by creativeboyinspring
I would love to see another chapter or two of the girl getting poked, prodded, tied up, and fucked for several hours. Then the guys leave her hanging until her father finds her. After fucking her too, he takes her down after deciding this activity could be performed on a weekly basis (or something along those lines). Good start.
The story has one missing detail, if the daughter is the willing participant, then who is tabulating the credit card charges to ensure that each man is paying the correctly assessed three times of the standard price of each sex you being purchased by the rabid crowd. Not the man whose calm logically phasing readidvwhat she ssoning that is getting the crowd to line up and give each other three minutes to try each be sex you on the willing daughter. In other words, the father is at risk of being completely cleaned out of everything in the store while the daughter is getting literally fucked out of her mind.
My hope is the guy who helps the daughter with her college algebra, sees the mess going on and quickly recognizes the daughter being raped in front of all and grabs his Glock to shut up the fuckers by stopping the fuck fest and orders that she be released from her restraints. Even though she gives a complete explanation of why she did what she did, he will point a Clock at the first man's forehead to make him pay the contracted three times over the standard price as the others quickly line up to pay for their purchases from a naked but forever gratefully appreciative daughter. Only a handful escape with their free purchases after using it on her.
The two decide to fabricate a fake story about the daughter hosting a free display of porn films to attract a willing crowd to pay three times for their purchases. Nothing said to the father as he gets home from a fun day with good friends.
The next day, the daughter finds him dead in bed. She can not tell him how she saved his business. Will probated as she inherited the porn shop. A wealthy developer purchases the property and that gives her financial security to pay off student loans and marry the man who helped her with her algebra homework.
Better than to have a recreation of the 50 cent beer sales in early 1980s at the Cleveland Indians stadium. The same would have brought a strong police force to stop the chaos and have the daughter arrested for promoting prostitution.
So father comes back and joins party. Money is flowing. Gag, nipples clamped, likely an expandable Butt plug inserted, handcuffed, blindfolded, paddled and caned on the ass. Was fucked again and again, then hugh dildo inserted. Father and daughter offer weekly sessions. Great, let's have part two and more. DW
This was a great story. Very imagination me and well written.
But the ending made it seem unfinished. Naturally, you couldn’t detail what every man in the line did to her, but I was expecting her father and his friend to show up. Or at least skip ahead to the last guy cutting her down and removing her restraints.
We need a second chapter!!!
5 stars.
Outlandish, but just believable enough for me to get into it. Great concept.
Wow, that was a short but wild ride. I loved how she didn't volunteer like I thought she would, and how the first in line gagged her so she was forced to go along with it. That made it quite believable. I think at that point I'd have gone slower (the store must be full of interesting items) so the customers don't realize she's actually not the BDSM actress, because once it becomes obviously Non-Con to them, they become rapists, which didn't seem realistic. But still that was very stimulating and unusual! Oh wait, there is a part 2, lol!
I love crossovers.
Jessica, porn shop
bindr, Keshia 1, 2, 3 at the same porn shop Keshia and the nameless Data Manager part 2
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Great story!! Loved the erotica and different toys. Can’t wait to read part 2!!