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The Party

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It all went to hell after the party.
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I didn't know whether to put this in loving wives or interracial. I flipped a coin.

My name is Phil Jackson and I'm married to June. I'm 32 years old and June is 30. I stand 6 feet 1 inches tall and weigh around 190 to 200.

June is blonde with blue eyes and stands 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighs around 125. Her 125 pounds are all in the right places. We've been married for 5 years and as of yet have no children.

I work for a major electronics company as a warehouse manager. We're the distribution center for all of central and southern California. It's pretty easy job, thanks to bar codes and computers. Everything is scanned in and out.

I met June 6 years ago at a friends weekend barbecue. We dated and lived together for about a year and finally got married. She works for the LA Superior court system as a court clerk. The friend, Bob Cousy, is my best bud. He's a Celtics fan and I'm a Lakers fan. Of course, we have some heated discussions about who's best. When they play each other, it's pandemonium. June and Missy, Bob's wife, make it a point to be somewhere else during the game. A few times they suggested we have an ambulance standing by.

It's Saturday night and June and I are getting ready to go to Bob's place for drinks and bullshitting. Who knows, maybe even a dance or two. He has a nice patio and it's a warm evening.

"You about ready, Hun?"

"Yeah, as soon as I find my car keys."

"Look in your pants pocket."

"Very funny."

"I mean the ones you wore earlier."

God, I hate when she's right like that. She always gives me one of those smiles

I ring Bob's doorbell and in seconds he opens it.

"Hey, June, Phil. Come on in."

"Hi, Bob. Celtics blow."

"Lakers eat shit. Let me get you two a drink."

June rolls her eyes and we head to the bar. We got our drinks and started mingling. We ended up, out on the patio. I noticed there were a few people I didn't know. Bob, being a good host, came up and started introducing us around. He touched one tall black guy on the shoulder.

"Lamar, I want you to meet Phil and June Jackson. Phil, June. This is Lamar Odom."

His eyes went immediately to June and he flashed a million dollar smile. I was surprised we didn't get radiation burns. He didn't even glance at me. I put my hand out to shake with him.

"Hi, Lamar. Nice to meet you."

He didn't even notice my outstretched hand or acknowledge my presence. I glanced at June and saw she was blushing red and had that 'wow, this guy is hot' smile on her face. I looked down and saw her headlight were on high beam.

He started laying on the charm how glad he was to meet her and how he just loved her dress and her eyes were beautiful.

I stood there for a minute debating whether to throat punch him or knee him in the nuts. Bob had moved away and didn't notice what was going on. I decided not to kill him and walked away. Neither of them noticed. I made my way to the bar and turned to watch my marriage go down the toilet.

I stood there, watching for about fifteen minutes. They danced to two slow songs. Her left hand was up around the back of his neck and his hand was all but holding her ass cheek. She was definitely plastered against him. I was having a serious problem holding a lid on my anger.

Bob walked up and looked at me. He immediately knew something was wrong. He glanced out and saw June and Lamar.

"Oh fuck."

"Yeah, oh fuck is right. I'm gonna go now, Bob. Don't say anything to her. I want to find out how long it takes her to notice I'm gone."

"I'm sorry, Phil."

"Later, bud."

I drove home with white knuckles on the steering wheel. All kinds of crazy thoughts were running through my brain. I had a picture of them sneaking off and fucking in Bob's spare bedroom. I wondered how it would be, living single again. Where would I live. How much would the courts fuck me in the divorce. Would I ever be able to trust another woman. Would I end up a bitter, lonely old man feeding pigeons in the park.

I got home and changed into sweat pants and a t shirt. I checked my watch to mark the time. I parked in my recliner and turned on the TV. I just sat there waiting for my phone to ring.

The longer I sat there the wilder my imagination got. After an hour, I got up and started pacing, watching my phone. After an hour and a half I figured she wasn't even coming home. I fell into my recliner, exhausted. At almost exactly two hours my phone buzzed. I jerked alert, knowing it was her. I took two deep breaths and tapped accept call.

"Honey, where are you? I looked all over and you were gone."

"I'm home watching TV."

"What's wrong? Why did you leave?"

"I aah wasn't having a good time so I left."

"Will you come and get me. I'm ready to come home."

