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The Overwhelming Porn Shop Incident

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Owner's daughter has an idea to save the store that goes bad.
7.6k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/23/2020
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The Overwhelming Porn Shop incident

I take a deep breath as I stand behind the counter of my father's porn shop while all the lights are off because its closed. It's closed at the moment as my Father is out with friends as he deserves a day off. I'm his daughter Jessica, and I'm 19 years old.

The words nervousness, uncertainty or even fear do not describe what I feel right now. What I feel goes deeper than those words. You see, I thought up a plan, a great plan, a plan that would have solved all money issues...and now is the time to decide if I'm really going to do it.

Let me give a bit of backstory. I've lived with my father since I was 12. He's a really good dad and a good person. It's just before I lived with him, before I really got to know him, he did a few bad things and made bad choices. Basically, he robbed a house, got caught and went to jail. But he's completely changed and would never do anything like that again. He's the sweetest person ever.

Only when he was released from jail, there were not many places willing to hire him. So he had to take the one job he could get, which was working at a porn shop because an old cellmate friend owned it. Then in time, he was able to buy the shop from his friend to have a steady source of income.

From the start he was always honest with me about what he did. He never lied or tried to hide it. And he also made sure to keep it low key as well so people at school wouldn't know and I would get mad fun of. When I turned 18, he finally allowed me to see the shop, before he never wanted me anywhere near it. Soon enough, I wore him down enough to let me hang out there with him and to help him out with stocking or working the counter. Even then he was very protective. When a creeper came in, he would make sure I was safe in the office so I wouldn't get hurt or feel uncomfortable. He's a great dad.

But for the past several months the shop hasn't been doing too good. I think the online stores are taking away business as people would much rather shop at home in private, rather than have to go to a store and broadcast that you are a pervert. What people don't know is that this is someone's livelihood. And more than that, there is a community here. Many people come back all the time, are friendly and extremely respectful. There's one guy that actually helps me with my College Algebra.

Now, last week my father admitted just how bad of shape he is in. That he'll have to close the store within a week if it doesn't start making money. But if that happens, he'll be homeless. I would love to take him in, but I live in the dorms at college and have no real place of my own. For days I couldn't sleep as I tried to think up some way to help him, to save the shop.

That's when I came up with an idea. A horrible, ugly but creative idea. One that could solve all of our problems. We have a onetime event here at the store. That for a couple of hours if you purchase any item within the store for 2 or maybe 3 times its price...you will get to use it on a real woman right here at the store. No matter what you buy or what it's for, you'll be able to use it on her.

I figured we could hire an escort or a BDSM slave or whatever they call themselves these days to do it. We would pay twice their normal rate, but then would be able to keep all the money that we made. It would pay the rent and electricity for months! I know tons of people would show up.

Well, I told my father my idea, but he said no. Told me he wanted me to have no part in anything perverted or anything like that. Told me to stay out of the shop and not to get mixed up with anything crazy like that. This made me wonder if one of the customers suggested it if he would be up for it or is it because his daughter thought it up.

I knew I should leave it there, but I can't let him be homeless. Not after all that he's done for me. He raised me ever since I was 12 when my mother left. Paid for my college books. Stayed up with me when I was sick. Even went to every Open House at school.

That's why I have been distributing small flyers out to the customers that come in. Well, to the ones that my father doesn't know. I sneak it in their bags and on the windshields of their cars. I also have been leaving flyers in a few places such as tattoo shops, near liquor stories, even by tobacco stores about this special promotion.

Now...tonight is the night. The promotion is supposed to start in 7 minutes. I had picked tonight because I knew my Father was going to have drinks with some friends and would close the store early. When he hangs with his friends he never comes home before 2 am. With him out, I could reopen the store and have the promotion him knowing. I'm not thrilled about having to see what the preverts that come in will do to the woman, nor am I looking forward to hearing it, but I'll have to deal with it.

Come tomorrow I would give him all the money the promotion is to make and he'll be mad, but not homeless. He'll be safe.

