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The OF Girl Ch. 011-020

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You've discovered a fellow intern has started a new hobby...
11.2k words

Part 2 of the 60 part series

Updated 11/27/2024
Created 09/13/2022
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All Characters are 18 years or older.

When a law office intern discovers that a fellow intern is one of his favourite new OnlyFans performers, a ball begins rolling that will bring a boring summer of paperwork and coffee-fetching into an avalanche of sexual adventure. Fair warning to readers, this story will jump categories. You should definitely start with

OFG is a variation story based on the setup by Aurelian14, and is an ongoing patronized work sponsored by him. Originally written in small chapter releases, they will be collected here on Literotica in 10 chapter chunks for smoother reading.


Chapter 11

"You handled all of that really well. But I also sort of... pushed it pretty far. Was that OK? I figured calling you 'baby' wasn't so bad, but once we were into it I got a little carried away," Sabrina said. You two were still sitting next to each other in the booth, and she leaned one elbow on the table, leaning forward and turning fully to talk to you. Her shirt, still partially unbuttoned, gaped open a little and you could see her cleavage and the top line of her bra.

"Yeah, I was fine with it," you said. "I wasn't really sure what to expect there, and you were definitely pushing some of my buttons."

"I think I was pulling on a lever, too," she smirked.

"That you were," you nodded with your own smile. "I guess I just need to know how much of all that was performance for the camera, and how much might have been for me."

Her smirk softened into a bit more of a shy smile, and she looked away for a moment as colour rose to her cheeks. "I'm not sure, really," she said. "I think maybe some of it was definitely for you. There was a part of me that wanted to see what you would do, if you'd crack. Once you were filming you went all professional on me - I couldn't tell if you were just focused, or into it."

The waitress came back with your coffee, interrupting the conversation again for a moment. It gave you a chance to recollect your thoughts and figure out what the hell you were doing. Sabrina was dancing between coming on to you constantly, or acting like you were her gay best friend. You felt like she was right at the cusp of making a decision about you, and goddamn you wanted to make sure she made the right one.

As Theresa the waitress walked back towards the bar to make the sundae Sabrina had ordered, you still hadn't decided how to do what you wanted to do.

"John, I just- can I just do one thing?" Sabrina asked you after taking a sip of her black coffee.

"What's that?" you asked.

Instead of answering, she slipped her hand under the table and onto your thigh, and ran it up to your crotch. Your dick reacted quickly, having only gone down to a half-chub through lunch, and soon she was cupping your hard length through your slacks.

"God, I thought so," Sabrina said. "I just couldn't really tell with my foot. I've never done something like that before."

"Sabrina, if you're going to keep doing that, I'm going to do the same," you warned her.

She bit her lip, meeting your eye, but pulled her hand away. "Sorry. I know I'm being such a bitch right now."

"You're not," you assured her. "I can't blame you for being curious about me. You've given me more than an eyeful, and I'm still curious about you."

"Are you?" she asked.

"Don't be like that," you laughed. "Don't play like you don't know what you're doing."

"What am I doing?" Sabrina asked.

You didn't answer her, turning and opening a sweetener packet, then dumping it into your coffee before giving it a stir with the little spoon they provided. You took a sip and set the mug back down and looked back at her. You didn't say a word, just met her eyes with your own.

This was it. This was the moment. You were going to force her to choose - admit what direction this was headed, or back off.

Sabrina pouted her mouth to the side, furrowing her brow as she met your resistance with consternation. Then she chewed the inside of her cheek for a moment, thinking.

"I'm not looking for a relationship right now," she said. "Not with school, and work, and OnlyFans."

"And?" you asked.

"Is that alright with you?"

"Is what alright with me?" you asked.

"Now you're doing it," she said.

"Is what alright with me, Sabrina?"

She swallowed and glanced around, making sure the waitress wasn't coming back yet. Then she picked up the spoon you had mixed the sugar into your coffee with, and slowly slid it into her mouth and sucked on the lingering flavour for a moment before pulling it back out. "Do you want to maybe do more of what we just did?" she asked. "No strings attached?"

"I would," you said. "Is that something you want?"

"I think I do," she said. "I hadn't really thought about it before, I thought I was going to keep this whole thing a secret to my grave. Or at least as long as I could. But having someone to help, and talk to, would be... a lot of good, I think."


