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The Orphans Auction

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A wife is blackmailed into a kinky auction.
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"You and Franklin stole that house right from under us!" The speaker was Andrea Miller and she was having lunch with her best friend Donna Freeman at the Central Tea Room restaurant. She was not happy.

The two women at the table were remarkably attractive. Andrea stood five foot seven and weighed I35 pounds. She had long auburn hair and porcelain skin. Her green eyes were flashing with anger. Her table mate was an inch and a half shorter and fifteen pounds lighter. Her shiny brown hair done up in a bun. Her skin was flawless and even. Her blue eyes were focused intently.

"That's not true Andrea. We both had an opportunity to buy the place our bid just got there faster."

"Yes because you guys bribed the Realtor and the recorder of deeds."

"You can't prove that besides don't you think the house fits our family personality better?"

"No I do not, Donna. That was the house of my dreams."

"Well," smirked Donna, "This is just another case where I have finished first and you have to settle for second best."

"I thought you would bring that up." said Andrea. Over the years Andrea had seen her friend walk off with one or another thing that she favored. In grade school, Donna managed to get the very outfit and toy that Andrea had coveted time and again. In middle school she started stealing her crushes and boyfriends. In High School, Donna had been the one to take the quarterback to the prom despite the fact that Andrea had been dating him for most of the year. Only by going to a different college could Andrea soar on her own. Now college was a fading memory and they were both back in their hometown and Donna was once again burglarizing the things Andrea wanted. The latest was the old Anderson place on Park Street, the loveliest house in town by any measure. Andrea and her husband Jack thought that they had the first bid on the place, but Donna had used her wiles to steal it out from under her. Andrea was tired of her friend's shit.

"Donna, you have never had to suffer for causing me pain," said Andrea, "On the one hand you were my dearest friend on the other hand you were my biggest rival. I'm not convinced for example that you won't try to seduce my husband one day just to put another notch in your garter. Well that is going to change."

"Andrea its not my fault that the boys liked me better. Are you still pissed over that quarterback?"

"Yes, and about a raft of other things. Your going to get your comeuppance. Recognize this?"

From her purse Andrea extracted a hand addressed envelope. Instantly Donna's heart sank. The letter was one of a series she had given Andrea to destroy. Early in her marriage to Franklin, Donna had been unfaithful. It was a brief but very passionate affair with an old school flame. He was also married. Although it was risky they had written letters to each other at rented post office boxes. Like a fool Donna had saved the letters. When the affair ended Donna was terrified to leave the letters around the house she had entrusted them all to Andrea and extracted from her the promise to burn all of the letters.

"You promised to burn that!"Donna nearly screamed.

"Why yes I could have, and perhaps should have. done as you asked. But then I thought to myself what would Franklin do if he found out about these letters. He would realize what a tramp he was married to. Do you think he would keep you around, let you live your life of leisure, and cater to all of your expensive tastes? I don't think so."

Like a spider eying a trapped fly Andrea glared at Donna knowing that she had her right where he wanted.

"I suppose that you would do ANYTHING to keep your dear Franklin from discovering your peccadilloes. You have told me about so many boys over the years. Tales that would appall your dear sweet, but oh so conservative Franklin. That ever so rich Franklin"

Beginning to squirm Donna asked, "What do you want?"

"Not money, my dear, Jack does pretty well in that department as well and I have my practice. No I want something really satisfying, a memory that will last the rest of my life, your total humiliation!"

"Andrea, were FRIENDS, why would you want to do that to me?"

"Friends Donna?"

"Do friends steal boyfriends, Do friends tell secrets to teachers and crushes? Do friends filch houses simply because someone else is interested in it when one already has a nice house to live in? We were friends Donna, but you have taken advantage of me just once too often. What's that old proverb about the camel and the straw? You will pay for your malfeasance."

"Please Andrea," said Donna. "If Franklin finds out about my fling with Bob he'll cut me off without a cent. You have to protect me."

"Oh don't worry honey Franklin won't find out that his little virginal wife is a world class slut. But I will need you to do a very big favor for me. A favor you will despise but that I will enjoy enormously."

