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The Part-Time Job

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I learn all about customer service.
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I was getting closer to retirement than I cared to admit.

Although we had saved a bit of money over the years, all the online models kept saying we didn't have enough.

I didn't want to be poor in retirement.

My wife suffers from severe anxiety, so there was no way we could rely on her to bring in extra money.

One day I was chatting on an adult social media site with a "friend" of mine. I say friend, in quotations, because although we've chatted online for a few years, we've never actually met.

We do share a common passion, however. We are both nudists, naturists, and exhibitionist wanna-bes.

I was bemoaning the fact that there are no good, part-time jobs out there that allow you to work naked.

He typed, "Well, about the only place I can think of is that nudist place out in Lonedell, Missouri, near St. Louis, where we live."

I told him I heard about the place, but that was a little too much of a commute from Imperial.

There was a lull in the conversation, so much so that i thought maybe he had to leave suddenly.

"Are you serious?" he finally sent.


"Well, I know a guy who runs a business that sells parts to tradesmen. Anybody in that line of work can go in there and buy parts. He's made kind of a name for himself by having guys go fetch parts in the nude. The tradesmen like to harass the nudies, as they call them. They get a kick out of humiliating them."

"Well that doesn't sound too bad. So what, they call you names, hurl insults? I could handle that."

"Well, I understand it can get a little, um, humiliating. I've only heard rumors that I won't repeat because I have no proof. I do know he's been short-handed since Covid started."

I have to admit I was a little concerned about his lack of information concerning the rumors part of it. It had a slightly ominous tone to it.

But my horniness won out, and I decided that, worse comes to worse, I could just quit.

He gave me the number, and I called the guy: "Yeah, I don't discuss the job or do interviews over the phone. Can you be here at four tomorrow?"


He gave me the address and hung up.

I didn't hold out high hopes for this one.

He didn't even say 'bye'.

I arrived at the place, one of those buildings built in the fifties with the roof that slopes from front to back at a low angle, a single plate glass mirrored window, a metal frame door with the same mirrored glass.

A wood, hand painted sign simply said 'Parts'.

I pulled on the door, which typically stuck and made that scraping metal sound.

I metal bell attached to the door 'dinged' as the door opened, and again as it closed.

I was in a narrow, six foot wide vestibule that spanned the width of the store.

There were solid metal doors on both sides of a four foot wide formica parts counter with a single register.

The parts counter area was a little room to itself, with a wall to the right and behind so you couldn't see in the back, and a wood door to the left.

There were two of those round-seat barstools with faded industry advertising on them, that were occupied by two guys that looked like plumbers or HVAC guys. They did something less than clean for a living.

I felt a little out of place.

A guy appeared behind the counter.

"Help you?"

"I spoke to Al on the phone about a job..."

The guys on the barstools looked at each other with a slight smile.

I kinda felt like fresh meat to wolves.

The guy behing the counter went out the wood door and opened the left-side metal door.

"In here."

I walked through the door into a hallway with a few doors.

The first on had the restroom pictures on it.

The other four were a janitors closet, two offices and, I assume, a door out into the back area.

I was ushered into the last office.

Counter guy pointed to the metal folding chair and said, "Wait here."

"Thanks," I said, and then he left.

After about ten minutes a guy who I assume is Al came in.

At first he appeared startled to see me sitting there, but finally realized who I was.

"Looking for the job?"


"What do you know about it?"

"Essential nothing, other than working naked."

"You can leave your shoes and socks on, it's required, actually. Get naked. Let me see."

"Here? Now?"

He just stared.

"Sorry," I said, and stripped naked, putting my shoes back on.

He stood there looking at me.

"Well, I guess you'll do. most of the guys that come in here prefer younger. You might get less tips."

"Tips?" I asked.

"If you'll let me finish...I pay minimum wage. You make the rest in tips. Here's how the first day goes: you'll wear this purple lanyard. This will let my customers know your new and not yet working for tips. The customer comes in and orders a part. We print out a list and you go and get the parts for them. The more you amuse the customer, the more they tip."

"I'm still not sure..."

