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The Path to Nowhere

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She destroyed her marriage...for what?
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Just another story of infidelity and the consequences thereof.

Remember it's fiction. Doesn't have to be believable. All mechanical mistakes are mine so get over it. Thanks for reading.


My story begins with the usual biographical information that none of you really care about but it lays the groundwork for the path I chose to follow. A path that I thought would lead to the happiness I craved. I've been married for fifteen years to a good man who adores me. We have two children, Andy, 12 and Jennifer, 10. We live what is generally considered a good life. My husband, Nick Adair is a Radiology Tech at the local hospital. I'm Angel Adair and work as a wholesale buyer for a large apparel outlet. My job requires some travel which I don't mind because it gives me a welcome break from the everyday housewife and maternal duties.

I'm not a runway model by any stretch of the imagination but probably considered attractive by the opposite sex. I kept my figure for the most part after two kids. I eat right and walk a lot so the few extra pounds I carry are in the right places. I've got brown hair and green eyes. If you must know, I'm a 36C on my five foot seven inch frame.

So what happened to this idyllic life I'm supposed to be enjoying? With our work schedule, sex became more of an obligation than a loving connection between Nick and I. Our love making was always satisfying. Not mind blowing but great. The unbridled passion for each other that was so wonderful had waned over the years. We only got together when we had time between kid's activities, Nick's rotating work schedule and my occasional buying travel. When we were able to make love it seemed rushed. The build up we used to enjoy was all but non existent. I stopped taking the time to seduce him by wearing the lingerie he loved like stockings, suspenders belts, Teddies, etc... He came to bed in his tightey whiteys and a T-shirt. Not the most sexy attire. I used to enjoy oral sex both giving and receiving. I couldn't tell you when the last time he went down on me or I gave him a mind blowing blow job. Where did that passion go?

My travel includes attending high end fashion shows, seminars and a variety of events that a job like mine requires. Staying up on the latest trend in fashion is a must. So, I do have the opportunity to meet a lot of high profile people in the fashion industry. Some are men but mostly women doing the same thing I am. I've listened to some of their stories when we've sat around at a dinner table. Some of these ladies use their work travel to test the water away from the old ball and chain as they put it. I never thought about stepping out on Nick until I started listening to their tales of the hot, illicit sex with a one night stand. A few fell in love and divorced after their affair. Others are still picking up guys on these trips and spending a few days getting their libidos satisfied. I can't help but wonder what it would feel like to be seduced again and feel another man inside me. They make it sound so wicked and fun.

I wouldn't know how to pick up a guy or respond to a come on. It's been fifteen plus years since I've thought about being with anyone else but Nick. As I've implied, things have slowed down, the once blazing fire is now just smoldering embers. I miss that fire. The bottom line is I'm bored, lonely, restless and craving the attention that's been lost. Don't get me wrong, I love Nick and can't imagine taking a chance on the unknown but the itch is there. Getting to the point of scratching it is something else altogether.

My work travels have taken me to a city about one hundred and fifty miles from home for a three day seminar where a variety of vendors have set up booths to show their products from lingerie to business attire for ladies to shoes. I had just checked into my hotel after the three hour drive and decided to get a drink at the hotel bar. I'd been nursing a very good margarita when a ruggedly handsome man occupied the stool next to me. I'm used to being hit on from time to time when I'm out. The wedding ring doesn't dissuade some from trying to see if I'm available for a roll in the hay.

He motioned to the bar tender and said, "I'll have what the lady's drinking."

I thought, "Here it comes."

"Could I buy you another drink, Pretty Lady?"

I said, "Thanks, but no thanks. It's been a long drive and I'm beat. I'm just going to finish my drink and head up stairs."

He politely said, "Okay, maybe another time."

I was wearing a blue blouse, a navy pencil skirt and three inch heels. As I walked over to the elevator, I felt his eyes following me. I knew I was getting "checked out". I pushed the button and our eyes met as I looked around. He smiled at me and raised his glass to me indicating his approval. I instinctively returned the smile as the door opened.

