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The Perfect Day

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Two sisters in love have a perfect wedding.
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"I'm going to marry Grace when I'm older," said five year old Melanie Hooper.

"You can't," said her Mom.

"Why not?" replied six year-year old Grace, "I want to marry her as well."

"You're both girls and anyway sisters can't marry each other," their Mom said patiently.


"Have Mom and Dad gone?" eighteen year old Melanie Hooper descended down the stairs as her sister shut the front door.

"Didn't you watch them go from your bedroom window?" her sister, Grace, asked.

"I did, but I wanted to make sure you'd seen them off as well," Melanie continued down, walking across the hallway until she was next to her sister and then without any fanfare, slipped her arms round the back of the elder teen and pulled her in for a kiss. Grace immediately complied, her mouth finding her sister's and eagerly cemented her own against it, her tongue probing forward to meet the brunette's. They continued for longer than was necessary for a familial kiss, but was just the right amount of time for two young women in love, who had been secretly fucking for the last six months.

"Mmnn, a whole weekend to ourselves," Grace grinned as she broke the kiss, but not the hug, her arms round her sister's back, keeping her held close.

"I can't wait, just the two of us together, fucking as we want," Melanie replied

"I was remembering when we were little and we pretended we were getting married," said Grace, smiling at her sister, "And tomorrow we are."

"It's still not real, there's no legality to it."

Grace loved her sister for many things but she sometimes lacked a romantic soul. She gave a grin back and then added a small peck on the lips, "It'll be real to me, that's what matters."

"Yeah, I guess," Melanie smiled, "It'll be real to me as well, you'll be my wife as much as my sister." She leaned in for another sensual, lingering kiss, her tongue sliding over Grace's as her fingers gently stroked at the back of her sister's neck, under the long blonde hair. Eventually she broke again, "But I'm still going to fuck you."

"You better. It's bad luck for the bride not to have multiple orgasms on her wedding night," Grace laughed.

"I didn't know that... you've just made that up," grinned Melanie, smiling as her sister put on her serious face as she always did when she told a harmless untruth. "But don't worry you're going to get plenty." She still dropped her arms to her side and took a step back, "We better start getting ready, you've got the wedding food to do and I need to get out the wedding arch and decorations."

"We have dinner together later?" her sister asked, "I'll put on a pizza."

"Yes, it'll give us a chance to go through the checklist and make sure we've done everything," Melanie said. The two girls had always been close and their parents had thought nothing of the fact that every night for the last month, that the two of them would go to each other's room and plot and plan until early hours. What neither their Mom nor Dad had suspected was that this wasn't their normally sisterly conniving and scheming, but the detailed preparations for their wedding which they'd been working towards ever since their parents had announced they were having a weekend away and that the two teens were old enough to look after themselves.

"Our last chance to see each other as single sisters," said Grace more romantically.

"You sure you don't want me to share a room tonight?" Melanie gave her sister a foxy smile.

"No, that's a real tradition, you don't see the bride to the ceremony," grinned Grace, shaking her head. They had planned tomorrow morning to the minute, so they didn't even cross in the hall when going for a shower and with different breakfast sittings. Her sister nodded her acceptance, as Grace added, "but tomorrow night I'll make it up to you."


The next day dawned sunny and bright, whilst there were some clouds they were few and far between, like small puffs of cotton on a deep blue dress. Melanie was immediately awake at her alarm, surprising even herself with the alacrity with what she got out of bed. She could hear her sister singing as she walked to the shower and the teen was almost tempted to open the door and take a look at her sexy sister in just a towel. She resisted, she didn't really care about the tradition of not seeing the bride, but Grace did and she loved her sister and wanted her day to be special. She slipped her robe on and waited until she was sure Grace was safely in the shower, before opening the door and slipping down the stairs.

Grace's plates were in the sink and after eating her own breakfast, Melanie washed them and then took out her note-book to tick off the her kitchen chores, a mixture of last minute cooking, cleaning and prepping for Grace to make the final touches to later. As wedding dinners went it was unambitious, but Shepherd's Pie was something they both enjoyed and it had the advantage of being able to be frozen in advance and then heated on the day; it would have been nice to have something more, but as it was just the two of them and they had more important things to worry about, prioritisation had to be done.

