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The Party

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City girl & country gal battle over a guy.
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Zach pulled the pickup up to the curb and shut off the lights. We both sat in silence and looked at the house for a moment before either of us spoke.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked.

He laughed and got out of, walking around to open my door for me. "It'll be fun, come on," he said, and I followed him into the darkened house.

The girl who answered the door was around the same age as me – 23 – but much taller. She was around 5'8", an athletic blonde with her hair done up in curls pinned to the back of her head.

She smiled when she saw Zach, but her smile thinned as she looked me up and down, taking me in slowly. I laughed a little, thinking she had probably never seen anyone quite like me before.

The blonde was dressed in a black skirt that hit her just above the knees, showing off athletic legs, and as she turned to retreat back into the house, apparently having decided to let us in, I caught a glimpse of a little tattoo on her upper thigh.

She was wearing almost no makeup, save this ghastly dark lipstick. "Someone should tell her that makes her look washed out," I said to myself as we breezed by.

"What was that?" she asked, and I looked at Zach.

"I didn't say anything," he replied, shrugging his shoulders.

The blonde snorted and plopped herself down on the couch next to a very attractive guy, tall, dark and sculpted, just the way I like them. He caught me looking at him and held my gaze for what seemed like an eternity, and I wasn't the only one to notice. The blonde shoved her elbow into him hard and he turned to give her a dirty look as Zach pulled me down the hall and into a basement, where half a dozen people were gathered, all of their attention on a foos ball game that was going on between three guys and pretty little brunette.

"What was that?" Zach asked, gesturing over his shoulder as we descended the stairs. I just smiled back. "Be good," he said.

I didn't answer, but I let him pull me down the stairs toward two girls sitting watching the game. "This is my cousin Cassie," he said, introducing me. These girls didn't take me in the way the blonde upstairs had, they didn't seem to mind my outfit being a bit more stylish than they were used to, at least not too much.

I was starting to rethink my favorite black polyester pants, even though Zach had reassured me repeatedly that I looked great.

I knew I looked great, but I should at least try to fit in with these back road country girls. Before I had come to Montana I had thought it was like a distant planet, and now I knew I was right. None of these girls looked anything like me, or any of the other girls back home, and I was trying not to let it make me feel uncomfortable.

A while later I got bored with watching the foos ball game and wandered upstairs to find a bathroom. As I rounded the corner from downstairs, there in the hall in front of me was the guy from the couch. He looked perfect in his little country boy outfit, and I could tell he hadn't missed how great my ass looked in these tight little pants I was wearing, or the swell of my 34B breasts in my shirt that was, after all, a bit too form fitting.

The hall was a bit darkened, with only the light shining from below in the basement. He stepped forward and put a hand on my waist. It was rough with work, but sent tingles up my spine. "I'm Matt," he whispered into my hair.

"Cassie," I replied, leaning into him. He pressed me against the wall and leaned in to partake of a deep, sexy kiss. I could feel him growing hard as he pressed against my body, and I wrapped an arm around him to pull him even closer.

His breath tasted of beer and mint gum, and he was an amazing kisser. His tongue lingered in my mouth, exploring all of the regions of new found passion. I was lost in the kiss and didn't hear anyone coming until someone grabbed hold of my arm and threw me against he opposite wall.

I looked up from the floor where I had fallen to see the blonde standing above me, terror in her eyes. She screeched something I didn't comprehend, and started to lunge at me again. I moved out of the way and shoved her down the small flight of stairs that led to a landing. She landed with her legs in the air, her skirt pulled back to expose black bikini panties and black garters holding up her stockings. I was surprised at such sexy underwear for a country bumpkin, but that didn't change my opinion of her.

"You bitch!" I said, feeling the corner of lip and checking for blood. "That hurt!"

She screamed something about staying away from her man as she hauled herself up off the floor, but I wasn't listening anymore. If this blondie thought she was going to get the better of me just because she was on her own turf, she had another thing coming.

As she came back up the stairs to come at me again, I saw that the crowd from the basement had come up to stand on the landing and see what was going on. They wanted a show, did they? I'd give them a show. And blondie wasn't going to like it very much.

She reached the top of the stairs and stood in front of me, her too-large breasts heaving. I laughed as she stridled up to me like I was supposed to be afraid. She slapped me across the face and I abruptly stopped laughing.

