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The Peeper and the Bitch Ch. 04

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Reo loses it when he uses a kidnapped schoolgirl's ass.
3.3k words

Part 4 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/15/2018
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Min-jin sat in the hotel room's chair, angled to Dachi while the Yakuza thug lied in the large bed.

Dachi had his eyes shut. Cold water laid on his forehead.

Before he lied in the bed, Dach placed the cold sink water on his forehead.

The muscular thug had a fever.

"Have fun at school. Well, try to." Min-jin said into his cellphone, which was a new phone model. His words were directed at a girl called Sang-mi. "Hopefully, I won't be in Japan too long."

On the bed, Dachi chuckled. He said, "If I were you, lover boy, the only girl I would be focusing on right now would be my kidnapped sister."

Min-jin shook his head, stood. He walked towards the hotel's bathroom.

"Who was that?" Sang-mi said.

Min-jin dashed into the bathroom, closed the door, locked it.

"I'm going to find my sister, remember?" Min-jin said, frustration in his voice. "So, I had to pay a Yakuza guy to help me do it. He knows Korean, obviously. And we're going to find my sister, plus the Chinese guy who took her. Right now, the dumb Yakuza has a fever."

Min-jin turned to his reflection. He had the longing to photograph himself.

With zero remorse, he ended the phone call with the girl he put his cock inside forty times in a two year time span.

After going to his phone's camera, he aimed it at his reflection, took a picture.

"Damn, I look good," he said, a appreciated satisfaction settling inside him. "But fuck, I'm going to have to come up with a reason why I hung up on my girl."

From his bed, Dachi said, "Got that right!"

Miles from Yokohama, eighteen-year old Reo Tanaka walked towards Saya Ito in a hall inside Masato High School, holding a new love letter.

Reo intended on starting a event that would lead to Saya ending her relationship with a certain American boyfriend.

If Saya ended the romance between her and her boyfriend, she could date Reo without issues.

The first day Reo and Saya had sex with each other, Saya had abused Reo, usex extortion to force the peeper to have sex with her.

Yesterday, Saya used a strap-on to give Reo pain before giving him pleasure.

People existed who became infatuated with people they never spoke to, people they spoke to in three separate conversations but never was attracted to, until their infatuation target let a certain phrase leave their mouth, people who slammed their fist into their face, people who they had sex with but never viewed as more than a person only usable for sex, people who failed to return romantic love.

Reo Tanaka was a person who longed for Saya Ito.

The peeper's liquor-filled water bottle was in his kitchen, waiting for Reo to drink it in celebration.

"I'm going to make her mind. And after school, I'm going to get drunk." Reo said in a low tone, holding his folded love letter. "I wish I had a envelope to put the letter in."

Reo didn't write his name in the love letter.

His uwabaki slippers' bottoms slapping against the floor, the peeper kept his eyes trained on Saya, who was near the hall's end as she tapped her thumbs against her cellphone's screen.

Reo smirked as his heart wouldn't stop pounding fast.

He was as confident as a popular athlete racing a eight-year old.

The peeper was ready to go on dinner dates with Saya, press his lips against her own for the first time, thrust his cock in and out her pussy the night after their wedding, have kids with her, hold her wrinkled hand sixty years later as they keep their eyes trained on the sky while the sun sets, die loved.

Erino Kashi stepped into Reo's path, making Reo stop walking.

She wore a smile on her face.

Two weeks ago, Reo would have savored Erino's smile as she stood in front of him.

Now, Erino was as repulsive to Reo as contestants in a shit-eating contest.

"Reo, you wrote me another love letter?" Erino said one second after training her eyes on the love letter in Reo's hand. "Give it to me."

Reo shook his hand. After flashing an insincere smile, he said, "No. This is for Saya-san."

Aya took a step closer to Reo, pressed herself against him.

Erino's large breasts, enclosed in the eighteen-year old girl's clothes, was against Reo's clothed chest.

Reo's hand holding the love letter trembled.

Erino took Reo's free hand, brought his finger into her warm mouth, sucked.

Reo's huge cock struggled inside Reo's pants as it grew hard, eager to meet pussy.

"Erino-san." Reo said, his finger in the girl's mouth as she gave it a fingerjob. "Stop."

Erino stopped her fingerjob, took Reo's love letter.

She turned, took quick steps towards Saya.

Reo's continued pounding from Erino's past manipulations, but the peeper had panic coursing through his body.

He took a step towards Erino.

A person grabbed Reo's arm.

