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The OF Girl Ch. 121-130

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You've discovered a fellow intern has started a new hobby...
10.5k words

Part 13 of the 45 part series

Updated 03/26/2024
Created 09/13/2022
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All Characters are 18 years or older.

When a law office intern discovers that a fellow intern is one of his favourite new OnlyFans performers, a ball begins rolling that will bring a boring summer of paperwork and coffee-fetching into an avalanche of sexual adventure. Fair warning to readers, this story will jump categories. This collection of chapters includes office conflict and politics, pissed off girlfriends and a late night quickie.

OFG is a variation story based on the setup by Aurelian14, and is an ongoing patronized work sponsored by him. Originally written in small chapter releases, they will be collected here on Literotica in 10 chapter chunks for smoother reading.


Chapter 121

Carol's office was almost like stepping onto the set of a television show where the HR person was the classic stereotype. Or maybe those stereotypes were based on Carol.

Her desk was covered in stress relief knick knacks and racks of paperwork were scattered around. She had three different calendars going with different quotes of the day. Several posters of various employment law statutes were prominent, but displayed more broadly than all of them was the piece de resistance - a big poster on the back wall of a kitten hanging from a branch with 'Hang In There!' in comically bold writing.

Carol was a soft woman with blonde hair pulled back in a braid and even in the middle of summer she was wearing a knit sweater over her blouse. She smiled sweetly as you and Gemma knocked on her door. "Come on in, guys."

You and Gemma sat down in the chairs across from her desk and she shuffled some papers around before setting both hands on the desk in front of her. "So. You two want a relationship disclosure process, right?"

"How did you know?" Gemma asked.

Carol just shrugged. "I've been in the game long enough to know it's right around this time the Interns start getting frisky. To be fair, it's a little early in the season for the official forms, but good on you two for not drawing out the process and getting caught doing anything inappropriate on work time."

"Thanks?" you said. Multiple instances of doing inappropriate things on work time flashed through your mind, starting with your and Sabrina in the restaurant last Monday and culminating with the threesome blowjob that had happened downstairs.

"So, here are the forms," she said, handing over a single sheet to each of you. "I'm the only person who sees the disclosures unless something inappropriate does occur. Usually we would discourage relationships between the Associates or Partners since it can cause ongoing issues, especially if the relationships end, but you two are fine since your temp interns. Do me a favour and just answer exactly what's on the forms, I don't need extra details - one couple five years ago thought they would get extra marks for going above and beyond on the disclosure. If I want to read erotica I'll go find it online. Which, by the way, is not appropriate to do at work."

"Yes, ma'am," you and Gemma both said.

"Alright," Carol nodded. "Here are some pens, you two get started on those and everything should be good before lunch."

"Actually," you said. "There was something else that we wanted to talk to you about."

Carol held up a hand. "Just... OK. Before you ask the question, I'm going to remind you that I am a Human Resources manager, not your personal or couples therapist. Is this business related?"

"Yes, definitely," Gemma said.

"Absolutely," you agreed.

"Alright," Carol nodded. "Let's hear it."

"So, we interns have been working well for the most part," you said. "But today we just had Joy dropped in our laps and we're not sure of the, ah, change in dynamics that are going on."

"Ah, yes. Tanya is back from her vacation today," Carol said. "Do you have any specific questions? Did something happen?"

"Well, to cut to the chase, is Joy our supervisor?" Gemma asked. "Because Ms Bellagamba told us she was in charge of us, but we've always just answered to the Partners or Associates who come and drop off work."

Carol chewed on the inside of her lip for a moment. "Technically no, though she is a returning Intern so unofficially she has the experience to help guide your workflow as necessary."

You and Gemma glanced at each other. "That wasn't exactly a clear answer," you said.

"Well, it's a nuanced situation," Carol said. "I wish I could give you a better one, but there are... complications. If something happens and you feel like you are being made uncomfortable, or your ability to work is being negatively impacted, you can always come and file a complaint with me."

"So what are we supposed to do here?" Gemma asked. "Do we have to listen to her, or not?"

"I suggest you lean on the breadth of experience that Joy brings to your team, and ensure that you are meeting the same work goals you had before she rejoined the team," Carol said.

