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The Perfect Alpha - Killer Elite 10

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A Time for Wrath...
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She moved miles at a time with every teleport jump, she knew exactly where she was going. It would not get her to the man she wanted most, but it would send a clear message to him, personally. I AM COMING FOR YOU...

The last two miles were traveled in an instant as she ran them and remained concealed by the trees. Looking over the supposed vacant buildings, the light's barely illuminating the grounds. It always looked this way, the troubling part was the lack of Guards and the Gate Security was missing, the low growl of frustration escaped her and she moved around the back. The building had a back up generator in case the City grid shut down for whatever reason.

Reaching out to it she yanked the thick cables from the units, then ripped the thick cables from the main power supply. The lights died out but she knew it wasn't enough. Leaping up the side of the building she landed on the roof and made short work of all the dishes, anything that could send out a signal.

She moved through the building, mainly the Head Offices and pulled the computer hard drives, the storage discs and every file she could find. She would eventually get the information she wanted in order to find that Monster. Moving through the rest of the dead facility she found something else and smiled evilly.

The explosion lit up the night like the noon day sun as a small mushroom cloud formed over the building and expanded outwards. The concussion wave struck the City like a small earth quake. While she stood several miles away on a tree limb watching the scene unfold. She would wait for the fool to arrive to witness what she had done for him.

For three days she waited, never moving, always scanning the humans that arrived, but he never showed himself. She realized he did not care about the building or about anything for that matter. She looked down at the case holding everything she had collected, something would tell her what he cared about and she would take it from him.

With a growl she left the area, the teleport jumps made traveling fast once again until she landed in the forest of a place she was growing to know very well.

"Luna Clare, we think the Alpha is back." a voice sent through the link. Clare jumped up and was out the door to the location that she was seeing from the patrol. It had been five days sense Torie disappeared, the News was going wild about a large Government building long abandoned years ago just suddenly blowing up with the force of a small A Bomb. The Investigation was still on going and nothing pointed to anything but a mishap with a fire and forgotten ammo that had been stored there and forgotten.

"Torie?" Clare called to her nearly stick figure form. She didn't look like she'd eaten the entire time she'd been gone. Torie was looking around with bright red eyes and growling at anyone who came close.

"We need to lead her to the pack house, maybe even the clinic." a warrior was saying and before Clare could warn them off they went for her.

Clare stood stock still, she had seen how fast she had handled the dozen warriors with little to no effort on her part. She hadn't killed anyone, but damn were they going to be sore when they woke up. Torie was moving around her in a combative posture, leaning close to sniff at Clare now and then as if trying to figure something out. Clare held her breath as Torie suddenly curled against her.

"Beloved here now, all is good.." Torie's voice said and it barely even sounded like her at all. Clare closed her arms around Tories waist and she felt Torie sigh with what seemed like relief. Then to her shock Torie sagged against her and was out cold, Clare having to hold her mate up. She swept up Torie bridal style.

"Get help out here now, we have Warriors down and prepare the clinic. Wake everyone, we have to find out what is happening." Clare sent out over the bond. She ran with Torie in her arms even as others ran to pick up their pack members still laying on the ground out where they found her. What the hell had happened to her? Clare asked herself.

Three Weeks Later ~

"Well Doctor, can you tell us anything?" Clare demanded angrily, it's been three weeks sense she brought Torie into the clinic and what woke up, was NOT Torie. Clare was staring at the monitor that showed Torie within a large room bending a two inch solid steel plate in half and smiling in a very strange way for her. In the chairs behind her was Jaz, Candice, Jaxon and Francine.

"Well if this was a comedy movie, he would tell you that I am fuckin nuts." Torie suddenly said in that strange voice. Her hearing had expanded beyond anything that could be tested by any means. Clare just sighed and turned to the Doctor sitting behind his desk.

"You are not nuts or even crazy, Wrath, you just need to make peace with yourself and with everyone else." the Doctor said with an exasperated sigh.

"What do you mean by make peace with herself and everyone else?" Clare asked, she was loosing patience with not having her mate by her side.

"Beloved is distressed, we must help our Beloved." to their shock they watched as she slammed her fist into the two foot thick walls and tore a chunk out of it.