"And maybe I really liked teasing you," she admitted. "And maybe most of what I said was some fantasy about you, and not just words."

"OK, Sabrina," you said. "I'll be thefriend you need, and whatever else we decide at the moment. But no strings."

"OK," she agreed.

"Aaaand here's your fudge sundae, and two spoons," the waitress said, presenting the overflowing glass bowl to us. It was piled with several scoops of vanilla ice cream and drizzled heavily with warm, gooey chocolate. "Anything else I can do for you two right now?"

"We're good," you said. "Thanks."

She grinned and walked away to her other tables, leaving you and Sabrina alone again.

You picked up a spoon and dipped it into the dessert, then held it out to Sabrina. She took it, and you loaded up the second spoon. "Cheers to new friends," you said, lifting your spoon towards her.

"And maybe more," she responded, clinking her spoon against yours.

You both took your bites, the cold of the ice cream deliciously paired with the warm of the hot fudge.

"Mmm," Sabrina hummed around her mouthful.

"Mhmmm," you agreed with her.

She slid her hand back into your lap and gave you another squeeze.

You swallowed and looked at her, setting down your spoon. "I told you what would happen if you did that again," you said.

"You did," she agreed, giving you a cheeky, pursed-lip grin.

Chapter 12

Now it was on you.

Transferring your spoon to your other hand, you casually scooped up some more fudge and ice cream. At the same time, you lowered the hand closer to her down beneath the table and set it on her thigh, maybe halfway up her leg. You gave her slim leg a squeeze, and she slowly rocked it back and forth.

You both took another bite of ice cream, eyes flicking to watch each other as you rubbed your hand along her skirt, feeling the knit fabric slide across her skin. Your fingers were wrapped down her inner thigh, and as they moved back and forth you let them move further and further up her leg. Soon her skirt was bunching as you moved, and you let it create a barrier as you pressed higher, pushing her skirt between her legs and against her bare pussy, the only thing separating you from her the folds of fabric.

This had the extra effect of slowly moving the skirt higher up her knees, and as you stared into her eyes you moved your hand lower, down to her bare knee. Skin to skin.

"So," you said. "Honestly, Sabrina. We've been working at BMA for almost three weeks now. Is this how you expected to be spending your summer?

"Mm," she hummed around her spoon as she took another bite. Her pupils flared slightly as she tried not to react to your hand slowly sliding from her knee, back up her thigh. You could feel her skin goosebumping. "Not really, though I wasn't really sure what to expect. I just knew that if I wanted to be a lawyer, it was the sort of place I was supposed to start. What about you?"

"I definitely wasn't expecting some of it," you said. "And I guess you could say I've had some positive and negative surprises. A real grab bag." You squeezed, halfway up her thigh, when you said grab.

"Yeah? How positive?" she asked, smirking.

"Oh, very," you said. You didn't move your hand higher, just left it on her. "I mean, how could I have expected to work with two beautiful girls like you and Gemma all summer? You two more than make up for Eric and Andy.

"Is that the only reason you like working with us? Because we're beautiful?"

"No, of course not. I really like Gemma's quick wit, even if I get hit with it every once in a while. She also gives off a great competitive vibe that I think keeps us all working. If we don't keep up, we'll fall behind. That's good."

Sabrina pouted, but slowly breathed large breaths in and out through her nose as she did it, her chest rising and falling as she tried not to react to your hand. "So Gemma has other qualities, but I don't? You just like me for my looks? For my- for my body?" You had inched your hand higher, your pinky finger the further up her thigh, buried under the skirt and pointed towards her pussy. You were maybe three inches away from it.

"God, no," you said, using your spoon to gesture. "Sabrina, you are probably the sweetest coworker I've ever had. You can tease - verbally - just as well as Gemma, but you do it in a way that everyone knows you mean the opposite. And your smile can light up a room."

"That's my looks still, John," she said, then sucked in a breath as you moved your fingers up another inch.

"You're right. So I won't tell you about your amazing smile," you said, then took another bite of ice cream. "How about your generosity? You set the tone for how all of us interns were going to treat each other - taking turns, doing things fairly. Not taking advantage of each other. You're the kind of woman who could probably run over the rest of us, but you don't because you're just... you."