Kitchen duties done, next step was the dining room. She had set it last night, two places next to each other for her and her bride, with candles in front of them and two porcelain models of a two brides, turned towards each other so they were looking at each other's eyes. Around the wall were pink, white and light blue balloons, each bouncing gently as she walked past them, the string holding them tightly to pink wooden frames she'd placed against the wall. On the tables in the corner were some long burn scented candles and it was those she lit, so that the room would be filled with a sensual perfume by the time they went to eat.

Next up she went into the main room, pushing back the seats and moving the coffee table to leave plenty of room in the centre for the two them to dance. More balloons festooned the walls, tied to more pink frames as well as to the lamps and side tables which surrounded the outside of the room, a banner with "Just married, Mrs and Mrs Hooper" hung over the fireplace. Melanie's heart pattered faster as she read it as she retreated from the room, closing the door behind her; next time she was in here she'd be married to her sister, in mind if not in law.

Finally she went out to the back patio and the wedding arch, the doorway itself almost hidden beneath the fresh flowers, ribbons and balloons which covered every inch. For about the thousandth time Melanie adjusted a few of the flowers, until she was as satisfied as she could be that it was as near perfect as possible for her sister.

All the preparations made all that was left was for her to ready herself. She made a noise clumping up the stairs in case Grace had muddled her times and was wandering between the bathroom and the bedroom. However her sister had managed to keep to plan and her door was firmly shut as Melanie passed it and opened her own. She slipped out of her robe and pyjamas, for her shower and to do her hair, brushing her short brunette bob until it was shining. Then a final special shave of her pussy so it was as smooth as marble for her new wife and a touch of perfume and some lipstick and eyeliner; Melanie was always a minimalist where cosmetics were concerned, but today she put on more than she usually did, carefully curling her eyelashes and applying blusher to redden her cheeks.

Still walking naked she picked up her overnight bag and walked into the honeymoon suite, (her parent's large double-bedroom). Leaving it there she returned to her room and got out from the wardrobe the white blouse and dark dress suit she and Grace had chosen as her wedding attire (and which would double for job-interviews). From her drawer she pulled out the sexy blue thong she'd be wearing under it and from her jewellery box, a pair of dangling earrings she'd borrowed from her sister. It didn't take her long to finish dressing and as she had a few minutes spare in the plan, she had a nervous cigarette, which she swore was her last one, before going downstairs, getting the champagne out and taking it to the patio to put in the ice-bucket out there.

She glanced at her watch, two minutes to twelve. In theory the ceremony started at twelve they'd agreed, but Melanie was also sure her sister planned to be fashionably late to her own wedding. Still it was alright for Grace to stick to the traditions, but she didn't know how nerve wracking that was for her sister; Melanie's sensible side was saying it wasn't a problem and Grace was just taking her time, but her stomach was all in knots -- what if Grace had got cold feet and decided she didn't want to marry her sister? Had she suddenly come to the realisation the taboo sistercest they were indulging in was morally wrong? Or even worse, decided there was no long term future for them together in a world which would judge their loving? Children, God, Grace wanted children, sure not for years until she was thirty, but that was a complication they'd never sorted but just kind of agreed they sort it later. Fuck, what if even now Grace was about to come down and tell her the wedding was off?

She turned almost in a panic as she heard the back door open. Only to immediately relax as she saw Grace stepping through in her old Prom dress that was doubling as her bridal gown for the day, her long blonde hair was done up tightly in a bun on top of her hair, held in place by gold netting with a small flower in it, waving gently as the teen walked forward. "You look beautiful," was all Melanie was able to say.

Her sister smiled shyly, "You too, you're looking so sexy and hot."

The two of them moved to stand inside the arch, turning and holding each other's hands. "I love you," said Grace.

"I love you too," her sister replied with meaning.

"Shall we say our vows now?" asked Grace.

"Yes," said Melanie. They had decided to go for the traditional, even if the wedding wasn't. She paused and recited the words she had committed to heart over the last few weeks, "I, Melanie Hooper, take you, Grace, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part."