I sat on the bed, kicked off my heels and massaged my freshly pedicured toes and soles through my pantyhose. My thoughts wandered back to the conversation with the other women. They talked about the excitement of having another man other than their husband inside them, doing the forbidden. Giving their bodies to a strange man, feeling his hands touching them in their most sensitive places. It was risky and taboo. They said the orgasms were so intense that it was hard for them to go back to the vanilla sex at home. Then I noticed the dampness in the crotch of my panties. I pussy was responding to my illicit thoughts. I stood up and unzipped my skirt, letting it pool at my feet. Then my blouse and bra joined my skirt. I peeled off my hose and panties together and laid back on the bed. I pinched my nipples and touched my clitoris which was exposed. My toes curled as the sensation coursed through my vagina causing it to leak down my ass. I wanted to cum...badly.

I've been so preoccupied that I couldn't even remember the last time I masturbated. I slipped two fingers into my wet hole and moaned as my aroused senses caused me to shiver.

Just as I was reaching the point of no return, there was a knock on my door.

I thought, "SHIT! Who could that be? I was so close."

I pulled my skirt back on zipping it while I donned my blouse over my otherwise nude body. I was still braless and noticed my nipples poking points under my blouse. My robe was still packed. I cracked the door and saw a vase full of flowers thinking Nick was being thoughtful and sent me flowers. I opened the door and hidden behind the vase was the face of the man at the bar.

He said, "I didn't get your name so I bribed the bar tender who got it from your tab. I hope you're not upset. These are for you, Mrs. Adair."

I opened the door a bit more and he invited himself in. I said, "Mr...I didn't get your name? I can't accept these. I don't know you and I'm a happily married woman."

"Isn't that part of the excitement of it, Mrs. Adair. We are just two people passing in time. Who knows what thrills could be in store."

He shoved the door shut behind him as I sat the vase on the dresser. As I turned, he took me in his arms and kissed me passionately. I struggled with him for a moment then succumbed to his kiss joining him in the passion I so longed to feel again. Our tongues dueled in his mouth as his hands moved to my breasts touching my nipples through my blouse. His hand went under my skirt and I instantly pushed him away.

"NO! I can't. I can't do this. I don't even know your name let alone anything about you. My body is saying yes but this ring on my finger says, NO, RUN! So please leave. Please leave now."

"Angel, not knowing is the excitement, isn't it? A strange man wanting to make love to you in a unfamiliar city. You can let go. Be yourself. I know a lonely woman when I see one. Enjoy the pleasures I can give you."

I said, "I'm sorry, I just can't."

He smiled and opened the door.

He said, "If you change your mind, I'll be here for a few days. You know where I'll be."

The door closed behind him leaving me to the torture of wanting him and not returning his advances. It tore at my moral fiber. I keep telling myself that I'm a loving, faithful wife. I'm thinking these thoughts as I feel my own secretions leak out of me down the inside of my thigh slowly running toward my knee. I once again drop my blouse and skirt and lay back on the bed. What just happened is fueling the fire inside me. I can still taste his lips and tongue on mine. I'm visualizing him between my legs with the head of his cock poised to enter me. My fingers are dancing over my clitoris. I won't be denied this time as my orgasm consumes me.

"YES! OH YES! CUM!" I scream.

I'm holding my breath as the sexual charge runs through the tip of my clitoris. My toes are curled. My body is taut. As I release, I'm panting, trying to catch my breath as I come down from that wonderful high. I take my fingers out of my oozing vagina covered in my slick cum. I felt ashamed. My visuals during my orgasm were not of my husband but of the handsome man that just left my room.

With my sexual tension relieved for the moment, I showered and got dressed for dinner. I was hoping the relief my fingers and visuals provided would help me fend off any further advances by this man who seems to have me in his sights. His words still ring in my ears. It seems he had read my thoughts.

"You can let go. Be yourself. Enjoy the pleasures I can give you."

Just as I was about to walk out, my cell buzzed. It's Nick.

Hi, Honey, I was just checking to see if you made the trip alright. No problems?"

"No, no problems, Nick. Everything's fine. Are you working?"

"Yeah, Baby, I've got to work a double today. I miss you as always."

"I miss you too, Nick. I'll be home Friday evening. Love you."

"Love you too, Angel. Be a good girl."