"Be still." Wei said, the eighteen-year old Chinese sex trafficker keeping his hold on Reo's arm. "We have shit to discuss."

Reo gritted his teeth as he scowled.

When Erino reached the spot near Saya, the huge-breasted girl extended Reo's love letter towards the girl Reo longed to marry.

Wei tightened his grip.

On the school's roof, Wei stood near the rooftop's edge as Reo kept his hands in his pockets.

Wei had his eyes trained on a skyscraper in the distance. The skyscraper had a billboard displaying a woman holding a toothbrush and toothpaste.

"Isn't that funny? I made myself rich by selling bitches. When I was little, I wanted to get rich by becoming a boxer." Wei said, averting his gaze to the billboard displaying the woman. "Today, you're going to help me. I've been stalking a pussy I want to find a buyer for soon. Since I'm a nice person, I'll even give you half the pay. And you don't have a choice, Jap. If you refuse to help me, you know what I'll do to you."

Reo bowed his head.

Erino had given Reo's love letter to Saya.

Wei intended on making Reo help him kidnap a woman or girl to sell.

Reo almost didn't have money to buy food with.

The peeper rubbed his forehead, the deep urge to drink the liquor in his apartment coursing through him.

Twenty minutes after leaving the last class, Reo stood on a sidewalk near an apartment complex, donning sunglasses, wearing a cap, a dark red, short-sleeved shirt, black jeans, white shoes one size too big.

He tapped his right foot in impatience, frustration.

He had memorized the plan, but that fact did not mean Reo was eager for the plan to commence.

"Bom. Spring," a Korean voice said, emitting from a cellphone.

Reo turned his head.

Tina's shoes slapped against the sidewalk while the girl held a cellphone in her hand. She said, "Bom. Bom. Bom."

Reo shook his head. He had to help kidnap a girl studying the Korean language.

Tina lifted her head, no longer keeping her eyes trained on her cellphone's screen.

The video on her phone continued emitting Korean words as the eighteen-year old Tina made eye contact with Reo.

Tina stopped walking.

The sun glowed against the sunglasses covering Reo's eyes.

Reo clenched his shaking fists.

Wei brought a gray car to a stop near the street, waved at Reo.

It was time to kidnap a person who would later be sold, so a Chinese gangster would gain more money.

Wei had earned money many times before by selling women and girls who would later suffer.

"Hey. You look extremely nice in that school uniform. Do you have any homework?" Reo said to Tina, speaking in an American accent, moving his hands into his pockets. Reo flashed an insincere smile, trained his eyes from Tina's shoes to her forehead. "Your body looks amazing. How will it look without your clothes on?"

Tina turned off her cellphone, moved it into her school skirt pocket.

"You're weird. Can you please leave me alone?" Tina said before moving past Reo.

Reo turned, grabbed her wrist, slapped her ass.

"I can take you to the Empire State Building, honey!" the peeper said, sounding as odd as a lesbian licking a rock while dancing naked on a snow-covered meadow in West Virginia.

Tina resisted.

Reo slid his tongue along her cheek.

He had to be more repulsive than Wei was to him.

Reo had to make a girl so repulsed she would enter a stranger's car to escape.

Wei sped onto the street, brought the gray car to a stop beside Tina.

The Chinese gangster turned to Reo. He said, "Hey. If you don't want to find yourself in a ditch with your eyeballs taped to your hands, I suggest you leave this nice girl alone. Now."

Reo released Tina's wrist, stayed close to her.

"Get in. I'll get you away from this creep." Wei said to Tina.

Tina dashed to the car's passenger side, opened the door, entered the car.

When Wei drove off the street with Tina seated next near the Chinese gangster, the sunglasses on Reo's face hid his forming tears.

On the other street, Wei held the car's steering wheel as he drove.

Tina emitted a relieved sigh, shut her eyes.

"Thank you. You're Chinese, right?" Tina said, her eyes closed. "You're a good person."

Wei fought the deep urge to shake his head.

Tina believed Reo would kidnap her far more than she believed Wei would.

The truth was Reo and Wei were a team.

Neither boy was a savior.

"Where do you live?" Wei said as wind entered the car through its open driver side window. The wind rippled Wei's gray shirt.

"Same street you picked me up at." Tina said. "But that creepy guy is there."

"If I see him again, I'll hurt him." Wei said.

He parked the car behind an abandoned daycare.

The gangster turned his head to Tina, whose eyes were closed.

