, it was the lord of the castle himself. He was a large, impressive man, tall and very broad. He was in his fifties, with thick brown hair until his shoulders, top half tied back, and a full beard. On his cloak he wore a fur, making his shoulders look even wider than they already were. He was dressed completely in black.

"Now let's finally see who this nightwatchman really is," he growled, in a low voice, before pulling down her hood and the scarf she had tied over her mouth and nose.


With a sharp tug he pulled of her hood, revealing wisps of long back hair, and pulled down the scarf.

"But it's a woman!" he cried out, unable to hide his surprise, stepping back in open confusion.

She was wearing boots, leather pants, and a wrought jacket that fitted to her body but of such thick leather that it served her like armour. On her back she wore her arrows and her bow, on her hips a girdle with a short dagger.

From afar you could not see she was a woman, but from up close, you could definitely see it. She had a beautifully chiseled face and a long, elegant build. He pulled her long hair out of her jacket, making it cascade down her back and hang around her shoulders in long, dark curls.

She said nothing, as she knew that humiliating him in front of his men would only make matters worse for her. Best to keep silent when you have nothing nice to say.

"So this is our famous enemy," he said, in disbelief, as he took her jaw and forcefully turned her face towards him. "Take her to the castle and throw her in the dungeons."

"I definitely know what to do with you," he added, cruelly.


In the castle, they took her to the dungeons. They tied her up in the first room of the dungeons. It was in open connection with a corridor, where the cells were. Most of them were empty, but some prisoners were locked up there, behind bars.

Her hands were chained to the wall above her head. Her feet were cuffed as well.

They had said nothing when they imprisoned her, but she expected the lord would come again, given what he had said. But she didn't know when.

She looked around her. It was a large room with a large table in the middle. The room was cluttered with torture utensils. It was dark, except for some torches on the wall. She could not see, but she heard the prisoners further in the hall. And at the door stood two guards, probably not the highest in rank, having to spend their time in a dark and stinking hole like this, looking at her in a way she did not like.


She must have dozed off, because the next moment she was awoken by the clinging of keys and the voice of the guards.

"Let's lock up" one said. "Night has fallen, no one will be coming now anymore".

They closed the entrance of the prison, but to her surprise, they stayed in, not out.

"Yeah sweatheart, commander's orders. We're not to leave you alone," he said. "Not even at night".

"Not that we mind that," the other added, grinning.

They approached her.

"You're supposed to be "dangerous". But not so dangerous now, are you?"

She looked at them, eyes spitting fire. They were going to assault her, she knew that. There seemed precious little she could do about it.

They put their weapons against the wall and let their hands glide over her thick leather jacket. One seemed to get such little excitement, or at least sex, in his life that he looked like he was almost coming already.

Shaking, he laid his hand on her breast, barely feelable through her clothes, although you could feel the curve. The other was rougher, feeling her up forcefully, and pushing his wet tongue in her face.

"Get off me," she said, with a look of utter disdain on her face.

He laughed, and said, "Well lass, since you're down here it must have been that you did something fair bad. So you deserve a little punishment."

Luckily, he didnt try to kiss her again. They continued assaulting her body, writhing themselves against her, sometimes burying her faces in her neck. She tried to cancel out that those disgusting men were touching her. But it would probably be over soon.

They tried to get under her jacket, but it was too tight. They couldn't get it off her, since her hands were chained above her head.

She laughed out loud at their frustrated behaviour. The larger one had, while groping, however, found the top of her high waisted leather pants under her jacket, and undone the bow of the laces. He roughly jerked the laces out, allowing him to feel her soft stomach.

"Wait and see who will be laughing now", he growled.

Roughly, he tried to pull her pants as wide open as possible. It didn't open very wide.

With a yank, he tried to pull it down her hips. There was a soft ripping sound, but it wouldn't go low down at all, her hips being too curvy.

"Be careful!" the scared one said anxiously. "The lord will see!"

The larger man looked at her pants frustratedly and seemed to decide his companion was right and think better of it. The lord probably wouldn't appreciate it if they raped his prisoner, certainly not because he probably intended to do it himself. There couldn't be any signs.

The open flies revealed part of her stomach and closed at the top of her mound of Venus. "I will take her with her pants up, then!" he said, whipping out his cock.

"Your sad prick will never be able to make it," she bit to him, mockingly, as he put his arms back around her, trying to push her pants down further.

He whipped the back of his hand across her face, launching her head to the side. His ring had broken her skin, causing an angry red scratch on her cheekbone.

