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The OF Girl Ch. 431-440

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You've discovered a fellow intern has started a new hobby...
11.3k words

Part 44 of the 45 part series

Updated 03/26/2024
Created 09/13/2022
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All Characters are 18 years or older.

When a law office intern discovers that a fellow intern is one of his favourite new OnlyFans performers, a ball begins rolling that will bring a boring summer of paperwork and coffee-fetching into an avalanche of sexual adventure. Fair warning to readers, this story will jump categories. This collection of chapters includes more office news, a trip to the comedy club, MFF, big trouble, and Mock Trial prep.

OFG is a variation story based on the setup by Aurelian14, and is an ongoing patronized work sponsored by him. Originally written in small chapter releases, they will be collected here on Literotica in 10 chapter chunks for smoother reading.


Chapter 431

"You guys are so fucking mean," Sabrina giggled.

Even with the sit-down breakfast, you and Gemma made it into the office relatively early and Sabrina was right on your heels. Without Eric there, or anyone else in your part of the office, you'd been able to give Sabrina a proper good morning kiss and then fill her in on what she'd missed since last night.

"Becca was pretty much humping her chair as we were eating, and dragged Charlotte back to their room afterwards," Gemma chuckled. "The other side of things, though - I think we've entered a Cold War with Lucy. She knew we were all there last night, but didn't start any shit. I'm pretty sure she locked herself in her room all night."

"What a baby," Sabrina sighed.

"Better that than a raging bitchmonster," you said. "I would be perfectly happy with the Cold War lasting until you leave, Gemma. We should probably try not to antagonise her, yeah?"

Gemma made a face. She was the one who was the most pissed at Lucy after whatever it was she'd said about you during their last fight - neither Sabrina nor Gemma was telling youwhat it was, but apparently it was bad.

"Gemma," you said. "No sparking World War Three. Or fighting proxy wars."

"What if I just doone proxy war," Gemma said, then smirked a little.

You rolled your eyes, but couldn't continue the conversation because Eric came in with his arms stacked with the morning coffee orders. It was a particularly big one so you went to help him disperse the drinks. Thursday started out pretty much the same as the last few days - the four of you tried to slam through as much work as possible in the queue so that Sabrina could pivot to the Mock Trial prep. The four of you were supposed to make your case on Monday, so you only really had four days left.

After a fast lunch from the bodega down on the first floor, the four of you were just easing back into work when Garrison came and made his second appearance of the day, having checked in quickly earlier.

"Eric, come down to my office," was all he said.

Eric shot the three of you a worried look before getting up and nervously leaving the conference room.

"Guesses?" you asked Gemma and Sabrina.

"Worst case is he's fired," Sabrina said. "Or suspended or something if it's bad but not that bad."

"Or his podcast appearances last weekend have caused more trouble," Gemma guessed.

"Or maybe they spawned a completely new problem," you added on. "I mean, he got to 'maybe seeing' that one producer girl and also hooked up with that model. Maybe someone is trying to make a case against him for something he didn't do?"

Sabrina and Gemma both sighed, shaking their heads almost in unison, which made you smile.

"Hopefully not," Gemma said.

Eric was gone for about thirty minutes before he came back, and his grin looked like it had been stapled onto his face, it was so big.

"So," you said, raising an eyebrow after glancing at your girlfriends. "What was that about?"

"I cannot legally talk about how I just made $100,000," Eric said. "Minus legal expenses."

"Holy shit, he settled for that much?" Sabrina asked.

"I cannot legally talk about how I just made $100,000," Eric repeated himself, his grin somehow getting even bigger as he sat down at his spot at the table.

"So there's an NDA," you guessed. "Which bars you from talking about the settlement or probably anything else with the matter, but they can't stop you from talking about your own finances."

"I cannot legally talk about how I just made $100,000," Eric said again.

"So are you bailing on us for the rest of the summer?" Gemma asked. "Because that'll really screw up our Mock Trial plans."

"No, no," Eric said, shaking his head. "The money is great and is going to help pay for law school without needing as much in student loans, but it's not fucking retirement money or anything. I still need to do the internship and everything."

"Good for you," you said. "And also fuck you for taking that punch."