There was a sniffle from her sister and Melanie felt her own eyes blur for a moment. She blinked rapidly and they cleared as her sister, repeated the same words back to her. There was a second of silence as the two sisters looked at each other, recognising the enormity of the words both had spoken and not regretting it. "The rings," said Grace with a smile as if her sister might have forgotten.

Melanie reached into her pocket and pulled out the two boxes, passing one to her sister before opening hers. They had discussed the problem with rings, they needed something to signify their marriage, they were both in agreement on that, but it was obvious that their parents would spot the two of them wearing brand new wedding bands and that was bound to lead to questions which would be unanswerable. They had talked about wearing rings on other fingers, but that had felt a cheat. Luckily as she was eating her sister's sweet pussy one afternoon Melanie had an idea and it was such a good one Grace had eagerly agreed.

She pulled out the pussy piercing, solid silver and got down on her knees. Her sister reached for her dress lifting it up to her hips as Melanie reached for the small pair of panties covering her sister's slot and pulled them down to her thighs. She took out the cheap piercing in the top of Grace's lip and slipped in the new wedding one. She looked up at the face of her beautiful sister, "With this ring, I thee wed. Do you take me for your wife?"

"I do," replied Grace, her smile threatening to split her face. Melanie pulled her panties up and stood again as her sister dropped her dress. Her sister opened her own box and took out a matching piercing. She had to pull up her dress again to get down on her knees as Melanie lifted her own skirt. As she had done so often her sister's fingers slipped under the thong elastic and pulled it down, exposing the eighteen year old's pussy, but this time it felt extra special. Her sister pulled out the old piercing, her fingers touching over the holes to make sure they didn't vanish as she slipped the new silver one. She looked up and said, "With this ring, I wed thee. Do you take me for your wife?"

"I do," replied Melanie, her throat suddenly as dry as her eyes were wet. Her sister was pulling up the thong and standing. Melanie waited until she was fully stood, her hands clasped in the brunette's before she said, "I pronounce us woman and wife."

She paused and waited for her sister to say the next part of the service they had agreed, "You can kiss the bride," said Grace happily

The mouths moved together for a passionate kiss, longer than ever, their mouths moulded together so that even as their lips moved they did so in unison, as their tongues pressed and touched and probed. Eventually they both broke for air and Melanie reached for the champagne, "A glass Mrs Hooper?"

"Yes, Mrs Hooper," her sister smiled back.

Melanie filled both glasses to near the brim, passing one to her sister and raising her own in a toast, "To us both and to having the sexiest sister-wife any girl could want."

Giggling giddily, even without the alcohol, her sister toasted her back before taking a gulp and tittered some more as the bubbles popped against her tongue. Melanie took her hand and led her to the white bench, repainted just the last weekend by her father, and which now had a couple of balloon bouncing from each handle, together with a series of love hearts dangling from it. The two sisters, now wives, sat down side by side, holding each other's hands as they sipped the champagne, in between the drinks their lips pursing up and tenderly pecking forward in a series of loving kisses as they squeezed at each other's hands.

They carried on, refilling the flutes with champagne as they went, until well into the afternoon. In one way Melanie could have continued sitting here forever, kissing her sister-wife, sipping the bubbly, enjoying the day. But a rumble in her stomach reminded her that whilst love can conquer most things, it can't conquer the body's physical needs. She broke, reluctantly, "We should eat."

Her sister nodded her agreement, taking her sister's hand to stand and not letting it go as they walked into the kitchen. It was a shame there wasn't waitresses to bring it through, thought Melanie, but having anyone else involved would have complicated things and might have led to rumours getting back to their parents, to say nothing of the cost. The two teens heated up the food and spooned out some vegetables before Grace took it in as Melanie went to get the half-drunk bottle of champagne from the garden. She returned to find her sister had served the food and was sitting waiting for her; Melanie refilled the glasses and joined her.