"Right," you said.

Gemma sighed.

Carol just looked at the two of you with a bland smile. "Anything else?"

"Nope," you said. "That's all."

You and Gemma took the next few minutes to fill out the disclosure forms, which were basically glorified promises to not fuck each other on company time, and that you wouldn't make other people feel uncomfortable through personal displays of affection or cause workplace incidents due to the state of your relationship.

Once you had both signed off the forms, Carol collected them from you and gave you another of those smiles that you'd originally thought of as warm and sweet, but now sort of came across as a little vapid. "Alrighty. Anything else I can do for you two today?"

"No, that's all Carol," you said.

"Thanks so much for the help," Gemma said, and it was hard not to feel the intense sarcasm hidden under the thin layer of professionalism.

Escaping from Carol's office, you split off from Gemma and ducked into the washroom quickly. You washed your face quickly and looked at yourself in the mirror. This job had just gotten a hell of a lot more annoying in the space of a couple of hours. You wondered if maybe you should go ask Garrison about what to do, but so far nothing had actually happened to make it feel worth bothering him for the second time in one morning.

"It can't be that bad," you muttered to yourself. You had Gemma and Sabrina. Anything this place could throw at you, you could get over with them.... Right?

Chapter 122

"By the look on your face, I think you've met Joy," Becks said.

You had texted Gemma and Sabrina that you would meet them down in the lobby since there was only a couple of minutes left before lunch, and then headed down. "You've got that right," you said to the secretary. There wasn't anyone else in the lobby at the moment, so she was free to talk. "Please tell me if you know anything useful? She's already becoming a pain in our collective asses and HR isn't going to do anything."

Becks nodded and sighed. "Well, I started here a couple of months before she did her second year interning, so I may not know all of the useful dirt but I know enough to warn you."

"We already know her Mom is a Partner," you said. "That was made abundantly clear by Ms Bellagamba stopping by to drop Joy off and calling us all 'children' and insisting Joy was in charge of us."

"Ugh," Becks rolled her eyes. "Well, Joy has worked here every summer after her second year of university. She is smart but petty, and I would say you should look forward to her getting her month-long vacation she and her mother always take, but they kicked off the summer with it this time. Totally unfair, obviously, but those are the perks of nepotism."

You blew out a long breath. "So we're definitely stuck with her."

"You are," Becks nodded. "And my method of dealing with her won't work for you guys. She tried to throw her weight around with me my summer with her, but I just played it sweet and smooth down the middle because I'm an employee of the building and not your office. She couldn't push me around to do shit for her, and when she figured that out she got pissy for a while. Then the next year she came in all sweet and wanted to be friends and bitch about the other interns to me. I indulged listening to her because that was easier than dealing with her being pissy."

"Well, she's already had a go at Sabrina a bit. Eric tried hitting on her and she rebuffed him pretty fast, and Andy... well, Andy never had a chance," you said.

"Wait, what happened to Eric, by the way?" Becks asked you. "He came in with a black eye but was grinning like an idiot."

You quickly filled Becks in, who smirked and rolled her eyes appropriately during the story, then nodded along at your worries and about going to Garrison. "So we should be in the clear unless something drastic happens," you finished. "At least in regards to that shit."

"Well, if I think of anything else with Joy or she reveals something important, I'll let one of you guys know," Becks said. She checked the clock behind her desk and frowned. "Actually, you should probably make yourself scarce. Every day they are both here, Tanya takes Joy out to lunch and they leave right at noon."

"Shit," you said, glancing at your phone and seeing it was noon already. "Thanks." You made for the hallway leading into the building instead of the elevators, heading towards the rooms that you, Gemma and Sabrina had used for your rendezvous last week.

"No problem," Becks called after you. Then you heard the elevator doors ping as they opened and you ducked around the corner of the first doorway in the hallway. You could hear the loud clacking of heels on the tile floor echo through the lobby. "Good morning, Tanya. Hello Joy," Becks said with a syrupy sweetness she reserved for customer service and, apparently, the Bellagamba women.

"I'll be outside in just a moment mother," Joy said, her voice reaching you easily.