Eric laughed, shooting you a grin, and you rolled your eyes and shook your head. The money would have been nice, but not getting punched in the faceand knowing that Eric was so loyal even if you weren't close were both wins, too.

The four of you got back to work, though Ericdid slow down his pace as he was celebrating by texting with his parents and, you presumed, spreading the word bynot spreading the word to his contacts. The afternoon dragged on and Sabrina got Eric back on track by looping him into the Mock Trial prep instead of the regular intern work - the case was starting to really take shape. You had been informed that certain associates from both your firm and the other one would be acting as witnesses, working from scripts, so you had to submit witness lists for the trial based on the deposition files that were in the case package. Then there were the motions that needed preparing, opening statements to write and practice, and outlines for potential closing statements that could be adapted on the fly. Not to mention the actual presentation of the case.

Dinner that night was Polish food, hearty and full of carbs and meat - pretty much everything was 'food item wrapped aroundmeat!' It was all delicious though, and you ended up working straight through until 9 PM.

That was when Gemma closed her laptop and looked across the table at you with a smile.

"Again?" you asked.

"It's not a date this time," she said, grinning at you and then at Sabrina. "We just need to go support someone."

"Oh," you said. "Tasha and Mosche are both supposed to be at the Comedy Club tonight."

"You guys are going to a comedy club?" Eric asked, perking up a little. "Can I come?"

"Almost any other night, we'd probably say yes, Eric," Sabrina said. "But tonight there might be alot of drama for a couple of our friends. Maybe next week?"

Eric shrugged. "I mean, I'm all for drama if it means I can get punched in the face again."

You snorted, shaking your head. "Well, that could actually happen depending on which comics are there," you said, thinking of 'the Bull Dyke' interacting with Eric. "But no one there will have the sort of money to be able to make a settlement, so it wouldn't be worth it."

Chapter 432

You ended up arriving late for the start of the open mic, so you weren't sure exactly what had or hadn't happened beforehand. You also knew that all the comics who weren't on stage or about to be on stage usually hung out at the back of the club at the tables at the far end of the bar, so you could probably find either Mosche or Tasha there, but you also didn't know where in the order they might be going up so you didn't want to distract them from their mental prep for their sets.

Then there was the issue of some of the comics still potentially holding grudges against you and Gemma.

You ended up trying to split the difference and, once you, Gemma and Sabrina were inside the club you texted both Tasha and Mosche that you were there and were at the bar. The only way that could really go wrong was if they both came to meet you at the same time, and the chances of that were probably slim.


You ordered drinks for the three of you, just beers since the club really overpriced their cocktails, and Sabrina hopped up on a stool as you stood on one side of her and Gemma stood on the other.

"Want to make bets on which of them comes to find us first?" Sabrina asked.

"I'm thinking Mosche," you said. "He'll still be dealing with being ostracised by the other comics so he's probably alone."

"You say that, but Tasha is dealing with that shit too," Gemma said. "How many of the male comics probably think they can get their mitts on her now?"

That thought made you groan and sneer a little at the thought, which then made you pause because Tasha wasn't yours to be jealous over.

"It's OK, baby," Sabrina said, grabbing your hand. "You can be protective of her without feeling guilty."

You took in a breath and let it out slowly, then took a sip of beer. "I'm just trying to make sure I'm not getting jealous over her," you admitted.

"Oh, you can be jealous over her too," Gemma said. "Be protective and jealous until she's in a place where she wants to find her person. She needs someone to be that way for her."

"Really?" you asked.

"Isn't that sort of a bad look? And kind of like bringing her closer intous?"

Sabrina sighed and squeezed your hand. "On Tuesday, if Becks had liked the look of a guy and ended up going home with him instead of us, would you have been jealous?"

You opened your mouth, wanting to say no, but it wasn't the truth.

"It's OK to be jealous and protective of women who we're sleeping with, John," Sabrina said. "As long as it'shealthy, I don't think Gemma or I will have a problem with it. You make emotional connections with them when you have the sort of sex we do, and that's OK. Even romantic ones. The line is blurry, but we'll know it's a problem when we see it."

"Are you sure you're OK with this too?" you asked Gemma. She was the one who had the past with a fiance with wandering eyes, hands and heart.