They fed bits of pie to each other, smiling and giggling, their hands often reaching out to stroke the other's. It was the most romantic meal Melanie had ever had and she knew if she thought that her sister would think it even more. The meal finished, they gently kissed a few more times before Melanie stood up and gave a speech, which rolled in a best man's jokes, a few comments her Dad would have made about his eldest daughter if she was getting married to anyone but her sister and finally a few heartfelt words of her own, about how much she loved and desired her sister and how glad she was to marry her, even if no-one would ever know but the two of them. She was looking down at Grace as she said it and could tell she was hitting the right chords from her sister's reaction, a hand over her heart and a lovey-dovey expression, then a few sniffs and blurred eyes as she got o the most sentimental section.

"I love you for now and ever, my sister, my wife," she finished the speech.

"I love you too," sniffled Grace, dabbing at her eyes with a cloth napkin.

"I think it's time for our first dance as wives," said Melanie, reaching down for her sister, who nodded and smiled, before taking it and standing up.

The song for the first dance was one of their few arguments when planning the wedding. Melanie had taken the quiet logical point, that as neither of them liked melodic ballads it was daft to go for 'Lady in Red' (she could have added that neither of them were in red, but hadn't). Her sister had countered that the first dance is supposed to be a slow, romantic smoochy dance between two recently married lovers, not a banger in a nightclub. Melanie had dug in her heels for at least a week, until one evening when their parents were both working late, Grace had spent an hour persuading her younger sister (mainly by licking her out for most of that time, with a few arguments thrown in when she paused to let Melanie calm down from her orgasms). However, as the music started she realised what her sister had meant, it might not be a song she'd play in the car or in her room whilst studying, but it was perfect when her sister was standing in her prom/wedding dress in front of her, looking gorgeous and shining so bright.

She stepped forward and took Grace in her arms, one hand on the blonde's waist holding it tight, the other on her butt squeezing it. Her sister held her back, resting her head against Melanie's shoulder and sighing happily as the two of them began to glide round the room, holding each other close. Melanie wished the song would never end, so much so that when it did she only broke their dance long enough to restart. Twice more they went round the room, until Grace stepped back, a smile on her face, "We should try another song this time."

The next one was a faster number, more for the clubs than the dance floor, and the two sisters switched their moves, so that they were gyrating around each other, Grace standing in the middle as her sister sexily rubbed herself against her, the blonde purring like a very contented cat. The next one had them jiving and jitterbugging like they were in the fifties before a return to the slow dance, holding each other tight as they swayed. They continued dancing for the rest of the afternoon and into the evening, only breaking to drink some more wine and nibble a few sandwiches and cocktail sausages on the couch, before returning to the centre of the room for a sensual smooch and a dance.

As what was to be their last song stopped Grace looked up with a smile, "I think it's time I went to bed," she smiled sexily, "Come and join me in ten minutes."

"Ten minutes," Melanie replied, "That sounds like eternity."

"It'll be worth it," her sister cooed sexily, before slipping out of her sister's arms. Melanie licked her lips as she watched her go, before doing a little bit of clearing up and then heading up the stairs. She checked the bathroom was free before cleaning her teeth and giving her short brunette hair a quick brush. She looked at the clock on the landing wall, nine minutes. She forced herself to wait that final sixty seconds before walking down the hall to their parents room and its big double bed. Knocking, she asked, "Are you ready?"

"Yes, come on in," her sister said sexily and Melanie opened the door.

Grace was lying on top of the bed, curled in a sultry pose with her head resting on her hand as she looked at the doorway. She was wearing a one-piece night-suit, dark black where it covered her pussy, see-through over her stomach and open so her titties were out as it reached the top. As her sister entered the teen moved upwards to sit on her knees, a finger going under one of the straps on her shoulder and sliding it downwards, "Do you want to help me out of this?" she giggled.

"In a moment," Melanie replied, removing her own jacket and tossing it to the chair in the corner. Her blouse soon followed and then her bra, her tits bouncing as free as her sister's (even if they were a smaller ones). She undid her skirt, briefly paused on deciding what to do with, before throwing it on top of the jacket. Her thong was last, as she turned away from her sister and bent down sexily, wiggling her ass seductively as she peeled the underwear down and stepped out of it. She turned back towards Grace, who was eying her younger sister greedily, and sashayed sexily towards the bed, deliberately swinging her hips and waist so her breasts jiggled and swayed.

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