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The Other Side Ch. 02

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Jack North's alter ego continues his sexual assault.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/27/2016
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This is a continuation of Jack North's story. We have all heard the saying before; every person has a good side and an evil side within them and an accident has caused Jack North to "switch sides".

When the ladder slipped and Jack fell to the concrete sidewalk he landed awkwardly and the back of his head hit with a sickening thud. Luckily Pam, Jack's neighbour from across the street, happened to witness his fall and came running across as fast as her 20 year old body would allow. Unfortunately for Pam, Jack's "new" persona soon found he could take advantage of the newlywed's naiveté and she wound up having her tits and pussy molested right in the open front yard by Jack. Once he had her in his house he finger fucked her to her first orgasm, forced her to suck his cock and swallow his cum, whipped her with his belt and then fucked her in the ass. When Jack's wife Linda walked into their bedroom Jack was fucking Pam's ass and he gave his wife the choice to get undressed and join in or get the hell out.

This is a continuation from that moment...

Jack's mind was swimming with new emotions, good and bad. As he looked down he loved the fact he was fucking his neighbours wife in her tight little ass. It didn't even bother him that his wife Linda had come home and caught him in the act. He just looked at her and told her to get undressed and join them or get the fuck out.

Jack watched as Linda undressed. "So you fat cow you decided to stay," Jack said to his wife. "Well don't just stand there grab your camera and start taking pictures, I want to make sure my new fuck toy knows she will always be my slut otherwise her husband will see what she really likes to do when he is at work."

Linda wasn't sure why she decided to stay when she came in and found Jack on the bed screwing Pam. She had never been that friendly with their neighbour from across the street and didn't think that Jack even knew her name. Her first thoughts were not betrayal from Jack; she was just dumbfounded as to how it happened. How the hell did Jack get her into their bed and why did Pam allow it? She picked up her camera off the dresser and reluctantly started to take pictures like Jack asked. As she moved about her low hanging tits swayed back and forth and her fat ass jiggled as she switched from one side of the bed to the other. She got a close up of Pam's distorted and pained face as Jack slammed his long thick cock up her skinny little butt-hole. She took photos of Jack's cock going in and out of Pam's ass. Her first thought was it must really hurt but then she also found pleasure in that thought, after all she was fucking her husband. "Does it hurt Pam?" Linda asked with a slight grin on her face.

Pam's virgin ass was on fire from the extreme pounding Jack was giving her but she found it was also turning her on. "Oh Linda, it hurts badly but it feels good too," as Pam moaned again.

Pam wasn't sure how it happened but Jack had taken control of her body and given her two of the largest orgasm of her young life. Her husband was never one to show excessive passion and the attention Jack gave her overwhelmed her naive senses. The way he made her do all those nasty things excited her. Pam had never experienced pain and pleasure together before and it exhilarated her. She watched her reflection in the closet mirrors and it was like an out of body experience as she saw and experienced Jack abuse her body, as he shoved his cock in and out of her virgin ass. She knew she should make him stop but for some reason she also loved the new feelings that coursed through her young body. Even when Jack's wife came into the room it only heightened her arousal, to have someone watch her get fucked.

"You like this don't you my little slut?" Jack asked. "Where's my cock? Tell me?"

"It's in my ass Jack. Oh god what are you doing to me? I can't believe this is happening!" said Pam. "Oh fuck, fuck..."

Jack was in a rhythm now, on his knees behind Pam as his hands gripped onto her tiny hips he squeezed hard. He knew he she would be bruised tomorrow but he didn't care. He watched his cock come out of her tight puckered hole until just the head was left inside her ass, then in one quick motion he pulled her thin body back as he thrust his hips forward. Her skinny legs floated in the air with each savage lunge. The headboard on the king sized bed rattled as it hit the wall with every thrust.

What the two women didn't know was Jack's mind was very confused. Each time he withdrew his cock from Pam's tight asshole his good side would tell him to stop the torture of this poor young woman and then a "switch" would flip to his bad side and he would smile as he slammed his long hard cock back in her again.

