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The Pact Ch. 03

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Police Boxing Matches finale; yet another case for the Team.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/24/2018
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This story is part of an ongoing series. The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman's biography.

Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas.

This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.

Special note: all characters engaged in sex acts are at least 18 years old.

Part 12 - Soul of Iron - The Final Final

The music of Darude's Sandstorm began softly, then got louder and louder as the gymnasium full of Police Officers and a few others began jumping up and down, waving red, white, and blue ribbons or cloths. The energy in the room was tremendous, and I could feel it flowing right right through my very soul.

This was it. The Police Boxing Matches (Freestyle Division) Championship. It was 10:00am, Saturday, June 2d, and the TCPD Headquarters gymnasium was full of Police Officers and a number of others that were ready to watch the very last Police Boxing Matches battle allowing the use of crowbars.

As the beat of the music pumped energy throughout the room, to my surprise I noticed Chief Moynahan walk up a staircase made of planks and plywood that brought him to the level of the ring. He stepped into the ring with the match's referee, Lt. Micah Rudistan, who was wearing white plastic with yellow and black stripes, and holding a white football helmet. Chief Moynahan had a microphone in his hand.

"Bee-forrre we begin..." he called out. The cheering stopped and the music died down. "Before we begin this Finals match," called out the Chief, "we have a very special award to give out. Would Commander Troy please come into the ring?"

There was a cheer as I walked up the temporary steps to ring level and eased between the ropes, not having a clue what this was about. Chief Griswold's mustaches had been twitching with merriment all morning long, so I knew something was up. Time to find out what, I guess.

"As you all know," said Rudistan jovially, taking over the microphone, "Commander Troy was going to compete in these Matches and kick every one of our butts... but instead, he took one for the Team and re-injured his back while beating the crap out of the Slender Man and rescuing several children." A roar of approval burst out. I remained stoic, still feeling the pain of being unable to compete by order of the Town & County Police Chief.

"So, to award Commander Troy for his actions on behalf of our children and our Town & County," Rudistan continued, "we are presenting him with this very special trophy!"

With that, a cloth covered object was put on the floor of the ring, and Chief Moynahan picked it up. Bringing it to us in the center of the ring, he handed it to me. Damn, it was heavy! I thought as I took it. It was a statue of some kind. The Chief whisked off the cloth, leaving me holding a bronze statue about a foot high, maybe a little more with the trapezoid-cube base.

"This is the Official, one-of-a-kind 'I Beat Slender Man' trophy, awarded to Commander Troy for showing the Slender Man what a true Boxing Matches beatdown feels like!" Rudistan explained. Another roar burst out from the crowd as I examined the trophy.

It was molded into the likeness of The Slender Man, wearing a suit and tie, standing with his feet slightly apart... and holding a crowbar at 'port arms' across his chest beneath that featureless head. Into the base of the statue had been engraved the words "I BEAT" and underneath them, the words "SLENDER MAN".

The Heisman Trophy weights 25 pounds, and the 'I Beat Slender Man' statue weighed darn near that. Whoever had paid for this had paid some serious money, too. I held it up for all to see, and the crowd amped up its roars of approval.

No, it was not the Police Boxing Matches trophy, but it would have to do. It would also generate an acclaim and following on Twitter and 'the Facebook' amongst those who followed the Slender Man legend, and on Cindy's 'Meet Commander Donald Troy' page on Youtube.

I'd mentioned that there was one last appearance of the Slender Man in my Town & County... and this was it.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

There was a roar when the door to the mat room room on the side of the gym opened, and Your Iron Crowbar came out, leading the Defending Police Boxing Matches (Freestyle Division) Champion through a narrow path in the sea of humanity to the elevated boxing ring in the center of the gymnasium. Sandstorm was playing again, and the cheers got louder and louder as we approached the ring, as if this were a University of South Carolina SEC football game.

Teresa was in her white plastic armor, trimmed with red, and her red football helmet with plastic face shielding. I was wearing my red collared shirt with embroidered TCPD badge, khaki pants... and no crowbar. The red crowbar was in the possession of my Clan Crowbar acolyte.