"You bitch!" he cried, angry. He launched his hand down her pants, not getting very far, since she could barely open her legs since her feet were chained to the wall, but curling his fingers between her legs. He pushed the tip of his fingers in her lower lips. She heard the younger man whimper. He had obviously come.

"Wait until you meet with the lord." the larger man said viciously. He could only enter her slightly, but he did his best jamming into her. "He will fuck you raw!"

At that, he stepped back and furiously started jerking his cock. He came, growling, spending his load on the prison wall beside her, careful to not spray her clothes. The younger guard had already started lacing her pants back up, wiping out the tracks.


When the lord came, it was the next day in the afternoon.

The guards jumped in immediate attention as he stalked towards her.

He stopped, leaned against the table with his arms crossed, and looked at her, amused.

"Ah, there is our nightwatchman," he said, mockingly. He let his eyes trail down her body. "Its time for your punishment". His voice was cold as ice.

He walked towards her and took her chin, forcing her to look at him. "I think you can guess what that is," he said.

"You're even more loathsome than I'd imagined," she said, voice dripping with disdain, glaring at him.

He ignored her. He laid his hand on her cheek and slid his thumb across the scratch on her cheekbone. "I see you've already had a bit of a hard time with the guards last night," he gloated suggestively.

She spat in his face. His eyes turned to steel. Slowly, he wiped the spit off his face.

"Unchain her," he said loudly, while he kept looking at her.

The tall guard came over with the ring keys and clumsily unlocked her chains from the wall, although they still linked her hands behind her back. As soon as she was loose, the lord grabbed her by the neck and slammed her on the large table.

He pushed her face down on the table. She let out a scream. Her hands were still chained behind her back. Holding her down forcefully, he fondled her body, painfully grinding his hips into hers. She tried to escape, but she couldn't. Her hands were still chained behind her back. She thought he would take her then and there.

" I will teach her some discipline," he growled in her ear, as he menacingly leaned over her.

"Take her to my chambers!" he said, as he released her. And he turned around and stalked away.


Two guards held her on each side by the upper arm, as she was escorted through the hallways. They stopped in front of a door and knocked.

When the door swung open the lord of the castle stood there, tall and wide.

She was pushed inside. "Here's the prisoner, sir".

She quickly scanned the room. To her amusement, she knew exactly where she was. If she jumped out of this window, she would land on a slanted roof two meters below, that was connected to the stables, which held horses, and were located next to the gate.

"Good. Unchain her".

"But sir," the guards stammered. "She's dangerous! We've been instructed to keep her hands tied in all circumstances".

"Do as I say and be gone!" the lord thundered.

The guards shrank and nervously unlocked her chains and removed the cuffs from her wrists. They hurried backwards out of the door, pulling it closed behind them.

The lord locked the door, before turning back towards her.

"Not so dangerous now, are you?" he said, ominously, as he slowly approached her.

She looked at the window, which was open, and suppressed a smile. She knew she could escape, and that knowledge always made her bull-headed. He really was an impressive man. He thought he would hurt her, but actually, she had gotten quite curious about his cock. She felt like a good fuck. And if she could hurt his pride while doing it, all the better.

She said nothing, as he grabbed her by the throat and kissed her roughly. When he let her mouth go, he pushed her over the table, again, holding her hands in one hand and pinning them above her head.

With the other hand, he undid the buttons on the back of her leather harness, and ripped it open. He turned her around on the table and kissed her again.

"I do hope for you that you're not a virgin," he said. He pulled the jacket off her body. Underneath she wore tunic with a hood.

He hurdled it up and revealed her breasts. Her frame was slender but her breasts were full and round, with small red nipples, currently pointed and hard as stone. His large hand immediately took her breast, kneading it firmly. He let his thumb flick over her hard nipple, then pinched it, making her writhe.

He grabbed hold of the tunic and jerked it off over her head, leaving her completely naked.

Holding her hands down firmly, he bent over her and took her nipple in his mouth. He let his hand glide down her body appreciatively, to her stomach. "What a sin, hiding this in men's clothes. You could have been such a beautiful lady" he said. "But now you will be my whore!", he growled.