"Unlock the gates and get out of her way, NOW." the Doctor yelled into a mic. In moments the door flew inwards and Torie stood in the doorway. She was in Clare's arms in a flash of speed.

Clare couldn't help but feel more calm once she was holding her mate and gently rocked her when security came to the door Torie's warning growl was all they needed to back away.

"Her human and cat sides have always had a good existence going, but inside her the darker side was also there just not known or seen until now." the Doctor was explaining. Wrath/Torie just seem to ignore the words and hummed softly to Clare as they calmed each other.

"In some respects, Torie has always felt a bit of self hatred because she could not save her Grandfather or her pack, seeing him killed and the others ate at her little by little. Seeing a group of women who were kind to her while she was on her own, another event she felt she could have stopped if she'd only been bigger or braver." the Doctor stated.

"Wait a minute, what group of women?" Clare asked softly and Torie looked up at her.

"They were nice, the dark haired one knew how to catch fish, I stole a couple but they did not taste good when they were raw. So when she cooked them I went to ask for one, but kitty did not know how to make the words. The dark haired one smelled nice, she put one on a strange soft plate and it tasted good, but she said they were hot and showed me how to make them not hot. I had to shift, it hurt, been so long sense seeing my human self, but I blowed on the fish like she did and make it not so hot." Torie was saying but her voice made her sound young and nearly child like.

"After I ate they gave me a shirt, it smelled like the dark haired one, I told them my name and then a bad man came. I got scared and kitty said I should shift, so I did. He pulled out a gun thing and shot me many times. But kitty said we would be fine." she explained and started to play with her fingers.

"What happened to the man?" Clare asked softly.

"He pulled a knife and we fought, kitty was very good at fighting, I am not so good." she said quietly. "Kitty made the bad man fall down, the women said I did good and the Dark haired one called Jasmin looked over kitty to make sure kitty was not hurt." Torie said smiling.

"Then what happened?" Jaz asked slowly.

"A man across the lake was shooting at us and he killed them all. I guess I should not have said my name." Torie said sadly and began to cry, "My fault, always my fault.." she sobbed loudly. Clare began to cry as well and held Torie close even as Jaz moved closer. A loud roar erupted as Torie's face, contorted with rage turned to face Jaz.

"You left me out there, left me there for years to fend for myself. I was weak and you didn't care, only Grandpa cared about me. Not my pack, not my Mommies, no one. Only the man with the gun came for me.. Tay... Tay.. Taylor... TAYLOR!" Torie screamed at Jaz who backed up. Then as Torie spoke it was as if memories and a damn had broken through.

"Taylor killed those women for no other reason then to get to me.." Torie rumbled deeply. Then seemed to calm in an instant, "I will skin him alive very slowly and to be sure he feels it all adrenaline and a hot knife to keep him awake and unable to bleed out.." Torie said and a slow smile moved over her lips.

Clare had never heard Torie speak this way about anyone. Then she felt Torie sag against her. She looked around with a worried look and the others moved closer. Torie stiffened and raised her head.

"Taylor, that sounds like someone to have fun with.." the strange voice of Wrath said through Torie's lips. She suddenly disappeared and Clare looked around before she screamed in denial and fell to her knees. She'd lost her mate again and for who knew how long this time.

"Well if it's any consolation, we may have found a break through. Once she resolves the Taylor issue, she may be ready to resolve the rest. He is a major instigator against her childhood, she had found someone who could have helped her and he killed them all to get to her." the Doctor said and sagged back in his chair, never before had he ever had to deal with anyone like this Alpha. A power no single person should ever have to wield and yet here she was in his hospital, well not anymore, but that is hardly the point. He thought to himself.

"You have to understand Luna Clare. Alpha Torie has to resolve these memories, these feelings before she can ever resolve the fact she has three identities within her. Herself, Her Cat and her Vampire, they have to all work together in order to survive. She's not just been stifling down repressed anger issues, she's been unknowingly feeding them to the Vampire and it's the Vampire that is settling scores that Torie never would, well not right away." the Doctor tried to explain.