"Thanks," she whispered, then bit her lower lip.

You slid your fingers another inch. You weren't sure if you were imagining it or not, but you felt like you could honestly feel the heat coming off of her lips, you were so close to touching her pussy.

"And have I mentioned your smile?" you asked.

She smirked. "You did," she said.

"Good. I never want to forget that," you grinned.

You squeezed her leg, then leaned in closer to her and she closed her eyes, mouth parting slightly, expecting you to kiss her. Instead, you slid past her lips, going cheek to cheek and whispering into her ear. "Fair is fair, Sabrina. Now we're both going back to work hot and bothered."

You pulled your hand away from her and tugged down her skirt, smoothing it on her leg.

Sabrina leaned forward as you pulled away, eyes still closed for a moment before she laughed and leaned back. "You bastard," she giggled. "God, how did you do that to me?"

You laughed with her. "I don't know. How did you do what you did?"

She shook her head and took a long breath, letting it out through her pursed lips, before taking another bite of sundae. "Alright, you got me good," she admitted. "Game respects game."

The two of you finished up the sundae and you signaled for the check.

"We're going dutch," Sabrina said, before the waitress could even ask or offer.

Theresa frowned slightly, glancing at me, but nodded. "Sure, sounds good. I'll go get the machine."

Sabrina turned back to you. "Friends, right? So this isn't a date. You don't need to try and impress me or anything."

"Absolutely," you said. It felt... weird to need to say that. But then, any other day you two would have been fishing in your wallets for cash to cover the lunch order along with the other interns, so this was as close to normal as possible.

You just also had a raging hardon under the table, and wanted to slide your hand back onto her thigh and you were pretty sure she wouldn't have minded one bit. If only for propriety, with the waitress coming back, you held yourself back.

Once you were both paid up, you left the pub and began the short walk back to the Bentley building. Sabrina slipped her hand into yours, and you glanced over to her as your fingers entwined.

"Too much?" she asked.

"I'm not sure," you said. "Let's see."

You walked for half a block before Sabrina let go of your hand and looped her arm through yours instead. It brought her closer to you, but was somehow less intimate at the same time.

"Better," she said.

"I like it," you agreed.

Chapter 13

You both made your way back to Benthouse building, and up to the Chambers offices. Your lunch had taken an hour and a half, but you were still coming in with plenty of time to spare. The secretary at the front smiled warmly as she saw Sabrina, though to her credit she didn't drop it when you followed Sabrina in.

"Hey guys, welcome back," she said. "Everyone is in our staff meeting right now. Just head on back to the secondary conference room and we'll get you two started again when we have the chance, alright?"

"Sounds good," you said, taking the lead. "Anything interesting happen while we were gone?"

"No," the secretary said, with a questioning look. "Why? Should we be expecting something?"

"Oh, um, no?" you said, surprised at the response you got.

"We'll just head back, thanks," Sabrina said, bumping you to start moving past the secretary desk.

The main office area was empty of people, and you could see they were all packed into the large conference room with the lights dimmed and some sort of presentation going on inside. No one even turned to glance at you and Sabrina as you made your way down to the side hallway and back to your shitty little "office space."

"OK, I thought you said talking with her would make things better?" you asked. "Why the hell did she give methat look?"

Sabrina rolled her eyes with a sigh. Part way back on your walk from the restaurant she had re-donned her sweater, and now she smoothed it out again as she sat back into her seat at the table. "It's not just talking, John. It's what you talk about, and what sort of impression you made at first. She thinks you're weird, so when you asked a random question like that it came across as more weird."

You blew out a breath and sat down beside her, slumping in your seat. "I'm hopeless, aren't I?" you asked.

"Pretty much," Sabrina smirked. "At least you've got me to cover for you."

"Secretary-whisperer," you chuckled. "Going to put that on your resume?"

"Sure, right next to nu-"

"Knock knock," said the Office Administrator lady. The older woman leaned around the corner of the door, just poking her head in. "I saw you two headed back here. We finished our staff meeting earlier than expected, are you ready to start on the rest of the surveys?"

"Absolutely," Sabrina said, recovering from the slight moment of panic she had when she got cut off about to say something naughty.