"What do you have in mind?" Asked Donna.

"All I will tell you is that you are going with me on Friday night to the city. I have an outfit for you to wear. I will pick you up at 8;00 P.M. sharp. I will drive you to the city. The rest is a surprise. All you have to do is make some excuse to Frank to get away for the evening. If you do EVERYTHING I expect of you that night I will burn all of your incriminating letters in front of you."

After pausing for effect Andrea said, "Deal?"

"What choice do I have Andrea? I'll do it."

After telling Franklin the truth that she was going out with a an old friend on Friday night Donna waited with trepidation for what Andrea had in store for her.

Andrea picked her up at 8:00 on the dot. They drove to Andrea's apartment in silence. When they entered Andrea's apartment Donna discovered a garment bag waiting for her.

"You will wear this said Andrea. Take off your clothes and put this on. I remembered your sizes from all the times we shopped together. Back when we were friends. Take off everything including your wedding ring and put on everything in the bag."

Donna went into Andrea's bedroom and opened the bag. There was an entire outfit including shoes and jewelry . She took her clothes off and began to dress. There was black thong underwear a very skimpy black bra., black stockings and garter. Accompanying this was a microscopic black skirt topped with a bone white blouse with pearly buttons and preposterously high black heels. There was a string of genuine pearls, gold ear studs, and a gold ring with a sapphire mounted in it. The effect was dramatic. Donna looked and felt like a high priced hooker or exclusive escort in that outfit. Her hair was worn long, coming to the middle of her back.

She exited Andrea's bedroom, tottering about on the heels. "If Franklin saw me in this he'd kill me," said Donna.

"Which is why we are going to the city darling. Tonight you are dressed as what you really are, a low class woman of the evening. But don't worry dear, I won't have you turning tricks tonight. You would probably enjoy that. This will be much more satisfying, I will fill you in once we are in the car. Leave your purse here."

Glumly Donna followed Andrea out to her car. She was glad that it was dark out. She did not want anyone from her small suburban town to catch her in that outfit. Once in the car Andrea began to flesh out details.

Andrea was dressed as though she were going to the opera. Pearls, a black evening dress and tons of class. Donna had to admit that Andrea sure knew how to be stylish. It was the only thing about her friend that she admired.

"You remember that charity I'm involved with?"

"Isn't it some sort of orphanage?" replied Donna.

"Very good you WERE listening to me all those time I thought you only heard yourself talking. The charity takes care of orphans and does about a dozen other missions. As chairman of the charity I am responsible for raising funds. We have tried all sorts of ways to raise money but lately we have had our biggest success with adult themed auctions. It started with selling weekends to erotic hotels and progressed to selling sex toys and evenings with a dominatrix. My backers are well connected and quite kinky. Beneath their staid exteriors beat the hearts of horny buggers. They are also smart enough to make sure that it never becomes public knowledge how Orphans Inc. raises its cash."

"So where do I come in?" said Donna.

"Tonight we are going to a private club in the city. There will be a stage in front of the room. Once the preliminaries are out of the way. We will auction off your outfit piece by piece until there is nothing left to sell. For the ladies there is also a gentleman and his clothes to bid on. He, however, is a willing volunteer.".

Donna reacted immediately. "You can't be serious. I'm barely wearing anything!"

"Then nudity won't be far away! Why the shyness, you had no problem stripping off for the boys in high school. But of course those were the days before Franklin and his millions moved to town. How can he not notice the sly smiles on the men he meets about town who have done you. Its amazing he hasn't found out about your slutty past as yet. You must have been very good in bed for all those boys to keep their silence for so long. Just imagine that tonight is a gathering of old boyfriends and you should be fine.

"Andrea, You can't do this too me." Said Donna. "Franklin and I will give you and Jack the house. Turn the car around and lets go home. We'll be able to laugh about this in the future."

"Donna, its NOT about the house anymore. This is about a lifetime of thievery being punished. And there is no 'we' anymore. Our friendship ended at the restaurant. My last act of loyalty to you will be destroying those letters from Bob. But that won't happen until after the auction!"

Donna, sputtered, "But what if someone I know is in that club?"