"How do we fix her?" Jaz nearly yelled as she lifted the Doctor up off the floor by his collar.

"He's needs air to answer.." Candice muttered as the man was turning blue. Jaz dropped him to his feet.

"You have to get her to face those issues and resolve them, it can take years though or just a moment in time. This is not an exact science you know? The mind can be very tricky." he answered quickly.

"I will try and track her." Jaz said and then teleported out of the room. Jaxon and Candice walked Clare out to the car and drove back to the pack where it was yet again chaos.

"What has happened?" Clare asked as people where laying on the ground and others helping them to the pack clinic.

"Torie showed up and raided the clinic, when we tried to talk to her. Well it didn't go so well." one of the omega's said as she helped a Warrior with two broken arms get moved to the clinic.

Wrath is on the loose and if Torie doesn't find an inner balance she may loose the pack all together, Clare thought to herself. She moved off to help a Warrior get to the clinic, the Doctor here was going to be just as busy as the one at the Mental Hospital they had left earlier.

Taylor had never had to try so hard to loose anyone in his life as he was having to do now. Someone or something that looked like Shiva, was hunting him and having fun doing it. For three days now he's been on the run none stop. Every time he does stop she appears and slices skin from his body and yells at him to make it more fun. That voice was beyond anything he'd ever heard before and he was so dead tired he could barely move and the wounds were not healing very fast because it came from another shifter.

He hoped he had found a place he could catch a few minutes of sleep, he just needed to rest. How could that woman keep moving after so long of no sleep? He wondered to himself as he closed his eyes.

"Aww you big party pooper, you are making this too easy." she said from behind his ear. He screamed as his left shoulder burned and he felt the skin stripped away from his muscle and sinew. He scrambled to get away and barely ducked a lazy swipe of her claws.

"Move.. gotta move.." he kept telling himself. He was so tired he didn't even have the ability to shift right now. And how the hell did she even find him, he left that blasted complex right after she did and took off to get lost in San Diego California, changed his name, his hair color and even shaved off that blasted beard and mustache and still she found him.

Taylor oofed loudly as he hit something hard and straight out in front of him. It flipped him over and he landed like a belly flop on the hard asphalt. Looking up he saw Shiva standing there and looking somewhat maniacal and very much bored, he knew he was screwed now.

"You have bored me, shame on you!" she yelled at him in a somewhat child like tone. Her foot crashed into his face and he finally found sleep.

Taylor woke up slowly, what the hell happened to me, he asked himself and tried to scratch the itch on his nose only to find his hand wouldn't move, neither of them would. Opening his eyes he found himself in some sort of forest, the scents were not familiar at all.

"Torie what are you doing with him?" a voice asked and he looked over to find a woman talking to Shiva.

"I am going to play, but he talked so much in his sleep I had to pull out his tongue." she replied in the same child like tone. Taylor realized his body had somewhat healed the missing tongue even if he still tasted his own blood. He began trying to talk but could not form proper words at all.

"Yay! He's awake, lets play." Shiva said gleefully and Taylor did not like the sound of that at all. Taylor realized he was naked from head to toe and quite vulnerable as he was tied down at several key points. We had trained her too well.

"Taylor Toy thought he was invisible hiding by the big rock, but I saw him clearly holding that black gun." Shiva was saying and Taylor paled, no one, not even Swift knew where he'd been hidden at the lake. But Shiva knew. She moved closer and swiped just below his neck. Looking down as he screamed he saw the blood dripping down slowly from the long gash. Then he felt a needle plunge into his neck.

"Taylor toy must stay awake, no more sleepy." she demanded of him and he felt a rush flow through his system and something hot began to burn into the gash. He looked down to see she had cauterized the wound and was pulling the skin down slowly while letting him feel it all as he screamed louder and louder.

"Those women were nice, you killed Jasmine, you killed Jasmine...you killed Jas.. you killed my mommy!" she was screaming at him while she skinned him alive. Another woman ran forward and panted heavily. While through his own pain he watched the women and mainly Shiva.

Jasmine ran for her only daughter and grasped her tightly. At first Torie struggled against her, but not using her full strength. Jas knew she could never match her daughter strength for strength, Torie had proven it time and time again.