Wei reached into the car's backseat, pulled the blindfold and tape from a small, black plastic bag.

"Hey. What...?" Tina said when Wei put the items on his lap, the schoolgirl's eyes open.

Wei was the type of person parents warned their daughters about.

But parents' warnings didn't stop Wei from conducting the business that led to his financial success.

"It's strictly business, honey." Wei said when Tina was restrainted, locked inside the car's trunk. The girl made sounds, duct tape against her mouth. "Now, time to pick up that other Jap."

Wei found Reo walking on the sidewalk with the Chinese gangster's sunglasses in his hand.

"Get in. And I got the bitch's phone. She won't be needed it anymore." Wei said to Reo. The thug shook his head, laughed. "I had no fucking idea you would be this useful."

One hour later, the car Wei drove sat outside the Chinese boy's uncle's warehouse.

Inside the illuminated warehouse, Wei opened a tea-filled plastic bottle inside the office in the warehouse.

Reo sat in a chair in the room, his slim arms crossed, a frown on his face.

The sunglasses Wei gave him was in his pants pocket.

Wei's cap was no longer on his head. The cap sat on the table in the room.

The pants Reo had on was Wei's.

The outfit Reo donned was his kidnapping clothes.

Wei had refused to let Tina have the chance at identifying Reo as a Masato High School student.

Reo had to give the impression he was a to-be rapist who never graduated high school.

Wei had to hide the fact he was a Masato High School student too.

If Tina had managed to avoid the two boys' kidnapping plot, it would have been horrible if she identified Wei and Reo as Masato High School students to the police.

Tina, the kidnapped girl who tried learning Korean, was restrained to a chair as she kept her eyes trained on the floor.

The duct tape was still against her mouth.

Reo fiddled with his fingers.

He was not the girl restrained to a chair with two non-related teenage males in the same room with her, but Reo couldn't shove his nervousness far from him.

"I'll give you the tea. Just know that I'll cut you if you scream for help. I'll fuck you with my switchblade." Wei said to Tina when he reached the spot in front of her. He pulled the duct tape off her mouth. Tina did not scream for help. "Yeah. Be a good bitch. Does the good bitch want some tea?"

Tina nodded.

Wei scoffed. He said, "Say these exact words. I'm a good bitch, and I want some tea."

"I'm a good bitch, and I want some tea." Tina said.

Wei patted her head, brought the tea bottle's rim to her lips.

Tina tipped her head back, drunk.

After four seconds, Wei pulled the tea bottle back. He placed it on the table.

"Are you a virgin?" Wei said to Tina, placing his palms on the table. "If I find out you're lying, you'll wish you never existed."

Reo shut his eyes, opened them three seconds later.

Tina took a slow, deep breath. She said, "No. My boyfriend had sex with me on my birthday. Can I go? I want to see him again. And my family too."

Wei walked to the spot in front of Tina.

He inhaled through his nose, letting Tina's perfume's aroma enter it.

"Your boyfriend will never smell you ever again. That is a nice perfume you have on, by the way." Wei said before moving onto his knees. "But you won't regret letting us take you."

Wei slid his palms and fingers along Tina's thighs, under the girl's skirt. The Chinese boy cherished her soft skin, admired her thighs' fat.

In Mandarin, Wei said, "I can't wait to fuck you like your people did to mine."

Tina struggled.

Wei scoffed. He said, in Japanese, "Regardless of you speak Mandarin or not, I'm not going to treat you better than any other Jap."

Wei squeezed Tina's thighs, stood, went to the spot behind Tina, pulled scissors from his pocket.

"You speak Mandarin?" Wei said while cutting Tina's restraints.

"Some. I went through a phase where I loved China." Tina said after two seconds. "Too many Chinese TV shows."

Wei finished cutting. He said, "And now you love Korean trash. Disgusting."

Wei pulled Tina from her chair with one hand, removed her clothes after placing the scissors in his pocket.

Tina stood in the room, naked.

Reo trained his eyes on Tina's shaved pussy, averted his gaze to the refrigerator when Tina trained her eyes on him.

Wei walked around Tina, examining her naked body, as if he was trying to choose the best-looking apple in an grocery store.

"Okay. Beautiful body. Beautiful face. Shaved pussy. B-cup sized breasts. A small ass, but that's fine. You're about five four, but I'm going to measure you anyway." Wei said.

The gangster moved to the backpack he had placed on the table, unzipped its largest pouch.