"That's why you have the lanyard," he said, interrupting me. "You'll figure it out by watching the others. Put your lanyard on. Let's go."

I put the lanyard around my neck and followed him out the door into the back area.

There was a twenty-something guy standing on the other side of the door.

"Nick, this John. It's his first day. Get him going."

And Al turned and left.

So here I was standing naked in just my tennis shoes, face-to-face with another naked guy probably thirty years younger than me, and with a much bigger cock than me. I also noticed that he shaved. Not only his face, but literally every thing - arms, legs, chest, pubes...the only hair he had was on his head and it was only a quarter inch long.

"So, John, was it?"

"And your Nick," I stated.

"Yep, I noticed you admiring my cock, and yes, I am shaved neck to toe. Just gives the customers more to razz me about."

"So this is just a bunch of verbal abuse while we get parts? Seems easy enough..."

"If that's all you allow. The more you allow, the more you make, though."

Then he turned his back to me. There were some old bruises and fresh welts, as if he were hit with something.

"You let them do that to you?"

"I'm a submissive. I enjoy being used by superior men. I didn't always like it, but as I spent time here, it became part of me.

I crave serving, and I even crave the punishment for failing to serve properly or quickly enough. And I get paid well for it."

"Is sex involved?"

I just had to know...

"The better you serve, the more you make." he said with a smile.

I was beginning to wonder if this was for me.

Naked? Yes.

Punishment? I hadn't considered it until now.

Sex with other men? I've always been curious, but never acted on it.

Another twenty-something appeared, also naked.

"Don't let Nick frighten you off. We all have different kinks, and this job gives us a chance to explore those kinks in a safe way. I'm Jason, by the way."

"John, hi. So if I dont want people whipping me, I don't have to? Not sure I'm into that..."

"No, of course not! you never have to move beyond verbal. As soon as that lanyard comes off, however, anything is fair game."


"Yes, anything. Within reason. All customers have to follow three rules:

1) Respect the lanyard

2) No professional medical treatment incurred

3) Respect the safe word, which is 'lanyard'

We have to follow three rules as well:

1) refer to everyone who is not a parts runner as "Master"

2) never disrespect or disobey or backtalk your superiors

3) 5 uses of the safe word per week maximum, so use them wisely.

"Seems a bit much," I said.

"Depends on how well you adapt to the submissive lifestyle."

"I never thought about being submissive, or gay, or into the punishment thing. I've been married to one woman for 30 years, and never thought about any of this stuff. I just wanted to work naked. This is all kinda bizarre..."

"Well, give it a night. As long as you're wearing that lanyard, no one will touch you."

Just then the door buzzed and a man walked through. He had a piece of paper in his hand, which he held up and pointed at Jason.

"Come with me," Jason said. "I'll show you the ropes."

I followed him to the man with the paper.

"What's this? I ain't tipping two faggots!"

"Sorry for the confusion, Master. This is the new slaves first night, and I'm just showing him the ropes."

"Oh, hehehe, likes to be tied up, eh?"

"He's undecided, Master."

"Yeah, I saw the lanyard. Let's go, I'm short on time"

Jason led us to the aisles where the part the 'master' was looking for was kept.

"Here is your part, Master."

The master took the part from Jason.


Jason dropped to his knees, fished the guys cock out of his pants and started performing oral sex on him.

I've never seen anyone suck anyone's cock before.

My wife doesn't even do it.

I stood there transfixed as Jason bobbed up and down on the thing. It was like my own personal sex show. I felt my mouth go dry and my pulse quicken.

"This will be you, tomorrow slave!"

I've never been called 'slave' before, either.

"I dunno..."

"I do, faggot," he said, nodding at my crotch.

My own cock was standing at attention from the debauchery I was witnessing, and my head was spinning. I've only been naked for maybe 30 minutes, tops- and I was beginning to wonder what I might be willing to do.

The door buzzed, and closed.

"I need a slave! Now!"

Jason stopped long enough to tell me, "Go help him!" then went back to sucking master's cock.

I made it to the door on seconds.

"Damn! A lanyard boy! I need this fucking part now, lanyard boy!"

I went to take the paper from him, and he let it slip out of his hand and flutter to the floor.