With his hand he yanked the laces of her pants and tugged them loose. He let his hand slide in and let his fingers feel her pussy. She gasped as a shiver went through her in response, arching her back. He lengthened himself and spread his large hand on her breasts. He held her down on the table like this, while his other hand pushed her pants down and uncovered her hips and pussy. He let his large middle finger slide over her clit and between her soft folds, touching her slippery pink centre. Then he jammed his finger in, mercilessly, making her cry out. Holding her down, he finger fucked her firmly, looking at how his finger entered her pussy. He jammed into her so hard the table shook. He grinned.

"God, I'll enjoy taking you," he said. He grabbed her by her upper arms and pulled her up, turning her over, pushing her face down on the table. Her long hair cascaded over her naked back.

She felt how he pulled of her boots and pulled her pants all the way down, discarding it on the floor.

He held her down as she heard him open his pants. She tried to look behind her, as he pulled out his cock and stroked it, slowly. It was massive and it stood rock hard.

"Now lets see how much this pretty cunt of yours can take", he growled, as he let his hand slide over her ass and between her wet lips once more.

He put the head of his cock against her opening, and spread her apart. She couldn't help but let out a cry as he pushed into her, hard. She felt like he would split her.

"Fuck," he said, grunting, as he broke her resistance and felt her slick walls close tightly around him. "There goes the nightwatchman".

He twisted his hand around her hair and pulled her head backwards, making her arch. She closed her yes and let out a moan. She had never been so filled up with cock before. He took her, hard and disciplined, until little sweat drops started to form on his forehead.

All of a sudden he released her. He let his jacket fall off his shoulders and pulled his tunic over his head. He must have been over 50, but his torso was muscular and in good shape, shoulders hard and wide.

He took her by the throat and threw her, naked, on the bed. She curled up, coughing, as he took her by the ankles and pinned her legs down, launching himself on her. He pushed her into the bed with his bodyweight as he put his cock into her again. She wrapped her arms and legs around him to brace herself against the impact as he slammed into her, hard, burying her face in his neck to muffle her cries.

More and more they started to move together, rhythmically taking each other. He must have started to notice that she liked it. He took her, firmly, as he grabbed her breast and squeezed it, hard. He grinded her clit as he moved on top of her.

She came, screaming, as she pulled him closer towards her. She pushed on him off balance and rolled around, on top of him, as their arms were still wrapped around each other.

She pushed him down on the bed as she straightened herself, sitting on his cock, displaying her full, perky breasts, her ribcage narrowing down to her slender waist and flat stomach, navel as an elongated oval in the middle, only to flare out again to her broader hips and elegant thighs, clenching around him as her pussy gripped his cock.

Slowly, she started riding him. Moaning and playing with her own breasts, she fucked him, clearly enjoying it. She bent over to kiss him, sliding her hands up along his torso and guiding his hands upwards, stretching them above his head as he had done with hers. He felt her breasts push into his chest.

'Click,' it said. He looked up, confused, as he felt his wrists, constrained. She had cuffed his hands and clicked the handcuffs to the heavy wooden bars of the head of the bed.

He looked at her with a mix of confusion, anger, and disbelief.

'I got to go now,' she said in his face, smiling, playfully flicking his nose with her index finger.

"Now now now, I wouldn't scream, if I were you," she said. She quickly took a piece of cloth and stuffed it in his mouth. "There, that should keep you calm".

She got up and fetched her clothes. He writhed and tensed his muscles in order to get loose, but it didn't work. He was stuck.

She quickly dressed in her tunic and pants and put on her boots.

She smoothed her hair back and opened the window further.

She turned towards him. "It was a pleasure meeting you, my lord," she said, smiling, while bowing sarcastically.

And out the window she went.

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thomas_deanthomas_deanover 3 years ago

The Highwayman's Secret

The Highwayman strikes and dissolves into the mist. How is the possible? The Highwayman is a woman. Though captured, she manages to use all her skills to escape. She manages to turn the tables on the Lord of the Manor with little more than a slight of hand. Gaining the upper berth in bed, she takes his Lordship cowgirl style an manacles him to the bed as she makes her escape. Certainly an entertaining piece.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Love that she gets the last laugh

Could take this story further, it’s so fun. Hopefully the lord can redeem himself... she is awesome!

Ellienora35Ellienora35over 4 years ago

I would love to read a novel where this was the meet cute. Then later, the lord works to find her and finds out she is a baron’s daughter or something. It would be awesome!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Fun story, but I don't think those "handcuffs" work like you think they work in a setting like this.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
please, decide where her hands are chained

Her hands were chained to the wall "above her head" ...unlocked her chains from the wall, although they still linked her hands "behind her back"

A good story, except for this

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