"Don't dawdle, dear," Ms Bellagamba said, the sound of her heels continuing to beat towards the door.

"Yes, mother," Joy said, and then there was a moment where no one talked, and the heels faded as Ms Bellagamba must have gone outside. "Alright, Becks," Joy said. "What's the deal with these brats upstairs? I can already tell the brunette is going to be a bitch, and the blonde bimbo is either some kind of idiot or is a diversity hire for disabilities."

That... didn't even make any sense. Unless something more had happened during your HR meeting or in the last few minutes, she had no reason to think that. Part of you wanted to go out and challenge her on her cuntiness, but it was actually a rather small part because of how ridiculous the insults felt.

"Honestly, Joy? I don't know much. It's only a month in and I've barely interacted with them. You know me, I only talk to people who take the time to talk to me," Becks said vaguely.

"Well, they're lazy bitches. And that short guy? Ugh, he tried hitting on me. As if a twerp like him would have any chance with me. He'd have to be a fucking millionaire to even have a shot. And what's wrong with that tall one? He seems to legitimately be a dunce or something - I might need to get him fired first just for trying to fucking hug me."

"I don't know anything about the short one," Becks said. "But I do know that the tall one is Andy, and he has some sort of family connection to the office so it might be hard for you to get him. No connections like you, obviously, but enough to make it difficult."

"Hmm," Joy pondered out loud. "Well, it can be my little side project."

"What about the middle one?" Becks asked, and you knew she was doing it because you were listening in.

"That one is... I don't know yet," Joy said. "He's a mystery right now. I think the two girls each have a thing for him. Little girl crushes. I might need to play with that a bit just to show them who's boss."

"Careful, girl," Becks said. "Playing with people's feelings is how the incident started last year."

"And I ended that, didn't I?" Joy said. "Alright, I need to go. Mother is waiting. Thanks for the gab. If you find out anything juicy make sure to tell me, yeah?"

"Of course, girl," Becks said. "Have a good lunch."

More clicking of heels, and then silence.

"She's gone," Becks called.

"Fuck me," you sighed, coming back from around the hallway corner.

"You've got two other women to do that," Becks smirked.

"That's not what I-"

"I know, Romeo," Becks laughed. "I'm just fucking with you. Metaphorically."

Chapter 123

Gemma and Sabrina were down and out of the elevators soon after Joy left, but other people from around the building were also starting to move in and out for lunch so there wasn't an opportunity to talk with Becks some more. You suggested the sub place, and Sabrina said it was her treat today. You and Gemma tried to argue about going dutch, but then Sabrina showed you both the preorder numbers for the first video she was going to release from your Saturday filming session and you both agreed to let her pay.

Sabrina was going to make... a significant amount.

Once you were out of the building, both women immediately fell in beside you. Gemma took your hand, and Sabrina wrapped her arm through yours. It had become the comfortable sequence for the three of you, and you had to wonder what other people walking by thought when they saw you. Did they think one of them was your sister? Or that you were the gay best friend?

Inside the sub place, you saw that there weren't any other employees of the Firm inside and you could talk freely - well, as freely as being in public could be.

"I think we should go to Garrison," Sabrina said. "He knows us, he likes us... well, I think he does. He trusted you with a special job with my Uncle last week, John."

"Yeah, but Gemma and I just had to bring him the stupid Viral thing this morning," you countered. "We're probably pretty low on favour capital right now."

"He's right," Gemma nodded. "If anyone is going to bring it to Garrison, it'll need to be you Sabrina. You haven't made an ask for anything."

"I don't know if that's even the right move though," you said. "I mean, think about it. She's a bitch, and based on what Becks told me she always has been. We can't be the first people who thought to try and handle her by talking to our superiors, but she's still here."

"Mmm, if we're going to say anything we need hard proof," Sabrina nodded.

"Beyond a reasonable doubt proof," you said.

"OK, Mr Pre-Law," Gemma rolled her eyes. "All three of us knew what you meant by proof."

"So then we do nothing?" Sabrina asked.

"I guess so," you frowned.

"Look, it's the first day," Gemma said. "It might suck for a bit, but we're going to need her to settle into a routine so that we can catch her unawares. That doesn't mean we don't protect each other, but we can't set an ambush unless we know where she's going to be and what she's going to do."