" Dammit, lanyard boy! First ya make me wait, them your butterfingers drops the damn paper! Well aren't you a piece of shit! And on top of it all, ya got that damn lanyard on yer neck! Yer damn lucky boy, or I'd take a strap across your ass!

"Sorry sir.."

"Sir!? It's MASTER, cocksucker!!! The next time I come in her and you aint got no lanyard protecting you, you'll pay for the crappy way you treated me! All you fucking faggots are the same. Yer only good for sucking cock, licking ass, getting slapped around and pissed on!"

"This way, Master."

He continued," You even got a ring on your finger. That's why you're here - cause your wife won't have nothing to do with your tiny dicked-ass! I'll bet she'd love to find out what you do at night. I'm gonna follow you home and tell her what a useless faggot you are!"

I got his part down and extended it to him as he continued.

"You know what I'm going to do after I tell her about you and show her this fine picture I took?"

He had taken a picture of me when I wasn't looking!

"I'm gonna show her this!"

He dropped his pants and I found myself staring at a magnificent cock.

"Yer wife wont want yer tiny dick after she sees this!"

I found myself entranced by this amazing cock, and as he kept talking, it kept growing.

"I'm gonna take this man's cock and fuck the shit outta yer ole' lady until her eyes roll back in her head, then I'm gonna shove yer face in her pussy and make you lick all of my cum outta her,.cause that's all your good for faggot- eating a real man's cum!"

I don't know when, and I don't know how...but I became aware that I was on my knees, mere inches from, and mesmerized by, his amazing cock.

"You want it, dont you?" he asked, his voice now softer.

"You want to reach out and touch it - I can see if in your eyes."

My cock was so hard..

"You want to lean forward...open your mouth...kiss it...lick it.."

He was thrusting it at me, daring me to do it... I wanted it! I leaned closer, but he pulled back. I whimpered. I wanted that cock!

"Do you want it?"

I nodded.

"I want to hear it..."


"Yes, what?"

"Yes, Master"

" Then you know what you need to do..."

What? What was it I needed to do? I hung my head in dismay.. That's when I saw the lanyard dangling there. Without thinking it through, I lifted the lanyard over my head and offered it to him.

He took it from me, saying, "Suck, faggot!"

I opened my mouth and, for the first time in my life, a penis entered my mouth.

Just then, Jason and his customer walked by.

"Ha! I told you it wouldn't take long, but I didn't think it would be that quick!" the master said. "When they go that quick, you KNOW they were born to be a slave!"

"Yeah," my master said. "Once he saw my dick, he practically melted to the floor!"

Meanwhile I was going to town, trying to suck his cock as best as I can. I was slurping and licking and sucking like my life depended on it.

Then my master pulled out, and started masturbating fast as he grabbed my hair. He started grunting as he let loose with a huge squirt of cum right in the middle of my face. Four more ropes of cum coated my face so I couldn't even open my eyes.

Finally he finished.

I couldn't see, but he said, "See ya, faggot. What an slut you turned out to be!"

And he was gone.

I was still kneeling on the floor.

The cum was sliding down my face.

I was trembling.

Partially from being wet.

Partially from the realization that I was naked, covered in cum, and I had just sucked my first cock ever.

In less than an hour I had gone from being just a naked guy to being a cocksucker. How did I let this happen? I just wanted to work nude, not be a fag!

I hadn't heard the door open and close, but I did hear the voice.

"Well, well, well. What have we here?"

I raised my hand to clear my eyes.

Something whooshed, and pain seared into my back.

I cried out, "Uh ahhh!" and froze.

"I don't remember giving you permission to do that, slut! On your hand and knees!"

My back was still burning from whatever he struck me with as I got up on my hands and knees.

"Yes master, sorry master."

"Crawl now!" he barked, the belt (I believe) now coming down on my ass, not as hard as the first one, but more as motivation to move.

"Left!" he commanded, striking the other ass cheek.

I continued crawling.

"Left" he ordered.

I took two "steps" and bumped into the wall.

"I told you to go right!" he yelled.