Like the year before, I had gone in and offered Teresa the red crowbar. She had tried to refuse it, saying she did not want to dishonor it if she lost. She knew she'd come too close to losing a couple of times already, and she'd barely continued the tradition of a past Champion not being defeated before the Final round.

I insisted she take it. "Win or lose, you will honor the Clan of the Crowbar by giving everything you have in fighting with it. I would be honored if you would use it in my stead in this match." Teresa said the correct words of thanks, and accepted the red crowbar as her weapon for the match.

Once we got to the ring, Teresa went up and in. Everyone turned to the far side of the gym, and another roar went up as the Challenger emerged from the locker room, wearing white plastic trimmed with blue, a blue helmet with face shielding, and of course carrying a crowbar. The gymnasium was vibrating, and then everything stopped cold: the music stopped, the cheering died down into silence as the challenge was issued:

"Would you like a shot... at the title?" called out the defending Champion, Captain Teresa Croyle.

"Don't mind if I do!" replied the Challenger... Commander Cindy Ross.

Yes, Cindy had barely defeated Jerome Davis in the spirited semifinal match. He had trained with me, and he had been an outstanding student. Even with the limited training I had given him, his acumen and 'never quit' spirit had almost won the day. But he had stumbled near the end, and that was too much when the Green Crowbar was on the hunt. She took him down with seconds to spare, and afterwards had words of high praise for him, knowing she'd been in a real battle. Meanwhile, I wistfully thought of what I would've been able to do had the Chief allowed me to compete, bad back notwithstanding.

I had reminded Cindy later in the week that no Commander had ever lost in the Police Boxing Matches Final. Of course, there had only been one recorded instance of a Commander being in a Finals match at all, and Cindy did not need to be reminded who it was that had taken her down on that day. I also don't think I can print in this family environment the 'Canadian' words she might have used in reply to my reminder...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Once I took my place with the Chief and with Tanya to watch the upcoming epic battle, the last Police Boxing Matches battle with crowbars, Referee Rudistan made the announcement: "The rule is suspended... in order to allow the finalists to use their... own... crowbars!" The gym erupted, and it pretty much stayed that way. Rudistan gave the final instructions, Teresa and Cindy 'crossed swords' with their red and green crowbars, and went to their corners.

DING! The bell rang. Rudistan drew his hands together and yelled 'Box!', and we were underway!

It was immediately apparent that Cindy Ross was going for Teresa Croyle's vulnerable spot, her right arm and right side. Teresa had been fighting with a two-handed grip on her crowbar throughout the Matches, but this did not do well against Cindy's flanking maneuvers, going for Teresa's far left side, then quickly going for her right side. Cindy had the speed, flexibility, and experience to do what previous contestants had not been able to do.


The green crowbar landed against the red-trimmed white plastic with a sickening crunch, followed by more of the same. And as Teresa's forehand right hand swings were slow, Cindy all but invited them, only to quickly bypass the swings and deliver punishment to Teresa's arms and sides.

Even more, Cindy had figured out that she did not need to make any special martial arts moves like she usually did. Teresa had won all of her contests thus far with Aikido moves, outclassing her competition, including Joanne Warner. But Cindy was a different level, and we all knew it.


Two more hard blows landed. I felt pain for Teresa. She was fighting as gamely as she could, but it was all defensive, it was barely enough to not be overwhelmed. Meanwhile, Cindy was showing no mercy, as little mercy as she would've shown me in the ring had I been opposing her. Cindy was tired of losing the Finals matches, and she fully intended this to be her day of retribution.


It was the bell to end the first round. Teresa had survived it as they went to opposite corners and got water. Teresa was flexing her arms, trying to keep them loose and active, and I knew that while the armor would protect her body, her arms were going to be hurting, if they weren't already.

The bell sounded for Round Two. Cindy came right out to the middle. Teresa came forth and acted as if she was going to get a swing in. Cindy sidestepped and swung... and missed! Teresa's action had been a feint, and Cindy had overcommitted. She paid for it as Teresa stepped in and delivered a strong blow to Cindy's side under her exposed shoulder, then repelled Cindy's counter-swing.

I saw something in Cindy's eyes, a slight wildness that showed she was off balance and had lost the mental edge. Teresa's eyes showed that she was still in this fight.