But...the escort I reserved hasn't arrived and she was supposed to be here half an hour ago. She isn't even picking up her phone. I never thought this would happen or else I would have had a backup plan. I mean, I have to assume she isn't coming.

I called a few escort places but was too honest about what the job was so no one wanted to agree to it. I can't find a single woman to agree to this. I would even take a dirty drug addict at the moment to be honest.

And this is a problem. It's a problem because the parking lot is nearly half-full. There's people out there here for this promotion. At least two dozen men waiting.

My worried eyes look around as if the answer will spring out at me. Instead of the answer I just see the large signs I had made and placed around. The ones that state the rules of the promotion;

  1. Any item's price is 3 times what the item says.

  2. You must wait your turn for use of the subject.

  3. You are allowed 3 minutes with the subject to use your purchase (each purchase means 3 minutes).

  4. No fighting, arguing or rude comment or the promotion is shut down immediately.

  5. If the subject says NO, goes limp or any other signs of non-consent you stop.

I keep trying to think of what to do. It's not like I can call a friend to help me out with this. Even my sluttiest friend wouldn't go for this, and even then that would be an awkward conversation. "Hey, want to be molested for hours with porn shop toys?" Yeah, that wouldn't work.

So what do I do? I mean, I can't have the promotion without a girl. But I can't let all this money go away either. What in the hell am I supposed to do?

Now there's 3 minutes till it starts. I can see a group of men already gathering around the door. They are damn near pacing with anxiety.

I then let my frown out. It's been shoved inside and finally I know it's time to let it out. This promotion...is a bust. There's no one to do it. This great idea of mine has been defeated. More than defeated, I feel so horrible because this was my chance to do something great for my Dad.

Walking slowly as my feet feel like weights are attached, I head towards the door. I'm going to have to tell them that it's not happening. If I don't, they might actually break down the door or something. Better to be upfront and let them be disappointed then them upset and want to destroy stuff.

As I walk, I keep wishing that some idea will pop in my head. But nothing does. When I reach the door I know that this entire thing was a washout. So not only didn't I save my father's livihood, I'm also a failure that can't think up a good idea and follow through.

My fingers reach out and then turn the deadbolt that keeps the door locked. On purpose I don't turn on any lights or even the OPEN sign as I want them to know that the store is closed. That this even isn't happening.

"Hey guys, I'm really so-," I begin to apologize as I open the door some to let them know it's cancelled...but the door is opened fully by two eager men. They hastily push the door open which forces me back. A flood of men rush into the store as if this is some sort of game show where the first to get to the finish line wins.

Men rush to different sections, clearly have planned out what they wanted to get. I get a tingle of fear as most of them if not all, looked a bit crazed. They look like animals instead of civilized human beings. That something primal has been awakened and it's best not to get in the way. It's so shocking that I've completely forgotten what I was trying to say. I just want to stay out of their way.

A man rushes to the counter so fast that he slams into it. He then slams down a boxed object as if he's won the race. Another man almost runs into him as he too was trying to be the first in line. The first one doesn't even seem to notice as he looks around as if searching for the cashier. Frustrated as if time is running out, he takes out a fistful of money and slams it on the counter, not caring at all about the change or even what the price is.

"Where's the girl?!" He yells out, looking around. This gets the attention of a good deal of men, but when he repeats it, all of them stop and notice. Now they begin to look about. The search for a woman seems to be the only thing that can stop them from their primal shopping. Soon all of them are looking around, even looking behind the products on the shelf as if a woman could be hiding there.

"There!" The man at the counter says excitedly and points in my direction. Confused, I turn around as I didn't see any women enter into the store, just all those excited pervs. When I turn around, I see no one else even near where he's pointing. Who the hell is he pointing at?

"OH SHIT," the words come spilling out of my mouth as my eyes widen in complete and utter fear. My entire body turns ice cold as if my body was dumped at the North Pole. It's such a paralyzing fear that I don't even think to run out of the store.