"For Becks and Tasha?" Gemma asked. "Absolutely. Mallory is a different story considering she's married and all - you can't exactly get protective or jealous over her, and that wouldn't be healthy. Same with Becca. You can't get jealous of her being with Charlotte. But Becks and Tasha are our fuck-buddies, which means they are friends that we care aboutand that we have sex. That's deeper and a lot more intimate than most friendships. So yeah, I'm fine with it, love."

"Thanks for spelling it out for me," you said, smirking just a little.

"Communication, baby," Sabrina grinned, leaning in to give you a peck on the lips.

Your conversation was interrupted as Tasha came out from around the far end of the bar, looking towards the stage briefly before spotting you guys and coming over with a smile. Gemma met her first, pulling the comedian into a hug, and Sabrina slipped down from her stool and hugged her as well. You were last and you pulled her into a bear hug as you groaned softly. "God, I'd love to kiss you right now," you whispered to her.

"Fuck," she sighed. "You can. A small one, just friendly."

You let her go and leaned in, giving her a quick, split-second kiss that put a smile on her lips as she looked up into your eyes. "Hi, guys," she said, turning to Sabrina and Gemma.

"We're here to support you," Gemma said, looping her arm with Tasha's. "You haven't gone on yet, right? We got here a little late from work."

"No, I'm after the intermission," Tasha said.

"Is everything going OK?" Sabrina asked. "Any problems?"

Tasha gave a small grimace. "A couple of guys have made passes at me, and I'm expecting a few more before the night is through as they get liquored up. No one's crossed a line yet but I'm worried that they might and then it'll be a problem. And Mosche is here with some Asian girl. Is that who he was seeing while ghosting me?"

"Yes," Gemma said. "Though like I texted you, we had breakfast with her that one morning and it was awkward but she seems sweet. I don't think she was doing anything on purpose, it's all on Mosche."

Sabrina had glanced at you, accepting your silent acknowledgement that she and Gemma had been right about the Tasha Bring Hit On issue. Now she looked back at the dirty blonde woman. "What do you want from us support-wise? We're here to cheer you on, but if you need a safe spot to not be hit on, we can be that too."

"Really?" Tasha smirked. "Because I feel like I'll get hit onway more with you three than from the guys."

"That might be true," Gemma grinned. "But you'll know we mean it in the best way possible."

Tasha laughed, which was good to hear, and you moved around to slide your arm across her shoulder and give her a side hug without pulling her from Gemma. "The last thing we want is you to feel uncomfortable, from anyone elseor us," you said. "Sabrina is right, just tell us what's the best way to support you tonight. You've got us for anything you need."

Tasha smiled up at you again, the look in her eyes thankful and sweet. "Cheer and laugh for me," she said. "I don't mind if you clap for Mosche too, I know he's still your roommate. I might hang out with you during intermission too. And have a beer waiting for me after my set so I can just do a little check-in with the other comics and then come over here since you'll have a drink waiting for me."

"Done and done," you said.

"Anything else?" Gemma asked.

"Take me home tonight?" Tasha asked, blushing a little.

"Just ride with you, orride with you?" Sabrina asked.

Tasha bit her lip, looking at each of you slowly in turn. "Ride with me, if you want?"

"We want," you assured her. "If you want, we very much want."

Gemma smiled warmly. "Careful, Tash," she said. "John sounds like he might go full caveman, throw you over his shoulder and carry you out of here to find his cave."

"I might just be willing for that to happen," Tasha grinned. "Thanks, guys."

Chapter 433

Mosche went up first.

To be fair, the crowd inside the main area near the stage gave him about as much applause as they gave any other comic. You went and stood at the edge of the bar area, under the dimmed-but-not-blacked-out lights, and clapped for him just in case he could see you at the back. He didn't seem to notice you, but maybe he was just being professional.

The issue for him was that, pretty much as soon as he mounted the stage, you could tell he was even more nervous than usual. It had to be because Iris was in the crowd, maybe seeing his act for the first time. When he was dating Tasha he had someone who understood that a bad set, or even a full-on bombing, was part of the process. Having a bad night didn't mean youwere bad.

You had no fucking clue about Iris's knowledge of stand-up comedy, and unless she'd been willing to sit through Mosche's various rants and monologues about the art form... Well, it was entirely possible that a bad performance would cast a shade over their burgeoning relationship.