"Well then he will get a thrill. But I wouldn't worry. Orphans Inc. has a non-disclosure agreement as to what happens in its private fund raisers. Even if someone does know you they are sworn to never tell."

They drove on for a number of miles in silence, Donna seething, until at last Andrea said.

"We are there dear."

They pulled up in front of a modest building in the heart of the city. There was a parking garage two streets down. Donna felt so vulnerable leaving the car and walking the two blocks to the club. The wind seemed to want to do nothing besides blow upwards, forcing her to hold down her skirt and take tiny steps. The shoes didn't help matters. The evening was warm, A wonderful September night.

"Why Donna, your actually shy. I can't believe this is the same woman who would flash her boobs at boys for kicks on Saturday nights. I'm actually amazed that you never became a stripper. Well tonight you will meet your destiny"

"That was different. That was voluntary. I was in control."

"Yes, Donna, you have always been in control. You have always come out as number one. You decided on the boy, you decided on the kisses. In High School you seduced my boyfriend. Always it was about you. Tonight is about you as well. You are going to be raw meat. But tonight you finish second to me.

They entered the front of the building. Donna felt the eyes upon her. Everywhere were men in tuxedos and women in beautiful evening gowns. Donna felt totally vulnerable and humiliated in the revealing outfit. Andrea led her over to a desk where a man held out a form for Donna to signs.

"Its just a formality, said Andrea. "It says that you are an entertainer and that you agreed to this evening's adventure. You WILL sign it."

Hands shaking, Donna signed the document.

"Very good Donna. Now follow me the stage is this way."

Andrea led Donna through a side door that opened upon the small stage. Donna noticed that a very handsome man in a nicely tailored suit stood on the left side of the stage under a spotlight. There was a spotlight shining on the right hand side of the stage and Donna was instructed to stand on the X in the middle of the spotlight circle.

Andrea spoke to Donna. "Its very simple dear. I will be auctioning off your clothing. When the winning bid is accepted you take off that article of clothing and hand it to me and I give it to the purchaser. The auction ends when we run out of things to sell. The same rules will apply to the gentleman standing on the other side of the stage. Personally I wish I could bid on him myself. I suspect there is a very hot body under that Armani."

Donna stood in the light, grateful for the brightness. It hid the faces of the bidders somewhat. She steeled herself for what was to come. She knew that Franklin could under no circumstances see those letters. She DID love him but he was so unadventurous in bed. He liked sex once a week with the lights off in total silence. Nothing Donna tried could break him out of his shell. Franklin gave her everything her heart had ever desired. There was a maid so she never had to cook. She didn't have to work and he didn't mind her extravagant wardrobe. All he wanted was a nice piece of eye candy to escort about town. That and her total fidelity. After the escapade with Bob, Donna decided that affairs were too risky. She tried to contend herself with sex toys that she kept hidden from her husband, but it just was not the same. Franklin knew that he was not a great lover but he was jealous in the extreme. He warned Donna that he ever discovered that she had been with another man, she would be out on the street in a heartbeat. Needless to say, Franklin was oblivious to Donna's past.

Andrea began the event. After some formalities and a report from the treasurer the auction began.

"Because I, as chairman of this charity, believe in ladies first, we will begin bidding for the gentleman's attire first. What am I bid for this neck tie? Remember this id for charity"

There was a mild hum from the crowd and after a brief bidding war the tie went for $150.00. Andrea

walked up to the male model as he untied the silk tie. She took it to the edge of the stage into the hands of the woman who had purchased it.

"Now gentlemen I trust that you have noticed the beauty to my right. I Hope that the bidding gets a bit higher than it was for the necktie. What are we bid for her string of pearls? Our female volunteer may be dressed like a low class woman of the evening but her jewelry is authentic, having been donated by a very generous donor."

There was heavier bidding on this item and at last it sold for a thousand dollars.

"That's the spirit!" said Andrea, "Remember this is for the orphans."

Andrea walked over to Donna and Donna, her hands shaking unclasped the pearls from around her neck. They disappeared into the dimness beyond the state.

Next Andrea auctioned off the male model's suit jacket. Before Donna knew it she had handed over the ear studs and her ring.