"You've got to be kidding me. Is that the best you got?" I asked, and I heard Matt chuckle beside me. She shot him a dirty look and I reached out and, with one jerk, ripped her little black skirt completely off, leaving her standing there in those little black panties and garters.

She let out a shocked little scream and started to retreat to the bathroom, but I was having far too much fun to let that happen. I hooked a finger in the back of her panties as she went by and snapped it hard. I could tell she was off her guard now, so I put one of my chunky boots in front of her and she fell, hard, to the ground, whimpering.

She had her face in the carpet as I sat on her back, grabbing those cute little blonde curls in one fist and her panties in the other hand and pulling up on both. She writhed and whimpered beneath me, and reached up to pull herself on top of me. I looked up at her, smelling her pussy as she sat on me only a few inches from my face, and reached up to rip her shirt.

The material ripped easily in my fist, and left her ample white breasts heaving in nothing but a black lace bra. I heard one of the on-lookers gasp, and as she tried to cover herself I took the opportunity to regain control. Before she knew it, I was sitting with on her chest, with my ass directly in her face.

She grabbed my pants and ripped them, but I just laughed. If she thought I would be embarrassed by being in front of her friends in my lacy purple thongs, she had another thing coming. Just to prove my point, I kicked off my boots, letting each one land directly on her.

If that was the way she wanted to play, I could play too, I decided. I ripped her bra and left her lying there on the floor, huge white breasts with dark brown nipples left completely exposed to all of her friends.

I sat on her face, covering her mouth and nose with my crotch as I pulled her limp arms up over her head and wrapped the bra around her wrists. I pulled it tight, feeling a little surge of power as she struggled. I pulled it tighter and tied a knot that held her wrists together over her head and left white breasts and arm pits exposed.

I grabbed her hair in my fist and sat directly on her face, nothing but the thin material of my panties between my pussy and her mouth as I held her back by her hair.

Her mouth was warm against my crotch, and I could feel myself getting wet as I grinded into her face. She bit at me and ripped the lace.

"Those are my favorite thongs, you bitch!" I said, and ground against her harder. As she fought and tried to scream, her tongue darted inside me and I threw my head back. Now I was riding her face, forcing her mouth back and forth against my clit as she lay there, helpless to do anything.

I could feel myself climaxing as I grinded against her. She bit at my clit and I came, hard, right there on her face. I know I let out a scream, and I looked up at Matt to see if he was enjoying the show. I could tell that he was. I stood up to examine my handiwork and felt myself growing more and more excited as I surveyed her naked body. Those enormous breasts heaved as she writhed and struggled, and the little mound between her legs bucked as she kicked.

"Don't kick," I said, sitting on her legs. She bucked again and I landed directly on her lap, the lips of her pussy pulling back against the weight of mine on top of her. "Oh, that's what you want? Why didn't you say so?"

I laughed and reached down to shove a finger inside her. She too was wet, despite herself. I rubbed myself against her and watched Matt's eyes get big as I raped her with first one finger, then another and another. I moved my hips against hers and pumped with my fingers, my eyes never once leaving his. I saw a little grin spreading across his face as I leaned up and took her nipple in my mouth, clamping down with my teeth and pulling on her nipple. I was amazed at how far the skin stretched as I pulled my head back, the released it and it sprung back into place. I could tell it hurt by the way her body tensed, and I was definitely getting off on that.

I could feel her clit swelling between my fingers and I pumped them harder, wanting to watch her little boyfriend as she writhed against me. She let out a scream and I reached up to shove her panties in her mouth, shoving them in to make sure they kept her quiet as I fucked her in front of her friends, our hips grinding together as I drove four fingers in and out of her.

She started to tremble and I laughed. "You like that, do you?" I asked, knowing full well she was about to cum. When I felt her cumming beneath me, her body trembling violently, I stood up and put one foot on her chest, looking down at her.

"What was the problem again, blondie?" I asked. Then I leaned over and collected my clothes and walked straight out the door, half naked.

When Zach got in the pickup a few minutes later I was lacing up my second boot. I grinned at him and grinned back. "Wow, she really got hers, huh?" he said.

"What ever," I shrugged, then laughed. "Yeah, she certainly did."

That night, after Zach had dropped me off and I was lying in bed, I heard a little tap at my door. I wrapped my robe around me and went to answer it, and there was Matt, standing on my doorstep and grinning from ear to ear. Even in the dark I could see the gift he had brought me bulging in his pants.

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