The good news was that Mosche opened his act with a couple of his stronger jokes, which got some chuckles from the crowd if not full-bellied laughter. You took that opportunity to back off back to the bar, rejoining Gemma and Sabrina. Tasha had slipped back around to the Comics hangout area since part of the whole thing was seeing and being seen by the comics that were doing better. Comedy was, after a certain minimum bar for skill and execution, about contacts. Experienced comics giving younger comics not just advice, but potentially even jobs whether it was opening for them on tour, following them into writer's rooms for television, or even writing jokes for them.

"Can I be honest?" Sabrina asked you quietly as you re-joined your girlfriends.

"Always, obviously," you said, sliding an arm around her as she sat on the bar stool.

"I don't hate Mosche," Sabrina said. "And I'm not, like, asking you to abandon him to the wolves or whatever. But... he went from being your weird-but-likeable roommate to giving me the major Ick really fast. Like, I don't want towant to be mean to him, but after being so fucking destructive to Tasha through his social incompetence and insecurities..."

"You feel bad for disliking him so hard, after trying to be friends with him," Gemma filled in.

"Yes," Sabrina sighed. "Exactly."

"I know," you said. "On the one hand, I know everything that happened with Tasha isbad. But on the other hand, up to that point, I'd always thought he was sort of a funny chapter in my life that I'd be telling stories about down the road. I didn't think we'd stay in contact, but I also thought if I ever ran into him sometime, or if he really did get famous and went on tour or something, I would want to grab a beer with him. And he's stillthat guy, but with his body weight in baggage."

"I think you're both being too soft on him," Gemma said, then held up her hands defensively. "I'm not saying we should go out of our way to attack him or whatever, or make his life miserable, but he's facing the consequences of his actions. I mean, seriously - he was reacting to ghosts. Tasha has been pretty explicit with us that shewasn't giving him any signals about wanting to sleep with or fuck anyone else until he made it sound likehe wanted it. And then he made assumptions about what she was doing when it was just normal stuff, but he thought it was her throwing herself at person after person. I don't think he's mature enough to handle any sort of serious relationship, including strong friendships."

"Harsh," you said.

"Doesn't make it not true though," Sabrina said.

Mosche, on stage, had transitioned out of his act and for some fucking reason had decided to practice his crowd work. You had to admit that he had the gumption to do it, but crowdwork was very much his worst comedic skill. He had lost the laughter of the crowd, and you could hear the groans starting to mount.

"I think, in a year or so, he's going to look back at this summer and have major regrets," you said. "Those are the real consequences of his actions. And we don't need to pile on him to make that any less potent. So I think we just let things lay where they fell. Gemma leaves in two weeks, and Sabrina and I go back to school in three. That's not a long time that we need to put up with him and whatever happens with Iris, right?"

"You know, sometimes it annoys me that you're the most reasonable person in our trio?" Sabrina asked.

"Wait, do you think you're second-most reasonable?" Gemma asked in surprise.

"I mean, I don't usecunt in my non-sexual lexicon," Sabrina said.

"That is an attack on my country and I won't stand for it," Gemma snorted and laughed.

"I'm also not the one goingback to live in the land where everything wants to kill you," Sabrina pointed out.

"Noteverything," Gemma countered. "Just, like, most things."

You rolled your eyes and leaned in, kissing Sabrina on the side of her head and then slipping around her to give Gemma a kiss on the forehead. "Can we just agree that, as I am the most reasonable by a mile, I can veto any major revenge moves when any of us are angry at someone?"

"Amile?" Gemma asked. "Do you hear this, Sabrina? He says he's more reasonable by amile."

"Maybe a yard," Sabrina said. "Or a foot."

"Definitely not a mile," Gemma said.

You rolled your eyes and started clapping as the host for the Open Mic cut into Mosche's time a little to get him off the stage. It hadn't been awful, but it hadn't been good either. You were pretty interested to see what Iris thought.

Chapter 434

When intermission started the bar area flooded as people from the stage area came to order drinks if they hadn't been able to flag down a waitress and to stretch their legs or hop outside for a smoke break. With only ten minutes to accomplish those things, the area became crowded quickly.

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