As Linda watched it reminded her of a pile driving machine, steady and consistent, with a loud slap every time their bodies came together. Sweat dripped off Jack down his face and over his belly as it landed on Pam. Once in a while Jack would spit onto his cock to give it some extra lubrication. Pam was just a rag-doll as he continued the assault on her puckered star, her body flung through the air at his whim.

Linda was amazed at Jack's stamina, he had never lasted this long with her before. His guttural sounds matched the incomprehensible sounds coming from Pam. The two of them speaking the language of lust as they fucked away.

Linda felt a sudden jealous thought of Pam, she wished it was her that Jack was hammering away at, maybe not her ass but at least her pussy. As she looked in the mirror she compared her body to Pam's, it was like night and day...literally! Pam's small white body barely had any tits and her tiny ass didn't make much of an impression. Linda's black body was the opposite in every respect, full breasts with huge nipples and an ass that rivaled any movie star's. Her best feature, at least in her mind, was the colour of her skin. It was black, really black, African black.

As she looked at Jack she couldn't remember a time he had fucked her with such intensity. Their sex life was a hit and miss affair now with more misses than hits. She didn't blame Jack it was a mutual lack of sex drive on both sides, at least she thought it was. Looking at him now she wasn't so sure it may have only been her.

Jack's cock was getting rubbed raw from Pam's tight dry ass and in one motion he pulled it out and grabbed his wife by her black hair bringing her mouth to his dirty cock. "Suck me, get me nice and wet again." Jack knew his wife didn't like oral sex but he didn't give a fuck. He was in no mood for her to deny him.

Linda hesitated until Jack yelled at her to do it. She could smell the ass juices on his cock and with reluctance she licked Jack's cock. Her eyes were closed and she gagged at the thought his cock had just been in Pam's ass. Her mouth and tongue worked over his hard cock getting it nice and wet like he asked.

"Deeper bitch, take my cock all the way down your throat," said Jack.

Jack grabbed his wife's head by her black hair and ears and pulled her forward onto his cock. Even though he was over aggressive he didn't care, she was his wife and it was time she listened to him. Linda struggled to breathe as Jack fucked her face, in and out, over and over. It had been years since she gave him oral sex as it wasn't something she liked to do. Jack finally pushed it past her gag zone and held it there enjoying the spasms and tightness as her throat gripped onto him.


Jack looked down and he could see his wife had gone limp. He had been so carried away by his own pleasure that he didn't even know his wife had passed out. Reluctantly he pulled his cock out of her mouth and throat and watched as his wife collapsed onto the bed. Pam scrambled to see is she was still alive and when she couldn't find a pulse she started to give Linda mouth to mouth. All Jack could think about was how sexy it looked to see the two of them kissing.

Finally Linda came back from the dark and started to cough and choke. Her eyes were running and tears streamed down her face. "Jack, you almost killed me," she hoarsely said.

Jack's eyes narrowed as he looked at the two naked women on his bed. "Well you stupid bitch if you had been sucking my cock like a good wife all these years you would have learned to do it properly! Even our little slut neighbour can do it better than you!"

Through all this Jack's cock had not lost its hardness, in fact, if anything it was harder than he had ever been. The fact he had almost killed his wife didn't even phase him, his first thoughts were he wanted to fuck her throat again. He reached for Pam and grabbed her blonde hair. "Watch how a real slut sucks cock," he said.

It was apparent Jack's fall and the hit on his head had scrambled his brain resulting in this "new" Jack. The "old" Jack would have never been this forceful or without regard to the feelings of his wife and young neighbour. He would never have imagined being such a heartless bastard. But the "new" Jack was unaware and unapologetic about his actions, to him this was his new normal. He was the boss and these women were just pieces of meat for him to use and enjoy.

"Show her, show my fat wife how a real slut sucks cock!" When Pam wouldn't open her mouth he slapped his cock against her cheeks until finally she relented. Jack didn't go slowly, in one thrust he buried his cock right to the base. "See, this is how a real slut sucks cock!" he said as he looked at his wife.

Once more Jack abused Pam's mouth and throat, more for amusement now than sexual excitement. He loved the look on his wife's face as she groaned in disbelief every time he drove his cock down fully, holding it there until Pam started to hit the backs of his legs, only then did he pull it out.

"Please Jack, no more you're hurting her," his wife begged.

