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The One True Queen Ch. 02

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Emilia Clarke continues her rise to power with Michael.
2.2k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/27/2017
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Michael and Emilia emerged from the hideout, stepping out of the elevator and into a large garage, Michael left Emilia's side for a moment to switch the lights on. With the room now illuminated, it revealed a stunning Grey 2016 Bentley Continental GT, sitting there without a speck of dust or dirt on it, waiting for a driver. Michael pulled the keys from his pocket and offered them to Emilia.

"She's all yours, the perfect ride for a perfect queen" he smiled, Emilia was stunned, glancing to and from the car and Michael.

"Fuck off! No way!" She said in complete disbelief, taking the key from Michael to unlock the car. Emilia quickly inspected the car, shocked that Michael just handed her the keys to such an expensive ride. She opened to door and slid into the drivers seat, Michael joined her by jumping in the other side "This is amazing, god, thank you! Like I've never driven anything like this before in my life" she added, becoming quite excited as she sat behind the wheel.

"No need to thank me, you deserve nothing less than the world" said Michael cheerfully, placing a hand on Emilia's thigh and squeezing gently.

Emilia laughed sweetly, blushing slightly as she went to start the car. The engine roared into life, Michael hit the switch to open the garage door and they head off back to find Emilia's next victims.

Much later on, Emilia and Michael sat in the car waiting outside a shoe store, it was shortly before closing time as they planned how Emilia would infect Ellen Scott "So, once Ellen is under your control, you'll be strong enough to start infecting large numbers of people in one hit, which would make that event you're going to next week a great target, how many did you say would be there?" Asked Michael.

"Probably about 40-50 people, most of them quite, well known or important" replied Emilia, she looked over at the shop to see a few more people leave, hoping not to attract any unwanted attention from people that would recognise her "So how come Ellen is so critical in all of this?" She added, feeling an eager sense to get started.

"In the Slaver world, she's you're strongest and most loyal servant, so it seems logical that she should join you in real life, helping secure your power for centuries to come" said Michael.

Emilia smiled slightly "I look forward to working with her... Right, I'll go do my thing" she said, jumping out of the car.

"I'll hang tight here, if anything goes wrong I'll feel it... Just focus on what you want to happen, make it real" Said Michael, smiling at Emilia, proud that she was taking to her new powers really well.

Emilia winked at him before closing the car door and heading across the street towards the store, she had a strong and confident step, even though she wouldn't want to attract attention, she couldn't help it, since her beauty shone like a beacon. Her lower body plump and curvaceous, with tons of fresh Porridge trapped with her tight fitting denim jeans. Her long brown locks flowing over her slender shoulders. As she approached the store she began picturing what she would do once inside.

Upon entering the shop, Emilia spotted Ellen towards the back collecting several boxes of shoes. At this point there was only one other customer in the store, so Emilia approaches the counter and waits for Ellen to re-emerge from the stock room. As she waited, she noticed the other customer having a double take of her, unsure of wether she was seeing who she thought she was seeing.

Luckily Ellen came out to the counter a few moments later, she noticed Emilia and smiled "Hi there how can I help?" Said Ellen.

Emilia leaned closer to her "Hi yeah could you help me find a pair of heals? I'm going to a rather formal event next week, something colourful would be great!"

"Yeah sure thing, I'll take a look out back for you... What sort of size you looking for?" Asked Ellen

"Around 3 and half to 4 please" Said Emilia, watching Ellen as she quickly disappeared off into the stock room once more, Emilia glanced around to see if the coast was clear, the only other customer in the shop was down the far end browsing kids shoes. Emilia took the chance whilst she had it, quietly making her way into the stockroom to find Ellen.

Coming up from behind she approached Ellen, who suddenly turned around in surprise "Oh um, everything alright?" She asked cautiously, wondering why she had followed her.

Emilia smiled warmly "Actually, you can help me with something else as well, I need you for something important" She grabbed Ellen, covering her mouth as she backed her against a nearby shelf so she couldn't escape. Emilia held Ellen tightly as she attempted to scream and wriggle her way free desperately, Emilia focused herself, unleashing her Porridge from her jeans. It began to spill from the top of her tight trousers and latch onto Ellen, she was about to infect Ellen with far more than what she did with Michael, but gain twice as much back.

Ellen couldn't break free, as Emilia's grip was unnaturally strong, suddenly she began to feel strange as Emilia's Porridge entered her jeans, gradually starting to fill her up, knickers and all. Once the Porridge gained control of her she soon stopped crying and struggling, instead she began to moan and writhe as it quickly felt very pleasing. Causing her to start having an orgasm as her arse and legs slowly started to expand, not nearly as much as Emilia had, but it was still a noticeable change in her small figure.

Emilia closed her eyes as she started feeling subtle flutters of blissful pleasure, it felt as if someone where gently toying with her clitorus and sent wonderful vibes throughout her body. Emilia's jeans creaked slightly as all her Porridge grew, giving her more and more power with each passing second. Knowing she was still getting stronger she unleashed more Porridge, allowing it to flow freely into Ellen's expanding jeans. With Ellen's blissful moans of ecstasy muffled by Emilia's hand, she squirmed uncontrollably as the pleasure overwhelmed her, her knickers overflowing with Emilia's Porridge. Ellen's eyes rolled back and started twitching as her slit tensed, her moans getting longer and louder as her jeans continued to fill.

Soon Emilia gasped with elation, feeling Ellen's mind and thoughts join with her own, meaning Ellen had been fully converted, she felt a soothing sensation of sexual relief as Ellen settled down, freely allowing the last of the Porridge oozing from Emilia's jeans to enter her trousers.

Emilia's slit felt slightly wet after Ellen had been infected, even though she didn't climax it still gave quite a bit of relief. Ellen soon dropped to the floor once Emilia let go of her, landing on her knees and hanging there for a few moments before coming around. Emilia neatened her hair up and looked down at Ellen.