Cindy tried to press home her physical advantages, but Teresa was used to her by now, and was able to meet the attacks. The air was filled with the *WHANG!* and *CLANG!* of iron-on-iron as the Finalists thrust and parried, swung and counter-swung.


The bell to end the round sounded, and the noise in the gym was so loud that I could not hear myself think. Three minutes left. Three minutes to glorious victory or shameful defeat. It was all on the line...

"Box!" yelled Rudistan after the bell sounded for the final round. Both Finalists were tired, but I knew that there was an energy running through both of them that would carry them to the end. They'd trained for months for these three minutes, these last three minutes. They would leave nothing behind... and they did not.


Cindy was really picking up the pace, and the pressure. She had been working on Teresa's left arm, her better arm, and her strategy was working. Teresa tried keeping her right arm to the fore, and Cindy would unleash powerful blows to Teresa's crowbar, knowing all Teresa could do was defend, her arm practically immobile.

And it was working. Cindy was getting to Teresa now, whacking her armor, and she decided it was time to try to end the match. She went for Teresa's arm in a martial arts move that would become a wrestling takedown. But Teresa spun out of it, and Cindy nearly lost her balance. But Teresa could not move in to take advantage. Cindy recovered, gave Teresa a 'Cindy Cunt' look, and moved in with savage force.

The Green Crowbar was landing blow after blow, getting Teresa's hips and lower back and even her legs, then when Teresa moved her arms down to defend, Cindy came up with savage blows to the shoulders and sides. She got a couple of thwacks to Teresa's back, and then she made her patented move, ducking and swinging her legs to cut Teresa's out from under her.

It worked; Teresa went down with a hard *THUD!*. Cindy moved in for the kill, and it looked like it was over.

As Cindy moved in, Teresa suddenly lunged between Cindy's legs, then lifted up. Cindy jumped up to not get caught up, but still went sprawling. The noise in the gym grew even louder as both women quickly got to their feet. Thirty seconds left. It was the final face-off. Cindy knew she had to outright win to get the trophy. She went for it, attacking.

"That's it, there's your shot!" I gasped out, seeing it. I doubt Teresa heard me, but she saw it too. To the shock of the world in that gym, she dropped the red crowbar and ran into Cindy's attack! With lightning speed, she grabbed Cindy's right arm and hurled the platinum blonde over her own right forearm and shoulder.


Cindy landed hard, stunned. Teresa had used the move I had used on Laura during our exhibition months earlier. Simple, extremely risky, but potentially devastatingly effective. Teresa had remembered it, and had used it in her most desperate moment.

And Teresa did not let go of Cindy's arm, but kept hold as she landed on top of her, keeping Cindy's arm pulled back. It was over. Cindy refused to yield, so Rudistan slapped the floor three times. And then the final bell rang.

Teresa still had to get up and wander to a neutral corner. She pushed herself up, picked up the red crowbar, and staggered over. As soon as she did, Rudistan came over and raised her arm high into the air. Against all possible odds and then some, Teresa had won. The Clan of the Crowbar was not broken, this day.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After Chief Moynahan presented the trophies, with Morton won the regular Boxing division, I headed to my office. I put the "I Beat Slender Man" trophy on the bookcase behind my desk, where the matchstick Trojan Horse once ruled. It was at The Cabin now. The Slender Man now ruled my office.

After her examination by that loveliest of doctors, my wife Laura, Cindy came into my office and sat down.

"You know that line about 'I can beat you with one hand tied behind my back.'?" she said, almost in a trance. "Well, she did. She literally beat me with one arm today. I gave her everything I had, and her right arm is not 100%... and she still plain whipped my ass."

I said nothing; there was nothing I could really say.

"And don't say she wanted it more than I did." Cindy said, finally looking over at me. "Because she didn't. What did I do wrong?... or is she just that good?"

"I don't know if she is, physically." I said. "But you were battling against the most mentally tough person I have ever met."

"Could you have beaten her, if you'd been allowed to compete?" Cindy asked.

I just smiled. "Yes." I said, knowing that Teresa had beaten Cindy in the one place a Warrior's advantage lies... between her ears. And where Teresa had surprised Cindy, she would not have surprised me.

And yes, I believe I would've won the whole damn thing, going away.