"I'm really into this movie. Why don't you have Lamar give you a ride."

I heard a gasp and an "Oh god."

I tapped end call.

Twenty minutes later she walked in the door. She almost ran over to me.

"Honey, nothing happened. We just talked and danced a couple of times. Please. I didn't do anything for you to worry about. I love you. It's you and me forever."

"Two hours, June. Two fucking hours before you noticed I was gone."

"I just got caught up in our conversation. We went to the same college and there were some people that we both knew. I'm sorry if it seemed like I was ignoring you. Please don't think that."

"You scared the shit out of me, June. You have no idea what was going through my mind. Two fucking hours I sat here torturing myself."

"Oh my god, honey. I'm so sorry. I just lost track of the time."

She put her arms around me and kissed me on the cheek. I just sat there, trying to lower my blood pressure. I was mad and hurt.

I hoped I had nipped this in the bud. I didn't mention the reactions I saw when she first saw him. My trust in her had taken a serious hit tonight. If we were going to make it, it would have to be rebuilt. The next month or so would tell the tale. The last thing I wanted was to be married and constantly worrying what she was doing when we were apart.

Things were pretty chilly for the next week. It was the middle of the second week before I calmed down enough for sex. We were walking on thin ice, hoping it wouldn't give way.

She was staying real close to home. She would go grocery shopping and come back in an hour loaded down, leaving no question where she had been. I could tell she knew she had fucked up and she was trying to make things right. After a month I had pretty much settled down. Our sex life got back to where is was before and I did get a lot of nice dinners. It looked like we would make it.


I had come as close to losing my Phil as was possible without it actually happening. I was terrified with the thought of losing him.

The incident with Lamar was something that had never happened to me in my entire life. When he turned and flashed that smile my panties melted. I blushed and my nipples came to attention. I felt little jolts from them go straight to my pussy. I was in lust. I never did try to figure how it happened. I suspected it was some subconscious thing. The fact that he was black must have had something to do with it.

All through the evening I hung on every word out of his mouth. When we danced I pushed myself against him, wanting him to feel my hard nipples. His big half hard cock against my stomach was feeding my lust for him. I couldn't tear myself away from him, in fact I didn't want to. He was pouring the milk of seduction in my saucer and I was lapping it up. When he asked for my number, I didn't hesitate for a second to give it to him.

I don't remember how long we talked, but he finally looked at his watch and told me he had to go and that he would call me. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and watched him walk away.

When he got near the door, Bob got in front of him. Bob had a hard look on his face and was poking his chest as he talked to him. I was too far away to hear what Bob was saying. His eyes went to me a couple of times while he was talking. I didn't put two and two together till later.

After Lamar left I looked around for Phil. I asked Missy is she had seen him. She didn't know where he was, so I called him. He was at home, watching TV. I asked him to come and get me and he struck terror in my heart. I knew I had screwed up big time without even knowing it. I was in a panic to get home. I had to fix this quickly or I was dead.

Bob walked up.

"Come on, June. I'll take you home."

His look told me he knew what had happened. The ride to my house was quiet. Neither one of us said a word. The air was so thick you could cut it with a knife. When we got to my house, I started to get out. Bob reached over and touched my arm.

"June. Fix this. Do what ever you have to do, but fix it."

I ran into the house knowing that for the first time in our marriage I would have to lie to my husband. I would never admit that I had lusted after another man. I would do anything to fix the mess I had made.


It's been six weeks since the "Lamar incident" and things are good with Phil and I.

I kissed Phil and headed for the supermarket. I was about halfway done when I turned around the end cap. There stood Lamar. He looked up at me and flashed that smile. It all came rushing back.

"June. Hi. It's been a while."

"Hi, Lamar. How are you."

"I'm good. It's really nice to see you."

As much as I tried to control it, I failed. My nipples got hard and I felt the blood rush up my neck and spread over my face. I saw his eyes go to the front of my blouse. He knew. He walked up to me, leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

"You're looking as beautiful as ever. I love what you've done with your hair."

I tried to say as little as possible, hoping I could escape, but in the back of my mind, I didn't want to. He was starting to pour that seduction milk again.

"Thank you, Lamar."

"I just got back in town yesterday. I was thinking about calling you. Maybe we could go to lunch."