They think that I'm the girl. The girl for the promotion. The one they get to do whatever they want with whatever they buy. But I'm not. Clearly...they have to know that. I mean, I'm no whore or slut or even a liberated woman. I mean, I'm in a sweater and sweatpants! That's not sexy clothes of a sexy girl looking for sexy sex. I've only had sex a few times, and not even in the doggy position!

"I..." I manage to say but then strong hands grab my arms. They pull me towards the man at the counter as if I weighed nothing. The blow of it makes what I was saying trail off. As they pull me, I try to tell them but I hear such things as "He paid for his purchase." And "He gets 3 minutes!" And "It's only fair!"

I keep trying to speak as they drag me closer, but I freeze at the sight of the guy's face. It's scary. There's arousal, greed, hell even anger in his face. It's as if he's waited his entire life for this moment. That nothing is going to keep him from his greatest moment.

"I never get to use one of these!" The man says as everyone is focused on him at the moment. The other men cheer and agree with him, as if this is some twisted sort of group therapy. Like they have all been where he is.

"All the bitches I get to bed are such fucking prudes," he tells them to more grunts of agreement. Now I'm but feet away from him, still being dragged. I'm still stunned by all that's happening that I don't even move. I mean, my feet are barely even touching the floor.

Then I see him grab the box he purchased and damn near rip it apart to get it open. It's now I see what he bought. It's a gag. A ball gag. A big red ball with black straps on the sides. On the box I see the words "The Bitch Gagger."

"Wa-" I open my mouth to tell him to wait as he reaches towards me, but then the ball is jammed in my mouth. It's jammed inside, sending pain at it clips my teeth and forces my mouth open. At once I try to bite down, try to get it out of my mouth but the thing is jammed inside, making it impossible to close my mouth.

Forcefully my head is pulled forward and downward, making me dizzy for a moment from the fast movement. Once I shake off the dizziness I feel that he's tied the ball gag on the back of my head, making it impossible for me to take off unless I undo the straps. Then my upper body is yanked upward, where I come face to face with the man.

"YEAH!" The man erupts as if he's won the lottery. Seeing me with a gag in my mouth fills him with such ecstasy that I'm blown away. The man actually walks away, looking like he's just creamed his pants at the sight of me.

It takes me a few moment to realize that this is quickly getting out of hand. I reach my hands up once I feel that the men have let go of me. I'll remove this gross thing and tell them that I'm not the woman. That the event has been cancelled.

"My turn!!!" A man says and pushes forward, almost knocking me over. I reach out and grab hold of anything I can so I don't fall over, only to find that the man who ran into me has grabbed onto me to prevent this. I see it's the second man that was in the line.

"What the?" I attempt to say but the gag makes it comes out like a Scooby Doo sound. He's put a pink, furry handcuff on my left wrist. I see that the cuff has a rather long rope/chain thing that goes to another cuff. As odd as it is, I actually think why in the world my Dad would sell those. I mean, they suck as being handcuffs. If you put them on a person, it wouldn't prevent their hands at all.

Then the universe decides to answer my questions as it shows me the purpose of these cuffs. The guy proceeds to throw the other cuff up in the air...and over a beam that runs across the top of the ceiling. A moment later the other cuff falls down, having sailed over the beam.

"NO!" I attempt to say and pull away but the gag stops my words and I bump into the crowd that is now surrounding me. This makes it easy for the guy to grab my free arm and pull it up. He first pulls on the free cuff, forcing my already cuffed hand upward. Then some friendly helpful man grabs my wrist from behind to steady it for him so he can snap the cuff on my free hand.

The sound of the cuff clicking seems to echo around the shop as it sound to me what a jail cell closing must sound like for prisoners. My hands are cuffed...helpless. Both are far over my head, bound by cuffs that appear to be extremely strong despite the price we sell them for.

Now I look around at the large crowd. I'm gagged, strung up and helpless. With no way to tell them I'm not the girl for the promotion. With no way to even communicate at all.

Suddenly a strange thing happens. A tingle bursts between my legs. Not really between my legs, but inside me. It's a dark tingle, like something that could never be scratched. And it, well, it feels good. It is fear and worry, but it's exciting...and sexual.