"Shut up bitch unless you want to take her place." Jack noticed how Linda suddenly went quiet and never volunteered to come to her rescue again.

After several more minutes Jack grew tired of his "game" and threw Pam back onto the bed. She landed with her feet splayed apart revealing her swollen red ass and pussy. Pam went to close her legs but Jack ordered her to keep them open.

"No more Jack," said an exhausted Pam, "I want to go home. You had your fun but I don't want to be here anymore."

"Really? Go home?" Jack laughed, "you didn't want to leave when I was giving you the best orgasm of your fucking life did you? If you really want to go home then leave but I'll be over later tonight to show your husband your intimate photos. "

Pam didn't move, her mind was so confused by what had happened. Jack was right she had never experienced anything like this with her husband, she didn't even know this was possible. Her whole body was sore from the abuse she received and yet it also vibrated from having so many orgasms. Pam looked at Jack to see if he was bluffing and could see in his eyes that he wasn't; so she decided to stay and opened her skinny legs wider while she put her hands on her hips.

"Yeah, now you understand," said Jack, "you are going to do everything I tell you to from now on. Now open your legs wider, wider. Play with your cunt while we watch you and I want to see at least three of your fingers in there!

Jack and his wife Linda watched as Pam fingered her pussy. She was embarrassed to do this in front of anyone, especially her neighbours, but she was also excited at the same time. Jack could see Pam was getting ready to come and he wanted to keep her on edge.

He ordered Linda to get between Pam's legs and "eat some pussy". When Linda hesitated Jack told her to either listen to him or get the hell out. Once again Linda felt that her life was taking a new direction and she compromised her moral values by climbing between Pam's legs. Jack watched with the camera in his hand taking pictures as his wife slowly made her way up to her first pussy.

"That's a good little wife, now start licking her cunt," Jack said with enthusiasm, "make sure you get your tongue nice and deep in her slit."

Linda had never given oral pleasure to a woman before and didn't know exactly what to do. She let her instincts take over and knew she must be doing something right as it didn't take long as Pam moaned loudly and pressed her hands to the back of Linda's head. The taste was not unpleasant and the texture of Pam's shaved folds on the tip of her tongue actually turned her on. Linda kissed and sucked and licked her way around Pam's pussy, getting more and more used to the act. She could feel Jack's hands on her ass pushing her forward as he played with her pussy. When Jack tried to push a finger into her virgin ass she jumped up removing her mouth off Pam's pussy.

"Please Jack, leave my ass alone," Linda begged.

"Ha ha, no I think it is time your ass and I get acquainted," Jack laughed. "Now you better loosen up or this is really going to hurt!"

Try as she might Linda couldn't get her ass to relax and Jack had to use brute force just to get one finger in her. Jack walked over to the night table by the bed and opened the top drawer to get the lube that Linda used whenever they did have sex. As seldom as that was her pussy was always so dry he could hardly get his cock into her and she always complained.

He squirted a large amount of the lube onto the top of her fat black ass and watched as it dripped down her crack and over her brown and pink star. The lube helped as he could now easily push one finger in and out. Linda went back to sucking on Pam's pussy and soon the both of them were moaning together. Jack soon had two fingers in her ass as he pushed and pulled her body back and forth on his fingers. He loved the way she clenched down at each push and was looking forward to feeling her tight ass on his cock. He would rotate his fingers first one way and then the other as he curled them up before he pulled them out.

It was safe to say that Jack was now a full blown misogynist. The blow to the back of his head had changed his personality. Gone was the happy go lucky guy who never complained. His self-centered thoughts consumed him as he got on his knees behind his wife's virgin ass and pulled her hips back to his rock hard cock. In his mind these two women were just holes to be used and abused.

Linda finally realized that Jack intended to fuck her ass and the thought of it caused her to panic. She tried to escape but Jack's strength held her in place.

"Stop squirming you black bitch, your ass is mine. Pam grab her head and pull her back to your cunt, if you let her go I am going to whip your ass until it bleeds." said Jack.