Cindy just glared at me, and I think she wanted to call me a few names, but at that moment I was saved by the opening of my office door. Teresa walked in, followed by my favorite Doctor, then Chief Moynahan.

Cindy had gotten up and was hugging Teresa, their friendship restored now that the epic battle was ended. I was shocked at the bruises I was seeing on Teresa'a arms. I looked over at Laura.

"Needless to say, Darling," Laura said, saying it anyway, and in a very acerbic voice, "Captain Croyle will be our guest at the Mountain Nest, for overnight observation. If she starts having bruises on her body, especially near where her liver and midsection organs are, will will go directly to the Hospital; we will not pass 'Go', we will not collect $200."

"Does she need to go to the Hospital now?" asked Chief Moynahan, and I knew that was a 'suggestion' more than a 'question'.

"I don't think so, not yet." Laura said. "But Teresa, you will tell me if you feel anything wrong inside you, any increase in pressure or pain. It is not honorable to hide any problems." Excellent choice of words by the world-renowned psychologist, I thought.

"Yes ma'am." Teresa said. She then returned the red crowbar to me, which earned me another glare from Cindy. I just held it up with a 'knowing' look.

"The good newwwwws, Commander Ross," said the Chief, noticing, "is that this was the last time you will lose to the Red Crowbar in the Boxing Matches."

"Silver lining to this very dark Red cloud." Cindy replied. "I should've stolen that crowbar and had it melted down as part of that Slender Man trophy."

"Speaking of that," I said, "who is responsible for that trophy? It's really cool, but that had to cost some green dollar bills."

Teresa spoke up. "The entire Police Force started collecting money for it after word went out you were forbidden to compete in the Boxing Matches. Ms. Hardbody here made up any differences in cost, possibly with the help of persons with great 'Vision'. Town High School's metalworking department formulated the bronze and sculpted the statue."

"Great job, too. Really, really good." I said. "But whose original idea was it?"

"That would be one Timmy Austin, Davie Marsdon's friend." said Cindy. "He got the idea from his chess class. They have a little trophy that says 'I Beat The Coach' if they beat the coach, which Timmy has started to do all too regularly and is now teaching the class along with the coaches. Timmy suggested the trophy based on that, after Susie told him about you beating the Slender Man and rescuing Susie and the others."

"Those Crowbar Crew kids bear watching." I said, chuckling. "They bear watching..."

Part 13 - Meetings

2:00pm, Saturday, June 2d. We got back to work. All the MCD Detectives met in Classroom 'E', along with Lieutenant Myron Milton, Captain Perlman, myself, and Chief Moynahan. My wife Laura, already at Headquarters for the Boxing Matches, also sat in.

Joanne had the second whiteboard in the room, next to the one from the previous home invasion. She now put up photos of the Radcliffes.

"Tad Radcliffe worked with the State Department in the past, Diplomatic Corps." said Joanne. I glanced over at Laura and she shook her head: Radcliffe was not part of the CIA.

Joanne continued: "He essentially retired from the State Department and took a job with the University's Center for International Policy, part of their International Studies program. He met his wife Helga while on assignment to Sweden, married her, and brought her back to the States, where they have what seems to be a happy marriage with one child, their son Sven."

"Helga made some good money working as a translator at the University, and teaches Swedish at the University and a German class at County High. She is well-liked by her fellow teachers, popular with the students..."

"What Nordic goddess wouldn't be popular with those young, horny high school boys." said Tanya Perlman. As an observation, I'm sure.

"True." I said. "But go on, Joanne."

"I was only going to say that Helga is part of the CTLA tennis league that Marcia Clarkston is part of, so they know each other through that." said Joanne. "And Marcia's daughter Tiffany hangs out with Sven Radcliffe a lot. Many people think they're dating, but they just say they're good friends. Sven and Dave Clarkston are on the football team together and the same Class, as well."

I nodded. "So they're good financially?"

"Yes sir." said Joanne. "They're actually renting their house in the Heritage Cloisters, and the University is subsidizing their rent. They have some credit card debt, but not huge amounts, and they seem to be living within their means. Sven is going to Eastern State in the fall, and on a full-ride athletic scholarship. Swimming and Diving."

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