"I..errr, alright, let's do this right fellas," one of the guys says, seeming taking charge. "Like it says, let's make a line and you got to pay the right price and all that," he tells everyone. He has a very demanding and in charge tone about him, the sort that is a natural leader.

"We don't want them to cancel this, alright? So let's do as it says and we each get 3 minutes," he tells them. Then another strange thing happens. They all seem to be listening to the guy. More than that they nod their heads as if in agreement with him.

To my utter surprise I watch as they actually form a line that almost goes out of the shop. They race to get into their spot in line, but there's no fighting or anything. They are acting as if this is still the promotion and that someone is running the store. It's such a crazy sight that I almost laugh, not that I can at the moment.

I thought for sure I was about to be gang-raped, repeatedly. That's the reason I wasn't shaking my head and fighting as I thought this would arouse them more. I read that somewhere that by struggling, rapists get turned on more, so I didn't want to help them in that department. Now I see that me not doing so has made it seem like I am the whore that was supposed to do this.

"I...I still get 2 minutes!" the guy that purchased the cuffs tells everyone, to which no one objects. His face pops up inches from mine and I lean back as much as I can as he's all in my oxygen.

"Thank you for this. I've always wanted to do this, you know?" He tells me excitedly, as if I'm being a pal and helping him out. To make this situation all the more horrible, he lifts up a blindfold band, and then slides it down the top of my head until it blocks my eyes completely. It fits snuggly and now I see darkness, except for faint outlines of thing due to the tiny holes in the fabric so air can get through.

I feel him duck down now and a moment later I feel my sweatpants...yanked down. He does this forcefully, making my sweatpants fling down where they pool at my ankles. I gasp at this as I feel the cool air on my bare legs while my Princess Peach panties are plainly seen to everyone of them. All I do in response of this is to let out a soft whimper as I still try to tell myself that this isn't really happening. That all these men aren't looking at my bare legs and panties.

A groan comes out of me now as I then feel my panties forced down. He grabs the waistband on either side of my hips and yanks them down like my sweatpants...exposing my shaved womanhood. My most private and precious place comes to everyone's view. A place that only a handful of people have ever seen. And through I can't see, I can feel the dozens of men staring at it.

I sway a bit as I feel in a daze. I consider that I could start to struggle and get their attention. That if I do they might take off the gag and I could explain the situation. But then I think...maybe this won't be so bad. Maybe my plan will work after all. I would just have to endure whatever they plan to do. But doing simple math in my head, I realize this would mean I would be here for hours.

Then another thought enters my head that if I do manage to tell them that this isn't the promotion...they won't care, and then I really will be gang raped.

"This is so great. I've always wanted to strip a tied up girl," the man tells me as if it is a confession. Then I feel my sweater being lifted up and again all I do is whimper. My instinct is to try to stop him from doing so...but he does it so fast that I'm unable to do anything but feel him do it. It's pulled over my head and up my arms, where it hangs off my arms and droops over my head.

Again I feel eyes as they all see my black bra. The black bra that is my favorite. That is the most sturdy. That gives the most support.

I realize that now that even if I wanted to stop them...I can't. Even if I start shaking my head, they won't see because the sweater is hanging down and blocking most of my face. And I can't kick or anything or else I'll fall over thanks to how I'm already on my tippytoes thanks to the cuffs. If I did try to kick, they would probably assume I'm being sexy or something.

I yelp in reaction, a yelp that dies on the gag in my mouth when I feel my bra ripped apart. It was a front clasp bra but he, in his excitement breaks it, or at least that's what it feels like. Just grabbed the clasp and pulled with both hands to rip it apart. To rip apart my favorite bra. Destroyed, just like I fear I'm about to be.

My face goes red under my sweater as I feel my bare breasts bounce free of the bra, exposed to all of them. As I have C breasts, I tend to catch guys staring which is one of the reason I wear baggy sweaters. I feel jiggle of my breasts as they seem to be constantly moving due to my heaving breath. I feel my nipples hardening from the cold and wonder just how roughed up they are about to become.


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