"Great," the woman said. "Just two minutes."

"Maybe no jokes in the office," you suggested.

"Yeah," she nodded. "At least not during business hours. Or without a lookout."

Soon you two were back at it, going through the mind numbing paperwork and questions with each employee of Chambers Architecture. The thing was, you were having a good time doing it. Even if the faces and names started to blend together, the minute or two between questionnaires with Sabrina were fun. After particularly strange answers, Sabrina had a tendency to tap the toe of her heels a few times, and you made it a game to place your own toe over hers before she could start tapping.

There were also the looks. Soft smiles through pursed lips, playful and meaningless at the same time. Little winks when she knew you two were on the same page about something unsaid. She even started touching you more, though not in an unprofessional way. Just a brush of her fingers on your arm as she asked you for something mundane, or her fingers trailing across your shoulder as she went out to the staff kitchen for some water.

As the afternoon wore on, something else happened though. Just like your shitty office back at BMA, the conference room you had been shuffled off into faced east. And as the sun moved across the sky, it cut in through the window and you found the temperature rising.

In between two surveys, you uncomfortably undead a couple of buttons on your shirt and fanned yourself.

"I can't stand this much longer," Sabrina said. She sucked down the last of her current glass of water, then reached down and untucked her sweater from her skirt and started pulling it off again. It was light, and the way it hugged her petite body was both professional but also nerdy hot, but even that extra layer was causing her to sweat.

She caught you watching her, and instead of looking away you gave her a wink back. She let her eyes dart to the door, then back to you as she bit the corner of her lip with a naughty smile. Sabrina ran her hands down her sides, smoothing out her blouse, then back up and cupped her small chest. You watched her fingers close over where her nipples likely were and lightly pinch. You knew from the restaurant that she was wearing a bra with just a soft, lacy front so she was likely able to really, actually tweak them. The bridge of her nose crinkled a little as her grin widened, then she stopped and sat back down next to you.

"You're bad," I said. "Didn't we just agree not during office hours?"

"Couldn't help it," she said. "The way you were looking at me was hot."

Footsteps and humming in the corridor, your next employee coming for the questionnaire, stopped you from replying. Another boring 10 minutes later, you stood up and followed the guy out and headed for the kitchen.

"Thank God," you said, standing in front of the fridge with the freezer door open. Someone had made ice cubes in a tray. You grabbed one of the generic glasses from the cupboard, filled it with ice and went back to the room. "Here," you said to Sabrina. "Hold out your arm."

Sabrina's blouse was short sleeved, and as she held out her arm to you, you took one of the ice cubes out of the glass and touched it to her wrist. Her skin immediately goose pimpled, and she sighed happily as you dragged the corner of the ice cube up and down her arm lightly, spreading the cold.

"Mmmm," she groaned softly. "Hold on, that's not enough." She reached back and pulled her hair forward and over her shoulder, leaning forward to bare the back of her neck to you.

You smiled and, one hand on her shoulder to keep her still, you touched the flat bottom of the ice cube to her neck and slowly moved it around.

"Oh yeah, that's good," she muttered. "God, I can think of a couple ways to really have fun with those."

Chapter 14

You glanced at the door - and thankfully no one came in.

"You're lucky third time's the charm went your way," you said.

"Fuck, you're right," she said, lowering her voice. She still had her hair pulled over her shoulder, looking down so that you could keep rubbing the ice on the back of her neck. "I don't know what it is, but I can't seem to keep all the little filthy things my mind thinks of in today."

"Have you checked your filter?" you asked. "Sometimes they just need to be replaced."

"Sure, I'll get right on that," she said, turning and smirking up at you over her shoulder. "And how exactly does one replace their internal filter?"

"Well, if I've learned anything about IT, you need to unplug it, then plug it back in. But for good measure you should do that a few times."

"Oh, yeah?" she asked. "Just over and over, right? Plug, unplug. Plug, unplug."

You snorted a laugh and shook your head at the ridiculous innuendo.

Footsteps outside, coming up the hallway, were enough warning for you to take the ice from her neck. By the time the next Chambers employee was coming in, you were sitting with the cup of ice off to the side of the table, and Sabrina had her hair straightened out as she sat with a straight back and her soft, charming smile.

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