He pulled a tape measure from it, a notebook, pencil, pills encased in a small container, a cellphone with a bright red case, red dildo, two bottled waters.

Reo inspected the objects Wei retrieved, as curious as a newborn baby.

After smirking when he spotted Reo's curious expression, Wei said, "What, Tanaka? You're considering entering this business full-time?"

"What business?" Tina said, covering her pussy with one hand, covering her breasts with her arm.

Wei faced the kidnapped girl. He took a stomp forward before saying, in an furious tone, "Don't fucking cover yourself!"

Reo did not doubt Wei had the deep urge to strangle Tina until her heart stopped.

Tina trembled as she raised her arms.

Wei grinned.

He took quick steps towards Tina, grabbed her long black hair when he reached the spot near her, forced her onto her stomach.

"Dammit. I can't resist it anymore. Tanaka, take off your clothes. We're going to fuck this Jap." Wei said, sounding as lust-filled as a straight teenage boy who spent four years without seeing a woman.

"No. Please, don't do this to me. Don't. Don't!" Tina said while trying to escapd, pleading to a boy who had no remorse for most atrocities he brought into the universe.

While Reo stripped, Wei licked Tina's black hair before saying, "If you resist, I'll cut your clit off."

Tina stopped struggling.

Wei smiled, removed his clothes.

He grabbed his hard cock, held onto Tina, moved onto his ass, made Tina face him, forced Tina to take his cock into her pussy.

"Oh, fuck." Wei said, relishing the warmth gripping his cock. "It feels cozy. Jap bitch, start fucking riding me!"

Tina ascended, letting Wei's cock slide against her wet pussy.

She dropped.

Tina moaned.

Wei chuckled before saying, "You whore."

When Wei played with the Japanese girl's clit, Tina emitted more moans.

Liquid descended the girl's pussy, meeting the Chinese gangster's hard cock.

"So wet for me." Wei said with glee. He turned to Reo, who stood naked. "What are you standing there for? Fuck her ass."

Tina stopped, left Wei's cock, ran towards the office's door, trying to keep her ass virginity.

Reo pursued her.

When the peeper had Tina restrained on the floor, he was quick to force his nine inch-long cock into her ass.

Tina screamed, as if a piranha sunk its jagged teeth into her ass.

On her stomach, she pounded the carpet with her palms.

Reo had his hands on Tina's waist.

His cock gripped by Tina's brown asshole, Reo cherished the warmth surrounding his erection.

The warmth did not belong to a pussy.

This fact made Reo's lust deepen.

When the eighteen-year old, ruthless Saya Ito was in Reo's apartment, she forced a fake cock into his ass.

Now, Reo had his real cock into a kidnapped girl's ass.

The anal sex, taboo, pained girl made Reo long to shoot his cum out his huge cock as fast as possible.

His lust was as strong as Wei's lust for money.

Reo shook his head, as if his compassion would disappear by him doing the action.

He twerked his hips towards the ceiling, thrust hard towards the floor, towards Tina's ass.

Tina sobbed.

Reo stopped viewing Tina as a fellow human being.

His pleasure, his cock's pleasure was more important than keeping a girl's pain at bay.

No longer letting his compassion ruin his deep urge to enjoy rough sex, Reo moved quicker, moved at an pace that was brutal.

His hips slammed against the girl sobbing on the floor.

Reo slapped her ass. When her ass was red, he kept slamming his palm against her ass.

With one hand, Reo's yanked on the girl's hair.

"Keep... going," the girl said.

Reo kept going, brutal.

His body didn't stop trembling with deep lust.

His hand didn't release the girl's hair.

His mind almost did not comprehend anything not involving his huge, powerful cock in the girl's ass.

While Reo's teeth chattered, heat grew inside him.

"Keep fucking my ass!" the girl below him said in a scream, more able to talk.

But Reo almost did not understand her words.

He understood warm tears leaked from his eyes as pre-cum leaked from his cock.

Sweat left his forehead, met his tears, both liquids warm, like Reo's cock, warm like the girl's ass.

Cum exploded from Reo's cock.

The cum left the peeper in warm, large jets, soaking the girl's rectum, launching into it, splashing inside it.

Reo roared.

Liquid squirted from the girl's pussy as the girl screamed.

Panting, Reo blinked a couple times.

Hands gripped his shoulders.

A person moved the peeper onto his back.

Naked, a eighteen-year old Chinese boy with tattooed, muscular arms made eye contact with Reo, who did not seem to recognized him.

"That ass was that great, huh?" the Chinese said.

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