We disconnected. I reached the lobby floor where there were several booths already set up. I looked around and saw a booth where I had bought lingerie in the past I knew Nick would love. I smiled as I bought two sexy bra and panty sets, a black bustier, a black sheer floor length robe that left nothing to the imagination , a satin suspenders belt and three pairs of nude tan fully fashioned seamed stockings. I knew Nick would love these. I walked over to the shoe vendor and like most women, I couldn't pass up a pair of strappy stiletto heeled sandals or the four inch heeled clear slides. I bought both pair took my purchases to my room then come back down for dinner. As I the elevator door opened to take me back down, my new gentleman friend was also riding down and smiling as I entered the elevator.

I thought, "Oh Boy, I'm not going to get away clean."

He said, "Well, hello again, Angel. It's obvious our paths are meant to keep crossing. In that case, would you join me for dinner?"

I didn't want to be rude so I agreed to join him in the hotel restaurant. I was a little concerned about possibly running into someone that knew me or Nick. Seeing me with another man could leave them with the wrong perception.

We were seated and I said, "Just so you know, I hope you don't expect anything more than conversation and company. I shouldn't have let happen what occurred earlier."

He smiled and said, "I understand your reluctance. But I also know that your response to my touch and kiss was more than exciting for you. I felt it and I think you did too."

I said, "I was momentarily confused. I don't even know your name and you're in my room kissing me. I can't tell you why I responded to your attention. I shouldn't have."

He said, "My name is Joe."

"Joe what?" I asked.

"Just Joe," he replied.

I said, "Well, Joe, it's nice to meet you. What do you do for a living?"

"Angel, if I may call you by your first name. I travel. I'm independently wealthy and I travel the world meeting interesting people and doing the things I love. One of which is entertaining beautiful women to which you fall into that category. I will say, that I have no scruples as to the lady's personal life. Married or not, many have succumbed to my caress and seduction. I'm a very caring and sensitive lover, Angel. I would love to show you."

"Wow, Joe. Nothing like pure honesty. So what you're saying is you want me to be another notch on your bed post. Another woman to add to your resume'. Yes, I can see how women fall for your looks and words but I don't intend to be one of them."

He said, "Oh, Angel, you already have. You were mine the moment our lips met and I touched your nipple. I bet it's engorged beneath that bra as we speak. You are in need of a man that can satisfy the fire inside you. Something you haven't had in a long while, I would imagine."

We finished our dinner and he slid me his room key across the table.

He said, "Think about it and join me in my room if you dare."

He got up and walked away leaving me to my thoughts. I was even more confused. Is he right? Do I want him? Do I want to feel his hands on my body? As I got up, I felt the telltale dampness in the crotch of my panties. His voice, his words, were arousing without even being touched. He is right. It's exciting. I haven't felt like this in many years.

Chapter Two

I entered my room, still thinking, "Could I do this and no one ever know?"

I opened the bag of lingerie I had just purchased and decided to try them on. I undressed. He was right. My nipples were standing straight out. I donned the bustier that had straps for stockings. I put it on with no panties and looked at myself in the mirror. Not bad, I thought for a thirty-eight year old mother of two. The bustier pushed up my breasts, not that they needed much of a lift. I sat on the bed and opened a pair of stockings. They were sheer with what is call a Havana heel and sole under foot. I pointed my toes and slid one over my foot and up my leg. I attached the snaps and then put the other stocking on. I took the slides out of the shoe box and slid my feet into them. They left my feet with a bare look with the clear instep strap. My dark cherry nail polish showed through the toe of the stockings. I stretched my legs and pointed my toes. I thought, "Yeah, I look hot."

I saw myself touching my inflamed clitoris in the mirror. Then the battle began.

The devil on one shoulder saying, "Do it. No one will ever know. Enjoy yourself. He wants you."

Then on the other shoulder, the proverbial Angel, my namesake, yelling, "No, Angel. You promised yourself to Nick fifteen years ago. Remember your vows. You can't do this."

The devil said, "Shut up, Bitch. She needs a good fucking."

"No Angel, Please, don't do this, "

Moments later, I found myself knocking on his door.

I had put on a floor length dress, brushed my hair and applied my best make up fashion. I had brought the dress for any special occasion I might attend. I guess this came under that heading.

Joe opened the door in a robe and smiled. "Angel, you look absolutely beautiful. Please come in. I'm do glad you decided to join me this evening. Can I offer you a drink?"

I said, "Yes, please. I think I'm going to need some liquid courage.