"I've been pretty busy lately. You know, work and all."

"I was thinking about the party where me met. I remembered how nice it was when we were dancing. You felt so good in my arms."

"Yes. That was nice, but a long time ago."

"It's as fresh in my mind as if it happened yesterday."

He hesitated a few seconds and continued. I took a sip of the milk.

"I remember your soft breasts against my chest with your hard nipples poking me. Do you remember that?"

"Yes. I remember."

"Do you remember when you pushed against my hard cock. How good it felt against you."

"I remember that too. It did feel good."

I felt my pussy lips twitch and a little moisture build up. We both knew I wanted him.

"You know, I think you wanted more than that. I think you wanted to see your white hands holding my black cock. To see the contrast of your white hands on it."

The lust was washing over me. I knew I was lost.

"Think how it would be with both of your white hands holding my cock and guiding it to your hot little pussy. Seeing eight inches of big, hard black cock going in your pink pussy. Feeling your pussy lips stretching out letting my cock head open you up. You pushing up, begging me for more and more."

My knees went weak and I had to hold onto my cart to keep from falling.

"Tomorrow, I'll get a room at the Motel 6 down on main. I want you to come to me and we'll take care of that fire burning in that little white pussy. Be there at one, OK?"

"Yes, I'll be there.

"I want you to have sex with your husband tonight. Pretend it's my cock filling you. Think of my black cum filling your pussy."

He smiled and walked away. I just stood there, my heart pounding in my chest. My panties were soaked. I went in the ladies room and hid in a stall. I pulled off my panties and dried my dripping pussy. Thankfully I was alone and I dried my panties with the hand dryer.

On the way home I was trying to grasp what was happening to me. It was like some part of my brain that I didn't know existed took over my body. All I could think about was taking his cock in my pussy. The black on white thing sent shivers though my body. It was similar to what hit me at the party, but so much stronger. It was a need I had to fulfill.

I pulled into the driveway and it faded. Phil was sweeping the garage floor. He looked up and leaned the broom against the wall. He walked toward me to help carry in the groceries.

"Honey, there's a case of water in the trunk. Will you get that, please."

"I'm on it."

I picked up two bags and went in the kitchen. Phil unloaded the water and brought the rest of the bags in. He went back out to finish sweeping.

After dinner, we were sitting, watching the credits rolling on a movie we had watched. I stood up and made my way to the bedroom. I heard Phil get up and check all the doors to make sure they were locked. It was his usual routine before retiring.

He stripped off his t shirt and shorts and got in bed. I was naked, wet and waiting for him. It was my signal that he was going to get laid. He smiled as I rolled into his arms. One of my hands slid down and grasped his cock. Slowly stroking it I slid down and kissed the head. He watched as I took in my mouth. I got it wet with my saliva and moved up over it. I took it all in, in one stroke. He watched me wiggle around a little getting it fully seated. He reached up and took control of my nipples. I moaned and started stroking slowly with my hands on his chest.

"Yeah, baby. Ride it. Show me what you can do."

"Riding your big cock, honey. You feel so good in me."

My eyes closed and my head went back, my mouth hanging slack. By the time my third orgasm rocked me, I was growling like some animal, frantically going for number four. He couldn't hold back any longer and unleashed his load. I came at the same time and my body locked up and my mouth was open in a silent scream. Lamar was filling my pussy with his black cum. I groaned and fell on his chest, trying to breathe. Phil rolled me off and spooned me against his chest. In a few minutes he was asleep. It took me a little longer.

The next morning, Phil was up first. After a quick shower he was making a light breakfast of toast and scrambled eggs. He poured two cups of coffee and I walked in.

"Good timing, babe. It's all ready."

I groaned and attacked my coffee.

"Ah yes. The coffee gods are smiling."

We finished and he put the dishes in the dishwasher. I went to get dressed. As I walked away I heard him talking to Bob.

"Hey, bud. You up for some one on one today?"

"No can do. We're just about to leave for Missy's parents. You know how parents are. The 'You never come and visit' complaint. Looks like it'll be a full day."

"Ok, later."

Around noon, Phil started washing his car. He was almost done when I walked out.

"Honey, Missy called. We're going shopping. Be back in a couple of hours."