She looked across at the male Model. His shirt had set off quite a bidding war amongst the ladies and he stood there shirtless. Donna noticed that he was very muscled. Just the sort of man, under ordinary circumstances, that she would be lusting over. With dread Donna realized that once her shoes sold all that she had left was clothes!

Dimly, then louder Donna heard. "What am I bid for this fine pair of designer shoes?"

Apparently The shoes were a design in vogue. Many women bid on them or had their husbands raise their hands. The did not sell for as much as the pearls and jewelry had however.

Andrea came over to collect the shoes. With dread Donna realized that the only way to take off the shoes was to sit down on the stage. When she did so everyone in the room could see up her skirt. This initiated a round of applause and cheers. Beet read all over Donna took off the shoes, stood up and put the skirt back in place. She bowed her head in shame. The crowd, thinking it was a brilliant act, roared with laughter.

Donna tried to collect herself while a bidding war resulted for the male model's shoes and belt which were being sold as a set. The model must have been a male stripper or something thought Donna, because when he handed over his belt. His suit pants fell down revealing a tiger stripe g-string. This elicited wolf whistles and catcalls from the ladies. He pulled his pants back up.

Donna, laughing, said. "Don't get ahead of us big boy. Since you are more revealed than our female volunteer we will now sell off three of her items before we return to you."

Now the bidding began on Donna's blouse. Once it sold Andrea came over and whispered to her, "Exposure time darling." With difficulty, which again the crowd though was part of an entertaining act, she unbuttoned and removed the blouse. The lacy black bra under it barley hid the nipples on Donna's large breasts. The men, and quite a few of the women, admired her sleek form. Donna's tummy was flat and well toned, showing the slight definition of some abs. To try and sublimate her sex drive Donna had been working out with abandon. She was in far better shape than she had been in High School.

"Now what are we bid for this skirt? Ladies, looking for something to turn your man on? Men wanna see if your woman looks as good in this as our volunteer? Place your bids."

Donna willed herself miles away. She could not believe this was happening to her. She handed over the skirt in a daze. Next came bids for her bra, the bidding was hot and heavy. At last Andrea said


She walked over to Donna and said. "Our man is topless. Its time that our woman joined him."

Donna froze up, angering the crowd. Andrea whispered into her ear about the letters and at last Donna found the strength to unfasten the bra and let her wondrous breasts free . The applause was sincere, prolonged, and quite loud.

After dispensing with the male model's socks. Andrea started the bidding on Donna's stockings.

It seemed like every man in the place wanted to own them. After a prolonged bidding war. Andrea

approached Donna for the stockings. At first fumbling with the clasps of the garter she was at last able to slide the stockings off her long lovely legs.

She was clad now only in a pair of thong underwear and a garter which hid nothing. Never before in her life had she felt so exposed. This was almost worse than being totally naked.

Andrea had whispered in her ear at one point that she could not hide herself so she folded her arms across her stomach while a huge bidding war ensued for the man's pants.

Andrea strode to the middle of the stage. "As I said ladies first this evening. Since we have him out of his pants why don't you ladies bid on his underwear. Let's find out if his equipment is as well endowed as the rest of him."

The subsequent bidding war was like a forest fire. Every woman in that room apparently wanted that g-string.

Donna watched fascinated as with dramatic effect the male model dramatically withdrew himself from the g-string. He was hung like the proverbial horse. The appreciation from the ladies, and a few of the men, was positively deafening.

Donna listened with horror as Andrea announced. "We will sell the thong and garter as a set. Gentlemen, lets start the bids to get our volunteer fully unwrapped."

The bids started large and kept climbing. At last Andrea was able to declare the sale closed. She walked over to Donna and asked her for her last articles of clothing. With her steeliest resolve Donna unhooked the garter and slid off the g-string revealing her neatly trimmed bush. Andrea had her make a few turns to give everyone in the room a few good views of her spectacular ass.

The crowd applauded in appreciation. The men gave a long sustained cheer. Whistled loudly and took great delight in drinking in Donna's intoxicating nakedness. Many of the women wished that they had a body like Donna and cheered for her as well.


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