"It's kinda hot when you go all Predator," you smirked.

Gemma rolled her eyes, but the smile she tried to suppress told you she appreciated the comment.

"I guess we really do need to follow the rules now," Sabrina sighed. "No more kissing at work, or anything else."

"Yeah," you agreed. "I for one am going to miss it."

Sabrina snorted. "If you think you're any more horny than I am, you're kidding yourself."

"OK, you two," Gemma said, taking you both by the arms and moving you ahead in line. "Do I need to put you in horny jail or something?"

The three of you ordered your subs and the conversation stalled as you directed what you wanted on it, then Sabrina paid for them and drinks for you all. Knowing that Joy might be her vigilant, cunty self and be counting the minutes for you to get back, the three of you rushed back to the office and arrived just five minutes before your actual lunch break. You waved to Becks on the way by, and got up into the conference room with a couple of minutes to spare and began shovelling down your sandwiches.

You kept an eye on the clock, and when 12:30 came around you expected Joy to storm in and demand everyone throw out their food. Andy and Eric had gone down to the bodega as usual and were still eating as well.

But Joy didn't come back at 12:30. Or 12:45.

You all finished your meals and were back to working at that point, and things started to feel normal again. Your banter with Gemma and Sabrina, and even Eric, was light.

Then Joy arrived, smirking to herself as she sashayed into the conference room with a takeout container in one hand and some sort of a small shopping bag clutched in the other. At 1:30, a full hour later than the rest of you.

The perks of nepotism.

She made a big deal of arranging her things, disrupting what Eric and Andy were doing by making them both shuffle a little further down the table towards you and Sabrina to make more room for her to set her little bag and takeout on the table. Then she loudly sighed and booted up her computer, and started to 'work.' Which mostly consisted of her asking what we'd gotten done since 'your lunch breaks' ended.

Then she tried asking what you and Gemma had a meeting at HR about again, and you stone walled her by saying it was an ongoing item and you were uncomfortable talking to her about it. She didn't like hearing it, pursing her lips irritably, but let it drop - you had to wonder if she was formulating a plan to figure it out. Could she get access to HR records using the office laptop if her mother logged into it? Or maybe she'd have the gall to break into Carol's office?

It was almost two when Garrison stepped to the conference room door and knocked loudly on the doorsill. "Alright, I need two of you to come down to the basement storage. There's a room that needs putting back together after Torez and Miller spent the weekend researching for a big merger. John, you're volunteer number one since there's big boxes to move."

"I'll go too, sir," Sabrina said quickly.

"Sure," Garrison nodded. "Meet me down there in five."

You couldn't help but notice Joy narrow her eyes just slightly, watching Sabrina with a calculating glare.

Chapter 124

Garrison met you at the elevators and the three of you rode down to the basement levels together. You'd only been down here a couple of times so far during your internship and the little warren network of storage rooms and cold concrete corridors was a bit of a maze.

Your boss led you in what felt like a circle but ended up leading to a simple steel door. He fished out a keyring from his pockets and opened the deadbolt, then flicked it back closed once he had the door open so the deadbolt would act as a doorstop. "Alright. You two know the filing system. Get all this mess cleaned up and organized, and get the boxes back in order. Looks like they had to take some meals down here too, so make sure you empty the garbage."

"Sounds good, sir," you said.

"Good," he nodded. "Don't get yourselves locked out. If you slam this door and it's unlocked, the lock has a tendency to slip just enough to jam it and you'll need to come all the way back up to get me. And I won't be happy coming back down here. Got it?"

"Absolutely, Mr Garrison," Sabrina said. "Don't get ourselves locked out."

"Good. I'll leave you to it," he nodded and strode off confidently back towards the elevators.

The interior of the storage room was carpeted but had bare concrete walls. It looked like about two-thirds of it was sturdy steel shelving units filled with banker's boxes of files, while the nearer third of the room had a couple of big working tables, an old photocopier and a beat-up old couch in one corner. The lights overhead were horrible halogen affairs that you knew would give you a headache if you spent too long down here.

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