I felt like someone stabbed me in the chest. Her blatant lie caught me off guard. I stopped washing the car and went over to the work bench. I picked up my phone and patted my pocket, checking to make sure I had my car keys.

I waited till she backed out and pulled away before jumping into my car. I caught up with her just as she pulled out on to the main drag. I followed two cars behind her. A sick feeling was coming over me. It was like I knew she was going to meet Lamar. It had to be that. Why else would she lie. I watched her pull into the lot at the Motel six. I stopped and picked up my phone. I tapped the video record icon and zoomed in on her car. She got out and walked up to the door. She knocked and the door opened. There stood Lamar in his boxers. She stepped in and he pulled her into his arms. She pushed the door shut.

I sat for a minute, letting it sink in. I started the car and drove back home. I pulled into the garage and got out. With a heavy heart I got two suitcases off the shelf. I smacked them knocking the dust off.

Forty five minutes later I loaded the bags in the car. I went back in and got my laptop and phone charger, got in my car and drove off. A tear ran down my cheek as I waited for the traffic to clear. I pulled out on the main drag and drove to the edge or town. I found a Holiday Inn Express and rented a room for a week.

I decided to end it right now. I turned on my laptop and transferred the video to it. I ran it till it showed her in the door with Lamar's arms around her. I hit pause and then print screen. I saved it as 'Lamar's slut'. I transferred it to my phone and typed out a text message.

'Adulteress' and attached the picture. I looked at it for a few seconds and tapped send.


The door to the motel opened and June was standing there. She kissed Lamar, turned and walked to her car, taking little steps. Lamar smiled, noticing how she was walking. He liked to see his white bitches well blacked, and she definitely was. She had been one of the more eager ones he had been with in quite a while. She had screamed and called his name when he filled her. Se kept begging for his "hot black cum in her white pussy". He was a little disappointed that she was on birth control. His ultimate high was fucking them when they were fertile and hearing them beg for his cum. He would work on getting her off the pill later. He closed the door, wondered how soon she would call.

She got in and saw her phone in the cup holder. She turned it on and noticed she had one missed text. She opened it, gasped and fainted.


Today is the anniversary of my divorce being final. I'm celebrating by drinking a Corona and watching an Aussie rules football game. I admire those guys. The play without pads or helmets. If the get a leg torn off they hop around the field.

I drain my beer and get up to get another when I hear some commotion outside. Opening the door, I see a woman with a U haul pickup loaded with boxes. She struggling to unload one. I quickly change into my shining armour and go to the rescue.

"Hey. Hey. Wait a minute, there. Looks like you could use some help."

"Oh my, thank you. That one is a little heavy. My neighbor helped load that one."

"My name's Phil. Phil Jackson."

"I'm Brenda Wilcox, and thanks for coming to my rescue."

"No problem, that's what I do."

She chuckled and that smile almost set the nearby bushes on fire.

"You grab that little one and lead the way, OK?:

I watched her walk ahead of me with my eyes on her ass. I didn't know it that action was just for me or natural. Either way, it was very nice. Some nasty thoughts came to mind that I hadn't had for a while.

She set her box down and fished a key out of her pocket. I looked at her left hand and didn't see any rings.

"Looks like we're neighbors."

"I see. I guess some guys are luckier than others."

The got me another smile. I noticed that she glanced at my left hand.

It looked like it was going to be a nice day.


I never saw June again after the day I took the video. I gave my attorney a Power of Attorney so I wasn't required in court. It was the standard no fault split everything down the middle. I found an apartment near work and settled into the single life.

I didn't rebound into another relationship. Most of my social life was a few dinners with Bob and Missy and an occasional Sunday one on one game with Bob. I did try the bar scent once in a while just to find a similar soul to break up the routine of lonely nights. Nothing ever came of any of them. Like most in my shoes, I learned that I had 168 ceiling tiles in my bedroom and three of them needed to be replaced.

I never did hear what happened with June. She may as well have vanished off the face of the earth. I suspect that she got a transfer through the court system and moved.

One day I saw a news bulletin on the evening news. It seems that one, Lamar Odom was shot with a twelve gauge shotgun. It showed a guy being put in a police car shouting: "I shot that bastard's balls off. He won't be fucking someones wife again." I did a little happy dance around my coffee table.


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