"You said left!" I protested, instantly regretting my words as the belt swung in a straight line down my butt crack, around my balls and swinging up to the tip of my cock.

The pain was severe, and I nearly fell to the floor.

I was whimpering in pain now.

The hit my ass again lightly.

"Crawl right!"

I contined forward.

"Stop. Stand. Reach up. Left. More. That's the one."

I had the part in my hand, and it was heavy.


The cum on my eyes was drying them shut, and I could feel it getting taut on my face as I dropped to my knees.

"Crawl to the front!"

I struggled to crawl on one hand and two knees as he commenced to rhythmically urging me forward with the belt.

I kept following his left and right directions until he managed to curl the belt between my legs again, striking my cock once more.

I again cried out as the belt struck me, and nearly dropped the part.

"Stop here, hand me my part"!

I reached up, extending the part to where his voice was

"Well done, John. Don't worry. I won't tell your wife. Yet."

The door opened, then closed.

Who was that? I realized whoever it was knew me..

Then I heard Jason's voice next to me.

"Come on, let's go clean you up."

He helped me up and guided me to the bathroom.

He started the water running.

I bent over and started washing my face with my hands. When I finally felt like I had all the cum off of my face, I opened my eyes.

I looked in the mirror at myself.

Jason put his hand on my back and looked at me in the mirror.

"You ok?"

I suddenly started bawling. I don't know what came over me. It was a lot to process.

I took my clothes off in front of a total stranger.

I sucked a cock for the first time, ever.

I crawled, blinded by cum, to get a part while a master slapped me with a belt and, worse, he knew me.

Now I had dried cum in my hair, strap marks on my back, and I was crying in the bathroom.

And he wanted to know if I was ok!?

"It's just a little much," I replied. "I wasn't prepared."

"That's why you're supposed to wear the lanyard the first day. Here it is. Put it back on. Only you and I will know."

I nodded as he put the lanyard over my head and around my neck.

Then he did something unexpected. He gave me a hug. Now I was hugging another guy, naked, in a bathroom. It was odd. I've never hugged another guy full frontal and nude. He was warm, and as he held me, I felt better. More than better. I became aware of his cock pressing against me, and I felt my own cock responding.

He broke the hug, smiling, and left the bathroom.

I was confused about things after that- I had a lot to think about, anyway.

I know I still loved my wife, and had always considered myself straight.

Obviously, I was mistaken about a few things.

The rest of the evening was a little tamer, for me at least.

I had people screaming and yelling at me, but Jason and Nick had to bear the brunt of the physical stuff- although they didn't seem to mind much. I believe they actually got off on the physical abuse, or on submitting to the customers, er, masters.

In time, the evening came to a close. All the masters had left the building, and we had gathered near the front door.

"Well,.do you wanna see how well you did tonight?" Jason asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Your tips..."

I must have looked confused.

"That is like Al to not tell you about the tips. Every customer we serve tips for the privilege of our services. These boxes are where they leave them. Here's yours..."

He showed me the wooden box with my name on it.

He opened it and handed me the contents.

"I do remember now him saying something about tips. I'd forgotten. I guess since it was my first night, and with me being so much older...

I looked down.

There was cash.

$572, to be exact.

"That's more than I make in eight hours at work!"

"And it's good motivation to keep working here!" Jason said as he showed me his wad.

He must have had closer to $1500!

"Most of us work only a few days a week. Ot gives us a chance to recover for the next night."

As I drove home that night, I thought back over the evening.

It was a night of firsts.

First time naked in front of someone other than my wife or doctor.

First time watching one guy blow another.

First time sucking a cock.

First time getting a facial.

First time getting hit with a belt.

First time in a sexually submissive situation with someone who I apparently knew.

First time getting paid for being used.

The more I thought about all my firsts, the more my own cock betrayed me.

It was all so surreal.

"If I could make half as much as the younger, more attractive guys", I reasoned with myself, "I could retire early!"

I was home.

I put the car in park and turned it off.

I walked in and was met by my wife.

"How'd your first day go?" she asked.

"Good." I replied. "Really good. I think this job is going to work out really well. In fact, I can hardly wait for next time!" I told as my cock strained against my pants...

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