"Stand up for me" She said, Ellen complied without hesitation and came to her feet before Emilia "Start locking up, you're coming with me once I'm done here" taking a step back from Ellen to allow her past, she took a moment to catch her breath.

"Yes Mistress" replied Ellen calmly, acting as if nothing had just happened, she walked out to the front of the shop and drew out her keys, starting to close the doors.

Emilia emerged from the stockroom seconds later, she looked around for the last customer who was yet to leave. The youngish redhead was still browsing the shoes when Emilia approached her and smiled "Hi, everything alright?" She said cheerfully.

The redhead woman, Lauren glanced up to see Emilia standing before her "Oh my god! It is you! Emilia Clarke right?" She squealed, excited to be standing before the actual Mother of dragons.

"Yep, you got me! The one and only" laughed Emilia, stepping within easy arms reach.

"Fuck this is amazing! I'm such a huge fan! Can I get an autograph or something?" She asked excitedly, flapping her hands.

"Oh yeah, sure! Let's go over here and I'll do that for you!" Said Emilia, gesturing over towards the counter, it was a little more out of sight from the doors that standing in the middle of the store.

Lauren rambled excitedly as they moved over to the counter together, once out of direct sight of the doors, Emilia grabbed a hold of Lauren and pinned her against the wall, covering her mouth so she couldn't scream or call for help. Thanks to the Porridge, Emilia's enhanced physical strength allowed her to stop Lauren escaping. Ellen meanwhile went about her normal routine for lock up, completely unfazed by what Emilia was doing.

Emilia focused herself again, unleashing her Porridge once more and letting it latch on to Lauren and start filling her trousers. Emilia moaned as vast amounts of Porridge oozed from the top of her jeans and began filling up Lauren's snug fitting leggings and knickers, she gasped with discomfort as Porridge rapidly filled her up. Her multicoloured Lycra leggings quickly began to expand, even though not that much Porridge was inside them, they appeared visibly larger as they were already a snug fit. Now Emilia could see her Porridge clearly filling Lauren up as it spread across her arse and around her hips, gradually making its way down her legs, showing a visible expansion of her lower body.

Emilia moaned as her Porridge grew once again, causing her jeans to creak, pushing the seams to their limits as they continued to hold the rapidly growing Porridge inside. Soon she began to sense Lauren's mind joining with her own, as it did Lauren's gasps of discomfort became moans of intense pleasure. Emilia then let go of Lauren, allowing her to fall against the counter and catch herself before hitting it.

Emilia stepped away from Lauren, looking down at her lower body and caressing her curves, she could feel the Porridge held inside, it formed a thick layer between her skin and the fabric of her jeans, it was almost all the way down her legs, around her arse and hips and covering the front area, it felt absolutely gorgeous and comfortable. But at the same time none of it leaked out unless she willed it to, nor did it make her lower body look unnaturally sized, it simply made her look plump and curvy, becoming the very definition of true beauty. And no matter how much Porridge she gained, her jeans would forever be able to adapt and continue holding it in.

By this point, Emilia could effortlessly hear what people were thinking and feeling, like tuning into a radio she could see the thoughts of anyone within her line of sight. As Ellen was about to finish locking up, Emilia pictured a pair of shoes she wanted for the upcoming event, she swished her hand gently and suddenly those very shoes materialised on the counter before her. She smiled proudly, very much enjoying these new powers, also wondering what sort of things she would eventually be able to do once she started infecting people on a far larger scale.

Ellen then approached Emilia, standing next to her as she picked up her new pair of shoes "When you're ready I'll switch of the lights and everything, then we're good to go" she said

Emilia looked over at Lauren, she had just managed to gather herself together and also acted as if nothing had happened to her. She stood there and smiled sweetly at Emilia "All good here Mistress. Oh I can carry those if you like" Asked Lauren.

Emilia smirked slightly, thinking to herself "I could get used to this" she then nodded, handing Lauren the shoes and turning to Ellen "I think we're done here Ellen, let's get going, I've got a surprise for you" She said happily.

"Fab! Gimme a sec and we can go" Ellen replied, moving off to the stockroom to switch off the lights. Emilia and Lauren stood by the doors as the lights went out, shortly after Ellen dashed toward them with her stuff and opened the door, allowing everyone to leave. Once locked up, the three of them headed back across the street to the Bentley.

Michael jumped out to let Lauren and Ellen jump in the back seats, it was a bit of a squeeze for Lauren, but Ellen easily slipped inside due to being smaller "Who's our new friend?" Asked Michael, jumping back into the car, Emilia quickly joined him, hopping into the drivers seat and starting the engine.

"This lovely lady is Lauren, she just so happened to be in the right place at the right time" Said Emilia.

"Wonderful! Nice to meet you Lauren!" Said Michael, Lauren nodded back with a smile.

"Oh yes, Ellen here has plenty more room left to fill in those jeans of hers, I think we should take a trip back to the pool don't you?" Said Emilia, glancing at Michael as they set off.

"Sounds like a plan to me!" Said Michael cheerfully, looking to and from Emilia and Ellen, excited that everything he had dreamed of by making Emilia a Slaver was starting to come true.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

On a re-read of this and it is and it remains GLORIOUS. Thank you for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Loved it, the dialogue was excellently done. Looking forward for more with this couple!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

oh wow that was really hot and I loved it!

Messyboy98Messyboy98almost 6 years agoAuthor
Enjoy my content!

Part 3 has been submitted and shall be out soon! Part 4 is in the works! In the meantime, feel free to read some of my other stories, if you’d like a sequel, just gimme a shout! 😋 Happy reading everyone

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Great, cant wait till the next one!

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