Pam remembered how painful it was when Jack whipped her with his belt and she didn't want a replay. "Sorry Linda but I have to do this," she said. She reached up and took a handful of Linda's hair in each hand and pulled with all her strength but Linda was not budging. "Please Linda, you have to let him. It hurts at first but then it feels good. Honest."

"Honest?" said Linda. The thought of Jack's big cock in her ass terrified her.

Jack pushed the head of his cock into his wife's ass, the lube helped to allow him entry. He pushed on Linda's head and with Pam's help they were able to get her back down so her fat black ass was right where he needed it to be.

"That's a good girl," said Jack, "now suck that pussy while I fuck your tight black ass."

Linda was still unsure and it was only because Pam gently stroked her head that she allowed herself to relax a bit. To Linda it felt like Jack's cock was extra-large as he pushed and stretched her virgin ass. The pain was incredible and she screamed out loud. She concentrated on Pam's pussy to take her mind off the pain, hoping the distraction would work. As Jack sunk his cock deeper she pushed her tongue deeper into Pam's pussy. When he forced the last of his cock in Linda couldn't help but bite down on Pam's swollen beat red pussy lips which caused Pam to let out her own scream.

"Sorry Pam I couldn't help it," said Linda. Her ass hurt badly and she didn't feel any pleasure like Pam said she would. With every thrust of Jack's cock he seemed to inflict new damage and she was sure her ass was bleeding and being turned inside out. She didn't know how much longer she could endure the pain.

As Pam's head turned in ecstasy from Linda's tongue lashings, she caught the reflection of the three of them in the closet mirror and was instantly mesmerized by the scene. Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine something like this would happen to her. Jack caught her eye in the mirror and smiled an evil smile then blew her a kiss. Whether it was instinct or something else Pam found herself smiling and blowing a kiss right back at Jack.

Pam turned to look up at Jack and she was still at a loss as to how this old man made all this happen. After all she only tried to help him out after his bad fall and now here she was with him and his wife having sex together, no they were fucking like animals. She felt like her whole world had been turned upside down in such a short time. Pam was certain the pictures Linda took of her and Jack would be used for blackmail in the future but right now somehow she didn't care. For the first time in her young life she had experienced real orgasms and she wanted more. More of everything and she knew she would do anything Jack asked of her. No matter how degrading as long as he continued to bring her such pleasure.

Pam continued to watch Jack, he had his eyes closed now as his body slammed into his wife, his face screwed up in the desire of his actions. Every thrust would drive Linda's mouth and tongue deeper into her pussy and she was close to another orgasm. She knew Linda was in deep pain but if she could hold out it would soon turn to pleasure. Just like it did for her. At least she hoped it would.

The three of them continued the game of pleasure and pain, different for each one.

As Jack slammed his fat cock into his wife's ass, without a care for her feelings or well=being, he slapped her fat black ass as hard as he could. He loved how with each slap her ass released slightly and allowed him to sink in even deeper. He knew this was something he would want to repeat over and over in the future.

This was Pam's first time with a woman and Linda was about to bring her to the brink of another orgasm, not as strong as with Jack but still it felt good.

Linda was not as lucky, she was in severe pain as Jack continued to abuse her virgin ass. She was sure that there would be permanent damage to her. "Please Jack," Linda begged, "please come soon, I can't take much more."

Jack was in his glory, every fiber in his body sent messages to his brain and all of them screamed out pleasure. He loved this new feeling and the dominance he exerted over the two women. It all felt so natural and he wondered why he had never thought of this before.

He was close now and his next decision was where he wanted to come. In his wife's ass? On her back? Maybe all over her face, she never liked that.

He looked down at his blonde neighbour with her head thrown back and watched as her orgasm hit; looked like his wife could suck pussy after all he thought with a small chuckle.

With one final hard slap to his wife's ass he pulled his cock out and noticed there was a small amount of blood on it. Pam sighed in relief as he pulled out and hoped Jack never did that to her again, there was no pleasure in it for her.

"Okay who wants to eat my cum?" Jack laughed. "What, no volunteers?"

Both women were trapped, one by blackmail and one by marriage. Linda looked at Pam and sighed, she never liked to suck her husband's cock and especially hated to taste his cum.

"Please Pam, will you do it?" said Linda, "it kind of makes me sick."

"Okay, but just this time."


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