Joe, I've never been unfaithful to my husband. This goes against everything I held dear in my life but your words, your voice as you speak them put butterflies in my stomach that are flying around as we speak. You make me feel comfortable in what I'm about to do even though I know it's wrong."

He walked over to me and handed me a glass of Scotch on the rocks. I felt the burn all the way down as I sipped my drink.

He put his lips to mine and I accepted his tongue into my mouth this time. I was giddy with anticipation.

I almost backed out and said, "Joe, I ca..."

He didn't let me finish, putting his fingers to my lips and said, "Shhhhh... just let it happen, Angel."

I melted into his strong arms as we kissed. My whole body felt warm with anticipation under his expert touch. He pushed my dress off my shoulders, letting it fall to the floor at my feet.

He stepped back and looked at me standing in front of him in the bustier, stockings and shoes. I wasn't wearing panties. My pussy was bare. I know my lips were already puffy snd moist.

He said, "Oh My God, Angel. What an exquisite sight? You are gorgeous. I love the stockings and shoes."

"Joe, I'm nervous."

He led me to the bed and we sat together. He took my hand and placed it under his robe. He was naked. My fingers instinctively wrapped around the girth of his swelling penis. He pushed the top of my bustier down exposing my nipples. I gasped as he sucked a nipple into his mouth, gently sucking it and bathing it with his tongue while I slowly stroked his fully erect penis. I rubbed my thumb over the large bullet shaped glans feeling the slick precum oozing from the tip.

He let go of my nipple and kneeled in front of me. He spread my legs staring at my engorged clitoris. He placed his lips on my labia and began licking my clitoris.

It took my breath away. "YES, OH YES, JOE. EAT ME!"

It was only a few minutes before this man was bringing me to my first of many orgasms over the next three days.

"Joe, I'm cumming, Baby. Don't stop. Please, don't stop."

My body shook and I think for the first time in my life, I squirted a small stream of girl juice down his throat. It seemed like my orgasm went on forever. His relentless attack on my clitoris was intense. I had back to back orgasms until I was too sensitive to continue. He raised my legs and stepped between them. He had discarded the robe and was now nude. His sizable penis was firm, dripping and poised at my entrance.

"Joe, I don't know if I can do..." My words faded as the head of his penis penetrated me. He slowly pushed the shaft into me until he was fully embedded inside me. My feet were on his shoulders. I still had on my stockings and slides. Sliding my shoes off my feet, he kissed my legs and feet as his cock moved in and out of me.

"Joe, you feel so good inside me. Fuck me, Joe."

"Angel, I told you that I'm a very caring lover. Tell me if I'm hurting you. I'm very deep in you."

"Oh no, you're good. I feel you against my cervix occasionally but not hard enough to hurt. Don't stop. I'm in heaven. Oh Shit, I'm gonna cum again."

"Cum for me,Angel. Enjoy."

I groaned and bucked my hips up against him driving him deeper into me as another orgasm overwhelmed me.

I was in the throes of my orgasm when I felt him swell inside me.

"Angel, I'm there. I'm going to cum inside you."

Before I could say condom, he let out a deep groan and pushed to the hilt in me. I felt his cock twitch and then the warm, wet rush of his semen coating my cervix and flooding my vagina. He spurted seven or eight times, deep inside me, filling me with his essence.

He collapsed on top of me, my stocking clad feet resting on his back. His cock still buried in me dribbling the last few drops of cum in me.

He started to pull out but I grabbed his buttocks forcing his penis back into me.

"Joe, I don't want you to pull out. Leave it in me. I should have said something. Joe, I'm not protected. You came in me. My husband has had a vasectomy so we don't use protection. I know I'm within a few days of ovulation. Hopefully I'm still safe."

"Angel, I never use condoms. It's bareback or nothing with me. I assume that most married women are on some type of birth control. If not? I've sired several children to married women over the years so you would not be the first that I've left with a baby in their belly."

We made love again with him cumming inside me again. I could feel his semen oozing to the entrance of my womanhood as I went back to my room. I got dressed and looked up the nearest drug store. I purchased a couple of Plan B packages.

Over the next two days, I never left Joe's or my room without a pussy full of Joe's sperm. The man was true to his word. I was never left unsatisfied. On the last day, we said our good byes. There were tears in my eyes. I knew I had fallen in lust with this man if not love. As we parted he handed me a card. A blank card. It just said, "Joe" and a phone number.


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