"I'm here baby girl, I'm here for you." Jas sobbed against Torie. Torie froze and inhaled Jas's scent deeply.

"Mommy?" Torie said in a child like tone and sagged against Jas. Clare rushed forward and held the two women. Looking over at the bound up mess of a man she looked at Francine.

"Dispose of that thing, I don't want it ever found." Clare nearly growled. He was the man who had taken her mate and turned her inside out for nothing more then his own gains. He did not deserve Luna's embrace.

"Cl.. Clare? What happened, where are we?" Torie asked in a confused tone and in a voice that Clare would always recognize.

"We've got you love, we've got you. Just rest and let's head back to the pack house, you have had a busy month." Clare whispered softly even as Torie faded to sleep. She looked at Jas who was also showing signs of fatigue. Torie had been on the move for nearly a month with Jas always one step behind her. Once Torie had found the man who started all this for her, she had played with him in a sick game of cat and mouse that lasted for three days before she teleported him to the pack lands and began to torture him slowly. No one thought the man deserved mercy after hearing what he'd done, but they wished Torie had given him a quicker death.

"Relax and let death take you." Francine whispered to Taylor, who could only nod and hoped she would provide it. After all she looked like she could rip a tank in two with her bare hands. She grasped his head gently and then a quick jerk and the pain ended. He let the darkness take him.

"Gentlemen take this piece of shit out into the gorge and leave his body to the carrion eaters." she called out to the Warriors who howled their glee. The rest cleaned up the area, no one would ever know anything had happened in the area by morning, finally Francine followed after the Alpha couple and their family. She hoped it meant that Torie was finally on the road to a recovery.

Clare laid Torie down very carefully and then curled up beside her, Jas took the other side and soon Jas followed Torie into sleep. Clare just watched her mate, she had never seen anything like what she had seen from Torie this last couple months. If she'd been human they would have called it something like a split personality disorder, but to a Shifter or Vampire, she wasn't even sure it would have a name or how to deal with it. For a couple hours she just laid watching her mate before she finally let sleep consume her. Her mate was home and for her cat, that was all that mattered and she had to agree on some level.

Jas woke up and found herself unable to move, she looked around wondering what happened when she heard the child like tone of Torie.

"Mommies awake, now we can play!" her Daughter was saying in a cheer, then her long nail began to cut into her skin just below her breasts and cut a straight line down to her pubic bone while Jas cried out in pain. It had been so long sense the change, so long sense she had felt any real physical pain, and yet she was feeling it all now as her Daughter pulled her sliced abdomen apart and began pulling her intestines out like it was a game.

Jas awoke with a start and looked around in worry, she was still in bed next to Torie who still had an arm wrapped about her. The calm features helping her to relax once again, it had only been a nightmare. Torie would never hurt her like that, besides they were both Juggernauts, it wasn't like they could do any real damage to each other, could they? It was a question she never wanted to have an answer for.

"You talk in your sleep." Torie whispered to Jas and hugged her gently. Jas relaxed into the embrace, no Torie would never intentionally try to hurt her Jas reasoned to herself.

"Go to sleep, dream better dreams, you are home now and you have a new mate." Torie whispered to Jas and Jas froze. A new mate? she asked herself. She was about to ask but then heard Torie's very soft breathing even out in sleep. Following her example Jas let sleep come back to her, she would learn more once she was fully rested and hopefully without anymore nightmares.

Clare was panting softly as Torie brought her so very close to release. Her mate knew how to tease her to the very brink and always just shy of release, keeping her on a fine edge.

"Please, Torie, please.. I am begging you.." she moaned out feeling quite slutty for having to beg like this, but she couldn't help it. She was tied down naked and bent over a table with Torie behind her and before she could comprehend what was happening she felt something huge plunge deep into her rear.

Clare jolted awake and looked around trying to orient herself to what was real and what was dream. She was laying in bed with Torie who was a sleep and her Mother on the opposite side of her. Torie's arm gently hugged her in her sleep and she felt herself slowly relax, it had been just a dream, a strange erotic one, but a dream all the same. She calmed herself down as she laid her head back down on Torie's shoulder.


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